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She Made Her Choice Posted by: Deored at 04-01-2023 21:02 PM, Last Modified 08-19-2023 14:53 PM
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She Made Her Choice

Princess Melna of Silvana strode into the throne room, back straight, chin high seeming to possess every bit of confidence she didn't currently feel. The fenner she wore swished against her ankles. The deep red loincloth-like skirt was almost long enough to touch the floor and was held up by a gold chain around her waist. Her matching gint hung down just far enough to cover her breasts but allowed the golden chain that hung from her nipple rings to be seen. Both pieces of clothing were artfully embroidered and studded with emerald and sapphire beads; they had also been her mother's, worn on the same occasion Melna hoped today would be. The chain hanging between her breasts had a ruby in the center with smaller sapphires part way up on either side.

Fighting to keep her tail still and short blue fur from rising in apprehension she walked along the purple carpet eyes straight ahead looking at the base of the throne raised on a dais and the red-brown feet visible there. “That's far enough.” Fifty feet from the throne on of the two guards a step behind her let out. She stopped. Not looking up to meet the gaze of the king she let the moment hang for a five count then lowered herself to her knees. Touching her forehead to the floor paws flat to the carpet. Finally tucking her tail displaying absolute surrender she stated what she had come here to say and his answer could well determine her- and her nation's- future.

“King Tomlin of Aldenea, I have surrendered and requested this audience to end the war between our two nations. Please, your majesty, you must give me a child.”

Chapter 1
Some time earlier

“My father, the fool.” Almost overwhelmed by the urge to throw the newspaper in the fireplace Melna managed to set it on the low table.

“Melna, that's not kind.” Pausing for a sigh. “At this point you're going to have to decide what you are going to do.” Sally, the woman that had raised the princess since her mother died stood across the room holding a pot of tea.

“Yes, I know. I'm just not sure I can.” Walking out to the low balcony she knelt resting her chin and arms on the railing staring out at the wall that had been the boundary of her world for her entire life and listening to the distant gunfire beyond. They would be here soon.

She felt a paw on her back. Melna felt small, like she was watching the funeral procession for her mother again. 'Momma' Sally comforting her then as she did now. “So have you thought about what you will do?”

Standing to face the rotund woman. “Surrender. Its about all I can do. If the news coming out of Aldenea isn't as slanted as ours... King Tomlin sounds like a good man. He's not likely to punish the citizens too badly over following the orders of a greedy chieftain.” She let out a snort, “I don't envy those on the council, though.”

“Your father, he...” Sally trailed off and Melna's ear twitched. The sound of guns was trailing off replaced by one word being shouted gradually echoed by those closer to the villa: Dragon. Turning her attention to the courtyard a short distance bellow the balcony Melna saw a gardener pointing behind where she was standing.

Unable to get a clear view she jumped off the balcony, falling the six feet to the grass bellow and ran out into the yard turning to look in the direction indicated. There was indeed a dragon, quite close. Holding up a paw palm out she could clearly see the both wings on either side and it was heading this direction. This would give her time.

Dropping her arm Melna tapped her front teeth with a blunt claw as Sally- who had taken the more traditional route of the door- joined her. “You're never going to grow up, are you,” she said with a smirk.

Melna blinked at Sally having lost her train of thought. “What? Oh, heh, probably not.” smiling back. “Anyway, I've got an idea that might smooth things over with those approaching. I need orders of ceasefire printed and runners assigned. Then I want a full honor guard dressed and polished as soon as possible. Our friend up there,” Melna pointed to the enormous lizard that had begun a lazy arc above them, “has bought us maybe a day and I intend to use that time well.”


The Villa of the Matriarch came alive with activity. Melna's guards- all female, all highly trained, and all answering directing to General Sally Banchet- began the work of preparing as they would for a visit from the Chieftain. Dress uniforms, swords, shields, and spears all polished to a mirror shine. Maids cleaned every inch of the villa while gardeners clipped grass and trimmed hedges.
Melna stood at her wardrobe looking through her formal wear. Hearing pawsteps she turned. “How are we on time?”

Sally, dressed in her white dress uniform gold badges of rank gleaming in the morning light coming through the window, marched into the room. “They just started shooting again. I'd give them a couple hours at most.” Melna noticed the saber missing from her hip.

With a deep breath she sagged. “I guess we need to wind down 'operation cleanup' then.” Looking down at the clothes hangers in her paws as if she'd forgotten they were there, “and I still need to...”
Sally put a paw on her shoulder to stop her. Reaching in to the wardrobe and removing the outfit Melna had been avoiding. “Your mother would want you to wear this. I know what you intend to do and she was my friend long enough to know she would think it fitting.” Choking down a lump in her throat Melna didn't move, just stared. Setting the clothes down Sally took the hangers from her putting them away and pulled the younger woman into a hug. “Your mother would be proud of what you have become. Not just because of this, the way you treat the staff, how you behave, all of it. She's smiling for you now and she will watch over you in this.”

