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Pag Character Sheet Posted by: Naxara at 10-27-2024 13:56 PM, Last Modified 10-27-2024 13:56 PM
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Name: Paq (pronounced like Pa-wk)
Species: Dageth
Sub-Species: Gniboon (Amphibious)
Age: 25 years (Earth)
Sex: Female
Height: 1.63m - 5'5" tall
Weight: 41.4kg - 90lbs 10oz
Skin coloration: Dark Mossy Green with Rose Red. (Eyes match secondary skin color)
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

General History (Brief):

Paq is a member of the Dageth species. The Dageth are a genetically created species hailing from the planet Gindi (Pronounced Jin-Dee) deep in the 3KPC arm of the Milky Way near the Galactic core. The Dageth were created by another, far more ancient, race known to the Dageth as the Progenitors. The Progenitors created the first Dageth, known as the "First Ones", as an experiment with unknown intentions. The Progenitors left the Dageth to grow and evolve on their own leaving behind several trinkets of Progenitor technology to guide them along as their race grew and matured over the centuries. The Dageth hold a strong, almost fanatical, belief that the Progenitors will return and reveal their true intentions for the Dageth's creation. The Progenitors left Gindi some 200,000 years ago. The Dageth are a highly advanced, space fairing, race and went on to developed some of the most advanced star ships known by reverse engineering Progenitor technology. Dageth ships are capable of both FTL (Faster Than Light) and a form of space fold travel (One of the technologies the Progenitors left was an early Gravity Drive) that allows them to travel vast distances in a short amount of time, Dageth have been exploring the far reaches of the Galaxy for decades seeking to find other races the Progenitors may have created among the stars. Dageth are highly reserved yet openly social towards other species.

Gindi is, roughly, 4 times bigger than Earth and has 4 times the gravity. Like earth Gindi is 3/4 water, but possesses only two Massive landmasses that occupy both the eastern and western hemispheres of the planet and connect to both the northern and southern ice caps (poles). Two massive oceans reside between these continents (Named Ejede, eastern, and Atelt, western, respectively) and are know as The Ocean of Ancestors and The Horizon Waters. Both Ejede and Atelt are dotted with large lakes, rivers, and even smaller seas along their coastlines. Gindi is very oxygen rich due to vast forests and jungles all across both continents. Dageth do not believe in disturbing the nature of the planet beyond using only what is needed. Materials used in the construction of their cities is derived, directly, from materials that do not harm the environment. Metals are mined from the multitude of exposed pockets and minerals are mined in the most non-invasive ways possible (I.e no strip mining and use of minimal machinery) leaving them to do most of the work via manual labor. Dageth do enjoy lots of activity and work so this suits them all the better. There are two moons that orbit the planet. The first one is named Oreale (meaning "Little brother) and the second is Uyau (meaning "Big brother"). Both moons are lifeless masses and have been left untouched as both have been deemed forbidden. It is heavily believed the Progenitors built these moons and that the moons are guarding the planet from anyone who intends to harm the Dageth. Dageth space exploration is sporadic and done only buy "civilian" ships and science vessels. There is no real pattern to where and when the Dageth will seek out and explore other planetary systems due to the fact they do not seek out resources nor possible colony worlds to settle upon. Because of this the Dageth do not have many established trade routes with other species thought they will establish one if need arises or it is within the Dageth's best interest to do so.

Most deep space exploration is left up to the Unagi (You-Nah-I) or "wanderers". Unagi are highly regarded among the Dageth as they serve as scouts who venture out into the deepest regions of the galaxy to seek out new species and new worlds upon which to explore. They are often responsible for making first contact with other species they come across. Of course this is done after considerable observation of said species. Unagi train from a very early age to undertake this role and most, if not all, are highly skilled survivors and explorers. The ships the Unagi use are often older ships that have received numerous refits and upgrades. These are normally civilian in nature and are adequately armed and even armored. This habit prevents more modern or sophisticated ships from falling into the hands of enemies. Military ships are forbidden from venturing outside of the Dageth's home system in order to better defend against enemy attack.

Paq seems to be fairly easy going though she can be very aloof at times. Dageth are not known for open displays of emotion due to having a limited capacity to actually display them. Often very quiet she can seem reserved and even, somewhat stand offish though that is far from the truth. Paq will seek out attention and, upon receiving, will return any attention in the like to the best of her understanding or ability. Paq is mostly passive and lazy normally and prefers to relax and chill out rather than work, but she will relentlessly tackle any task so as to complete it ASAP.

Anatomy (Basic):
Paq is a female of the Dageth sub-species known as the Gniboon. Gniboon are an amphibious species and are highly adept swimmers. Gniboon, being reptilian will, very often, wear specially designed body suits that keep their bodies warm and protected. The females give birth to fully developed offspring and do nurse them.

