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Article: Lets get some Truth flowing, Someone is spreading false rumors.
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 06-05-2014 09:38 AM
Views: 2863
1. Someone has been spouting that we review all private messages, and read through them, and that your messages are not private at all....
--The truth is that we dont monitor private messaging at all, period, nor is there any log of messages. Once deleted, there gone forever. The posting of messages
relating the the little scheme between dark wolf and darklion was taken out of DrFurrys inbox after i discovered it was him by accident. Had he not made a mistake I might not have caught onto the scheme before the messages could have been deleted. The only other time we open a users inbox is if a harrassment case is openned, and both parties claim the other is guilty, we use it to get to the truth. PMs are not recorded anywhere but in the users inbox directly. I did paste togeather the page a bit to show their back and fourth conversations.

2. Someone is going around saying FurrTrax plug is going to get pulled, or that i was going to pull it, not quite sure honestly where this ones from.....
--Nope, Nada, not happenning. The project is too important to me for me to cast it asside. I built the site to help the community and so it shall continue to do.

3. Continued harrassment of the site by DrFurry aka Dark wolf, aka meh, and DarkLion supposedly because im lying about everything.
--DrFurry has a long standing Vendetta against me, i know pieces of why, but not the most of it, and he is obscessed with ridiculing and ruining the site, and my reputations possibly just because he thinks he can, im at a loss beyond that, and the fact i banned him previously for causing a lot of chat drama. He has made some form of alliance with DarkLion who was a moderator at the time, to work behind my back to accomplish their little goals untill i discovered DrFurrys new account, and the whole plan backfired on them and this whole fiasco started.

I will add more if it comes to light, im honestly so sick of this crap but im done letting those two upset me, im going to try to be the bigger person, and just block them as they re-register, and hope eventually they learn they are letting life pass them by while they keep working on their vendettas against us.....

: Comments
PurpleFox: cat face
PurpleFox: You should take a vacation xander I know you feel like something could run a muck in your absence but honestly i think if you were to just have wifi where ever you go or gave some one a number to text you on in case something in fact did I think it would be okay p
DarkXander: IP Blacklist, we have one. Mac Addresses are 5 seconds to spoof for anyone who can google it. And hes a little smarter then that, he changes everything when he makes new accounts, he doesnt know anything about hacking, he just seems to have a lot of experience being a troll.
Ikaros: You could set up an IP blacklist or for the apps MAC address blacklist harder to fake those than just using TOR or some VPN toget around the IP blockHeh Being a crypto specialist is funny sometimes I totally was for a moment considering collecting all of his previous account data converting everything to two or three word tokens creating a DOT product on them and comparing it to all new user profiles
ColoradoWolf: It seams no matter where you go drama follows But Im coming into this at what seams to be at the end I apologize for my ignorance
Sickle: To be honest fesothe although I partly agree with what you say furry or not a good admitted doesnt her caught up in all the drama ignores personal relationships in and out of RP and judges EVERYONE in the same perspective no matter the consequence they may receive
Siris: takes a lot in these situation to appologize, cudos dark
DarkLion: So after a long rational discussion and conversation with Xander, I have come to conclusion that my actions over the past couple of weeks were wrong. I got carried away with my actions and acted inappropriate, causing not only harm, but also dissrespect. I apologize for my actions, and we have made a agreement together that it wont be discussed any further. Thank you !
Princy Sharjakstae: Id honestly just ignore the rumors because theyre just that Rumors A lot of people do so just to troll another into doing something ridiculous and youre better than that Xander I may not know you personally or at all but you seem like a great guy and very level headed
DarkXander: that discussion was many months ago, someone told me you said we talked about a shutdown recently, that part was a misunderstanding on someone elses part
Þáñdørá ™: Xander why are you yourself Lying You told me that since aliana and her crew started shit you were going to shut the site down Why are you denying this
Fesothe: Maybe hire a none furry admin? someone not immersed in the fandom so theres no chance of drama because they have no side to take in it aka nothing to defend with their heart, just someone to resolve and oversee things so you can take a break? so someone not part of the sociality of the fandom and whos used to dealing with this stuff on bigger forums or web portals, someone professional with credentials of whom for them its just a job but will be done without all of the above troubles? maybe thats something worth donating for? to hire a 0 potential of drama admin whos here just to work and not role play or socialise with others, not saying any of you dont work but you being furry and this being a furry site Im sure theres a heart in there somewhere that has the potential to push some over the edge into drama each and every time a situation plays against what your heart wants to defend.
Siris: Then you need an administrator to do the job and be able to let them do so. I know that sounds counter intuittive given the situation but you cant run yourself into the ground here or youve done nothing for anyone including yourself.
DarkXander: if nothing else just to clear my head and whatnot.
DarkXander: i wish i could take a break from the site, but they would run wild on here if i wasnt watching it
Brace: Ive got faith in u and by extension hope for this site
Joe: Heh K then have fun with that dont see how doc and lion coulda been in cahoots seeing how they hated each other n such Good luck anyways

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