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Pandemonium Fortress (Dream) Posted by: Slanter Ascended at 02-06-2014 19:55 PM, Last Modified 02-06-2014 19:55 PM
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The sky was dark and the stars shone bright were phasing from view and giving way to a blazingly bright horizon, but the area around me was engulfed in a blackness as if the darkness itself was blocking the light from entering. I was laying on my back and I propped myself up to look around. The sky's color changed to a swirling purple and crimson red and smoke swirled around me and dark beastly shapes began to form. Snarling creatures of pure black stumbled our of the smoke reeking of sulfur and blood. I wretched as the scent and vile images of people being sundered under giant blades and their bodies pulling back together to be cut down again, their blood covering everything. I knew it wasn't real but I was consumed by despair and there was nothing I could do. Then a voice came to me and it was my voice saying, "You're dead. Don't you remember?" I turned and looked behind me to see a castle in the distance bathed in golden radiant light. It was seemingly the only light in what seemed like an endless plain of dead trees and withered and dry grass. "Remember who you served in life. Don't let them take me." I looked down and next to my hand in the dead grass was a dull looking silver long sword. "Remember the sacrifice, I know you remember." My mind quickly flashed though a series of seemingly endless images. I saw myself running, looking dirty and carrying a shotgun. I saw the cross around my neck, the shells in my hand and me desperately trying to get them into the tube. I saw tears in my eyes and experienced a shot of guilt that surged through me like a lightning bolt as the final images passed. I saw a monster standing over the corpse of someone... But I couldn't see who it was, only the realization that it was over. I saw myself on my knees like I was now and I saw a presence behind me, then nothing.... Immediately my mind was filled with the faith I had always carried with me and I knew instinctively what to do. I picked up the unimpressive silver sword in both hands and positioned its tip in front of me and said, "Now they will pay", in a raspy inhuman voice that was not my own. It was as if many people were speaking through my frail body. And I pushed the sword through myself through the right side of my gut and out the left side of my back and I collapsed. I felt my consciousness fade as I watched the blood pool around my crumpled, lifeless body. Suddenly a faint glow enveloped my body and this light expanded pushing back the liquid thick blackness that surrounded me. I saw the blood flow back into my body and armor plates form from the white light around me hovering over me, and I stood up. My body looked as if it had been rotting for a week, frail and bones that my skin barely stuck too. The shards of light were burning hot and began to weld themselves to my decaying flesh forming a protective suit of armor whose design was crystalline in structure and covered every inch of me save for my, feet, paws, and stomach where the sword was still imapled through me. The swirling light dissipated and the the darkness flooded back in around my now imposing form. I opened my eyes and they glowed brightly like blue suns. I must have been at least seven feet tall and gaunt, thin, with beautiful crystal metal welded to my body. I looked around and saw all the creatures standing before me and all around. One leapt forward with a gurgling screech and struck through my stomach with a sharp clawed hand. Up close the beast had dark red skin the color of blood and resembled some sort of human twisted by evil. I thought nothing of this, or the gaping wound that was just inflicted on me. Blood was pouring from the wound and everywhere it touched it burned and sizzled. The flesh that the blood touched was reduced to ash that broke up and floated away in the slight breeze. The monster now reeling and rolling on his back holding the stub of what was once his arm was screaming loudly. I reached up to the hilt of the sword pierced through me and drew it from my body. It felt heavier in my hand steaming and dripping with my pure blood. A quick flick of the sword made a shockwave with a boom like thunder. The shockwave continued flying into the distance, destroying landscape and reducing any creatures in its path into ash and puddles of blood and clouds of red mist. I began walking forward slowly, the puddles of blood I stepped in flowed into me, revitalizing my body and making me feel stronger. They attacked and as they would approach, one by one, inhumanly powerful sword strokes, render their bodies and smashed them into the ground before a blow could be struck. More and more blood had flown into me and I held out my empty left hand and another heavy silver sword appeared in it. I plunged both swords into myself and paused as I felt the blood leaving my body again, and when I swung the blood soaked blades from inside myself the blades created horizontal cross blade of blood and light that exterminated all life one hundred and eighty degrees in front of me. And I felt nothing. In an instant. The sky shown bright with lights as the stars returned to the purple crimson void overhead, but they kept coming closer, I watched with my shining eyes and the stars fell around me. Ear shattering crashes and wind that staggered even my hulking form. When the dust had cleared there were hundreds more. Soldiers that looked like me accept, they glowed with a white light and had a faint aura like wings that extended ten , fifteen, maybe twenty feet wide behind these creatures. They varied is sizes, shining white armors and numbers of winglike auras. The light bathed castle was more like a goldend city now and its gate was right at my back, a shining imposing structure. I turned to stare at it with my burning eyes, but they went dim, and my vision began to fail. my consciousness was fading again and I fell to my knees... The blood wouldn't stop pouring from my body as the shining forms stared upon me silently. I woke up in a field.... It was an overcast day maybe 50 degrees outside. Nothing for as far as I could see except for the tall grass swaying in the wind... I touched my body and immediately felt for my stomach. I grimaced as pain shot through me and I looked at the fresh scars where no fur covered and blood was caked around them... I was alive, and next to me were the dull silver swords... I stood in the field and recognized the field now... I was in the middle of Wisconsin, I was home. (Then I woke up, 100% real dream it seemed so real) Will proofread later hope you enjoy it. - Slants......

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