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Acheron's Fursona Avatar
Name:Acheron in Offline
Species: Wolf
Relationship:Rather Not Say

gay furs
Fuzzy Love
gay yiff
Crossdressing Furs
Member ID:10767
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:17107
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Future Space for Blogs

Cain: DAMN, sexy wolf. 3205.3 days ago
💖Mint💖: Hey, I missed you. How've you been? We soo need to reconect and stuff. 3207.6 days ago
Źõęÿ: O.o 3220.3 days ago
Snow and Hope: why did you leave me.... 3303.5 days ago
Grayhuskie: Hi I'm grayhuskie want to be friends 3303.6 days ago
Grayhuskie: Hi I'm grayhuskie want to be friends 3303.6 days ago
James Q Layton: pokes 3352.9 days ago
Driana Lé Souris: I dont use kik anymore. Sorry dollface 3 3441.2 days ago
Acheron: There's a chance that you won't like me..... There's an even bigger chance that I won't give two shits... 3457.6 days ago
Acheron: I've endured the worst times of life alone. If you're in my life, it's because I value you and want you there... 3457.6 days ago

About Me:
Hallo an alle, und herzlich willkommen auf meinem Profil.

Well, first some bits about the man behind the wolf. First and foremost... I'm an asshole. Most likely, I will offend you at one point or another. And I won't care. It's my mouth, it's my fingers, I am going to say and type what I want. Don't like it? Grab a tissue. That being said, I am a nice asshole. Generally I don't go out of my way to offend people, I'm just brutally honest and don't have any filter. I'm tall, atheticish... And pretty much the epitome of nerdism... I play games, quite a bit, currently in love with Dying Light. But for multiplayer games, I only play PC. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Combat Arms. Those are where you will find me. There are a few people on here that I get along with, and a couple that I adore, and one that I love. You know who you are, babe <3 Hmm... Well, not knowing what else to put about me, if you wanna game or chat, hit me up.


Name: Acheron MacDuggal
Species: Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 247 lbs.
Fur: White Grey with a light tan underside.
Sheath: Yes
Cock: Canine
The following is a roleplaying description of my character. Sorry if its worded improperly, but its worth a shot, eh?

The pure masculine presence of the large male wolf demanded the attention of those around him, dominating any room that he entered. The Alpha was large and obviously powerful, and moved about with a fluid grace that belied his commanding size. From head to footpad, he exuded dominance, toned muscles that rippled with power and strength, corded ropes of meat that pulled his flesh taut when he moved, flexing and rolling. Though he was the epitome of strength, there was a slight softness about him as well. Eyes hued the silvery blue of steel gazed intelligently out upon those that often surrounded him, both intimidated and inspired by his presence. His voice was soft, yet bassy, almost soothing when he spoke gently to one he cared about, and almost frightening when he spoke to someone in anger. Paws callused with years of labor and exercise, arms thick and heavily muscled, easily lifting those he playfully wrestled with. His shoulders were round and broad, his chest deep and just as toned as his arms, the massive pecs bulging out in front of him, solid as stone. Abs rolled with his confident stride, indented ridges between them evident when even relaxed. Were one to gaze upon him naked, they would enjoy the fact that he was large everywhere. Not to say that he was as well endowed as some of the furs he knew, but gifted none-the-less, the dimensions and girth of his wolf-hood known only by the female he loved. His sheath, however, announced eagerly the size of his member, thick and bulging, ready to push his arousal out at any moment. Below that swung a hefty sac, each glorious orb inside roughly the size of a softball. Moving past those, his legs were as solid and thick as tree trunks, tapering down slightly to muscular calves, on to well turned foot pads, built to give this large wolf the speed he needed to capture his "prey".

Meh... I tried, but got bored with it :P There you have it.

Die reine männliche Präsenz der großen männlichen Wolf forderte die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen um ihn herum, jede, die er in Raum dominieren. Die Alpha war groß und offensichtlich mächtig, und bewegte sich mit einer Flüssigkeit Gnade, die seine imposante Grösse widerlegt. Von Kopf bis Fußsohle, strahlte er Dominanz, muskulösen Körper, die mit Kraft und Stärke geplätschert, Schnur Seile von Fleisch, das sein Fleisch straff gezogen, wenn er sich bewegte, Biegen und Walzen. Obwohl er der Inbegriff von Stärke war, gab es einen leichten Weichheit über ihn. Augen hued die silbrig blau aus Stahl blickte auf intelligente Weise aus auf diejenigen, die ihn oft umgeben, sowohl eingeschüchtert und inspiriert durch seine Anwesenheit. Seine Stimme war weich und dennoch basslastig, fast beruhigend, als er sprach sanft zur er kümmerte, und fast beängstigend, als er zu jemand in Wut sprach. Paws mit jahrelanger Arbeit und Bewegung, die Arme dick und sehr muskulös, leicht anheben, die er spielerisch mit schwieligen gerungen. Seine Schultern waren rund und breit, der Brust tief und wie durchtrainiert wie die Arme, die massiven Brustmuskeln prall aus vor ihm, fest wie Stein. Abs rollte mit seinem zuversichtlich Schrittlänge, eingerückt Grate zwischen ihnen deutlich, wenn auch entspannt. Würde man auf ihn schauen nackt, sie die Tatsache, dass er überall war groß genießen würden. Um nicht zu sagen, dass er ebenso wie einige der Pelze er wusste, begabt, aber begabt none-the-less, die Abmessungen und Umfang seiner wolf-Haube nur von der weiblichen er liebte bekannt. Sein Mantel ist jedoch bekannt gegeben, mit Spannung die Größe seiner Mitglieds, dick und prall, bereit, seine Erregung zu jedem Zeitpunkt hinauszuschieben. Darunter schwang eine saftige sac, jedes glorreichen orb innen in etwa die Größe eines Softball. Vorbei diejenigen, waren seine Beine so fest und dick wie Baumstämme, verjüngt sich leicht nach unten, um Muskel Waden, an gut einge Fuß-Pads, gebaut, um diese große Wolf die Geschwindigkeit er brauchte, um seine "Beute" zu erfassen geben.

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Hot or not?04-15-2015 15:16 PM
04-15-2015 15:16 PM
All about the butt....05-03-2015 14:44 PM
05-03-2015 14:44 PM

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