The tears came and there was nothing to do but to let them. Melna's knees gave out and Sally lowered both of them to the floor. Face buried in Sally's shoulder she cried until there was nothing left to cry. Her mother was gone, her father- no matter her feelings about him- was also gone, and now... She may not see Momma Sally ever again. Twenty-five years Sally had been her rock and it was about to be taken from her, too.

Leaning back Melna looked Sally in the eye, feeling like a pup that had just lost her favorite doll. “Will everything be all right?”

An unwavering gaze stared back. The stern but kind woman said with confidence, “I believe everything will be all right. Get up, let's get you dressed.”

Returning Melna to her feet Sally stepped back. “Go wash your face, I'll get everything ready.”
Coming back from the washroom Melna found Sally had laid out everything she would need. Striping out of her every-day clothes she allowed the older woman to dress her. Holding the fenner in the front while Sally looped the gold chain around her waist above her tail. The cloth had a notch at the rear to allow the tail to pass through. After tying the leather pad covers to Melna's feet Sally stood up and held out the short-sleeved crop top for her to put on. Back length hair was bound into a pony tail with two golden silk bows. “Last but not least.” Sally stepped close to clip the gold chain to her nipple rings. Stepping back with a smile, “You look better in that than your mother.”

Looking down at herself she let out a breath. “Let's hope it doesn't turn into striped coveralls.”

A hurried knock at the door startled Melna. “General, they are approaching the gate.”

“Enter,” Sally called out. “Is everything ready?”

Lieutenant Jesha Contin stepped into the room saluting. “Yes, ma'am. The honor guard is stationed on the path. Site staff positioned along the stairs to the villa entrance.”

“Weapons down, correct, lieutenant?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Letting out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding, Melna replied, “Good, and thank you, Jesha.”

“It's been an honor, princess,” she replied, some emotion pulling at the corners of her eyes.
Melna pulled her childhood friend into a long hug. Letting go she looked between the two soldiers. “Let's get this over with.”

Grabbing two bags and hurrying out of the deserted villa stopping short as she opened the door. Everyone was there. The maids and grounds keepers lined the steps leading to the main entry. On the cobblestone path were the soldiers in their brilliant uniforms swords and spears laying on the ground at their feet. Everyone she cared about was here to see her off. Without turning her head she asked again, “how are we on time?”

In a complicated set of gestures that Melna was irritated she's never learned Sally motioned the gate guard. Looking out the peep hole in the gate she turned and motioned back. “Ten or fifteen minutes.”

“Alright then.” Stepping down the first step she turned to the maid standing there. “Thank you for everything you'vedone until now. Take care of yourself after this and if you need a job reference just send word.”

Smiling back with tears streaking her cheeks, “It's been a pleasure, princess.”

And so it went on down the line thanking all of her staff that had cared for her. Some had been with her from the start, others taking positions more recently. After greeting the last of the guards at the gate Melna stood and waited. And waited.

She was beginning to think the Aldenean military had decided to stop for lunch when a heavy hand struck the iron gate three times. “Open the gate!” General Banchet ordered. With an ominous creek the gate swung wide to reveal a man in dirty combat fatigues holding a rifle at low ready. None of Melna's guard moved. This was the point of no return and any potentially hostile action would only get some of them killed.

Melna suppressed a shiver running down her spine. She could count on two paws how many men she'd encountered in her life. She wasn't afraid of men, she had just been kept from them for so long she wasn't used to them. Finally noticing several more soldiers behind their inopportune guest she straightened. “Greetings,” she looked at the rank insignia on his collar, “captain. We will be offering no resistance.”

Lowering the rifle to let it hang in one paw the soldier also straightened glancing to Sally and back. “Princess Melna, I presume?”

“I am she.”

“I'm captain Colear of the Adenean armed forces. I'm here to take you into custody.”

“I will surrender under certain conditions.” she replied confidence beginning to return.

The captain squinted at her stiffening slightly. “It depends on the terms, ma'am.”

“Of course.” Fully in control of herself again she gave a gentle flick of her tail. Sally slowly pulled out four rolled parchments from a satchel handing them to Melna who in turn held them out to Colear.
“First, these orders of ceasefire be allowed to be sent to any remaining active Silvanen units. Second, I would be granted an audience with king Tomlin.”

