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Zacky's Fursona Avatar
Name:Zacky in East Greenwich Offline
State:Rhode Island
Species:Snow Leopard
Relationship:Single and Looking

Breeding Den
Member ID:12562
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:2470
Distance: Miles
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XBOX Gamertag:Mistakenpain17

Future Space for Blogs

About Me:
Well, to begin with, I'm Zack, or Zacky, depending on your choice. I am looking for a mate, or a group of mates, that are willing to eventually carry things over into IRL meetings. >//< For the most part, I am dominant, although, for the right person, i can be highly submissive as well, but very few people can bring out said submissiveness. I am very open, would like to think that I am a fairly intelligent kitty, and that i've got a good sense of humor.

Ermms... I love music. Japanese VKei, Dubstep, Classic Rock, Alternative, Metal, Country, Modern hits. Don't like rap though. One thing I will not hesitate to show my displeasure for. No offense to those who do like it though. I am an avid gamer and anime/manga enthusiast, Love the outdoors and playing in the woods hehe >//>

I think thats enough to get people going.. any questions, just ask, though you would have better luck most times catching me on skype, facebook, or Xbox Live (Xbox One to be specific)

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