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Post ID: 3224
Posted: 02-08-2024 19:01 PM
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Posted: 02-08-2024 19:01 PM » Editted: 02-11-2024 09:46 AM

I am going to try to post my story here, for one main reason I like interaction, IE comments, request, disscusion about the story.




 I have a love for sci-fi.

Thus part of the reason that I have decided to pick up this story. The original story was written over 30 years ago and I would like to give credit to the original author P.C.Drake . I found the story on

A site that no longer exist,


The only modifications I did to the original was format the paragraphs


Archive-name: Fantasy/populspc.txt

Archive-author: P.C.Drake           08/01/91
Archive-title: Overview Of Populated Space, 2023

Chapter 1.
I twiddled my thumbs nervously as I stared out the large transparent-aluminum
viewing port that was designed to show off the docking ships. Normally I
wouldn't have been uptight, but currently there was only one ship docked at the
star-base and it was a "Dragon" owned ship. My chances , it seemed, of getting
out of my 6 month unemployment streak were slim. Most of the humanoid dragons
preferred to keep a pretty straight-forward crew of just "Dragons", but there
were occasions where a human (or any other race) might be able to get a
position aboard such a ship if his/her qualifications were good enough. I fared
quite well with Ion Drives, Thrusters, and in a pinch I knew a little about
sensor equipment. I prayed that the recruitment officer for the ship would
think me "useful".

I had no fears about being the only human for several months aboard an all
Dragon ship. One of the reasons I was picked to represent Humanity in Populated
Space was the fact that my Psyche scores showed that I got along well with
other races and showed no signs of Xenophobia, in fact, I was quite the
opposite! I preferred the company of other races to that of humans, as I
felt more than a little paranoid around my own people. I had friends, but I did
not visit them often and I had never had a date with any of the girls I had
known, let alone sex. So when a "Wolfen" vessel was sent to introduce Humanity
to the rest of the Galaxy, I had no one to stop me from deciding that it would
be a fun and interesting adventure, and I took the various tests put before me
and passed. Granted , the first year was tough learning all the new
technologies, languages, and socially accepted behaviors, but I got by. And
here I am today, nearly 10 light years from home, surrounded by a variety of
alien beings that range from the bizarre to the beautiful, and to me some of
the most beautiful of all were members of the "Dragon" race.
I had never spoken to any of the dragon-kind before, as they are one of the
more influential races, and were rarely seen in any of P.Space's inner
stations. Since the big money comes from fuel ore refining or auctioning
planets off for colonization, most of the Dragon fleet was in deep space or on
the outer edges of Populated Space exploring uncharted sectors for new mineral
reserves and habitable solar systems.

Luckily my last post aboard a small scout ship left me stranded at one of the
outer posts, and Dragons here were not an uncommon thing. Which was fine, for
I found that Dragons were VERY stimulating to look at, yet it was a two-edged
sword since most ships that docked here were of the Dragon race and would hire
only Dragon members. My credits were already running low. If they became too
depleted I would be shipped back to Earth and replaced by someone who could
support themselves. I didn't want that, as it most likely meant terminal
boredom. Laws here in space were much more lax, and back on Earth a lot of the
freedom I have here in space would be taken away.

This was the cause of my nervousness, and by the time it came for me to be
called into the interviewing room I was dry-mouthed and fidgeting.
The receptionist , who was a member of the Deer species, noted my condition and
asked me if I needed some water. I nodded my head and she smiled at me and
pointed to a water fountain around the corner. I drank several mouthfuls, and
thanked her for her help.

Asking me to follow her, the doe led me to the Recruitment office for the
docked ship's Company, which was just past her desk. The doe opened the office
door for me and led me into a beautifully decorated room filled with plants of
the like I had never seen before. A large polished wooden desk with various
lighting devices and a computer console sat situated in the middle of the room.
A large, black leather-like chair that looked to be quite comfortable
accompanied the desk, its twin sat on the opposing side of the desk. To add to
the beauty, and the expense of the room, the entire length and height of the
back wall was a reinforced section of transparent aluminum several inches
thick. The sight of a wall that opened into space was quite spectacular.
While I was still taking in the beauty of the room, the doe wished me good luck
and winked a heavy eyelid at me and smiled. It was the first time another
species had found me attractive enough to announce their interest in me
sexually, and it suddenly threw my mind off course. I quickly pried my jaw from
the floor to say something, but the doe had already closed the door and left. I
made a note in my mind to have a nice discussion with her at the conclusion of
my interview. Even if I didn't get the job, I might still get to come out of
this ahead. I was quite "unexperienced" and I hoped to correct this deficiency.

There was no one currently in the room so I sat myself down in the chair facing
the stars. The chair was better than it looked. It was quite soft and from
somewhere within it came a cool breeze. The chair had a comfort control with
adjustable temperature, operated by a dial that was in the left hand arm rest.
I turned the dial and set the temperature to a comfortable setting.

I heard the swish of an automated door and turned to my right to be greeted
by a tall, athletic, yet good looking middle-aged female blue dragon. She
entered her office from a side room and crossed to her desk without making a
sound, the starlight playing off of her scales sparkled and made her appear
more silvery than blue in spots. Her cheek ruffs, which the Dragon species had
somehow acquired in their evolution, were short and well combed and she was
wearing the equivalent of a light weight dress that hung near her body. It
revealed a little more than I was accustomed to seeing on most Dragons on other
sections of the station. The black color of the dress did not prevent the light
from the stars to shine through as she crossed in front of the viewing window,
and I could see quite plainly for just an instant the graceful curves of her
Dragon body. I realized I was staring and quickly averted my gaze before my
attention to detail was noticed by her.

However, it was too late to avert my gaze for other things, and my eyes held
that image in my mind until I had a growing problem. I shifted in my seat in an
attempt to hide my erection until it would, hopefully with some speed, pass

The recruitment officer sat in her chair, looked at me and then at the
view screen on her computer which now was filled with information about
me...including, from what little I could see, the results from my tests that I
had taken to be introduced into P.Space.
She spoke first with a voice that was firm and yet soft for a member of her
species," You are Mr. Paul Curtis, Yes?"
"That is correct. I am Paul Curtis." I said with confidence. After all, I
was... The female flicked a switch and the information about me changed to
another screen.

"Mister Curtis, I am pleased to meet you! " She stood up from behind her desk
and extended her clawed, long-fingered hand to me. "It is an honor to be one of
the first of our species to welcome you to Populated Space. My name is Valesz
Unridoor, I will be interviewing you, and I trust you are in good health?"
"Yes, I am quite fine, and it is a pleasure to meet you as well." I took her
hand and placed it up to my lips in the traditional greeting gesture of her

It was not what I expected Dragon flesh to feel like, it was quite smooth,
soft, and just slightly cool to the touch, and as I kissed the back of her hand
I felt it twitch as if my touch were not what she expected as well.
"It is a pleasure to see that you know something of our culture," she said as
she withdrew her hand and sat down in her chair.
"I have all the normally required information right here," she pointed at her
computer screen., swiveling it so that I could see what was listed about
myself. "But I also prefer to use my own judgment about people when I hire them
for my ship. A computer can tell me who is best for the job, but not who is
best suited for the other needs of the ship. Understand?"
I said yes, and was relived to note that my erection had disappeared for a time

"Good. Before I start asking you any questions I would just like to inform
you that these questions are not standard questions and do not have to be
answered, and that not answering them will not hamper your chances of getting a
position, but giving me the information that I require can only serve to better
your odds. Also, please give accurate information when doing so, as I hate to
find out about abilities that do not exist," she ended her sentence with a tap
of her claws on her desk and looked me straight in my eyes, so that she knew I
was paying attention. She didn't have to worry, I was. I needed this job, and I
think that she knew that. Her golden, slitted eyes moved back to a piece of
paper that she had brought in with her.

"Very well, then...I'll begin. I will note that any information which you
tell me will not leave this room unless you so desire it, and if at any time
you feel uncomfortable with the questions let me know."
I nodded my approval for her to begin, wondering what type of questions she was
about to ask me, that she would have to ask about me being uncomfortable.
"First...you state that you are 23 years old on your home world. Is that

"I am."

"Good. By my calculations you are one of the youngest to leave you home-world
for Introduction, are you not?"

"Yes, I am,"...which was true, most of the other 100 people being of a older
age group between 35-50 years of age. The races that gave the tests thought
that the older generation should be given higher considerations as they were
thought to have more experience and were therefore more adaptable.
"How do you feel about other races?" She still was looking intently at the
paper, on occasion marking it with a graphite stick.
"Uhmm... Could you be a little more specific with the question please?" I

"Ahh... Let's see. How well do you react socially with races other than your
"Fine...I like to think I deal with Populace races a good deal better than
my own at times. Socially though, I don't have much of a public life."

"Hmm," Valesz etched another mark onto the paper, "Have you had any
interests in starting any relations with any member of any race?"
"Well, I would like to, but it seems as if no-one is interested in me at the
moment." I said , beginning to feel a little warm.

"Any race in particular?" Valesz cocked an eye up at me from the paper she
was holding. It was conveniently blocking my view of the rest of her face.
"No, not really. I'm attracted to several species." I said looking away from
her gaze, and staring at a suddenly interesting potted plant.