Colear took the orders handing them to another soldier behind him. “We'll have to read these before they can be sent. As for an audience with the king, I'm sure that can be easily arranged. You will be taken back to our base of operations where you must be,” the captain glanced down finally seeming to notice Melna's scant clothing, “searched. Then transported to the capital to meet with the king.”

“That is acceptable.”

Colear's stance relaxed and he gave a circular wave of his tail to the squad behind him. One of the others let out a piercing whistle to a carriage waiting farther down the road. Still under the watchful gaze of the Aldenean soldiers Melna turned to Sally giving her one last hug. “Take care of everyone.”
Stepping out of general mode for a moment the older woman pulled her in tight. “You take care of yourself. We will be fine, I look forward to hearing of your success soon.”

With one last squeeze Melna stepped back and turned to the approaching carriage. She gave a snort, it was her father's. “Here to see me off too, daddy?” she said quietly to herself. When it stopped in front of her captain Colear opened the door and held out a paw. Melna handed her bag of clothes to a soldier standing nearby and took the offered paw. Climbing into the carriage she was relieve to see three female Aldenean soldiers would be accompanying her on this ride.

Settling into the plush seat letting her tail fall into the gap at the back she looked out the window at the wall that had been the boundary of her world. It already seemed smaller than it had before. “Looks like that life is over,” she whispered to herself.



Chapter 2

Melna stared out the window of the carriage thankful the guards had not demanded the curtains be drawn. It was all she could do not to press her face to the glass. This was the first time she'd been outside the walls of her compound in more than ten years. Watching the farmland roll by outside she knew she was in for a long ride.

After several hours of open fields dotted with occasional villages the carriage entered the shadow of the mountain range that separated Silvana and Aldenea, they were nearing the end of this journey. Melna had been ready to nod off when they entered the city of Ginad at the base of the mountain. Comforted to see little damage to the buildings.

Her resistance broke down and she did press her face to the glass trying to see ahead of the carriage. She could see the chapel in the center of town, this would likely be the local command center for the Aldenean forces. Dropping her gaze down to the streets seeing the activity up and down the wide sidewalks. She saw a line of Silvanen soldiers in their blue uniforms being led down a side street presumably to a prisoners' stockade by several Aldeneans in their dark green fatigues. Turning her eyes forward again she finally saw it, what she had been dreading. Two rows of tarps covering bodies. She saw a blue sleeved arm hanging out from under one of the tarps.

Leaning back in the seat she stared at the floor.

“It's never a pretty sight.”

Melna almost jumped, none of the black-furred guards had uttered a word the whole trip. Looking up at the woman sitting diagonal from her. The guard was tracking the rows of tarps before turning intense green eyes on Melna. She stared back almost terrified for a long moment before returning her gaze to the floor. “I knew it on an intellectual level-- that wars were like this, but in the villa...” she trailed off for a deep breath. Looking back into those eyes. “Nothing seems real. It's all stories you hear. It's real now, and for what little it's worth, I'm sorry. And I'm going to do everything I can to end it.”

Noticing the other two guards had turned slightly to look at her as well Melna forced herself not to fidget. Staring back for an uncomfortable three or four seconds the guard finally replied, “I believe you and I believe king Tomlin will as well.”


The remaining fifteen minutes of the ride passed in an oddly comfortable silence though Melna didn't want to look outside anymore suddenly missing the safety of the villa's walls.

When the carriage stopped in front of the chapel a soldier ran up to open the door. The guard across from her stepped out first the other two indicating she should follow. Melna stepped out noticing that all three women were incredibly tall, the top of her head barely reaching their shoulders.

Looking up at the chapel from its flat roof hung a green, floral garland that had seen better days reminding her the war had started not long before Founder's Day. Pawsteps to her right brought her gaze back down. She was startled to see captain Colear and the squad that had been at the gate of the villa. Had they walked the whole way?

Chapel door opening with a groan of heavy, mature wood an older brown-furred man in uniform stepped out moving toward the group. He touched his left paw to his right shoulder in salute to the guards around her. Turning to the gray-furred Colear to receive a salute from the captain. “Reporting mission success, Colonel. No casualties.”

“Good to hear. Captain.” The colonel finally seemed to recognize Melna's existence. “I take it you're princess Melna? I'm Colonel Yelts Jenzen.”

“Yes, sir, will we be continuing on to the capital? I need to speak to king Tomlin.”

Colonel Jenzen blinked. “It's too far to make the trip today, and we want to make sure the dragon has left the area. Tomorrow you will be transported to the capital where you can have an audience with his majesty.”

Tomorrow? But she wore... Emotions warring irritatingly she finally let out a breath. “I apologize for the confusion. What is expected of me for the time being?”

“We have room you can use for the night. Tomorrow morning you'll be taken over the mountain to the capital.” Turning abruptly, “Captain, with me.” Saluting Melna's guards again the colonel and the captain marched back into the chapel.

