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June Bug's Fursona Avatar
Name:June Bug in City Offline
Member ID:7401
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:7634
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Future Space for Blogs

June Bug: Yeah, I set it a while ago and never fixed it to the proper age. Oh well, leaving it a mystery. 3514.1 days ago
Bubbles: Junie, you're silly. totally not 19 3534 days ago
Blade fox: Your wall virginity has been taken 3534.1 days ago

About Me:
Avatar was made by my good friend, JPEG.

Real me: A bit of a shy, but energetic and outgoing gay fur with a kind of smartass and psuedo-intelligent personality. Prone to being loqacious.

Single. Just... waiting for a certain event. If it ever happens.

I'm a smartass that likes to believe he has a charming attitude and a silver tongue. I'm always friendly, just a bit rude in a playful way.

I'm the effeminate and submissive type.

I like to believe I am pretty smart, but it may be more clever than intelligence. Despite that, I admit to being quite the ditz, frequently missing details, constantly losing my train of thought, and sometimes saying odd things without much thought.

Willingly is always under the command and opinion of Joe, willing to put my opinion on things, but prefer acting as his faithful follower.

On the physical side, I'm 5'10'' and weigh 120 pounds. I have a pretty thin build with longer arms and legs than most. Thanks to that, I'm pretty thin and feminine build and have akward movement sometimes.

Random fact: I enjoy crossdressing, but alas, I lack the clothes to actually do it. Need to get out and actually buy them...

Fursona's look: A rat at the height of 5' 5'', he has a girly build with little muscle or fat, just an oddly gangly body. Her tail is long and thin, which she playfully uses to whip people.

Has another smaller form that simply looks more compressed, standing at 5.5 inches tall.

He frequently crossdresses more commonly than he wears gender appropriate clothing, particularly enjoying skirts and dresses.

Tends to bounce between being graceful and beings clumsy, sometimes handling things with elegance and speed, sometimes tripping over his own tail and knocking stuff over by accident.

Has a bit of a scattered mind, constantly forgetting things and doesn't have a very long attention span. He can pull himself together and show suprising intelligence, but he prefers to stick to his childish attitude because he finds it more fun. And yes, the lack of consistency between he and she is fully intentional.

Random Fursona's Trivia:

• Favorite colors are pink and red.
• Very frequently cuddles his own tail or offers it to another.
• Carries a butterfly
knife at all times, mostly used for playing with instead of violent use.
• Has a love for dog toys and collars.

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