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At The Pet Shop // 18+++ // Posted by: Þáñdørá ™ at 09-14-2014 14:07 PM, Last Modified 09-14-2014 14:08 PM
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Story Master took my hand and led me to the lead and collar aisle of the dog section. He ran his fingers along the collars and as he did I tried to imagine how each would feel against my neck. At home we had a canvas collar and one made of leather. Every time I wore one for Master's pleasure I longed to wear it outside so that everyone would know I belonged to him. An older gentleman approached and walked up to Master. “Can I help you find something, Sir?” he asked.

“What would you recommend for a very naughty puppy?” Master asked the man but looked deeply into my eyes. I bit the inside of my lip so I wouldn’t smile or laugh outright. The man looked from Master to me and seemed immediately to understand the situation. "I may have some items in the back that you might find useful in your…” he coughed into his hand, “your training.” He dashed off with a spring in his step. Master raised his eyebrows and smiled. He cupped my neck in his hand. He drew me to him and kissed me hard. “Are you having fun, pet?” he asked me in between hungry kisses.

“Yes, Master,” I breathed. I pressed my chest against him, wanting to be home…NOW…naked, serving my Master. In a moment we heard the salesman cough politely behind us. “I think this might suit your needs, Sir,” the salesman said and handed him a harness suitable for a German Shepard or Great Dane. Master smiled as he examined it. “Thank you,” Master told the man. “Will any leash work with this type of harness or would you recommend something special?”

“Well, if you’d allow me, Sir, I think you might like a nice sturdy leash. With particularly stubborn breeds, (he glanced at me shyly), we recommend this one.” He handed Master a thick leash that Master seemed to like. He stared at it appreciatively. “Oh, yes,” he said. I felt my panties begin to fill with my arousal. I kept my eyes squarely on Master. He winked at me. “You said you thought I might like some other items?” He asked the man and the man smiled and clapped his hands together once.

“Yes, well. I have to close up soon, but why don’t you take your time and try out anything you’d like. There are cages the next aisle over and I set aside a few other items…” he looked at me and then back at Master. “Well, take all the time you need. I need to go ring up some customers.” He dashed off and Master smiled at me. “A cage, huh? Let’s check it out, slut.” He led me into the next aisle. There were a series of cages, but only one was open. It seemed that the salesman had prepared one he thought would be appropriate. It was sitting in the middle of the aisle.

“Kneel,” Master said. I knelt beside him, my heart racing. Master pointed to the cage and I crawled inside. He locked the door and waved as he began walking away.

“Master?!” I screamed in alarm.

He turned and looked sternly at me. He lowered his voice. “I want you to try out your new cage. I am going to see what our new friend picked out for you. Have fun.” He said and he disappeared around the corner. I took some deep breaths and tried to concentrate on my assignment rather than the panic knocking louder and louder at the back of my brain.

“Try out the new cage,” I said under by breath. I could turn around in it, but there wasn’t much more room than that. The floor was solid but the rest of the cage was open, made of thin steel rods and bars. I have never felt comfortable in small spaces. I avoid elevators whenever possible and I cried when I had to sleep in the closet as punishment partially out of shame and partially out of anxiety. This was different, however. I liked the cage. I liked being contained inside it. Not trapped, but reserved in space for my Master when he returned. I was starting to think of it as mine when I saw Master’s boots turn the corner. I raised up and anticipated his approach. I saw that he was swinging a crop in his hand. He was holding something else, but I couldn’t make out what it was. He knelt down and unlatched the door. “Come on out,” he said and I crawled out and nuzzled against his leg. “Stand up,” he said. He placed his hands on either side of my head and kissed me again. “Thank you, Master,” I said. “Shhh,” he said. “Let me see how this works.” He held up a muzzle and brought it to my face. I turned my face away in a silent disobedient gesture. “You have to admit you do make a lot of noise, slut,” he said and strapped the muzzle over my face. “There. Lean against that cage.” I bent over it and placed my head to one side. I felt the muzzle holding my jaw shut, the bars beneath me and then the quick, sharp sting of the crop on my ass. All my focus centered on the sensation. I heard my breathing and I heard the swish through the air. I moaned against the muzzle as Master brought down the crop quicker and harder. He moved around so that he could punish my ass from every angle.

When was finished. He pulled me up and took off the muzzle. I was so grateful to have it off that I fell to my knees in front of him and hugged his legs. He stroked my face as he unzipped his jeans. I began grasping at them, as I pressed my face into his hardening cock. “Please can I suck it, Sir?” I asked.

“Yes, my good girl,” he said and smiled. I took it deep into my mouth and felt it swell. I drew it in and out quickly, hungrily, wanting his cum to bathe the back of my throat. I sucked hard and sneaked a look up at him. He began thrusting deeper and deeper, until I gagged. I took a moment and then took his cock into my mouth once again, licking and smiling inside as I took it deep the way he craves it. He held the back of my head and drove his cock deep inside my mouth. I felt him tense and then flood the back of my throat. I nursed the milk from him and licked his cock clean. I looked up to my owner and Master, grateful to have pleased him.......

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Arco James Furmen: Murrplease write more No pressure
Phantomfurry: Nicejust describe that cumshot a lil more thats what gets me going
max Williams: It was a good story but it was to short
Malacath Kirkorian: Its so descriptive up until the end, then its so short and lacking compared to the rest of the story.
jwolfan: what the fuck? more please? not to be pervy

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