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MidnightOil's Fursona Avatar
Name:MidnightOil in Frazier Park Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:14444
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:4726
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PSN Name:Death2542

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About Me:
For me is much rather be asked but ill try to describe myself

To start my real name is Chris and my main sona is a skunk named. MidnightOil I'm 20 years old i love to go out and enjoy wandering around cities and towns mostly enjoy them when I have some company from my friends or a group of furs. I love gaming weather it be on ps3 PC or anything I have on or hooked up atm mostly on ps3 its zombies on cod or GTA 5.

I live in small beautiful town called frazier park

On a personal side my major hobbies is fursuiting and fixing cars I have a small collection of cars and projects i work on and off of. I'm a fullntime student at universal technical institute in rancho Cucamonga

And in currently staying in RoseMead

As for finding someone to date or find a mate I'm looking for someone that's somewhat interested in cars and is a fuzz butt
Overall in not picky i just want someone open-minded and is playful
But I would like to work almost anything out.

My current Fursuit is my kangaroo Kona
That you can normally find me in at some local meets like the

Rosebowl fur meet
Prancing skilltar
La habra fur bowling

Furcons I normally go to are califur and further confusion

So if you ever see me and wanna hug or just wanna say high im always around and friendly.

Hope to talk to some one soon and can't wait to make friends

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