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The Wolf Posted by: Renzi at 03-27-2014 12:21 PM, Last Modified 03-27-2014 12:21 PM
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White. So white it hurt her eyes. She reached down and trailed her finger in the canvas. As it melted cold in her warm hand, she wondered why she would dream of snow. Was this a dream? Although she wore nothing more then a cloak of red draped loosely around her body, she felt the warmth of an invisible sun. This was not real, no, she was certain of that, but it was not a dream either. She was most definitely awake. No prints on the ground gave clue as to how she had come here. Looking around, she saw the great shadows of
distance mountains. Blue grey giants peaked in white, and disappearing into the clouds. She idly wondered how high up she was, rather then feeling fear of being lost in a strange place. This place felt safe. The wind lovingly picked up loose strands of hair and danced them around her face. Suddenly, the feeling of being watched made her skin crawl, eyes bore into her, sliding along her frame,
memorizing every inch of her skin, but more. Something was taking in her scent, using the wind to taste her. It felt right, whatever it was.

She should be looking for something. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt the pull. She had forgotten something and now it was calling to her, willing her to remember. She looked around once more, searching for this un-seen force, but found nothing more then miles of rolling hills of snow, no trees or shrub to look behind. The first few steps in the soft white powder marked its untouched innocence,
and the feeling grew stronger, she knew she was headed in the right direction. As she climbed the gradual slope upwards, her blood sang in her veins. The wind left her hair to tease the cloak that trailed behind her, splashing it's contrast of red against the white of the world, she pushed on, cresting the hill. In the distance, her eyes pulled to a figure. Too small to make out what it was, her body disconnected from her
brain, and she took a step towards the looming stranger. Not feeling the shift of snow under her foot made her look where she had stepped. She had placed her foot in someone else's tracks, but it didn't mirror hers. It was larger, much larger, and round, the shape of a paw pad. Claws delicately marked the edge. Once more she looked up to the statuesque figure, trying to will herself to see clearer. Carefully, she followed, step for step in the creature's path. Was this what she felt? Yes. She knew this. This is whom she had been looking for. It was the wolf.

As she drew near, he didn't not flinch, nor move, only his fur that the wind picked through. One would think that she would need to muster bravery to approach a wild creature a tad bit larger then a sofa, but it was the opposite. She had to resist the urge to run to him, to the beacon emitting the feeling of her safety. She willed with all her might that her stride remain even and slow. She approached, his honey yellow eyes never left her greys. He wasn't looking at her. He was looking at her soul. Looking at it like a family heirloom that had been lost for centuries and now it was within grasping distance. All he had to do was reach out and claim it. A life with her and he would never again
know loneliness. He would have someone to share his every moment, his every feeling. Someone to connect to even if it was wrong. Even if every nerve ending he had screamed at him to let her go. Simultaneously she looked into his. She saw their future together. In the vision she was not human. She was a creature of the forest. Running gracefully and free. No limits as to what she did, what she saw. Beautiful landscapes, sunsets, sunrises, the edge of the ocean. She wasn't contained by flesh and bone. She was free. Her spirit ran around her and danced in between the trees and brush. It laughed like a carefree child. It danced like a ballerina. He could give her that. One tiny bite and he could give her everything. Take her away from the place she was. From the pain of everyday life and struggle. One. Tiny. Bite. Was that what she wanted? To let everyone she had ever loved go, to save herself? The question in her eyes wasn't one to be ignored. He saw it, and the moment he did he lowered his large head to stare at the innocence of the collected snowflakes around his feet. She had been the one he was looking for but for her to question it meant it was not true to be. She offered him her arm, wrist up. In that moment she had wanted it, he knew, but she would regret it. Sure she would enjoy the forest with him, but she would always have her past in her mind. He closed his eyes, and so did she. She tilted her head back, ready for it, ready to be taken away from the pain. Ready to be lifted into the bliss his eyes offered her, but he knew she was stronger then that. He knew she did not truly want it.

His lip curled to reveal his razor sharp canines. His large paw swiped at the back of her knees and he took her down. Her eyes snapped open. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to make her his queen. Claim her. Never make her have to live another decided moment. Lovingly, he was supposed to mark her. This wasn't right. As he took her down he grabbed her small wrist in his jaws. The bone snapped like a toothpick. She cried out into the void where they stood. Nobody to hear her except for him, and it tore at his heartless chest more then she would ever know. A loud growl accompanied the next snap that was her shoulder. The pure white of the snow now blossomed crimson with her blood as it dripped from his bites. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, was the mantra that repeated in her mind. His other paw laid on her back and pressed her into the softness of the snow. He tore at her arm until it hung on by a strand. Her screams to much for him, he ended it by wrapped those large teeth around her throat and all he did was twitch until those bright shiny grey hues lost their spark. My what large teeth you have?

He paused a moment to reflect on his loss. Low and deep it started. From the pit of his stomach until his lungs could not expand past his sternum. He howled. To nobody and anybody. It started low and deep and turned into a mournful song. A tear escaped from him, wetting the fur beneath his eyes. As he mauled her, he cried. He tore her muscle and bone that bound her. Ripping towards the spirit that he knew she had, but along with her life her spirit faded.

As he turned from her lifeless carcass, flames began to lick around the red robe that caressed her. Small, at first, but it grew. It grew into a strong, restless flame, like her will to move on, and it would never snuff out. He would always come back to this spot in his own dreams and remember when he almost had it all, but he was a martyr. He put her needs before his own and let her go. She would awaken in her bed and never remember anything besides a fog of snow and a wolf, but past that, she wouldn't remember their connection. Their love. She would move on with her life and never question what she could have had. His fur now wet from his tears, his breath came in pants. Sorrowfully he strode from her presence, with each step his heartless chest grew heavier, but one thing let him move on. A single reason let one paw follow another. Her spirit might have moved on with her body, but her soul was his. It snugged him tight. It filled him. It willed him to move on just as she was. He may not find another, but he had a piece of her. Everywhere he went all he had to do was close his eyes, and stare into the memory of her eyes, and she was his.......

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Kovu: wow that was beautiful

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