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Article: Harrassment Problem
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 07-02-2014 22:04 PM
Views: 2976
Just to let people know, For repeated harrassment of members and 2 mods, I am permanently Banning JasperJones, Who has been pretending to be several people, including, Kevin Kalms, horse, Kalms Chaos, ShowOffChaos, Ken ShowMen, LaidToRest4Good, Leon Colors, FadedButNotForgott, EaterOfWorlds, Cream, EaterOfWorldsV2, and Kevin.

He has been using all these accounts to stay under the radar while he pulls his little ploys to cause trouble, and harrass people, but i was able to compare IPs, Device Codes, and GPS data and track it all back to him. I am banning all his Device Codes, IPs, etc.

Ren Drox: I agree entirely with ishbacko
Ishbacko: Oops sorry didnt mean to post that twice
Ishbacko: Why would someone do thisisnt it enough thatmlost of the time were ridiculed shunned or even physically or emotionally harmed by people who have no idea how we think or feel They treat us like were some kind of sick animals that need to be put downwe dont need to be squabbling amongst ourselves we need to stand together furs scaleys and all other species of furries out there as a strong unbreakable unitwe are family that is something that will never change we better damn well start acting like a strong family before society destroys uswe are furries and I am proud if anyone tries to complain about how were morally wrong all you gotta say is kiss my fur covered ass because we cant let society or anyone else tell us what to be we are whatever we make ourselves to bes stand up tight for our causeLong live the furry fandom and long live furries
Ishbacko: Why would someone do thisisnt it enough thatmlost of the time were ridiculed shunned or even physically or emotionally harmed by people who have no idea how we think or feel They treat us like were some kind of sick animals that need to be put downwe dont need to be squabbling amongst ourselves we need to stand together furs scaleys and all other species of furries out there as a strong unbreakable unitwe are family that is something that will never change we better damn well start acting like a strong family before society destroys uswe are furries and I am proud if anyone tries to complain about how were morally wrong all you gotta say is kiss my fur covered ass because we cant let society or anyone else tell us what to be we are whatever we make ourselves to bes stand up tight for our causeLong live the furry fandom and long live furries
Iris: Apparently notnone of my punctuation showed uo i doubt the sad face i just typed will either but if it does yay
Iris: Quick work xander Does that include all puntion issues including the use of almost exclusively only punctuation ie emojis or punctuation in shouts
DarkLion: Its kind of sad that people tend to do this. I mean what kind of individual would stoop so low to actually hoard mates and lead on people with false information about themselfs, but alas, he is not the only one, I assume. With that beeing said, suppose you did a good job, but theres so much more to be done, when it comes to this particular matter. I am sure he is not and was not the only one who did this thing, and there are plenty out there who probably do the same thing. For what reason, I dont know, as I have never seen a reason of making multiple accounts and pretending to be something or someone that you are not, deceiving people for your own amusement, but alas, whatever one sees as fun I suppose.
Joe: Dunno Which Jasper yall corroborated with my Jasper seems a fine mentaly stable happy guy no insults no snide no anger just sad that even though he had multiple accounts he got banned for reasons
DarkXander: apos ' are fixed
DarkXander: test'
DarkXander: test
Nightwolf: Honestly glad to see him gone
Eavisth: Comments
Gypsy: And seriously, why do all the apostrophes disappear once the comment is submitted? O.o
Gypsy: I know. I wasnt intending to be such a pessimist, Im just wary. Just because someone has a title doesnt make them good. Their actions do. This matter being taken seriously and executed does give me hope.
📎 Leon Schäfer: I believe that kind of comment just exacerbates the morale. Ironically,
Gypsy: Not to mention, we cant seem to trust anyone in case theyve got multiple accounts and are playing everyone for fools. Whose to say those in charge arent in on it, or being fooled by the enemies?
📎 Leon Schäfer: The report system has its problem. And Ill tell you my opinion on it. In my experience, its usually a matter of he saidshe said and its impossible to find out whats actually going on unless Ive seen it first hand. Thats why I first ask for a screenshot or a copied quote of it. Not everybody can, or dont know how. And that leaves me with just the option of warning the individual to which the report is filed on. My advice to make the report system work for you take screenshots, report them as its happening, detail what it is in the report if its not obvious, and please tell us what you want done. This is just my opinion. Which doesnt necessarily mean the other mods or admins agree with me.
Driana: True point, people of higher power normally dont really care. But needless to say in my experience.. Theres a few on the Furrtrax staff that care and are very professional in handling it. I am glad to be able to count on them, hope the rest of the members within the site come to find someone on the staff if one or all of them they can turn to.
Gypsy: Well, I cant speak for others, but in my case I didnt say anything because in my experience it does no good. People in power usually dont care. But now that this is actually an issue being addressed, I want to make sure to contribute what I know.
Kimm M. Anon: Dunnoadmins seems scary sometimesbesides I wasnt really aware of all of this
📎 Leon Schäfer: This isnt the place for the topic. But he wasnt unknown. Banned once at least temporarily. The report feature is always there and checked daily, at least by my own habits.
Driana: My question is.. Why didnt anyone come forward back then bringing these problems to the Public Relations Team or even Xander himself?
Kimm M. Anon: Same here frostand thanx xander
Frost-Renamon: I agree with kimm he was a jerka total ignorant and arrogant one at thathe has sent me some pretty insulting messages on my kik and when I tried replying he just went right ahead and blocked me But its cool that hes gone though great work Xander
DarkXander: Gypsy Please send me this