"What races are those?"
I kept my gaze away from hers as I listed of those races which I might be
interested in having a relationship with: Wolfen, Deer, Fox, Catian, and I
mumbled when I came to the word Dragon.
"I'm sorry...I didn't catch that last one. Could you repeat it please?"
Valesz had made a mark for each one of the races I had spoken out and was now
eying me rather peculiarly. I felt really warm now and knew then that I was

"Dragon," I forced out.
"Ah, thought so," and she made another mark. I thought I saw her flash a
quick toothy grin, but I might have been mistaken.
"What do you specialize in?" A normal question! Great!
"Well, I studied the latest in Ion Drives, repair, circuit and conduit
schematics, Thruster repair and a just enough Communications to be able to use
a Scanner/Sensor array if I have to, although I can't do repairs on them."
"I see. What do you do for entertainment, to enjoy yourself? Any hobbies? I
ask this question because IF I hire you, I want to have things on board that
you will find amusing, lest you become bored and irritable, and with a crew of
15, irritability makes for unhappy company." She set the paper and graphite
stick down lightly and sat quietly for a moment or two, debating what she would
say next. After what seemed like a long period of time , she made up her mind
and suddenly pushed a button on her desk and turned her chair so that she could
stand up.

"On my ship we are all one happy family. What one has, we all share. We have
to keep ourselves sane in the small confines of the ship. So when I conduct
these interviews I am looking for people who are not inhibited about race,
sexual preferences or other cultural habits. For instance: there are 8 Dragons
aboard my ship besides myself, and we Dragons do not normally wear garments of
any kind. We do so only on station because it is requested of us by other
races." As Valesz spoke she walked around the edge of her desk and stood
before me, lifting her dress off over her head, revealing herself to me in the
soft light of the room. Her breasts were small but firm, and her scales from
her neck to her now exposed crotch were a lighter blue than the rest of her
body. Her tail twitched from side to side as she watched me gather her beauty
in my eyes.

"But I can see that you have no problem with this minor habit," Valesz
grinned at me and then cast her golden eyes down at my own groin which was now
creating a very noticeable mound in my trousers. "So...I guess all that's left
to determine whether or not you have the job is to see if I approve of
you...yes?" The dragon edged nearer me, and I made no objections as she slid
that wonderfully silky-smooth, cool hand into my shirt. She pressed nearer me,
feeding her arm into my clothing up to her elbow, rubbing my hairless chest as
she did. Her hand paused for a moment over my left nipple which she pinched a
bit with her fingers and then withdrew her appendage to begin the job of
removing my clothing.

"I think it's only fair that you know," I began slowly as Valesz began to
undo the buttons on my shirt in such a way that her beautiful hairless cunt was
inches from my face, "that...I've never been with anyone before."
The Dragon stopped removing my shirt, and an expression that could only be
interrupted as stunned surprise swept over her face ,"You mean you have never
had the pleasure of joining with another life? Not even a member of your own
race? How horrible! Come over here." Valesz pulled me up out of my chair
towards a small cushioned area that had been hidden by some of the larger
plants. She lay down on the cushion and instructed me to finish removing my

I stripped my shirt off first, and then my pants, and I could tell that
Valesz was staring intently at the object that lay beneath my underwear with
extreme interest. A second later and I was exposed completely.
Valesz patted the cushion next to her and I knelt beside her. "First, let's
give you what you have probably always wanted. Here..." She reached up with her
hands and grabbed my head pulling me down on top of her. I opened my mouth and
she hers, and our lips met. We swept our tongues across each others for what
seemed like eternity, and we exchanged each other's breaths. Her mouth was
sweet and warm, and although filled with sharp teeth, she was quite careful not
to do me harm.

"Wonderful.." was all I could manage before she kissed me again, this time
sending her long snake of a tongue down my throat, nearly making me gag for a
second, and then bringing it back oh-so-slowly for me to taste.
"Do you like that?" she asked. "Here, try the rest."

In my eagerness I had become single-minded. I reached for Valesz's
breasts,grasping one in my hand and feeling it. The soft scales of her
underbelly reflecting light with each breath she took. I touched her nipple
and watched it grow stiff under the gentle touch of my finger. Valesz moaned
a bit, and I slid down to place my lips on the tit that was not receiving any
attention. I flicked my tongue across it and watched it harden as well. Without
delay I began to suck it while quickly flicking my finger across the nipple of
the other.

"Mmm, that's nice..." she spoke, and reached under me to play with my balls.
She touched them lightly, and I jumped from the sensation, "Male dragons have
their balls hidden within them. Giving we females only a small bulge to play
with. Did you know that?"
I shook my head, not stopping my attack on her breasts. I decided to do
something with my free hand and slowly slid it down across her belly and down
her leg. Valesz's tailed whipped to the side, and she made a small high-pitched
squeal of pleasure.

I decided that it was time to try the rest of this beauty as well, so I began
to run my tongue down the length of her body, wetting the scales on her stomach
and stopping just above her snatch.
Valesz smiled at me and spread her legs apart, and I took this opportunity to
move around to a better position.

I placed my hand on her cunt and felt it. It was smooth and slightly warm.
Her scales, like those on her hands, were imperceptibly small in this area and
it felt like satin as I ran my hand along the inside of her legs and across her
outer lips. Valesz's tail whipped violently each time I neared her clit, but I
never touched it. I was having fun just examining her treasure.
"Paul, please... do something! I can't stand it any longer!" Valesz
practically wailed at me. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed them with her
hands. I decided to go ahead, and I let a finger slip between her lips and up
to the hood of her clit. The Dragon's back arched high and her tail slammed
down behind me as my finger flicked across her nub. Valesz's mouth was open
wide in a gasp of pleasure. I placed my other hand between her legs and spread
her apart.

Her bluish tinted ,scaled lips gave way to a pink and soaking gash and I
could see her swollen clit in the dim white light. A small stream of juice ran
from her now open cunt over my hand and I quickly bent over to lap it up. Her
aroma was not overpowering and was almost sweet to smell and I quickly shoved
my tongue into her pink hole. She was beyond warm, she was hot! My tongue
sought it's way back into her slit as far as it could go and then began to lap
up her flavor.

Valesz could be silent no longer. She let loose a high scream that continued
as I licked up inside her and swallowed her taste. I placed a wet finger on her
clit and began to stroke her quickly, using the gyrating motion of her hips to
judge when to speed up and slow down. I held her on the edge for several

Valesz's breathing suddenly came in deep strokes and she placed a hand at
her lips to help hold them apart, her other hand crushing as much of the
cushion she could fit into her clawed hand into a ball. Her cunt clasped my
tongue tightly as she came, spilling cooze over my chin in a flood of sweet
pleasure. Her tail beat the floor with an urgency and strength matched only by
her orgasm. The dragon continued to moan in ecstasy for a moment and her cunt
muscles twitched and contracted, giving me the chance to remove my tongue from
her box. I inserted a pair of fingers and stroked them in and out slowly while
I shifted myself back around so as to lie next to the sleek reptile which I had
just eaten out. She smiled at me through her huge teeth and gave me another
kiss. Her tongue swept around my mouth searching for any of her own candy
flavored cum that was left to lap up for herself.

My fingers were still working her cunt when Valesz got her breath back enough
to say, "That was fantastic! I've never in my 34 years had an orgasm like that!
You've never joined before, huh?"

"Nope. But if all Dragons taste as good as you do," I pulled my fingers from
her hole and placed one dripping on my tongue, the other she quickly sucked
into her own mouth, "I'm hooked."

"Heh... We're not finished yet. I was going to be easy on you because this
was your first time but after that display, I plan to leave you a gibbering
vegetable." Upon saying this Valesz moved herself down to my now enraged
erection and wrapped her tongue tightly around it. Within a second she had it
soaked. "Another thing," she mouthed over my cock, "Male dragons don't get this
thick or long! I could fuck you for a week!" She swallowed my length into her
toothy cavern, running her fore teeth lightly over the base of my cock while
using her long tongue to tease the entire length of tool at the same time. My
head felt as if it would explode. All that came out of my mouth was a sound
that resembled, "Uh huh..oHHh!."

I looked down between my legs and saw her looking up at me with those golden
slitted eyes. She had the content and happy look of a child at Christmas.
Valesz smiled without stopping her work, and lifted a hand to play with my
balls. She looked at them intently for a long time, fondling them and even once
squeezing them a bit, so that I too arched my back. Finally, her urge satisfied
and my cock still erect, the shiny blue form of Valesz lifted herself up and
placed my rod within her tight wet lips. She slid easily down it, impaling
herself with her own weight,and sending shudders of delight up both of us.
I reached up to her chest and played with her breasts again. So perfectly
erect, firm and not overly huge like most men on Earth would want them.
"I think you'll find this entertaining," Valesz said as she began to ride my
stiff member, her wet pussy sliding easily up and down. Her light body weight
was easily borne by me and she used this to her advantage each time she brought
herself down by slamming herself onto my cock. It wasn't long before the mighty
dragon was wailing, with tears streaming from her eyes. Not that I would notice
though, for each time Valesz brought herself up she would "ripple" the muscles
within her tight pussy, and the sensation brought on by this was unbearable. I
thought I would come from the first stoke, yet each time she hammered herself
down the oncoming orgasm would edge back slightly, only to build again a split
second later.

