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(Untitled) Posted by: Hiero at 06-13-2014 02:20 AM, Last Modified 06-19-2014 13:32 PM
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Part 1: "No Mercy, Mercenary"

The wind blew through the trees, rustling the grass along side the dirt path, bending the grass to its will as well as the trees, causing them to rustled soft in the breeze. a lone figure walked along the path way, shrouded in a black traveling cloak, obscuring all of his features except for two lilac colored iris' looking ahead. the moonlight shone brightly upon the path as he followed it, soft thuds of heavy boots meeting hardened and flatten earth. "soon...soon....i will be home." he repeated over and over mentally to himself as he reached into a clawed paw into his cloak, pulling out a small circular pendent that hung around his neck on a simple string necklace. it was a mere silver carved pendent, hollowed out and placed within a picture of his loving life-mate, smiling back at him for a few seconds before he softly closed it once more. "soon....i will be home...home with the ones who matter most in my life." was all he could manage to think to himself, tired from the traveling life of a mercenary.

but soon his spirits perked up, his feet ached even more, as the sight of his home loomed before him. the tall structure, made of cobblestone brick and wood, usually a sight that spurred happiness within him, telling him that he has done good and provides for his family. he couldn't help but think about getting into the spacious tub, surrounded by hot water, relaxing while his wife sponged him down. but something was amiss. it just seemed odd as he got closer and closer to his home. the sight of his darkened house, the gate was ajar as well as the front door. something wasn't right at all here, his home filled with a sense of dread and gloom as he pushed open the front door even more. "h-hello? Angelina? Jake? Leona? Kids?" he called from the entrance way, grabbing a small oil lamp he kept next to the door within a small cabinet, lighting it before starting his cautious round through the house. the house was completely still, except for a couple of birds cooing up by the ceiling somewhere. now, he knew something was wrong when as he slowed moved through the lower floor, rooms looking like they haven't been cleaned in days, items and belongings were missing as well as the kitchen being ransacked

"what is going on" he said quietly to himself as he ascended the stairs, each step causing a soft thud noise as he walked up the stairs. "where is..." was all he said as he reached the top step, cutting himself short as he noticed something red along the floor. he raised the lamp up, illuminating the way before him before almost dropping the lamp onto the ground. there on the ground, staining the wood was indeed blood. he felt a cold chill run down his spine, his blood turning cold within his veins as he followed the trail which lead to a wooden door further down the hall. he could feel his body going numb as he realized where it was coming from. "no..." was all he uttered as he moved to the door, grabbing the doorknob yet hesitating before opening the door. nothing in the world could prepare him for this, despite all the killing he has done, despite all the bloodshed he has seen, despite the many horrors he has witnessed. nothing.

he shook his head, disbelief showing over his features as he took a step back suddenly, a heavy thud sounding as the door swung out at him, being pushed against heavily by the body of a female feline wearing a maid outfit. blood has been spilling out of her chest, just above her right breast, as well as her slashed throat. but there was more. more terror, more carnage, more than he could stand. further inside of the room, his greatest fears came true. his beautiful wife, his loving and caring life-mate of so many years, lay in the center of the room, blood pooled under her naked form as well as a puddle of white that had formed under neath her head and muzzle as well as her lower body. the evidence spoke as to what happened to her, leading him to believe his wife was given a fate worse than death itself before she she met her end at the hands of their assailants. he looked down at his deceased wife, her wife white fur shining in the moonlight as well as the light from his lamp. her lifeless eyes, wide in fear as her maw hung agape in the puddle of red and white. he shook his head slowly as a clawed paw covered his maw, soft sniffles were being muffled as tears formed in the corner of his eyes. but he noticed something, rather someone, was missing. he quickly looked around the room, a small slither of hope, hoping that the rest of his fears came true but alas, he was wrong.

on the other side of the room, on the other side of a bed covered in white blankets, now colored red, was the body of his son. lifeless eyes looked up at him as well as the ceiling, maw agape, blood crusted along his lips as it left a dry trail down the side of his maw and head. the brandished sword in his paw told him his son went down fighting as a wolf should, , covered in dry blood. but alas, he suffered the same wounds as the other two. but one was still missing yet he didnt see her anywhere in the room. but there was indeed one place in the room he didn't check as he rounded the room. he slowly approached the bed, swallowing hard as his paw slowly reached for the white cloth upon it. he grasped the white blanket in his paw before giving a mighty tug, averting his eyes as he finally broke down, dropping to his knees next to the bed. there, underneath the blankets, was his young daughter, dried blood leading from the many wounds upon her body, as well as her nether regions. "gawds..no...why..why them..." was all he said before giving a loud howl that shook the chandeliers in his home, being heard by anyone within a couple of miles of the desecrated home before finally succumbing to his grief, letting all his tears out as he knelt inside of the room, the room where his family was killed.

"hey...wake up. its about time for the bar to close up. come on now." something nudge him in the shoulder, his head swimming as his vision slowly came back to him. "hey. come on buddy. we need to get you to a place to stay." the disembodied male voice said as someone lifted him up. "I'll take care of him, Draco." said another disembodied voice, this time it was female. "thanks Sasha. i don't know what i would have done with this guy." the male voice said once more before he could feel himself being carried away from the warmth of the fire and the "safety" of the booze served within wherever he was, and then thrust out into the chill air. he shivered softly as he was carried still, where he didnt know since his vision was still blurry from the booze in his system. all he knew was that he was being carried by a strong female. the journey lasted a little bit, no more then maybe 20 mins, before he heard a soft "here we are", as well as jingling keys being put into a lock and turned, followed by a door creaking as it was pushed open. the chill air was quickly replaced with a fiery warmth, wind howling softly before being silenced by the slam of a wooden door. "alright. time to put you down now." the female voice said before placing him down onto what felt like a soft bed of some sort. "there you can spend the night here. but tomorrow, i think we should try getting you some help. the bartender said you've been in that bar for a few days now, doing nothing but drinking. surprised you didn't die from all the booze no less." the voice said, pausing momentarily as he felt something warm yet soft covering him. " i hope you are sober tomorrow so we can get to the bottom of this." the voice said once more before going silence. the sound of soft footsteps upon wood was barely audible as he tried to focus but was slowly falling into a booze-induced sleep. the last thing he saw before the lamp was blown out was the shape of a body, white in color, just before everything went dark. "good night, Hiero." said the voice, closing the door behind her. he was grateful for whoever that was for bringing him here, to rest away from the booze from drowning himself, and his memories. but one thing stuck with him, even now. the words he saw painted on the walls, upon the bedroom wall, over his wife's body. "no Mercy, Mercenary." he pondered these words for as long as his intoxicated mind would allow before suddenly passing out. "No Mercy, Mercenary."

~~More to come soon. I will add and update tags as I add to the story so no, there will not be any yiff for a bit. sry.~~......

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