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Artemis's Fursona Avatar
Name:Artemis in Tampa Bay Offline
Founding Member
Member ID:1397
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:4185
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SecondLife Name:Artemisu Soothsayer
PSN Name:ArtemisKitty
XBOX Gamertag:ArtemisKitty

Future Space for Blogs

Kidarkasha: Hi 3352.6 days ago

About Me:
Heya! Chances are this year I'll see you at a regional burn, convention or art show. :-) Or may have already chatted your ear off at Bronycon (yeah I know, don't get me started on half the fans... Lotsa good furs there though so that was awesome) or something. I'm a ferret, though often catlike in nature, and like ferrets constantly poking into things that look interesting or just randomly scrounging for food (high metabolism generally sucks!) in odd combinations. I also tend to "pop" rapidly from place to place at music festivals and events. (Wait... Didn't I just see you clear across that field 10 seconds ago? And *I'm* the one with a golf cart?) That and I have a propensity for getting stuck in awkward situations and generally make a comic relief style character, though not intentionally. I'm also quite friendly/social at events and make friends quickly. Otherwise? Invisible background character. I'm often describes as... "Fascinating", just by my somewhat odd nature. Think... Refusing consciously to "grow up and let go" of certain aspects of child-like imagination and wonder because I LIKE being fascinated by something as simple yet beautiful as a bee on a thistle. Also I tend to be very passionate about things, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, often to a comedic value it seems. Ahh well. I'll still get excited when I buy a yummy ice cream popsicle alongside of the neighborhood kids every now and again and that's fine. Hmm... What else to type..

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