Valesz's breathing came in quick hitches and she leaned herself up towards my
face, her claws ripping the cushion beside me in her pleasure. With a sudden
lurch and a scream that was muffled into a pillow that lay by my side, the
dragon came for a second time, her cunt contracting and giving a shudder that
pushed me over the edge as well.

My hot jism filled her quickly, the huge load running out around the base of
my cock. I tossed my head back and felt my eyes roll back into my head. I
thought I would never stop cumming, and didn't know that my balls could hold so
much goo. Finally, my cock stopped shooting and I gasped for air and Valesz
took this opportunity to disengage herself from my pole. She quickly cleaned my
still-sensitive cock with her tongue and I had to fight to keep from jumping.
"You taste wonderful!" She exclaimed and shoved a finger up her twat to dig
out some more of the white treat she had discovered.
"Nghh!" was all I could manage.

"In case your wondering, young Mr. Curtis, although I doubt you're thinking
anything comprehensible yet, you're hired! I figured you would fit the
requirements from your profile, but I wanted to test you out for myself before
I got you on board." Her claw trailed a wet cum line down my chest to my
stomach, "By the way, you don't have any objections to males, do you?"
I shook my head no.

"Wonderful...there's more than one crew member that will be happy to hear
that. Let's lie here for a few minutes and then you can get dressed and
Katherine outside will give you the rest of the information you need.
"The deer?"

"Uh huh, and she made mention of the fact the she was interested in you as
well. Maybe you should check up on it...hmmm?"
"Heh...23 years of nothing and now twice in one day. It's funny how life
sometimes works doesn't it?" I said with a smile.
"You know what they say: 'The best things come to those who wait.'" She
patted me on the stomach and then got up to leave. "I'll see you on 3 dock, Day
12 all right?" I agreed and she blew me a kiss and walked out the door that she
came in.

I dressed slowly, trying to remember all that had happened...trying to keep
the images fresh in my mind for later.

I smiled to myself as I walked out the office door and saw Katherine, the
Doe, waiting for me to come back out. She had obviously known what was going on
behind the closed door as she asked me what I thought of our employer. Life was
great! And as I walked down the hallway to my room with my arm around
Katherine's waist , I knew that I probably wouldn't have to worry to often
about my future here in Populated Space, as things just took a turn for the
much, much better.



OK now that I have given credit where credit is due. It's time for me to begin the next chapter I hope that everyone enjoys what I have to offer..


                                                         Chapter 2



Katherine and I Entered my Room I ask her if she would like something to eat.


She responds “Sure” and ask “Do you have any vegetables from the Sol system? I have never tried any food from Earth.”


“Actually yes I do. I will make you a nice garden salad do you mind if I eat meat?”


“No it doesn't bother me anymore I have gotten use to being on a dragon ship.”


So I quickly prepare a meal for us. Mine a steak that I have been saving, and some fresh veggies that I had just gotten in a couple of days before. I had also been saving a bottle of wine that I had for a special occasion. This is definitely a special occasion. I had finally lost my virginity to a beautiful dragoness and now another beautiful doe. I chop up some lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, and some cucumbers and mix them all up in a bowl.

Just in time for my steak to be finished , I like my meat very rare so it don't take long at all to cook.

I set the salad in the middle of the table.


She says “I can't eat all that by myself.”


“It's for the both of us.” I respond


I set an empty bowl in front of Katherine.


She responds “I thought that you were going to eat meat.”


“I am.” I responded "but, I'm also going to have a salad with my meat.”


“You humans are so different its going to take me some time to get use to you dragons don't eat vegetables just meat and my species only eat vegetables but you eat both?”


“Yes.” I responded “Humans are both carnivorous and vegetarians. It's called Omnivor.”



I open the wine and pour two glasses. “I think you will enjoy this wine it's a sweet but robust wine.”


While we eat our meals we gaze into each others eyes. She has big beautiful dark eyes she keeps a very innocent look about her, I am wondering just how innocent she really is. She is very delicate about everything she does the way she walks the way she eats.


Just as we both finish our meal she says time for desert. She stands up from the table and walks over to me and kneels in front of me. She proceeds to open my pants and expose my now tumescent cock. She holds it in her hand. I say hand but it's not a hand and its not a claw either she has three digits for fingers.


She looks up to me raises to come closer to my face and we begin to kiss our tongues exploring the others. after a few minutes she broke the kiss and kneels back down and proceeded to lick my cock and slowly begins working her mouth over it. Taking it in inch by inch until her muzzle was buried in my stomach then she began working up an down wrapping her tongue around my cock as best she could. Being of the deer species they don't have very long tongues but she was still very stimulating with hers.


She stops for a moment and says “Valesz does have a sweet taste about her doesn't she?”


Realizing that I had not had a chance to take a shower since Valesz and I had coupled. I responded “Yes very sweet indeed, Katherine said oops I wasn't suppose to say that. On the ship we have a rule that what happens behind closed doors stays there. You won't tell anyone will you.”


I look over and say “The door is closed. I smile at her.


She says “Thank you.”


I say “How about we continue this in the shower together?”


Katherine says “Sure sounds like fun. I have never taken a shower with another.”


I respond “What a coincidence, neither have I.”


I head for the shower with Katherine following right behind me. I reach in to turn the shower on and see that she is already removing what little clothing she has on. By the time I get the water adjusted she is already naked and now reaching to help me remove my clothing . It doesn't take long for her to get my cloths off we step into the shower.


I say “Where were we oh yes desert.”


I kneel down and begin licking her already wet pussy. Believe me it wasn't wet from the shower. She tasted quite different than Valesz but she was just as sweet , I wrapped my arm's around Katherine and began squeezing her butt while burying my face into her very sweet pussy licking her sweet juices as they flowed from deep within her. She begins moaning and squirming moving her hips in rhythm until finally she begins to quiver as she has her first orgasm. I bury my face as deep as I could go not letting any of her sweet juices escape past my mouth.


As she begins to relax a little she exclaims “That was wonderful! But now I want you to take me, but take your time bucks are not near as thick as you are.”


Then she turns around and bends over slightly lifts her tail out of the way to expose her wonderfully wet pussy.


I stand behind her and gently guide my cock to her entrance. I push in ever so slowly she is so tight around my cock I almost cum instantly but I stop and relax. To give her time to become accustomed to this new intrusion. I slowly back out some and she moans and says “More.”


I press on deeper than I had been before working my way in deeper centimeter by centimeter, with every thrust until finally I can feel my balls bumping against her wet vulva. She begins rocking her hips and arching her back with my thrust to intensify the experience for both of us. I reach around her and begin playing with her lightly furry breast. The fur there is even softer than the fur on the rest of her body, it is so soft and silky and her nipples poking through the fur. I lightly pinch her nipples between my fingers and can feel them getting harder as she begins to quicken the pace. She begins to quiver again and I can feel her pussy squeezing my rock hard cock and it sends me over the edge and I begin to fill her with my hot sticky cum she is so tight it has no where to go and begins to escape and oozes around my cock and onto the shower floor. The running water quickly washes it off. As my cock begins to soften I back off of her she turns around and wraps her arms around me and kisses me.


“That was the best orgasm that I have ever had it was wonderful.”


“I'm glald that I could satisfy you and I enjoyed it very much too.”


We Finnish our shower and get dried off.

She says After that I could use a little nap.”


I say “Sounds good to me too.” We head for the bed. Being a single I was only allowed a single size bed but it would sleep 2 snuggled up. We crawl up in bed wrapping our arms around each other and our legs entangled together as well we both drifted off to sleep holding each other...



don't worry the next chapter is already in the works.....





                                                                    Chapter 3


Okay here is the next chapter I hope you enjoy it >>>



It was about 2 hours later and a chime wakes us from our slumber.

It is an incoming call on the viso screen. I press a button the control panel to see who it could be.

It is Valesz on the display.

I answer with “Hello”


Valesz says “Hello, I see that you and Katherine are enjoying each others company.”


I reply “Actually we are enjoying a little nap after an eventful afternoon.”


Valesz “The crew and I are having a little get together in the R&R section of level 7 and thought you might like to get to know some of the crew.”


I glance over at Kathrine and she simply offers a smile.


I respond “We would love to come to the event.”


Valesz says “Great see you there in about an hour then...End Transmission.”


I ask Kathrine if she would like to grab a bite before we go to the gathering.


“As a matter of fact I think I would, but I'm going to skip right to desert . She quickly leans over me and begins kissing me. Probing my mouth with her tongue and I respond by doing the same while we are making out she positions herself on top of me she reaches down takes hold of my now erect cock and begins to stroke me,


I ask her if she would turn around so that I may have some desert. She kindly obliges me she positions herself with her legs just under my arms giving me perfect access to lick her already wet pussy. Just a I move in for the first lick I feel her engulf my entire cock into her mouth in a single motion. It is enough to make me throw my head back into the pillow and moan with pleasure.


A moment later I regain my composure and begin licking her sending my tongue as deep into her as I can go tasting every little bit of her I can. She is very sweet and the flavor lingers on the tongue quite nicely. She continues to work her mouth and tongue up and down the full length of my shaft and she moans lightly that sends waves of pleasure through my body. I can't help but to moan myself. She immediately begins to quiver. Her pussy begins to squeeze down on my tongue and her sweet juices begin to flow, not a drop escapes my waiting mouth. I lap up her hot honey as quickly as I can.


