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The encounter ( part 1 ) Posted by: Dark_lion at 04-12-2014 18:45 PM, Last Modified 04-13-2014 06:34 AM
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He shook his head, in disbelief that it happened once again. He threw the phone away, expressing his frustration, and then laid back on the bed, sighing heavily. This constant arguing was taking its tool on him and he couldn’t take more of it, it was reaching his breaking point. He stod up walking over to the closet to picked some cloths out, watching the mirrored lion on the other side, sighing even more. How exactly did it come to this ? Sure, arguing was normal, but arguing every single night over the little things that really didn’t matter, that’s what started bothering him. He needed a change, or this would drag on and on, with time getting to point of no return. Fact is, he himself, knew what to do, but he didn’t want to let her go. He didn’t want to lose her, but he couldn’t stand her. It was a ever so lasting circle that just didn’t want to go away, a hellish nightmare that he himself made. Letting out another sigh, he pulled out a shirt from his closet, slipping in it casually, adding a black pair of jeans. He trotted himself into the bathroom, glancing once again at the broken image of himself in the mirror, before slapping on some cologne. He pocketed the keys of his car and closed the doors of his appartment, having already preset the course of his little trip.

Dancing was always his passion, since he was little. It was somewhat a sanctuary from the constant stress he was receiving. That, and there wasn’t a better feeling in the world, at least in his opinion. There was really nothing better than moving with the rhythm of music, letting it take control of your body and going along the flow. It was indescribable, but something was undeniable, and that he loved every second of it. He knew his destination, but he didn’t know what to do once he got there. But who could deny themselves of beautiful sensation that dancing brought along ? He lost himself in the thoughts about her once again, and then simply shook his head. He had just about enough with the way she was acting, so part of him truly didn’t care what would happen tonight. He just needed the music, and he needed to go to club, and dance away the stress, put himself into the notion and move along with it. He needed to free his mind, if nothing else. He pondered with the thoughts about it as he got himself into his car, driving away towards a well known club.

Getting a VIP access that he had for the club was something he was thankful for. Long story short, he knew the owner, and he had a very good relationship with her. He smirked at the thought of that, pulling his car bit further away from the club itself, closing the doors a bit harder then he wanted. He could already hear the loud beats coming from it, and that finally putted a smile on his face. Waving his tail in the beat itself as he approached the club, he waved lazily at the bouncers who nodded his head at him and let him trough. After all, back when he was careless and a party monster, he use to come here all the time. But with years, his opinion about constant partying changed as he grew up. He still loved partying, but he simply didn’t had time to do anything of that sort. He shook his head with a warm smile, before getting blasted with the music as he entered.

The music was wonderful. It was charming and it seduced him into moving with rhythm from the first moment. Not sure should he let himself go into it, he moved carefully scanning the area with his eyes. A lot of furs were out here tonight, some old faces, and some definetly new. He smirked softly glancing at one of his friends dancing with a luxurious bunny in high heels. Waving a hello to him from all the rave and partying, he scanned with his eyes some more before casually strolling to the bar, sitting down and giving a warm smile to bartender. Five minutes after he turned around to look at furs dancing, sipping on his iced whiskey lazily, scanning with his eyes some more, simply taking it all in. It was overwhelming feeling, a rush he always felt when he got inside the club. He stood up, moving a little bit to the rhythm before meeting one of his old friends in the middle of the dance floor. Pleasantly, he took her paw and pulled her close, on which she seemed not to have any objections with, and moved along with her to the rhythm. He slowly closed his eyes and let the beat take him, dancing along with her, making sure he follows her in every step she made. She was quite a dancer, but what would have been expected from her. After all, she used to be his own dancing partner, and whilst she continued, he quitted. And yet, she was still amazed by the gracefulness of his own movements. It made him feel good knowing that, and with a smile he pulled her closer, feeling her heat and her every movement. He looked deeply in her eyes before he moved some more, enjoying the music and acting like the floor belonged to them. He cared for nothing more but to simply move along with her moves. He felt her tensing up and moving closer to him, and as the song actually slowed down, so did they. He felt her arms around his neck, and it actually felt nice for a change. But as he looked at her with a warm smile, he has gotten some other expectations and emotions from her. She leaned into a kiss as the song reached its peaking point, and he slowly looked sideways denying her of pleasure. He wasn’t here for that, and she should have known that. Watching her withdraw back, he gave her a little smile, but saw nothing in her eyes but hurt and disappointment. But he couldn’t really handle it. He didn’t come here for that, and she was not something he was looking for. After all, friendships were one thing, acting on feelings something completely different. And as it seemed, hers feelings were much more stronger than before. He knew she had a thing for him even back on the dancing lessons they took together, but he never acted out on it. He slowly gave her a one more nervous smile, before walking back to the bar.