Renzi: Much agreed Leon. Well said.
Kimm M. Anon: He was a jerk
Gypsy: Did his Costin and Cerberus accounts get banned too? I first knew him as Cerberus, and he was mean and insulting, and blocked me on Kik before I could reply. He contacted me recently as Costin and confirmed they are both him. And he proceeded to insult me and block me on Kik before I could reply yet again. I have the proof if its needed..
iFortiTude: See I block people who treat me wrong Like I blocked you Mikki That said I actually think the blocking system here is decent I think that it should be limited to one account per email tho Thats a good idea I have dozens of characters that dont need their own profile but only one fursona only one me
⚜ Mikki ⚜ : Well he still doesnt seem to learn and constantly texts me on kik saying some insults and blocks me right before I can answerI wonder when he notices that this is entertaining to me
Vasuki: well Delta startfire ge has contacted me on kik with all the diferent accounts and on the last one we talked yesterday and ge is fine
📎 Leon Schäfer: Alright guys and gals, possessing multiple accounts is not inherently bad or against the rules. But it can be argued that, the majority of the time, they are used to deceive people. By way of misrepresenting your being someone new to undo some previous friction. Or possessing multiple accounts while each one takes on and keeps mates. The mere fact of having extra accounts is not grounds for being banned or anything, it is, however, a suspicious maneuver. If I had my way, I would ask those who do like to make new personalities to do so without that undue secrecy that inevitably makes this place into a paranoid hostile environment. Anyway.... its nothing new, Second Life, furaffinity, everywhere.
Lovie Shadownight : Where did all my punctuation go
Lovie Shadownight : I would just like to say in response to some previous comments that having multiple accounts is not always a bad thing and it does not always cause trouble I for one am the owner of multiple accounts I made a few different ones when I was still in the begining phases of finding my fursona and I dont think there is anything sting with that Did I make an account for someone else that they chose not to use yes Do I regret and wish I could do away with some of my old accounts of coarse Ive not been on any of the others in a very long time because I am happy with this one but take it from me multiple accounts arent always a bad thingby the way a recent come back to furrtrax email has brought to my attention that I can not access my older accounts is there a reason behind that
Delta Starfire: Trust me I have been. Im just saying I think you should all at least be concerned if he made it or not. I get how you feel, but I dont shut people out just like that.
Vasuki: well Delta Starfox how would you feel if you were harassed and backstabbed multiple times by the same person give me a break
Delta Starfire: I meant to say FEEL IF, not tremor.
Delta Starfire: How would you all tremor you knew a hurricane just went through where he lives?
Fesothe: I dont think you can really stop furs making multiple accounts, however if a furs made a donation with a payment method then you know its a unique account of sorts. Thus I would say program in the ability to let furs only receive messages and notices from furs whove made donations or another method if they so wish. As an example I would suggest looking to Second Lifes payment info on file which can be used to block users visiting your land and would work here by pre filtering requests and friendships, though it stigmatizes those who cant put a payment method but has been used to block griefers with multiple free accounts, so having the option for furs who get a lot of attention and need to filter requests and friendships even for a short random period or longer on their whim is worth it.wiki.secondlife.comwikiLandWithRestrictedAccessRestrictionsusinglandmenuEverybody, except people on your blocked list.Age restricted if you only want messages and friends based on age range.Furs with payment info donation status can only contact you.GroupPack Only this will block access for nonmembers thus anyone a leader alpha adds to their friend list can contact any sub pack member.Friends Only Certain Pre ChosenWhitelisted None Friend Furs.Earn reputation points for talking to none payment furs who are here at least 10 days.Though all this would make befriending complicated, so youll need to find a balance to what youre all willing to put up with vs what you can get via the site.
Winterfang: I agree with renzi though i would tie it to emailsome people share computers thus multiple furs could legit share an ip address
Renzi: Just a thought, isnt there a way you can stop people from making multiple accounts? First off I dont see the point, and second, I think it would cut down on a lot of drama and problems. Maybe like only allow one account to be registered to one IP or one email? In my oppinon a real furry has one fursona that they develop, not 10 that they use to yiff everyone. Jus sayin.
☆♌Antoinette♌☆: Ooh something that I think could help the safety of others, send out a mass PSA of his social accounts so others could beware if that could be done. This isnt the only place he has more than one account on and though catching all of them may not be possible, putting a stop to the ones we know would help out.
☆♌Antoinette♌☆: Ive gotta say its really weird and almost a little scary that hes been using all these accounts... makes me wonder what his intentions were...
☆♌Antoinette♌☆: Wasnt he also Costin and Fane...and, well he had a LOT of accounts that he bothered me on just about all of them.. I cant remember them all.
Lady Bitch: Nicely done Furrtrax Staff!
Artik: Great job!
darkxbunny: Way to mods and Xander
Troublemaker.: Glad to see yalls hard work as a team has been able to crack down on a whip and handled this mess. Peace has been restored.
Ella~: Glad to hear this was resolved, highly appreciate all the hard work the Public Relations Team put out there. Very professional and hard working especially Shadowfox and Leon who were hands on this. An almighty great thanks to you DarkXander.
Deadfall: Well.. he went out with a bang...on my kik at least.
nicholsG1: I dont know one way or the other but I get mixed stories from everyone All I have to say is yall need to cut this fighting and secrets shit out pardon my bluntness
Driana: Great work to all your entire team Especially ShadowFox! Great job Xander!

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