Just as soon as I catch the last drop on my tongue I can feel my own orgasm building I moan one more time and she quickly engulfs my cock with her mouth as I begin to explode she swallows every drop constantly licking me clean with every stroke of her tongue.


I begin to relax and lay back down she turns back around we begin to kiss again, This time was a little different, with her sweet flavor mixing with my own as we taste each other, holding the other close we lay there for a few more minutes just enjoying the after glow. I glance over at the clock and it's been 45 minutes. We need to get ready to go to the R&R section. Luckily my room is only one level above it. Let's get a quick shower and the go to the gathering. Katherine agrees so about fifteen minutes later we are heading out the door Towards the transit conduits.


On the way there I say “That was some desert, we will have to do that again soon.”


She replies “I know we will.”


When we arrive at the R&R section the door is locked.


I press the button a voice answers “Who is it?”

I respond with “It's Paul and Kathrine.”


The door opens and we proceed to enter we notice that none of the dragons are wearing any cloths Valesz approaches and greets both of us and again I take her hand and gently press my lips against the soft flesh of her hand.


She notices the awkwardness of our situation and says. “If you wish you may keep your cloths on.


I respond “Actually it was because the Kathrine and I were the only ones wearing cloths that made it awkward. We thought that this was a more formal meeting.” We proceed to remove our clothing. Most of the dragons were engaged in idle chitchat, but there were a few engaged in foreplay, stroking and petting each other. I was surprised to notice that the males were slightly smaller than the females I counted 7 males and 3 females in all.


I ask Valesz “Where is the rest of the crew?”


She responds “They are finishing up on some repairs on the ship and will be joining us shortly. Let me introduce you to a few of the crew this is Talzon.” Talzon is a red dragon with shades of orange and gold he was very fit, smaller than Valesz but has a well sculpted body.


“He is second in command.”

Talzon extends his hand and says “Valesz told me a bit about you, I hope your as good as she says. You know the Ion engines seem to be a bit sluggish at higher speeds.”


I respond “Have you realigned the Plasma injector manifold?”


Talzon responds “No, but it will be first on the list in the morning. perhaps you would like to help with the realignment in the morning?”


I respond “Sure, I would love to it will give me and the engine crew a chance to learn what we are capable of before heading out into space.”


Valesz continues “and this is Zipper, it's not actually his name but it's what everyone calls him.” Zipper is even smaller than Talzon, not near as fit either, and he has a nervousness about him almost fidgety. He is a green dragon with scales shading from hunter green to a very light but bright green.)


Valesz comments “We call him Zipper because he is always zipping around the ship. You will be working with him on the engines.”


I say “Hello Zipper nice to meet you' Have you read the article on the new tachyon drives? They plan to have the next generation done within a year, you know what that will do to the ion drives don't you.”


“Yes, make them obsolete. But enough of the tech talk for now. This is a party isn't it.”


Valesz says “We can see that you already know Katherine she is the communications officer. and here comes Jalad, our security officer.”


He is Wolfen, rather large and muscular, gray and black fur rather intimidating just to look at. Jalad walks over and offers his hand I take hold to shake his hand. (I know that I have to offer him a firm grip or he will think me week and submissive.)


He responds kindly. “A good strong grip you have there. Nice to have you on board.” Then he smiles showing his his teeth. Kind of an eerie feeling. I know that was a smile but it could have just as easily been a snarl.


Valesz says “Why don't we go sit at a table over there and get some drinks.”


We all agree so we sit talking about the adventures we have had in space. Well I mostly listened as I was still pretty new to space travel.

Jalad ask me if I am familiar with the Mantis


I reply “The last ship I was on all Wolfen, they talked about the Mantis but I thought it was just them trying to scare the newbie.”


Jalad responds “No Paul, the Mantis are quite real.” the conversation continues on.


After a few hours I ask Talzon what time is the work going to begin on the engines?”


He responds “06:00” and its now 20:00 “I think I should be heading for bed. It looks like its going to be a busy day tomorrow.”


Valesz invites me and Katherine to her quarters for a night cap. Katherine agrees and I nod my head. We all head for Valesz's room ….








Ha thought I was going to give you another sex scene in this chapter didn't ya … have to wait for the next chapter :)









Editted by Admin Unic0rn69


Instant Message
Post ID: 3225
Posted: 02-10-2024 00:47 AM
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Posted: 02-10-2024 00:47 AM



Instant Message
Post ID: 3226
Posted: 02-10-2024 07:54 AM
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Posted: 02-10-2024 07:54 AM

Thanks You


Instant Message
Post ID: 3227
Posted: 02-10-2024 09:29 AM
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Posted: 02-10-2024 09:29 AM

thak you both for stopping in, this is much nicer (to me anyway)  :) 


To Niegh or Not to Neigh

Instant Message
Post ID: 3228
Posted: 02-10-2024 18:51 PM
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Posted: 02-10-2024 18:51 PM
So when can we expect updates to this story


Instant Message
Post ID: 3229
Posted: 02-10-2024 19:58 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 02-10-2024 19:58 PM

while the chapters are under 10 pages i will be posting them every 1-3 days then after that i will be stepping down to 1 a week with some exceptions we all know life happens. 


and if you havent noticed I've already posted the 4th chapter,


I'm currently in the middle of recompiling the story into a single file after re-writing it mainly i want to know that current page count, before the re-write it was over 500 pages and as i was re-writing i watched a 10 page chapter jump to 13-15 pages on avg.  Im also curious about the word count. so back to work for me.. 


To Niegh or Not to Neigh

Instant Message
Post ID: 3230
Posted: 02-11-2024 09:51 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 02-11-2024 09:51 AM » Editted: 02-11-2024 10:01 AM

                                                                    Chapter 4


As we are walking down the hall to Valesz's room, I noticed that everyone was looking at us with something of a astonished look upon their faces, then I realized that in our haste to depart the party that we forgot to put our clothes back on. Oh well we are almost there now any way, it's just about 30 meters ahead.


Valesz says “Did you notice the way that Jalad kept looking at you Paul? I think he likes you.”.


“I think that I would rather hive him like me than hate me he seems very aggressive and definitely very powerful. I find that a bit intimidating. But then again there are those that are just big teddy bears.”


Katherine ask “What is a teddy bear?”


“A teddy bear is a small stuffed animal that is considered to be a toy, they are not real animals but soft cuddly toys.”


Katherine quickly responds “Then maybe Jalad wants to be your teddy bear. tee he he he.”


“Oh sure you make jokes about him but I think he wants it the other way around. He wants me to be his teddy bear. As the door opens Valesz Says in her firm yet soft voice “Enough about Jalad for now. We are here.”


We enter the room, I can't help but notice it is as luxurious and as beautiful as the office was. With another transparent aluminum window not quite as large as the one in the office. This one is about two meters wide and about three meters in height. Looking out the window I realize what star cluster's I'm looking at and point to a star almost dead center of the window.


And ask Valesz Isn't that your home there?”


She replies yes, actually it is you will get to see it in person in a few weeks. We are carrying cargo back home.”


Then she walks over to a cabinet and ask “What would you like to drink?”


I reply “If you have any Equine whiskey that would be nice, but only a small glass, that stuff is pretty stiff.”


Then I point to another star in the lower right hand corner of the window “And that star there, isn't that your home Katherine?”


She responds “yes, you seem to know quite a bit about the stars”. Well when I was younger I use to sit under a tree at night and study the stars, wondering just how many supported life and if I would ever get to visit any of them. Now here I am beginning a new voyage to see many wonderful worlds. Yet here I am in a room with two wonderful females wondering what adventures might happen tonight.”


Valesz hands me the drink and I gaze at her for a moment and notice that the color in her face is slightly different. She is actually blushing. Then I turn to look at Katherine she is slightly flush herself.



Then both of them look at me and at the same time say “Thank you”.


Katherine looks towards Valesz and says “I think that you made a fine choice selecting Paul for a crew member. He's not like some of the other humans I have met.”


Valesz responds “ I agree , we know that he handles other species well now I think its time we see if he can handle multiple species at the same time”.


Then they each take an arm and we are heading for a door. I can only assume that it is Valesz's bedroom. The door opens and reveals a large room with lots of exotic plants of all shapes and sizes and a bed in the middle of the room, what I would have to call a double king size bed it is about three meters in length and about four meters width. Valesz releases my arm and walks over to a control panel and presses a button. Then over speakers all around the room I can hear something that sounds like a rain forest. But the sounds are a bit different, the creatures in the background are not the same although the sound of rain is very prominent and the sounds are quite relaxing. Then Valesz presses another button on the console and the lights dim. I hear a faint rumble sounds like thunder in the distance, then a small flash of light and another rumble this one sounds closer. I look up at the ceiling and it looks like clouds rolling by. There are holographic emitters in the ceiling giving the appearance of a storm coming in.


Then the two females crawl up onto the bed leaving just enough space between them for me to fit. Valesz pats the bed in a gesture as to say come here. Just then another flash of light lights up the room I can't help but notice how the light dances across her beautifully blue colored scales, and how it shows off the wonderful curves of her beautiful body. Just as I begin to crawl up onto the bed another flash of light this time I'm looking at Katherine and how the flashes of light sparkle in her big beautiful eyes with that innocent look about her, I'm starting to think that she may not be as innocent as she looks but I adore her just the same. Then I realize I am starting to have feelings for these two beautiful creatures.