Turning her head slightly to the guard to her left Melna wondered about them. She didn't recognize the rank insignia. To get such deference from the local commander... A throat clearing to her right drew her attention away from her musing.

“Princess, I'll take your things to your room.” A young man held her bag the strap over his shoulder.

“Thank you, corporal.” Taking the chance to look over the squad that had accompanied her on the long journey. They looked tired but still stood with a discipline that would be the envy of even her father's personal guard. Silvana had never stood a chance.

Tearing her gaze away from the impromptu display the three guards formed a triangle around her and lead her into the chapel. Bypassing a section of the large interior cordoned off by curtains, operations command she guessed, she was taken to a small room at the rear of the building. It had been an office by the looks of it but it had no windows. The only furniture were a small bed with a simple table. The young soldier had placed her bag on the foot of the bed before retreating. The lead guard stepped into the room glancing around before kneeling to look under the mattress and bed frame. Turning around once more to examine the ceiling and door before nodding to the other guards posted outside.

After a moment to work up the courage she asked, “Will I have the opportunity to change my clothes after we arrive at the capital tomorrow? Before I meet with king Tomlin?”

“Yes, princess.” came the flat reply from the same guard that had spoken to her in the carriage.

These guards unnerved Melna. The way they stood, it seemed like they could examine every inch of a room without even moving their eyes. If the soldiers outside had been disciplined... these women took it to a whole different level.

Shaking loose the feeling of unease, “Thank, you. I think I'm going to go to bed. Its been a long day and tomorrow sounds much the same.”

“Before we can allow that, princess, you must be searched,” the guard replied monotone.

Melna blinked, she had forgotten. “Yes, I guess I must.”

One guard remained at the door attention fixed on the empty gathering chamber with the second watching the process from the doorway. The last fixed her with a steely gaze

“Arms up.” Melna held her arms straight to out to her sides the guard skipped patting her down, her short fur impossible to conceal anything in. Carefully undoing the buttons of her gint, removing it, and handing it to the guard by the door. The fenner followed leaving Melna naked aside from the chain hanging between her breasts. This was also removed and examined closely by the guards.

After a few minutes the guards seemed satisfied nothing untoward was being smuggled. The clothing was carefully folded and handed back. “We will be outside if you need anything.” If one could march while closing a door this woman managed it-- spine stiff to tail tip, ears up and unmoving.

Door finally shut and alone for the first time in two days Melna sagged. Today was supposed to be the day, now she still has to wait. Setting her formal wear on the bed and opening her bag she realized it had also been searched. It was to be expected. Nothing was missing. Grabbing her brush she began to run it through her shoulder-length hair, careful not to catch her ears. Thus started a long process that began at the head and worked all the way to the tip of her tail. Her almost nightly ritual was comforting though she would have preferred for Sally to be doing it for her right now.

Setting the brush on the table she pulled out a short skirt and thin top she would be sleeping in tonight. She'd packed three sets of clothes not including what she'd worn today. Grabbing another a set to wear in the morning she set those on the table and put the brush back in the bag. She put on her sleep wear and removed the pad covers from her feet.

That was it, there was nothing left to do tonight. She hadn't even brought a book. Getting up to turn out the light then settled back on the bed. Laying on her back she stared up at the dark ceiling. She felt drained. The events of the day were finally catching up to her. All of it leading up to the disappointment of not even being able to see king Tomlin.

She rolled onto her side tucking a corner of the blanket against her chest. Tomorrow, tomorrow would be the day. After tomorrow her life could be at peace again.


A firm knock awoke Melna. The room was still quite dark owing to the lack of windows. Momentarily confused about her surroundings she sat up on the bed. The previous day resolved itself in her memory. “Enter,” she called.

The guard Melna had mentally named 'Gina the Giant' opened the door. “Princess, we will be leaving soon.”

“Thank you. I will be ready in a few minutes.” Melna turned on the light as the door was pulled shut. Taking the brush from her bag again she pulled it through her hair. It wouldn't do to meet the king with bed head. With that finished she took out a maroon fenner and gint. These were much more simple than the formal set she'd worn the previous day but would be better for riding in. Putting away her brush and sleep wear she gave herself a shake then knocked on the back of the door.

Stepping back as the door opened the guard strode in giving the room another cursory glance before dropping her gaze to the smaller woman holding her bag. Nodding the guard moved behind her and Melna walked through the door. All three guards took positions around her and she was led back out the front of the building.

The morning sun lighting the mountain side gave a spectacular sight. The walls were almost sheer and appeared to touch he sky. Turning her head she could see the wide path cut diagonally along the mountain side and up out of sight.

