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/A.D.F. files\ Black dot down Posted by: (A.D.F.) Knives at 02-17-2014 23:15 PM, Last Modified 02-17-2014 23:17 PM
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Maybe knives was corrupt. Maybe this was all just a bad cause. Whatever he did wrong, he never learned. Sometimes in life, you have to make mistakes. He loved the anthropomorphic community hideout called Fort Furrtrax, But he realized that he was also killing himself slowly, inevitably slowly.

"Squad..." Knives said,continuing, "Today we supress the enemy once again..." Knives scratched the back of his head, looking out the helicopter's small window, then focusing his veiw back at his comrades. "We shall live once again..." Knives clenched his hand into a fist raising it in the air, yelling a victory pep talk, each squadmate raising their fist and yelling proudly.

The worn helicopter doors opened, the squad all sprinted off the landed helicopter, defending it until it gradually lifted into the air, and hovered away. "Let us find the-" one of the soldiers was cut off by a loud sniper bullet impacting into his temple, and out the other side. "GET TO COVER!!" knives yelled loudly, although, there was no cover. they all sprinted in different directions, wasting no time to see behind themselves.knives ran through the empty ground, wherever the person was, it was hiding. He sprinted through the empty terrain. He stopped moments later, taking a short break. Knives hear a slight "wooping" noise somewhere.He looked up. A flash of light came from something in the sky... Knives fell onto the soil, red seeping into the ground.

Maybe his life was tge fuel to this deadly fight against the humans, there would be only one species left.Sometimes he felt good about what he made happen. eveloution was the humans' upper strength. Better technology, better strategies, more control of the continents, more wealth and population.

He looked at the black universe he was floating in. His body had no weight, it was being pulled to something. He saw a dark figure then a dark red eye squint open, the same coloured pupil as knives. "why did you disturb me at this hour..." The dark figure said in a large deep voice, continuing, "I am becoming impatient with your progress..." He finished. "Havouk... I am deeply sor-" Knives was cut off by the figure, "There shall be no appologies!"the figure said, clearly stating he was deeply enraged. "either you get the job done... or we both die... all of the antanthropomorphic animals depend on us to defend them." Havouk said, and Knives nodded. "okay...Havouk..."

He awakened in his own pool of blood, now very very black. he looked up at the sky where the black dot in the sky was. nothing was there. He ran on to his objective, sprinting a couple moments. Knives's MK-48 was hitting his back, where it was sstrapped. He stopped at a concrete square in the ground where a medium sized hatch layed closed. Knives opened the hatch, slowly sliding the strapped machine gun to his hand, gently pressing the trigger as he slid down the hatch, closing it. ......

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