So to further expand FurrTrax im interested in hearing from the community about some Feature Requests, big or small, lets see what some people would like to see.
Addittionally, anyone who has any hacking/exploit or security testing experience with web based systems is invited to PM DarkXander to possibly assist in finding any security holes that may still exist.
CCHusky aka Saber : A link to like google maps to find the general area of eachother or like how many miles away from whoevers prodile ur looking at or like on the profile discrption lije the lil bar with the names instead of haveing to go into the profile to c like somethin like that and maybe add a like art gallery or like a photo album gor each account
Mila Silvertail: Maybe allow a search option to find furs around your area
Xile Wolf lV : Just like a book shelf feature why not add a pictureart submission where furs who doodle or sketch can submit their artwork for others to see and comment Im sure a plethora amount of furs including me would love to get a kick out of that
Knives : I say summary spaces and to see further more words when chatting
Joe: Does the block feature work so that when you block a certain person, you do not see them? or see any of their posts? if not, could we have a feature that does that?
TurquoiseOtter: I was wondering is there any way the pm s could be changed so the messages are stacked instead of completely separated More like an email setup so the sent and received are on the same page So that people having more than one convo arent confused as to what they said to who Lol