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Just recently Moved to New Jersey in February 2021 Posted by: ZimerTheWolFox at 10-12-2021 00:02 AM, Last Modified 10-12-2021 00:02 AM
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As of last year, I unfortunately went through a house fire lost everything and was put on the streets for 4 months in the Texas heat when I was living in Texas with 3 dogs, what I thought were some of my friends and family blatantly stopped talking to me or blocked me once I mentioned I and my dogs need a place to crash till I can get on my feet while waiting for the new home to be put in the same spot where the old one was. I was renting a room from a old ex when the pandemic hit and when he had the house fire. Unfortunately once the new house was put in he outta know where evicted me without a reason and he knew I'm on SSI(not enough for a apartment anywhere) so I couldn't just automatically go and get a new place which put me in the most difficult position of rehoming my dogs who have helped me with my mental state. Thankfully one friend is trying to help me out as best as they can. I don't know exactly how to word anything I just wrote, I ain't looking for any kinda sympathy or condolences of that sort. What happened last year I am still trying to get past with each day I'm hanging out in my room doing art projects or playing on my friends consoles that they allow me to play on. But I am looking for friends at this moment that's if anyone even wants to become my friend ^^......

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