Turning her gaze back down she saw the carriage remained where it had been parked the previous evening, colonel Jenzen and captain Colear standing beside it. The two bolne pulling it had been changed. These large lizards a dark red compared to the light green of the pair yesterday.

“Princess, I will take your bag.” Melna turned to the young soldier, loosing the strap from her shoulder.

“Thank you.” she released her belongings to the young man and he retreated to the rear of the carriage.

As the group approached Colear opened the carriage door the two silent guards entered first. Before Melna could enter colonel Jenzen spoke up. “Princess, you're going to want this before you ride up the mountain, it can get quite cold up there.” He held out a gray long-coat that had been draped over this arm. Slipping her arms in the sleeves he let it settle on her shoulders.

“Thank you, colonel. It seems I wasn't as prepared for the journey as I thought.”

Fixing her with an expression Melna couldn't quite read, Jenzen said, “we look forward to hearing good news from the capital soon.”

Looking away and into the carriage she replied, “I hope I can live up to those expectations, colonel.” Taking Colear's offered paw she stepped into the carriage with 'Gina' following behind.


The ride up the mountain pass was amazing. Watching everything begin to fall away below her, it really put into perspective the paw-print of land she'd lived most of her life. At the final turn at the top of the path they came to a good sized village. Situated in something of a valley between two high peaks nestled the trading town of Bemorn. This town had been the start of the issues between Silvana and Aldenea. First created by bandits many centuries ago it had grown into a profitable trading hub between the two nations, independent from both and taxed by neither.

Her father had wanted to control Bemorn. After having taken the village easily avarice had overcome him and Silvana's armies officially invaded Aldenea. It had been less than half a year to finally end up at this point.

Civilians moved about the small buildings going about their daily business. She even saw Aldenean soldiers at vendors. This war may have been even more profitable for the town than the regular travelers.

Nearing the far side of the valley the carriage pulled off the main road through the town. Melna's view was blocked by the mountain side for several minutes until the driver called a halt. The opposite door was opened and two of her guards exited followed by Melna and 'Gina.' The view was incredible. The mountain shadow covered the land bellow half way to the horizon. From the base of the mountain to as far out as she could see was green forest. From this height she could barely tell they were trees. To her either side she could see the mountain range curved almost imperceptibly inward like a curved wall.

The guards around her stood as patient as statues while the princess stared at the natural wonder before her. As the magic of the moment began to wear off Melna found herself quite grateful for the coat given to her. Pulling the neckline tighter shut against the frigid wind blowing up the mountain walls she turned back to her guards and noted soldiers unloading several pieces of luggage from the carriage.

“Princess, if you would follow me.” This brought her attention to a lieutenant standing near the bolne. She nodded and began to walk in his direction. Allowing herself a moment of indulgence to rub the noses of the large creatures. One huffed into her paw and the other nuzzled against her shoulder.

She looked up at the driver still perched atop the carriage. “Tell colonel Jenzen thanks for the coat.” This earned her a smile and nod. 'Gina' cleared her throat behind Melna causing her to stiffen. Turning back to the soldier, “Apologies, lieutenant.” He nodded and returned to leading them.

Walking along a path that lead around a small building a strange piece of construction caught her attention. It was like half a bridge but curved downward slightly at the end hanging in mid air. Walking further revealed the reason for the weird bridge and it was the most fantastic piece of machinery Melna had ever seen. “Is that a glider?” she asked, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

“Yes, ma'am. We'll be taking you to the capital in this. It will be a trip of a few hours rather than days.” the soldier replied casually.

Their luggage was already being loaded into the glider, a soldier in coveralls was carrying a notepad while he walked around the machine. Judging by the number of windows the light-brown aircraft could carry about twenty people with additional cargo. It was a big rounded box and the wings were large enough to use as a dance floor. The tail was an inverted V shaped and the whole thing stood on three wheels.

As she was lead around the aircraft she could overhear the man in the coveralls speaking with another soldier. “RADAR shows the dragon tracked off-screen to the south east twelve hours ago. Weather station reports clear skies and low winds. Should be good to go.”

“Thanks, captain. Call sign Sierra One until we land.”

“Roger, I'll inform ground control.”

Lead around the far side of the glider a hatch that became a short set of stairs stood open. The lieutenant entered first followed by 'Gina' with Melna third the rest after. There were sixteen seats total eight on each side of the craft alternating forward and rear facing. The lieutenant had moved to the front of the plane taking the first rear facing seat, 'Gina' had taken a front facing seat diagonal indicating Melna should sit across the narrow aisle facing him. Another of her guards took the seat facing 'Gina' and the last sat behind her. They all pulled straps at the sides of their seat fastening them around their waists, Melna followed suit.