Paq possesses four lungs with her rib cage. The front two lungs are, primarily, used for normal breathing/oxygen intake and are elastic and collagen fibers that are interlaced between the capillaries and the alveolar walls. These lungs contain and dense outer layer of flexible cartilage that helps to protects these lungs from puncture. The front lungs are large capacity and allow for 10 minutes of air when sub-merged underwater. The rear lungs are more like air tanks. These lungs can be filled with oxygen, filtered from the front lungs, and inflated to provide the Gniboon with a short supply of additional oxygen allowing them to remain sub-merged under water for longer periods of time. Up to approximately 10 additional minutes. Paq can remain underwater for up to 20 minutes max before requiring fresh air.

Hands and feet:
Paq has two hands, each with four fingers, and a thumb. Between each of these is webbing that extends from the knuckle to the middle joint of each finger. The webbing is highly elastic and aids the Gniboon in both propelling themselves through the water, and maneuvering as well. Each foot contains five toes with additional webbing between them for the same purposes. Gniboon also possess fully retractable claws. These claws are, each, about 1/4inch long fully extended and can be used to grip onto slick surfaces underwater as well as catching prey.

Paq has a sleek scaling that appears to be leather like in appearance though it is just that her scales are really very small. This aids her while underwater by greatly reducing friction or resistance much like the special suits worn by athletic swimmers. The skin is not very thick, but is still very durable and resistant to damage. Paq is a dark mossy green with little spots of a very dark emerald here and there. Her front side/belly side is a deep rose red color that sort of looks like she was laying in some paint. These colors will lighten around the time she sheds and the new skin will be a much darker shade of her colors for about a month before returning to normal. Paq sheds her skin once every 5 years.

More of a maw really. The lower jaw is actually split into two smaller jaws. These jaws are joined by her skin, a thick, durable membrane, and dense muscles. The upper law is a single piece lined with two rows of small, but very sharp teeth and two larger fangs, about one inch in length that fold into the upper lining. The upper fangs are hollow, though very strong, and connect to two small venom sacks located at the rear of her snout just under her eyes. This venom is very dangerous and can be injected at different doses to either immobilize her prey/enemies or kill them within moments. Both lower jaws also possess two rows of teeth and one fang each. These lower fangs are roughly half the size of the uppers. These lower fangs are solid. Her maw is meant to be able to seize smaller aquatic prey, inject the venom, and prevent any escape.

Thick, powerful, and prehensile. Her tail measures nearly half her total height in it’s length. With it she can swim great distances without having to use hands or feet for anything more than steering herself in the water. On land she can also use it offensively to swat or swipe at her opponents. It has other uses as well such as offering her stability or even just something she can prop herself up on.

Circulatory system:
With 4 lungs, and their added protection occupying Paq’s torso there was little to no room for a centralized heart. Instead Paq’s “Heart” is dived up into 8 separate organs located in her arms, legs, mid section/abdomen, neck and cranium. Each of these organs possesses two chambers and measures only 2 inches long with a ½ diameter and moves blood through their respective area of her anatomy. Each of these small organs beats up to 100 times a minute in unison. The control of the blood falls to a series of strategically places valve located at either end of the of each organ. These valves do not simply open and close, but dilate from 1/100 of and inch to 1/64 to regulate the amount of blood flowing through these small hearts. Paq’s blood is Magnesium based and turns of deep orange color when exposed to oxygen and is a yellowish color while no oxygen is present. The arteries and vessels of her circulatory system are thin, strong, and yet flexible. Depending on the level of exertion she experiences they will expand or contract to allow for higher blood flow to her extremities reducing the level of fatigue and increasing the amount of oxygen her body can store in conjunction with her lungs.

Dageth seek to mate to produce offspring. This does not mean they do not seek pleasure or intimacy as well. Some females are driven by the need to find solace in the embrace of those they love or care about. This is especially true for the Gniboon who live in tight knit clans/tribes. The Gniboon will form strong bonds and choose mates for life. These relationships are monogomis and parteners will not mate again even after the lose of either. This only holds true for the Gniboon, in general, as other Dageth sub-species are not known for taking life mates. Paq is Bi-sexual and can seek either a male or female to mate with.

Paq possesses no ability for comprehensive speech. Gniboon lack the normal vocal cords for speech. Paq is capable of a limited ability for audible mimicry amd cam approximate a very basic means of verbal communication. Most Gniboon communicate through series of clickks, whistles, growls, scent, and body language. They also possess a limited telepathic ability that can be used to commicate with other Dagethi sub-species and even with some Dagethi technology.......

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