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Mesozoia Jurasis's Fursona Avatar
Name:Mesozoia Jurasis in Bremerton Offline
Species:Allosaurus fragilis
Relationship:Single, Not Looking
Member ID:13879
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:2589
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Mesozoia Jurasis: yes dinosaur :P heheh 3376.3 days ago
Castiel: Dinosaur! w 3378.3 days ago

About Me:
18, Trans M to F, Anthro Allosaurus

I have always loved birds, snakes and dinosaurs. I love all animals, especially Reptiles, but birds, snakes and dinosaurs have stuck to me like you wouldn't believe.

I'm what I like to call a "minor gamer". I don't have alot of games, but I play the fuck out of the games I do have. I don't rage as much as some gamers may do, but I do get pissed off at video games from time to time.

I have loved martial arts for awhile now, I can't quite remember exactly when I gained an interest in them, but I've aspired to learn Kung-Fu, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate and Taekwondo, and to master these arts. The weapons I can use the best are the Bô, Sai, Nunchaku, and sword. Which am I the best with? Definitely not the sword :P

If you wish to ask me anything, then you may do so!


"Some of the greatest things in life are the ones you must wait for. So relax, take your time, let life be life, time be time, and Fate be Fate. They will never change for us, but we can change for them, for the better."

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