Five more people entered the cabin leaving a gap in the seating between them and Melna's group. As the door closed Melna finally began to process what was about to happen. They were in a big wooden box that was going to hang by air pressure thousands of feet above solid ground. She gripped the arm rests feeling her tail snake around the legs of the chair mounted to the floor. Concentrating on keeping her breathing steady she stared at a button on the lieutenant's shirt.

A voice came over a speaker mounted above them, “This is your pilot. We have been cleared for departure and will be launching momentarily. Flight time should be three hours. That will put us at Alda field a little before twelve.” After a short pause, “We have been given final clearance.”

Melna gripped tighter until she felt a paw on her arm. Looking around she followed the arm on hers across the aisle until she met 'Gina's' green eyes. The guard gave her a nod and a gentle squeeze. Melna's shoulders loosened but she kept her grip on the arm rests. She nodded back and 'Gina' returned her gaze to the fore of the cabin.

She felt the craft begin to move forward, bouncing softly on the wooden planks of the launch bridge. The craft gathered speed until suddenly Melna was treated to the sensation of weightlessness, seeming to freefall ten or twenty feet before the seat again supported her. It was a few minutes before she could again tear away her vision from the button on the shirt in front of her.

“Passengers, we are airborne. Weather stations show no expected delays in flight time. Please sit back and enjoy the flight.”

Murmuring from the passengers at the rear of the craft snapped her out of her trance. She looked into the face to the lieutenant across from her. He looked back with an apologetic smile. “The first time is always the worst.”

“I'm not sure I could ever get used to that.” Melna shook her head then looked out the window. “The view is nice, though.”

He followed her gaze to the dense forests far bellow. “Indeed it is.”

Sitting in silence for a long moment a thought popped in her head. “How is it you can fly gliders at all? Wouldn't the dragons just crash them? I was always told they didn't tolerate flying machines. Lieutenant?”

He chuckled softly. “Kell Merkan, Ma'am. And in general, yes, dragons do not tolerate flying machines. Two things work in our favor, though. One: they don't seems to care if it doesn't have an engine. And two: we can see them coming a long way off. They can't shoot us down, if they aren't here.”

Tilting her head to look at the ceiling, “I heard one of the ground crew saying something about RADAR. Is that what keeps you so informed?”

Merkan blinked. “Yes, ma'am.” He glanced at 'Gina' and back. “It stands for range and distance... uh, atop mountain ranges. Spotters sit at intervals and watch the sky, they can communicate over radio to triangulate the positions of dragons in the sky.”

Melna followed along wide eyed. He was nearly as bad a liar as she was. Melna decided it best not to press the issue, state secrets and all that. They settled into an easy conversation that really didn't have much depth.


The flight was nearing its end. Melna was amazed they'd traveled such a long way in a short time but she could clearly see a big city in the near distance. “This is your pilot, we are about five minutes out from Alda field. After landing please remain seated until informed otherwise by your escorts.” Melna glanced at 'Gina' who remained staring fixedly at the wall in front of her. Melna settled in her seat looking out the window as the ground approached, it was comforting not being so high anymore.

Leaning against the window, Melna watched a wide strip of bare earth getting closer. She surmised this was Alda field. Beyond that she could see what must be the capital of Aldenea. One building stood out in particular. It wasn't the tallest but the wide lawns around it definitely set it apart. A thin spire in the middle topped with a golden sphere. Could that be the palace? It wasn't far from the landing field so it shouldn't be too long of a trip once they were on the ground.

“This is your pilot, we will be landing momentarily, please fasten all seat belts and hold on to anything you may have been using during the flight.” Melna tugged at the belt across her lap. She hadn't removed it during the flight but it never hurt to check.

Sitting straight but still looking out the window she was alarmed at the speed they were approaching the ground. Gripping the arm rests again unable to tear her eyes away she suddenly felt like she was being pressed into her seat. They were flying parallel to the earth below for several seconds before dropping easily. She felt a bump as the wheels hit dirt suddenly slowing the unpowered craft.

“Have have made landfall, please remain seated until the tow vehicle has moved us to the dock.” Merkan and the group in the back began clapping, unsure Melna followed suit with a confused look at the stoic guards across from her.

A truck with a long rod mounted to the back pulled to the front of the glider. Two crewmen got out and connected the vehicles together. The truck began pulling the glider to the buildings beside the landing strip. Melna noticed three other gliders parked under awnings beside the dock all of them looked like they were being disassembled.

Pointing out the window she looked at the lieutenant. “What are they doing?”

Turning to look Merkan replied, “Ah, the gliders need to be returned to their launch platforms. They can't get them up the mountains in one piece to they take them apart.”

