As our gift to you, anyone who replies to this message today, Christmas Day, AND wishes everyone a Merry Christmas will get promoted to supporter, and get all the perks of such. Merry Christmas to all, And to all a Furry Night!!!
CCHusky aka Saber : Merry christmas everyfurr and a hqppy fluffeh New year to all of u aswell Best wishes to u all
NuVinylScratch: Merry Christmas guys and gals 3 Hope you all have a lovely day no matter who you spend it with All the best Vinyl Ps Thanks for the offer but please dont upgrade my membership status Ive done nothing worth that just yet
Foggy: Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone Have a fuzzy new year too
Kurroe: Merry Christmas you guys! Hope everyone had the chance to be with your loved ones! Remember what Christmas is all about!