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Sky's Fursona Avatar
Name:Sky in Seattle Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:18553
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:2317
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

About Me:
30-something foxy male just about to wrap up at the University of Wasington. Looking for a career in libraries or in the info field! But that's all lay-stuff.

I like to write, mostly, science fiction and fantasy. My big project right now is to kick off a novel series about mice and bats! I also dabble in doodling and produce electronic music from time to time. I love pretty much all music but catch me alone and I'll probably be singing love songs into a hair brush.

Mostly easygoing. Like listening more than I do talking, and it takes me a while to open up and get chatty. I like people, I get along with people, but it takes me a long time to build a sense of trust. I also like being outdoors, taking trips to parks, beaches, wildlife reserves... so don't think all my indoor hobbies mean I'm a shut-in! I have a lot of friends and wander around a lot, but I have an itch for kinship and companionship that has grown deeper with time. So, here we are.

Romantically, I'm slow to jump in. I like being friends first. I don't mind flirting and am very open-hearted, but in terms of relationships I'm very much of the 'marry your best friend(s)' mindset. I tend to be a little biased against types that have hurt me in the past, so there's a bit of a barrier there to get over.

Pokemon's a big thing for me, so if you're against that--well, I can still carry a casual conversation but it might be a wedge. I'm not really into defining myself by interest, but I have some strong ones and that's probably up there.

I picked a kitsune for my fursona because I change a lot. I like trying on different identities and playing with different shapes and states of being. They won't let me cram multiple species in the species slot, so... you can think of me as a kitsune, or an owl, or a raichu. Or a few things! So, I d'nno. Say hi if you want. I'll say hi back!

Profile image done by the wonderful xchiseaxmargaritax. https://www.furaffinity.net/full/12608846/

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