Am I falling in love with them? Or is it just an infatuation. But now is not the time to be thinking of such things right now they both want me and I had better give them what they want or I may lose both of them.....


I'm crawling up onto the bed they both grab me and pull me up, and they begin kissing my face and start working their way down. Katherine stops at my chest and begins licking, and sucking frantically on my nipples. While Valesz continues on down she quickly wraps her tongue around my now rock hard cock. As I look down at the both of them another flash of light brightens the room and they are both looking up at me. Katherine with her big dark glistening eyes and Valesz with her bright golden eyes, each with a light smile on their faces. Without saying a word they continue they continue to satisfy their appetites. At that point all I can do is to lay there and enjoy what they are doing to me.


Valesz begins teasing my cock by engulfing it completely in her mouth and then gently running her fore teeth over the base of my shaft. Then Katherine sits up and straddles my chest positioning her sweet pussy right in front of my face. I smile knowing what she wants me to do. I oblige her and begin teasing her pussy with my tongue. I would go as deep into her as I could then I would flick my tongue on her clitoris making her moan in pleasure.



Then Valesz puts her chin on Katherine's shoulder and says “There's no way I'm letting you have all the fun.” As Katherine begins to moan again I feel Valesz impale herself on my shaft. I moan in pleasure myself, the feel of Valesz working herself up and down on my cock and the sweet taste of Katherine on my tongue, A feeling of euphoria washes over me and I completely relax for a moment, but only a moment. Then I realize that Katherine has leaned back a bit and the two girls are making out on top of me. With Valesz reaching around Katherine playing with her nipples, now hard and poking out of her soft white fur.


I ask “Katherine would you like to turn around to make it even more enjoyable.”


She does so with the most graceful of movements. Although she is now directly over my face I can tell that they are both enjoying the new position. Valesz is now riding my cock harder than ever, and Katherine is swaying her hips frantically over my face, while I bury my tongue deep into her very hot and wet pussy.


I work a hand free from under Katherine and I begin to trace circles around her tail hole I lick a finger to get it well lubed and gently slide it into her sphincter. She tenses up for a second then realizes that she is enjoying the new feelings of this intrusion to her body. I feel Katherine building to her orgasm, I feel Valesz squeezing down on my cock they both cum at the same time covering me in their sweet juices. I swallow every drop that Katherine has to offer. Then I feel Valesz remove herself from my shaft and Katherine quickly moves in cleaning my still fully erect cock with her delicate licking almost sending my over the edge. I think it's to soon, and I regain my composure and relax a bit. Now that she has me completely clean, she stops licking me for a moment and gently climbs off of me.


Valesz doesn't waste any time and she is now sitting on top of my chest she leans back slightly and gently dips a couple of her fingers into her wet pussy, just enough to get them nice and wet.


She looks at me with a grin and says “You want to taste me now don't you?”


I respond “of course you know I do.” She extends her clawed hands towards my face and I quickly begin licking and sucking on her fingers.


“ummmm how sweet, I want to taste more.”


I reach behind her and gently pull her closer so that I can taste more of her sweet nectar and give her as much pleasure as I possibly can. As I begin licking Valesz's clit I feel Katherine sliding down the length of my shaft much slower than Valesz had previously done before. They were both moaning with pleasure enjoying my body as much as I was enjoying theirs. I continue licking Valesz's sweet pussy, but to my surprise she swings her tail around in front of her and gently pushed me away with it. I had no idea that she had that kind of control over her tail she could use it as easily as I would use a finger. She dips her tail into herself and gets it very wet. Then pulls it away swiftly. She reaches down grabbes me and pulls me back to her. I just smile and continued licking her not realizing what she had planned she had curled her tail around Katherine and just as I drove my tongue deep into her again she thrust her tail into my virgin hole. If I were to guess she was in me about ten centmiters although it felt like twenty. I had never experienced pain and pleasure at the same time. After a few minutes the pain subsides and I am able to enjoy the sensations more. Then I feel Katherine building to climax again. I drive my tongue deeper into Valesz than I ever had before she throws her head back screams in pleasure and thrust her tail even deeper into me. She found my prostrate gland and I couldn't help but to explode deep into Katherine as I feel both females squeezing down on my throbbing cock and tongue.


Everyone collapses and falls into a pile of sweaty flesh. After a few minutes Valesz and Katherine lay down on each side of me and we all snuggle up.


Just before I fall unconscious I mutter, “I love you, both of you” but they were both already asleep. So I didn't think on it any further and drifted off to sleep myself.


The next morning Katherine wakes me with a kiss.


I open my eyes and with a smile say “Good morning.”


she replies “Good morning we have a little surprise for you before you go to work on the engines. Breakfast is ready for you , we did some research this morning and found a traditional Earth breakfast. I hope you don't mind that I knew that you had earth food in your room and I went to get some.”


I say “No I don't mind” I get out of bed and go to the other room where Valesz was I say “Good morning.”


she responds. “Good morning.” and gives me a kiss.


They had prepared bacon, eggs and hash browns, with a small glass of orange juice. I think to myself this is a perfect morning. I have finally lost my virginity twice to the same beautiful female dragoness and now this thoughtfulness of a “home cooked meal”.


I sit down to the table Valesz has a plate with a raw steak and Katherine has a bowl of salad in front of her.


Valesz says “I think that you will enjoy working with Zipper today”


I respond I think I will too.”


Valesz “We should have the ship ready for departure in two more days.”


Katherine mentions to Valesz “Just a reminder we have an interview with the equines this morning.”


Valesz responds “Yes and I know exactly where to put them if they qualify, they would be perfect in the cargo hold. They are very strong and can work for hours at a time.” and then she takes another bite of her steak.


I had never seen a dragon eat before. I now know what Katherine meant by “She is now use to it.”, to see those sharp teeth easily shred a piece of meat and then I think just how much control she has, to have not even scratched me with those razor sharp teeth.


After we are all done with breakfast we decide to take a shower before we begin the day. Valesz leads the way with Katherine and I right behind her. I watch as she swings her tail from sided to side as she walks towards the shower so flowing and rhythmic almost hypnotic. We quickly arrive at the shower



Valesz ask “How hot do you like the water?”


I respond “About thirty to thirty five centigrade.”


Katherine says “Oh good a nice hot shower.”


Valesz says it's 05:30 we need to hurry if you are going to make it to the ship by 06:00. We all hop in the shower. Valesz is first under the hot water. I can't help but notice how the water glistens against her silvery blue scales I find the view very intoxicating. With the thoughts of last night running through my head I begin to get excited, but there's no time for that now. I try to ignore my thoughts and try to think about working on the engines finally my problem begins to subside but not without notice both of the females had seen me gazing at Valesz and giggle a bit.


Katherine says “Fond memories of last night.”


I respond “Yes, I can't help it. It was incredible not something I will ever forget.”


Then Valesz steps out of the shower and grabs a towel and begins to dry herself, She says “I am going to get ready for the interview.” and walks out of the room.


Then Katherine steps under the shower soaking her fur completely. I look upon her noticing how well curved her body is the light brown fur now wet it a bit darker shade her nipples now poking out of their fur cover not because they are hard but the fur is laying tightly against her slender body, reveling her curves even more.


Valesz says in the distance “Better hurry up we don't want to be late.”


Then Katherine steps out of the shower and I quickly begin to scrub myself off. As I step out of the shower Katherine hands me a towel, and exclaims “It's going take me an hour to get my fur right again, but it was worth every second.” she grins at me. Then she says “When I went to get the food I also grabbed you some clothes as well they are on the bed.”


I hadn't even noticed them there when I got up. I finish drying off and go back to the bedroom to get dressed. Valesz is there, already dressed and heading for the main room. This time her dress was opaque but still clung tightly to her body. I notice the clock says 05:50 I have ten minutes to get to the ship. I quickly get dressed and head for the main room where Valesz and Katherine are waiting for me. I swallow the last of my orange juice and wrap my arms around them both and gave each a goodbye kiss and head for the door. Just as the door closes behind me I hear them both say. “We love you too.”  


Editted by Admin Unic0rn69


Instant Message
Post ID: 3231
Posted: 02-11-2024 10:02 AM
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Posted: 02-11-2024 10:02 AM » Editted: 02-12-2024 18:48 PM

                                                                    Chapter 5


Just as I arrive at the dock I see Talzon standing by the port, Talzon greets me “Hello Paul, glad to see you could make it on time. ”

I respond “ Hello Talzon, permission to come aboard?”


Talzon replies “Permission granted, welcome to the Kameer, she isn't a luxury cruse ship but she gets around. Paul you must have made quite an impression on Valesz, in the years that I have known her she has never invited any male to her quarters. I have only been in her quarters to give her reports on the ship or something of that nature.”


“Well all we did was talk about the stars and places and about me before I headed out into space, we had a few drinks and passed out.”


“Paul I'm going to take you to Adelind she will give you a tour of the ship before you begin work. I need you to know the ship and most of her crew, I would hate for something to happen and you only know your way from here to the engines.”


As we begin to enter the ship the hallways of the ship are a bit larger than I would expect on a dragon ship. The walls are polished Titanium while the floors are covered by a dense carpet. The ceilings themselves

appear to glow giving the light needed to see.


