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Nightlock's Fursona Avatar
Name:Nightlock in Reynoldsburg Offline
Species:Native American Spirit Wolf

Ohio furs
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Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
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Aria Auroralïs: Hai! owo 3412.5 days ago

About Me:
Hi my name is Nightlock. I'm pansexual, love music and anime, and like making new friends :3 If you want to know anything just ask me.
*Commissions are open* http://englandsfluffybunny.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Chart-441972392
I am also open to collaborating with all of you creative people as I think it would be fun and would help me get to know some of you better. If you would like to collaborate with me then feel free to let me know. Collaborations will be free and just for fun.

Nightlock is a spirit wolf she is a decendant of a Native American wolf tribe (which is why she has feathers in her fur) and is the last of her tribe to recieve the mark giving her the gift of being able to talk to the spirits. that mark is her blue eye which is blind to the living world but allows her to see into the spirit realm.

Late one spring, in the middle of the night, a she-wolf found herself in a dire situation. Howls of pain pierced the moonless night as her pack was ambushed, but there was nothing she could do. She made her way away from the sound, panting in distress as she came to a large tree. A great flood had caused the soil to be eroded away leaving a small cavern beneath the roots and the she-wolf squeezed into the shelter.
Once inside she let out a whimper and collapsed to the dirt floor, already exhausted. She knew something was going terribly wrong. The pups were not meant to come for two more moon cycles, so why was her body trying to be rid of them so soon? Why tonight, when the sky is black and death awaits her pack? Her ears twitched, hearing a twig snap and she bared her teeth, hoping that it would only be one. She was weak and knew that she could barely defend herself, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Relax, Moon. It’s just me.” The she-wolf visibly relaxed at the sight of her mate.
“Wh-what are you doing here? The pack…” She searched his eyes finding only fear and sadness.
“The pack has gone to join the stars. We are all that is left” He stared at the ground, unable to look his mate in the eye. “I have failed as Alpha… I-I couldn’t save them”
Moon opened her muzzle only to close it again as a contraction shot through her body. “Talon, the pups are coming” her voice shook and she bit back a howl of pain.
“They can’t be… not yet” He went to his mates side as the thought of losing his pups along with his pack shot through him. “It’s too soon”
Moon lay her head on the dirt beneath her and closed her eyes, panting heavily. “I-I know…” she grunted as another contraction hit.
Talon paced back and forth in the small space provided by the cavern as the night droned on. By the time the first pup made its way into the world it had seemed like days had passed although it had only been a few moments. Moon was focused on staying quiet throughout her contractions and did not notice that the first pup was not moving and never would. She was black like her father with her mother's white face. Talon closed his eyes tight and looked away. He knew it was best not to tell her... not while she was still giving birth, but it was hard to fight back the tears that threatened his vision.
Soon after a second pup was born and, like the first, was not moving. This one was also female and was blue like her father’s underbelly. She had black and white feather shaped markings along her body. Talon couldn’t bare to see a second of his pups so still. He left the cavern to fetch his mate some water from the river nearby and to check the surrounding area. He knew they were not entirely safe from their enemies but he had no choice but to stay by his mate’s side.
While he was out the third and final pup was born. This one was a male, identical to his father aside from small white markings down his sides. He let out small whimpers as he searched blindly for his mother and Moon leaned down to caress him, wondering why her other pups were not so eager to greet her. She nuzzled her other two pups weakly and brought them closer to her as the realization set in.
Forgetting the danger in her sorrow, she let out a howl of pure grief. Talon, hearing her howl, rushed back to the cavern to comfort his mate. He stumbled inside and lay down next to her, nuzzling her cheek in comfort as she sobbed, “My babies!”
Shortly after the she-wolf, too exhausted to hold her head up, fell asleep and her mate got up to take the two dead pups away. He gently picked both up in his large jowls and trotted a short distance away. After he had buried the first pup and dug a second hole, he turned to pick up the second only to find that the pup wasn’t there. He look around confused, knowing that if it had been a predator he would have heard them. Using his nose, he followed the little ones scent and found her under a bush. She was squirming and making small whimpering noises but as Talon examined her closer he realized she wasn’t breathing. She seemed perfectly fine and able to live without breathing somehow so he decided to take her back to Moon and let her feed.
When he re-entered the cavern he saw that his mate was awake and watching their little boy sleep next to her belly. She looked up as he entered and her eyes widened when she took in the squealing pup in his mouth. He sat the little pup down next to her brother and turned his head to Moon.
“She was given back to us. You know what that means, Moon.” His worried gaze focused on his pups.
“She’ll learn to live with it. We can help her.” Moon seemed too happy to have her pup back to really contemplate the consequences and her mate didn’t have the heart to bring them up.

