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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

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Post ID: 1433
Posted: 09-07-2016 02:47 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2016 02:47 AM

Action 52, it's the glitchiest thing ever!


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Post ID: 1434
Posted: 09-07-2016 03:50 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2016 03:50 AM » Editted: 09-07-2016 03:56 AM
I dont think i can pin point a game in particular. So i will do a short list Soldier front (old pay to win shooter plagued by hackers) Need for speed 2015. ( Great car customisation, god awefull driving physics) How to survive (just plain boring) Contagion (poorly made left 4 dead clone) And as a bonus in a sorts of ways battlefield 4 when it launched. Edit: brink (both on console and pc was terrible)


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Post ID: 1439
Posted: 09-07-2016 05:05 AM
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Posted: 09-07-2016 05:05 AM

The worst Game i have ever seen would have to be, splinter cell Chaos Theroy, luckly they have not bought that back for the PS4 or Xbox one compatabilty, i remeber snapping the Disc when my 360 broke god i was releaved to get rid of that


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Post ID: 1540
Posted: 11-23-2016 03:41 AM
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Posted: 11-23-2016 03:41 AM

You mean besides all the stupid SDL gams I’ve made for Linux. I’m tempted to say E.T. but I actually enjoyed the challenge of that. It would have to be Altered Beast for the Master System.


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Post ID: 1542
Posted: 11-23-2016 03:43 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 11-23-2016 03:43 AM

You mean besides all the stupid SDL gams I’ve made for Linux. I’m tempted to say E.T but I actually enjoyed the challenge of that. It would have to be Altered Beast for the Master System.

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