Talzon says “Adelind is just around this corner.”


Just as we make the corner, a door opens revealing a spectacular green female dragon. She looks to be about early 20's in age. Her green scales glisten with a similar silvery color that Valesz displays except hers are green a much brighter colorization than Zipper.


Adelind says “Hello, you must be Paul.”


I respond “Yes I am, and you must be Adelind. Nice to meet you.”


She extends her her hand out to me and I gently kiss the back of her hand.

Adelind responds “ Thank you. I'm going to show you around the ship and introduce you to some of the crew, and make you feel as comfortable as possible.”


Talzon says “With that I have duties to attend to so I'll take my leave of you now, don't forget to stop by the engine room today Paul.”


I respond to Talzon “I'm sure that I will make it to the engines.” then I turn and reply to Adelind. “Very well where should we start.”


“Well since you are now on the ship if you wish you may remove your clothing, you can pick them up here should you decide to leave the ship at anytime.” She adds “Come into the office so you will be more comfortable.”, gesturing me inside. As I enter the office I see a few smaller plants arranged around the room, there are two wooden desk in the room sitting about 1.5 meters apart, its not a very big office but will accommodate 4 to 5 people comfortably.


I begin to remove my shirt and she says “Here let me help you with that.,” and Adelind begins removing my shirt for me she lays it across the back of a chair then proceeds to remove my pants, with her assistance I start becoming aroused. She slides my pants down and my erect cock springs forth.


Adelind says “Well now we can't have you walking around the ship in this condition now can we?” she gently pushes me back onto one of the desk then she reaches down and takes my cock into her hand and begins stroking me, then she kneels in front of me and quickly wraps her tongue around my swollen cock.


Just then the door opens and Katherine walks in and says “Mind if I join?”


I respond “of course not you are welcome any time my dear “Is this common greeting on this ship?” I ask

“Actually yes” Adelind says, “Sex is very open here, even if you are mated with one it is still allowed if you wish it.”


Katherine adds “and it doesn't matter who its with as long as both or all allow it, by the way Talzon told me I might be able to find you here. Valesz should be on the ship shortly she was almost finished with her interview with the equines. I think that they will be joining the ship as well. Oh Talzon also mentioned that Zipper would be working on the sensor array until you get there so you can take your time.”


I reply “I'm going to have to thank him for that.”


Just then Adelind takes my cock into her mouth, and begins working up and down my hard shaft, and Katherine kneels beside Adelind and they begin sharing my cock like it was a lollipop, taking turns licking and sucking on it.


Then Talzon enters the room, “Well I see that Adelind is already teaching you about the ship rules.” he says with a big grin.


Then Adelind says “Why don't you join us.” Adelind stands up and greets Talzon with a kiss, then sits on the opposing desk. I stand up and pat the desk for Katherine to sit down. We begin kissing then I start working my way down Katherine so that I am now kneeling in front of her she gracefully places her legs on top of my shoulders and I begin licking her lusciously wet pussy. Talzon does the same for Adelind, I can hear Adelind moaning in pleasure while Katherine begins grating her hips into my face. I reach up and begin teasing her now hard nipples with my fingers, she wraps her legs tightly around my head, pulling me even closer to make me drive my tongue deeper into her wet, sweet pussy. I can feel her climax building as she reaches down and takes hold of my head with her hands. I feel her pussy begin to contract almost rhythmically on my waiting tongue. As her sweet juices begin to flow from her I catch every drop as it oozes out onto my tongue.


Then I hear Adelind scream out in pleasure I turn to see Talzon's long snake like tongue darting in and out of Adelind as she wraps her tail around Talzon's head and forces him to bury his muzzle deep in to her extremely wet pussy. I glance down and see that Talzon has become quite hard and his cock is protruding quite nicely from its captive sheath.


I can't help but think about what Valesz told me that male dragons were not quite as big as I was, he is about 14 to 15 cm where as I am 21.6 cm in length while I was noticing Talzon's member I hadn't realized that Adelind had released Talzon from her grip, and they were now looking at me.


Adelind says “ nice cock you have there come here and let me have some of that.”


Then Katherine says “Go on you know you want to.”


Then Talzon stands up and steps over by Katherine while Adelind stands up and gives me a kiss sending her tongue half way down my throat. By this time Katherine is also standing by her desk both of the females sit up on the desk. Just as I step up to Adelind she wraps her long tail around my waist and pulls me towards her, and exclaims give it to me now. I can't stand waiting any longer.


I guide myself to her wet luscious pussy, I gently slip the head in she begins to moan in pleasure, then pulls me all the way in to the hilt with her powerful tail. She is so tight I feel that I might explode right then. She screams in both pleasure and pain, as her body has never had such a large intrusion before, she relaxes and lets her body become use to this new feeling. Giving me a chance to relax a bit to allow my waves of pleasure to subside slightly. I lean forward and begin licking and sucking on her firm and silvery scaled breast, her nipples already hard from all of the sexual excitement.


She reaches around me with her clawed hands and begins to drag her nails across my back. I take this as a sign that she wants me to continue thrusting my cock in and out of her, and I gladly oblige her.


I pull back so the head of my cock is hovering just inside of her. She again drags her claws into my back this time digging in a bit just enough to draw a little blood and pulls me all the way in again with her tail

saying “Don't tease me like that I want to feel your cock filling me up.”


I begin thrusting into her hard this time, and she moans in pleasure and says “YES, That's what I want.” I can hear Katherine moaning loudly behind me, but I don't turn this time, I need to stay focused on the female in front of me.

I continue pounding this luscious creature.


Then I feel a tail probing around my butt this tail expertly finds its mark and works it's way into me. Then I realize that Adelind's tail is now teasing my nipples. It has to be Talzon that is now exploring my body his tail feels like its in about 12 cm , and its turning me on even more with each thrust. I'm still pounding hard into Adelind she releases her tail from me then I hear Talzon moan deeply almost an eerie moan, then I realize that Adelind's tail has made a new mark of its own she is now pleasing Talzon too.


I can feel Adelind climax building her pussy now squeezing hard around my cock she begins to scream out in pleasure, she digs her nails into my back and Talzon thrust deeper into me, and by now my climax is at its peek and I begin to explode deep inside of this beautiful dragoness, Talzon thrust into me again and I keep pumping my hot juices into Adelind. Then I hear Katherine moan loudly again she is about to cum herself , then I feel Adelind's tail moving between my legs she is thrusting her tail deep into Talzon I hear him moan again with that eerie sound and Katherine collapses down onto the desk. Then I feel Talzon's tail slide out of me and hit the floor with a thud, then I hear the thud of Adelind's tail hitting the floor. I look deep into Adelind's beautiful golden eyes and say “Thank you that was wonderful.” she responds “No thank YOU, I have never had an orgasm like that before” Talzon stands up and says “There is a shower room just around the corner, we need to get cleaned up and back to business at hand.”


Then I stand up and help Adelind off of the desk as she stands up she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a nice kiss (as if to say thank you again ) I respond by wrapping my arms around her and kissing her back. After a moment we both break the kiss and head down the hall to the shower.


There are eight shower heads in this room. We each stand under our own shower and quickly wash off. I was the first done , as I have very little hair and no scales to clean. Skin has at least one advantage there.

I walk over to Katherine and begin helping her scrub her fur clean rubbing the soap all over her body.

She says “Be careful not to get something started again.”


“I'm just helping you get clean I can see there are a few spots that's hard for you to reach.”


Then I glance over towards Adelind and see that Talzon has decided to take after me and help Adelind get clean, he is gently scrubbing the scales that she cant quite reach. Then Katherine is now all lathered up she begins to rinse off she pulls her head out of the running water opens her eyes, and I give her a very passionate kiss, then say “I think I'm really going to enjoy being on this ship.”


Then I turn and grab a towel and hand it to Katherine as she turns the shower off,she responds with “ Thank you , and I think that everyone will also enjoy you being on this ship as well.”


Just then both Talzon and Adelind both say “ We know we will”, I simply smile and say “Thank you.”


We all finish drying off and put our towels in the reclamation unit, Talzon suggest that we head for the bridge to get acquainted with the main crew. “I'm heading to astrometrics to help Zipper with the sensor array it will probably take a couple of hours to get that finished. Zipper and I will meet you in the engine room then.”


I respond “Sounds good. Ill see you then”


Katherine says “Good I'm heading to the bridge myself, I'll go with the two of you. I need to run some test on the communications array.


Then Adelind takes my right hand in hers and Katherine takes the other and we begin walking down the hall.


Adelind says to Katherine “let's take lift pad three I want to stop by the galley and get something to eat”


Katherine “Sounds good to me, how about you Paul?”


I respond “I could use a light lunch. Is there someone there that can cook my meat, I can't eat it raw like dragons do”


Adelind responds “No but there is everything you need to prepare it yourself”


“That will do nicely.”


We arrive at the galley and I begin looking for a small steak but most of what I see are steaks that are far to big for me to eat.


Adelind says “If you want you can take part of mine I'm not quite that hungry myself.”


I find a knife and cut about a 230 gram piece from Adelind's steak. She looks and ask “Is that all you are going to eat?” I reply “No I'm going to have a salad as well.”


she says “I thought that humans were carnivorous like dragons. But you eat both meat and vegetables?”


