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Floresa's Fursona Avatar
Name:Floresa in City Offline
Species:Domestic Shorthair - Egyptian Mau
Relationship:Rather Not Say
Member ID:3802
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:1805
Distance: Miles
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About Me:

Name: Ami Floresa
Age: 25
Height: 170 cm (5'7)
Weight: 59 kg (128- 134 lbs)

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A young tigress with a knack for curiosity. Floresa is a bright, intelligent woman with a stubborn, hard-headed nature. Her determination is noteworthy, but she has a rather annoying habit of over-thinking things in life. She is quiet and timid, and highly prefers smaller groups. Floresa suffers from depression. She wants friends and family. She wants acceptance. She just struggles to find herself in a fast-paced world.

Despite her soft nature to those she loves and cares for, she comes off as a bit rude and stuck up to outsiders. She does not normally initiate conversation. With that said, she will protect the people she cares for with tooth and claws! She has a long fuse, and is hard to upset. However, if someone threatens her or the ones she loves? The claws will come swinging.

Floresa tries to treat people as equals. She doesn't believe in bowing to the more privileged, nor spitting to the ill. She just wants the one thing that all people seek: Happiness.

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