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Soldier D Posted by: Drzdon at 08-26-2014 22:39 PM, Last Modified 09-18-2014 22:39 PM
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I'm wandering through a desert, the moon blazing down on me, burning me. The wind is strong, and cold, and my fingers are numb. The pants I'm wearing are worn, as are my shirt and cloak as it billow out behind me, as if whipping at any and all pursuers. The hole in my chest is wide enough to fit a small child through. Now that I think about it, where is my Heart?

I shake my head, not caring. It was dead and shriveled, hard and black, long before it had been removed from my chest. My mind is gone as well. I try to remember why this happened. . .how this happened. Nothing comes to what's left of my mind. I don't understand. I know I never will. I continue to walk, the wind kicking up sand into my sightless, soulless, desperate eyes. I stumble and fall, and remain on my knees for what feels like hours. I pat my side absently, searching for my gun, the one I had carved the word 'Hope,' into the barrel. I drop my hands to the sand, remembering that my Hope is lost, along with my Heart. . .and my mind.

Why can't I remember anything? Am I alive? No, I can't be. I'm blind, Heartless, Hopeless. . .I can't be alive. So I'm dead. And yet I'm alive. I can feel it in my movements, in the way the world shifts around me. I'm old. So old. The skin is tight against my numb fingers, tight against my face when I frown. I'm not a zombie, my mind is still coherent, what little is left at least. I shove myself to my feet and continue on, Heartless and Hopeless. . .walking nowhere, escaping from. . .something I can't remember.

I keep walking, losing myself more and more as these cold winds beat against me, as the moon burns hotter than the high noon sun. I'm losing myself. . .and I smile up to the sky, because I know I'll be gone before I ever remember. I'll be gone. And the longer I Soldier on. . .the sooner I'll be gone. So that I won't have to remember. So that I can forget. I'll Soldier on. . .until I can forget to remember. . .

Until I can remember to forget.......

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