I reply “yes humans eat meat and vegetables and a few things in between.” (with a grin) she smiles slyly realizing what I meant. I take my meat over to the cooking area and toss it into a skillet and add a little seasoning flip it, add my seasoning to the other side and flip it one more time then flip it out on to my plate.


Adelind says “I thought you were going to cook it all the way like I have see another human do once before. I thought it was disgusting that he wasted that meat by cooking it until it was a brownish gray all the way through.”


“No I like my steak very rare but I can't eat it totally raw.” then I walk over to the salad bar and fill a small bowl with an array of vegetables some that I don't know what they are but look delicious just the same.


Katherine looks at my bowl and points to a small vegetable, and says “be careful that one is quite spicy.”


I take a little nibble from that vegetable it looks kind of like a star fruit just much smaller, and is orange in color. Its not so hot that I cant eat it. To put it on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 6. Then I pop it into my mouth, Katherine looks at me astonished I can't believe you just ate that thing whole like that.

I tell her “That on Earth we have some peppers that make that seem quite mild, and that I found it rather delicious.”


Katherine says “you continue to surprise me.”


I reply “good I hope that I can continue to do so”

Adelind says “You humans are strange creatures, interesting but strange.”


We finish our meal. Katherine says “ I think we can skip the desert this time” and smiles at me. Then we head to the lift pad once again the females take my hands. We walk another 30 meters and Adelind says “here's lift pad Three this one will take us right to the bridge.”


It looks like an open elevator with only hand rails around it and its circular in shape. Then we all step onto the pad and Adelind presses a button and up we go, Adelind says “There are only three levels to the ship , we were on the third level, and the bridge is on the first level at the top of the ship.”


I ask “what level is the engine room on.”


Adelind replies “It is on the third level, at the rear of the ship although the engine room has access points on all three levels its main entry is third level.”


Katherine says “We are here, the bridge is right through that door.” and points across the hall way. Adelind takes the lead she steps off the pad and across the hall the bridge door opens as I step towards the bridge door an alarm sounds.


Adelind says “Computer intruder override” the alarm stops.


Katherine tells me “That its because no one without at least level three clearance is allowed on the bridge, but we will be fixing that in just a minute. The engine room is the same. The only two rooms that have voice activated computer are the bridge and the engine room.” then Katherine and I enter the bridge. There are four computer stations to each side of the bridge and two stations in the middle and a large heads-up display in the front.


To my right I see Jalad and say “Hello” he responds in kind “ Hello, welcome to the bridge.”


Adelind takes my hand and walks me to one of the computer stations, and says “Computer create access for Mr. Paul Curtis engineer level Five.”


The computer responds “access created” the computer then ask “ Mr Paul Curtis Please create an access code.” I respond “ Alpha ,Gama, Omega 1011, Green.” the computer responds” Mr. Paul Curtis you now have access level 5 through out the ship”


Just then Valesz walks onto the bridge.


Jalad says” Captain on Deck.” everyone stands. I walk over to greet her and she extends her hand. I politely take her hand and gently press my lips to her smooth cool hand, remembering what Talzon said that he had never seen her invite any male to her quarters. I thought that I might need to keep full respect on the bridge, especially when it comes to Valesz.


Valesz ask “Is Adelind taking care of you Mr. Curtis?” I respond yes she is doing a wonderful job. She responds “Carry on then.”


Katherine says “ I need to get my test run on the communications array, I will meet you later perhaps for dinner”


I respond “dinner it is then … maybe even some desert” she simply smiles and walks away. Adelind turns me towards the two consoles in the middle of the bridge this is Lakia our tactical officer and just in case you can't tell she is Roo. Hello Lakia nice to meet you, I have never met a Roo before. She respond “ likewise” ( I don't think I need to describe Lakia I'll just let you use your own imagination for her :> )


Adelind says “and this is Drake he is our helmsman”


“Hello Drake pleasure to meet you.” Drake responds “hello and welcome aboard” ( Drake is a handsome black dragon he is about the same size as Talzon, a good physique, his scales are very shiny like mirrors all over his body)


Adelind says “We need to cover the rest of the ship” then I head for the door, with Adelind right behind me. The door closes behind us.


Adelind says “On the bridge we need to maintain a very professional appearance, and it was starting to get to personal for the captain. So I decided I had better get you out of there. I can show you your quarters, then we can head for the engine room.


“Sounds good to me.” I replied.


“Quarters are on the second level, oh and by the way if I were you I would avoid Lakia she loves to fight and she is very good at it. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Well then I guess I'll just have to challenge her to a match now won't I, but the engines come first..”


Adelind responds “ I don't know if your crazy or stupid , or worse yet Both.”


“We will see. Where is the rec. room?” Adelind responds “It's on the way to your quarters. But its more like a section there are several rooms.”

Good that's what I was hoping.”


Adelind says” here is a lift pad that will take us close to the rec. area.”


We get onto the pad and Adelind presses a button and down we go. Adelind says “On the right is the pool room, where we play water sports. swim what ever. Here we have the physical contact room for the guys that like to get a little rough. The walls and floor are padded to help reduce injury.”


I respond “Perfect, that will do nicely. Do we have a doctor on board?”


Adelind responds “Yes, he fix broken bones and simple abrasions but if any thing serious happens we will have to head for a station and hope that we make it in time.”


I say , “that's all I need to see of the rec. area for now. Perhaps you can give me a more detailed tour later.”


She responds “very well then to the quarters” she says “We are near the center of the ship your quarters are near the engine room, room 241.


I say “Then the room the the 4 of us were in is just about there.” and I point to the floor just to my left.


She responds “Correct your learning this ship well”


I comment “I have always had a good sense of direction.

Then my room should be about 139.5 meters that way on the right right?”

Adelind says “That's about right, have you been on a ship like this one before?”


I respond “No, but I know that this ship is about 300 meters long and you said that we were about mid ship, its just a little math. And I noticed that all the rooms on the right have odd numbers and the left even numbers that meant that my room had to be on the right. Something else that I noticed was the fact that the thrusters are having a bit of a time holding position so I would guess that the ship's cargo must be an Ore , probably going to a shipyard to build more ships.”


She responds “ You can tell that by the movement of the ship, and yes you are correct again, her cargo is titanium and we are going to a dragon shipyard. But how could you tell that.”


“Its easy actually the gravitational field produced from the station is pulling on the mass of the load and the thrusters have to work harder to keep the ship in position. Every now and then I could feel the thrusters push the ship about 1-2 cm, I know its not much but I could feel it. That reminds me after I get the engines back in order I need to work on the inertial dampeners too.”


Adelind says “here we are your quarters”


As I approach the door it opens and we enter, the quarters are only slightly smaller than my room on the station but there is no kitchen, ( I won't need one in my room anyway) I look around and walk into the adjoining room it's the bed room and it has a king size bed, (I think to my self bed your going to get plenty of use and not for sleeping)


I turn and say “it's a little sparse but that is easy to fix. I have some photo's of home that will go on these walls, and a couple of plants. This will be perfect.”


Adelind says “ I'm Glad that you like it”


I ask “Will I need any credits while I'm on the ship”


she responds “ no not really, we have most everything you will need.”

“Good then if it's ok tonight I will bring my things aboard. There's a few things that I will need to get. I am expecting a shipment of earth food tonight too, what perfect timing. I will be able to treat a few guest to an earth meal on occasion and have plenty of room to entertain when I have free time. All right let's go to the engine room I believe I have a lot of work to do.”


Adelind replies “We can use the 2nd level entry now that you have clearance.”

We exit my room and head for the engine room. It's not long before we are entering the engine room, there is a lift pad in the room that we take down to the 3rd level. On the way down we see Zipper and Talzon they both meet us at the lift pad.


“Hello again Talzon , Zipper.”


They both respond “ Hello” then Talzon says “Glad you found your way to the engine room. I was starting to wonder if you got lost on the way.”


I reply “No not lost just had a few details to work out and learn the ship like you wanted, I know where everything is I need. Except the doctor, but for now that can wait, I'm sure if I need a doctor someone will get me there. Now about these engines... I know that she needs work but how fast will she go in her current state, and what happens ?”


Zipper responds “ we can get up to 3xl (simply put that's the speed of light ^3) but at that speed the ship becomes unstable and shaky. So we have been running at 2xl to keep a smooth ride.”


“Sounds simple enough, we have 3 days to get the ship back in shape correct ?”


Talzon responds “correct” “Good enough I'll have these engines back in top shape by tomorrow afternoon. Possibly by tonight if we can get two more workers.”


Zipper says “ Squeaky come over here for a minute” then from around the engine core comes a meerkat. Zipper says “Paul this is Squeaky.” Hello Squeaky, you don't mind squeezing into tight places do you ?”


Squeaky responds “ nope sure don't (squeak, squeak)” Great you'll be perfect for a job I need done later.”


Talzon says “okay squeaky you can go back to what you were doing.” Squeaky replies “Sure thing (squeak, squeak)” In an instant he disappears.


I say “Well there is no doubt why he is called squeaky. (And everyone laughs.) the plasma injectors should be over here.”