One moon cycle later, some distance from the forest in which they were born, two pups played in a circular clearing as their mother and father watched. One pup was smaller than the other, the runt of the litter. He was as black as the shadows that haunted his dreams at night and his sides were splattered with white. He was named the Life of the Shadow, but his family called him Shade. His eyes were sightless and his pupils completely white as if covered by a thick fog. He had learned to cope with his lack of sight and could easily fool others into believing he could see. The other pup, Shade’s sister, was almost double her brothers size. Her name was the Night the Moon was Locked Away, but her parent’s called her Nightlock. Her fur was celestial blue and she had black, feather-shaped markings on her upper forelegs, back feet, the top of her tail, her ear tips, and on her cheeks. Just below her eyes was a strip of white causing her eyes to stand out even more than than their sharp contrast did. Her right eye resembled a shimmering amethyst gem but the other was a dull, sky blue.
Her left eye was as sightless to the living world as her brother’s, but it allowed her to see into the spirit realm. This "gift", as her family called it, was the price she had paid to return to the living when she was born. Often times her mother or father would find her sitting alone carrying out conversations when there was no one around and they worried that Nightlock wouldn’t be able to live with the constant voices in her head pleading for life.
As the two pups were playing Nightlock pinned Shade and howled triumphantly. “Sissy wants to play with us… I wish you could hear her” the little pup’s ears twitched and she licked her brother’s cheek.
“That’s not funny Night! Don’t talk about her like she’s still here!” her brother pushed her off of his chest and shook the dirt from his fur*
“She is! Awry is right next to you!” Nightlock closed her eyes tight trying to ignore the frightened look on her brothers face. “I-I’m sorry… I know you don’t believe me.” The disheartened pup put her ears back and walked away from her brother.
A few hours had passed when Night realized she had wandered further than she had realized and the sun had left it’s post in the sky some time ago and yet somehow, the sky was still lit by a bright, warm light. This light was coming from the forest and was bending and twisting in ways the pup had never seen. She was mesmerized and stood in awe until the shrieking pierced her ears. “…mom?” Nightlock bolted back the way she had come from but the light had beat her there and it was too hot for Night to get any closer to. "MOM! DAD!” the pup was no longer entranced with this light, but terrified. She heard no response and was forced to run from the flames that were engulfing the forest faster than the pup could make her legs move. Coming to a halt at a cliff, Night turned to see bright oranges and reds coming closer and closer, the heat singing her fur. She had no choice but to jump into the water below.

‘Sunshine?' Night thought feeling warmth on her fur and brightness through her eyelids. 'No… the angry heat cloud…' memories from last night filled her mind and she bolted up terrified that she was a goner. Instead of flames, she saw an otter in front of her. “w-where am I?” she looked around confused. The beaver explained to her that he had rescued her from the water and wasn’t sure where she had come from but that she was probably very far away from there thanks to the river current. Night was barely listening to the waterlogged mammal and was trying to believe that what she was seeing in front of her was just her eye playing a trick on her. Just a few feet in front of her stood her family. Her mom, dad, brother, and sister looking at her with both distress and relief… they were dead, but she was not.

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