She noticed a larger truck that had a section of wing hanging off the back. As they neared the glider dock the reason for this trip caught up to her again. The ride up the mountain, the ride down the mountain, the mountain itself all of it had been so distracting. Why couldn't this visit to Aldenea's capital been made under more pleasant circumstances?

She slumped in her seat when the glider came to a stop. “This is your pilot. We have reached the unloading dock, please follow your escorts.” The door at the back of the aircraft opened letting in a rush of warm air that smelled of pine trees.

Lieutenant Merkan and the three guards unclipped their seat belts and stood, Melna did the same. The group at the rear exited first. Her guards didn't move until they had entered the building beside the dock. A large, black automobile with small flags mounted near the headlights pulled in near the glider, it was only then the guards motioned for Melna to exit. A brown-furred man in a black suit was unloading the rear of the glider as the guards herded the princess to the car.

Lieutenant Merkan opened the rear facing door for the group. “Princess, it was a pleasure talking to you. We hope to hear good news from your meeting with his majesty.”

Melna held her composure but just barely. “Thank you, lieutenant. May we meet again under less,” she turned her gaze to the flying machine behind her, “exciting circumstances.”

That got her an amused smirk. “Until next time, princess.” Merkan saluted the guards beside her and the four of them got into the car. The man that had been loading their luggage climbed into the driver's seat and the silent ride to the palace began.


Melna didn't stare out the window. She's seen so much the last two days she couldn't work up the energy to be curious right now. She spent the whole ride tapping a claw on her front teeth trying to think up what she was going to say when she met the king. Clever words popped in her head to be rejected, manipulation was not an option for her, maybe crying, that could work but she wouldn't be able to fake it. A shadow passing over the car drew her attention and she saw they were passing through a thick overhead door. Several cars similar to this one were parked in marked spaces. The one they were riding in pulled into a space quite away from the others. Two of the guards exited the car and scanned the garage before motioning for Melna to exit as well.

The driver also got out and began unloading their luggage onto a cart a young woman had rolled out when they had entered. She appeared to be a maid with vibrant red fur. She was wearing black tights and a scarlet collared shirt with golden embroidery on the left breast. Her most striking feature being she had the most cheerful blue eyes that Melna had seen in tendays. She gave a quick nod of greeting to the guards before turning her attention to the shorter woman of the group. “Princess Melna, thank you for coming.” Melna suppressed a snort. “We've prepared a room for you to get ready for your audience with his majesty.”

Looking down at herself Melna could see she needed a good brushing at the very least. “Thank you...”

“Jenna Massey, most folks call me Jen.” It was nice to hear a name that didn't start with a rank. “If you all will follow me I'll show you to your rooms.”

Her guards taking up their customary positions around her the five of them moved through the halls. White marble walls broken by the occasional portrait or doorway. Thick red carpets muffled the sounds of their steps, the only sound Melna could hear was the quite squeak of one of the cart's wheels.

Jen came to a stop in front of a large, dark-colored, wooden door. Extracting a key from a pouch at her waist she opened the door and rolled in the cart. She lead them into a ample sized sitting room. “Here's your rooms, when the court is ready for you they will send a runner. There is a restroom and shower through that door,” she pointed toward the back of the room, “ the bedrooms are to the right of that. If you need anything press the button here by the door and one of the maids will come by promptly.” Leaving the cart Jen returned to the doorway. "If that is all I will be on my way.”

Looking up at the three stoic statues around her Melna looked at the floor and back up at the bright woman standing in the doorway. “No, thank you. That will be all for now.”

With a curtsy that Melna thought might be half jest the maid pulled the door closed. Two of the guards took up positions further into the room 'Gina' still standing near her. Looking up at the tall woman she voiced a question that had come to her on the glider flight. “It occurs to me that I have been rude and never asked your names.”

“I am Dennara Robins, to your left is Wilhemina Buntar, and to your right is Yezni Krinchen.” Melna could have sworn they were sisters, all three had the darkest black fur she'd ever seen on a person with features so strikingly similar it was difficult to tell them apart. The one feature that distinguished each of them was their eye colors: Dennara's green, Wilhemina's golden yellow, and Yezni's a piercing blue. All their eyes seemed to glow when surrounded by their dark fur.

Melna bowed to the three guards. “Thank you for accompanying me on this journey, I hope I can make your time worth it.” All three guards turned their heads to look at her, for Wilhemina and Yezni it seemed like the first time they had even acknowledge her existence, and gave a slow nod. Melna swallowed a lump forming in her throat. Looking down at herself, partly to avoid the intense gaze of the three, she noticed her messy fur. “I need a bath and a brush.” she said after a moment.

Dennara, the woman formerly known as Gina the Giant, nodded to Wilhemina who then moved to open the door at the rear of the room. “This way, princess.”