Zipper says how the hell did you know that? It took me two weeks to learn where everything was on these engines”


Talzon says “well I guess Valesz did make a good choice when she hired you, I'll find those workers for you they may not know a lot about engines.” before you go, can you have Jalad come down here in about an hour, I have a heavy job and I will need his help for about 15 minutes.

Talzon Replies “ you got it, but there is something you need to know he does find you fascinating.” before I can reply Talzon is gone.


“Okay Zipper back to the engines, I need a quantum spanner to get these injectors back in line.” Zipper replies “all I have is a micro spanner.”


“No wonder you can't get the injectors aligned, I'll bet they are at least 12 microns out of alignment. Can I have Squeaky for about 20 minutes or so ?”


Zipper replies “I guess so he isn't doing anything real important at the moment.”


“Thank you, Squeaky I have a job for you.” In a flash Squeaky was standing in front of me “ Yes Sir”


“Okay first thing Don't call me Sir I work just like you do, and secondly I need you to go the office by the port on the back of the chair you will find my shirt, in the left pocket you will find a black chip, you will need that to get into my room on the station, Room number 354 enter and look to your left against the far wall you will see my tool chest on the pad enter code 1101 and that will release the tool chest and activate the anti-gravity unit bring the chest here please.”


Squeaky replies ”you got it, back in a flash” and in an instant he was gone.


“Damn that little guy is quick.”


While we are waiting for Squeaky I need to go see the doctor.


Zipper “Are you hurt?”


“No I'm not hurt he has a measuring device that I need to borrow, do you have a laser torch?”


Zipper “Yes I have that”

“Good then lets go see the doctor.”


Zipper leads the way. “So Zipper what can you tell me about Lakia?”

Zipper replies “Avoid pissing her off at any cost, did you notice that scar on Jalad's arm?”

“Yes but I didn't think anything of it well Lakia did it she almost tore his arm off with a single kick. It took the doctor three hours to put him back together, good thing we were at a station or he might not have that arm today.”


“I'm thinking about challenging her to a fight.”


Zipper “Are you crazy or just plain stupid”

“You know this is the second time that I have mentioned it and this is the second time that I was ask if I was stupid or crazy.”


Zipper “Okay here's the infirmary” The door opens and we enter.


“Hi Doc. I'm Paul I'm the new engineer, I have a little favor to ask of you.”


Doc “ How can I help you today Paul?”

“I would like to borrow an optical scanner for about 10 minutes.”


Doc “Is there something wrong with your eyes?”


“No its the most accurate measuring device on the ship and I need to take two measurements.”


Doc “Sure thing but do you mind if I watch what you are doing?”


“Not at all , do you have clearance for the engine room?”


Doc “Yes I do”


“Alright then lets get to the engine room.”


On the way back to the engine room Zipper pops up and says “Hey doc this fool wants to fight Lakia”


Doc looks at me and ask “Why would you want to fight Lakia?”


“Well its simple really her species is a warrior race , they hold respect and honor in very high regards, by challenging her to a fight she will see it as a challenge to her authority but then by fighting her she will have respect for me., and I suspect I will have quite a friendship with her.”


Doc “Well I can try to patch you up as best I can, but no guarantees.”


Just as we get back to the engine room, here comes Squeaky, with my tool chest. It's only been 10- 12 minutes.

I walk over behind Squeaky and lift his tail and say “ Okay where are you hiding that rocket booster I expected you to be gone at least 20 minutes. Ya know we just might get the engines back to 100% tonight. Thank you Squeaky.”


Squeaky replies “Your welcome, anything else boss?”


“Not at the moment.”


I take the optical scanner from the Doc and turn the sensors facing outward I walk over by the engine core and ask Zipper for the laser torch. He hands me the torch I then hold the torch in the center between the optical sensors I find dead center of the ship and score the floor in front the the engine core. Then I go to my tool chest and pull out a couple of anti-gravity pads. I hand one to Doc and one to Zipper hold these on each side of the engine core at the floor leave them sticking out about 2 cm in front of the core. That's good then I take the optical scanner and find center of the engine core and make a small score on the casing.


Zipper ask “What are you doing?”


I respond “Take a look at the 2 scores I just made , how far apart do you think they are?


Zipper “about 7 cm maybe 8 cm.”


“Okay then I take the scanner and the pads I place a pad by each mark and take another measurement it reads 7.2350045 cm. Now for this ION engine to preform at 100% the engine has to be aligned with the ship or the field it produces will be off, this ship is 300m the field is off by lets just say 7cm to make the math easy by the time the field reaches the front of the ship the field is out by 2.4m that's where your vibration is coming from.”


“Now lets get these injectors aligned. Squeaky I have another important job for you.” And here he is, right on cue “Squeaky I'm going to teach you how to use a Quantum spanner, I will do the first one then the rest of the injectors you get to do alright?”


Squeaky “Sure thing boss.”


“The first thing you do is make sure that injector array is off-line before you open any in that array.”


Squeaky “No problem boss.”

“Let's find out what the engine efficiency is, Computer what is the current engine efficiency?”


Computer replies “The engines are operating at 78%” “Okay now we have a base line to start it can only get better from here.”


I reach up and open the first plasma injector hold up the quantum spanner and show Squeaky how to adjust the injectors. Then I hand Squeaky the Quantum spanner. “It's your turn.”


Squeaky “ no problem boss I got this(squeak, squeak)”


I watch as he preforms the job perfectly. Then I return to the engine core Zipper “Your not going to let Squeaky adjust the injectors are you?”


“why not with the quantum spanner its almost fool proof and with his speed he will be done in an hour where it would take you and I four hours to complete.”


“If you would please grab two more anti-gravitation units out of the top box.”


Zipper gets the units and brings them over by the core. Then says “These are not going to pick up the engine core.”


I reply “No they will not, but they will make it lighter so we can move the core, that's why I ask for Jalad to come down. Just then the door opens


Jalad says “Hello Paul you needed my help?”

“Actually yes your timing is impeccable, we just attached the anti-gravity units to the core but we need your help to slide the unit over 7.23 cm , I made marks on the floor and on the core to help align it up. We are almost ready to move the core, Zipper would you please release the mag-locks.


Zipper replies “Sure thing boss(squeak squeak)”

“Okay smart-ass.”, “Computer what is the engine efficiency?”

Computer “81.2%”


“looks like Squeaky is doing a fine job. Now if you will engage the anti-gravity units on that side, I'll get these then I will come over there and we can move the core, the anti-gravity units begin beeping they are syncing up with each other then they all make the same tone we can push.... beep beep beep ….. BEEEEEP!! , OK push , on 3 1.. 2... 3...”


The cores slides over we stop only about 1cm to go.


“On 3 1.. 2.. 3.. push”, and the core slides again.


“That's it perfect now a quick measurement to make sure its setting right.” I take the optical scanner and check the distance at the back of the core and check them against the measurement at the front of the core. Perfect only 3 microns off with the core. OK Zipper if you would please engage the mag-locks while I remove the anti-gravity units.”


I place the anti-gravity units back in my tool chest.

“Computer what is the engine efficiency?”


Computer “88.4%”

“Squeaky, how are you doing back there?”


Squeaky “Only 2 more arrays left (squeak, squeak)”

Then a few minutes later I hear Squeaky Say “All done... (squeak, squeak).” Computer what is the engine efficiency? The computer responds “98.7%” “That's good enough for 4.5xl we can make our destination now in about 1 week and 2 days instead of the 3 weeks scheduled.”



I look at a chronometer. “Damn we are done before dinner, I already have plans for dinner but I feel that I owe all of you something for helping get these engines back in shape ahead of schedule.”


I reach into the top case of my tool chest and grab a credit chip it has 5 credits on it. “More than enough for all of you to get a nice dinner on the station, I recommend Zot's. Take it and go enjoy tonight. I still have a little work to finish here.” They each say thank you and head out the door.


Okay, now I have the engine room all to my self and I intend to keep it that way for a while... I walk over to the viso screen and call Zot's , one of the waitress's answers the screen “Hello this is Zot's you kill it we grill it …”


I say hello ,I'm sending four there for dinner a wolfen, two dragons and a meerkat, I want you to make sure they have a good time tonight I'm transferring 5 credits that should be enough shouldn't it? The waitress responds “ I will make sure they have a good time.”


I reply “Thank you and have a good night.” End transmission...


“Computer what is the status of the inertial dampeners?”


The computer responds “7 of 8 dampeners are functioning within specification”


“Okay, Computer show me a diagram of the 8 dampeners and show me the faulty dampener. The viso screen lights up with a full schematic and the faulty dampener is up on the bridge and by the looks of the schematics I'm going to need squeaky again. It's getting late, the dampener can wait until tomorrow. I probably should go up to the bridge and report the engine condition....


well I hadn't planned on this chapter having any sex in it but it just rolled out so smooth I had to keep going, hope you enjoyed reading it.







Editted by Admin Unic0rn69

Editted by Admin Unic0rn69


Instant Message
Post ID: 3232
Posted: 02-11-2024 19:34 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 02-11-2024 19:34 PM

your missing some for chapter 5 about where he get to the ship and has sex with the dragon that gives him the tour of the ship



Instant Message
Post ID: 3233
Posted: 02-12-2024 18:40 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 02-12-2024 18:40 PM

thank you, I'll fix that right now. 

this thing has been cutting off huge chunks of the chapters. it's like it thinks im trying to flood the server or something 

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