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Nekana Delheart's Fursona Avatar
Name:Nekana Delheart in lolnope Offline
Species:Vampire Tigress
Member ID:8189
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:8056
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About Me:
Notice: I am mated to mimizuki, but dont let that scare you, im still the same fuckloving tigress you all know, so dont be afraid to ask^^

Hai!!! OuO I am nekana, a loving tigress. I am a bit of a tomboy *coughandahugeslutcough* and am not afraid to get to know people.

Name: Nekana Delheart
Species: Tiger
Age: 18
Bio: Born into captivity, nekana was a loyal and happy kitten, blissfully unaware that her mother was kept a slave to her father. When she came of age, her father forced her into prostitution, threatening to kill her mother if she refused. Agreeing, she began working for him, recieving the same treatment as her mother. One day, she decided she had enough. she simply refused to go out and sell herself. Enraged, her father forced her to watch him kill her mother, then he turned to her and threatened to do the same to her if she disobeyed again. Terrified, she raked her claws across the back of his neck, snapping it. When the police arrived, all they found was the mother, torn and bloody, the father suspended from the ceiling by a noose, and a short note crumpeled next to the chair that lay on the floor sideways under him.

If you read this, it means you discovered your mother and my secret life. I hope you can forgive what you see before you.

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