Sitting down on the char and ordering yet another whiskey, he sighed. It was going to be yet another long night, but at least his mind was off the damn fight and stress. Well it was, until he started thinking about it again. What could have gone wrong ? Somehow, they drifted apart, they were not doing things together, in fact, they have stoped talking all in together. In fact, every discussion they had would turn into arguing, which led him over the edge every time they would do it He was not sure how calm would he next time be and simply not yell angrily at her. It took every ounce of his strength not to curse her out, but he didn’t have heart to do such. And the fact she always walked out on him every damn time he would try to fix their situation, didn’t help the case at all. He slowly sipped on the whiskey again, and then something caught his attention.

Something or somebody moved, but he caught a glimpse of a tail wiggle. Mainly because he was looking down at the floor, lost in his thought. It made him spin his head around just to look into it deeper, and he found himself face to face to these outstanding hazel eyes. Hearing the greeting didn’t really help him get out of his senses, he was mesmerized by the look of them. His mind going completely blank, he withdrew back, only to knock out a drink that was standing there untouched, and hear bartender curse out. He glanced back at the bartender with really apologetic expression on his face, before spinning his head back to see those hazel eyes once again. Those mesmerizing eyes.

He stopped dead in his tracks. He saw the face, and saw the eyes, tried to recognize the stripes. Greetings for him meant nothing as his mind was pacing a mile a hour, trying to remember who was she. A tigress before him stood, and she was making him fluster. Usually, he would never feel so intimated by the female presence, but there was something in the way she kept herself presented. That tight black dress that was covering her body, mixed with high heels that matched the color of her dress, and her own face that was pure jewel. He gulped hard on the rest of his drink and stood up, giving her a smile. Trying to act as coy as he could, he involved himself into the conversation. Turns out she saw him dancing and she wondered could she have a honor of having a dance with him. But he had to stall it, since his legs were butter on frying pan now. And the pan was only getting hotter and hotter.

After couple of drinks, he felt better. He was so enchanted by her, it felt like a fresh of breath air discussing the simplest things with her. Oh and boy she was smart… he wondered how someone could be given beauty and smartness. A full package, he thought with a smile. There was probably something else to all that, but he did not care. He gave her one of his sweetest smiles, and as the conversation deepened, he felt like he should have taken her out on the dancing floor. He slowly offered his paw, on which she politely declined. He led the way to the dancing floor, simply looking back at her from time to time. She was smiling, and as he slowly turned around to face her, he let the dance overtake his body. He moved along with it, letting the every motion of the music fill his body. He looked deep in hers eyes, and saw nothing else but a challenge. By the end of the night, she would probably devour him. So he felt looking into those hazel eyes. And boy was he charmed by them. As the songs moved on, his confidence kicked back in. He tried to move closer to him, but every time she would be one head step in front of him, moving with such gracefulness he never saw before. He was charmed, and she had him in his paws. He gulped and moved closer to her, only to feel her move away with seductive smile and a flash in her eyes. He felt the need to have her, and as he smirked, his eyes flashes a little bit dangerously. As the song slowed down, he knew he would have her closer. And so he did.

They entwined together and as he moved his paws around her, he felt her tense up. He looked once again in her eyes, and wanted to see her soul. But all he saw was challenge that defied him. A sparkle of flame, maybe even some passion that was tracing along its line of music. He slowly moved towards her closer to feel her warm breath, but she simply pulled back from him. She was playing games with him, and there was nothing he could do but act along. He smiled at her and winked at her, twisting her around and pulling her in his arms. It gave him perfect opportunity to pull her in, hold her down, and do as he wished. And so he did, and as he held her in his arms, holding her so she couldn’t resist, he moved down and gently nuzzled her. And… he felt her push up, wrap her paws around his head and kiss his lips. He was surprised, and he felt his heart beat a little bit faster at this notion. He didn’t expect her to act so bold so fast, but there had to be something behind it. But once her lips touched his lips, he forgot what he was thinking about. He raised her to stand up, but she didn’t let go of the kiss. Instead , he felt her deepen it , and he felt her tongue seek sanctuary in his own mouth. He replied by letting his own tongue linger around hers, and he looked in her eyes and got lost once again. There was just something about those eyes. He felt her pull back, and as he sighed out to catch his breath, he felt her work her way from his jaw line up to his ear. Slowly, torturing him with every kiss she gave him, every tiny lick she pulled, she made her way to his ear and simply whispered something in the sweetest voice he has ever heard. It was melody to his ear, but the melody didn’t last long, and she slowly swayed away from him into the unknown direction. But he smirked, and he knew where she was going, and soon, he was going to get lost in those eyes once again. He glanced once again around himself, then picked himself up and headed in the same direction where the tigress was heading with only one thought in his mind. Those damn hazel eyes

Notes : Part 2 coming out soon. Itll be... a lot better *chuckles* once im done editing it and rewritting it over and over again. Its a sexual rp, but I shall add mysterious for the lack of... sexuality in this part *smiles* Thanks for dropping in !

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Aria Auroralïs: Aww! Romance is in teh air! D

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