The tall guard led her into an enormous bathing room. There was a cabinet on one wall with a bench in front of it, a smaller door Melna presumed led to the restroom, and three walls entirely covered in ceramic tiles. There was no tub in the room, which disappointed her, as a hot soak would be welcome right now. Wilhemina disrobed by the cabinets, Melna following suit, carefully folding the coat given to her by colonel Jenzen and putting all her clothes in the cabinet.

Melna'd had guards watching over her bathe since she was a child so Wilhemina's presence was not off-putting. What did bother her was not knowing how they were going to bathe without a tub. Her guard stepped into the tiled section of the room moving to turn a couple of knobs that stuck out of the wall. Melna was surprised to see water pouring from a broad spigot high on the wall. Wilhemina turned the two knobs slowly until she seemed satisfied. Looking around the room Melna finally noticed three more sets of knobs and spigots sticking out of the walls at intervals.

Approaching carefully she turned one of the knobs on the wall. The spigot above her dripped a few times before letting out a stream of cold water. Jumping back with a yip she looked at the guard who was facing the wall already soaping herself. Melna remembered the second knob and wondered if possibly that one had hot water. Attacking from the side she turned the second knob about half way. Holding up a paw in the stream she felt the temperature begin rise. With a few more adjustments she felt safe to stand under the stream.

She still would have preferred a bath, but this shower certainly had some things going for it. After fine tuning the temperature she located a bottle of liquid soap and began rubbing it into her fur. Thoroughly sudsed she let the running water flow over her head to tail, tweaking the hot water a touch higher.

Indulging for a bit longer than she probably should have she eventually turned the knobs to cut off the stream of water. Wilhemina had been finished for a few minutes already and was scrubbing a towel over her thick fur. Melna noticed a thick scar on her right forearm and another down the side of her back. Catching sight of a golden gaze in her direction Melna looked away not wanting to pry. She found another towel in the cabinets and began drying herself as well.

Wilhemina was again dressed in her black uniform. With a nod to Melna she exited the bathing room and Dennara entered carrying some familiar red clothes. Setting them on a dry towel on the bench she turned to her. “I had your formal clothes washed while you were in the shower.”

Melna looked down at the fancy clothes neatly folded on the bench, she assumed the palace maids must be magicians to be able to wash and dry them so quickly. Her nipple chain laid carefully on top of the pile of clothes. Returning her attention to Dennara she noticed the guard had changed her uniform. She was now wearing a red coat with many medals pinned to it. She didn't recognize any of their meanings. She had on dark blue trousers with a crimson stripe down each leg and a silver handled rapier hanging at her left hip. This must be their dress uniform every piece of metal was polished to a mirror shine. “Thank you. I'll be done in here in a few minutes."

Dennara nodded in reply closing the door as she exited. Melna finished drying herself putting the wet towel in the basket at the end of the bench like she had seen Wilhemina. She ran a brush through her fur and tying up her hair with the golden bows. Situating the fenner and securing it with the chain around her waist, buttoning the gint, lacing the pad covers to her feet, and finally clipping the chain to her nipple rings. She just now noticed the full length mirror on the wall, it had been fogged over before now. Looking at her reflection she could only see a child playing dress-up.

She was nervous, no she was scared. Everything hinged on newspapers Sally had managed to get and second-hand stories from travelers over the mountain pass between the two nations. If those reports were false she could be in for a world of hurt. And her people, her nation that she just wanted to protect could be even worse off. Sitting on the bench she put her face in her paws. What was she doing? Before today she didn't even know what a shower was.

There was nothing to be done about it now. This decision had been made for her when her father had ordered troops up the mountain path to capture Bemorn. Standing to give herself a shake she grabbed her worn clothes from the cabinet and exited the bathing room. Dennara and Yezni were both in their colorful dress uniforms, Wilhemina still in her black service uniform all three standing at attention at various places in the room. Melna moved to place the clothes in her bag. How much longer would it be? She wanted to get this over with. Sitting on a couch she leaned forward to tap a claw to her teeth back to thinking what specifically she was going to do when she met with the the king.

Time passed slowly in the silent room. She looked around to see if there was anything to take her mind off of, well, everything at the moment. Looking up at the clock on the wall, ten minutes till hour fourteen. A lot had happened in the last eight hours. She closed her eyes and leaned back on the couch only to jump up, short tail fur bushed at the sound of a knock at the door. Dennara opened it slightly and Melna could see a young man outside. “They will be ready for her soon.”

The guard nodded and turned to her, “Princess, please come with us.”

Relieved to be moving again, terrified of what was to come Princess Melna of Silvana exited the room. Following the page down the hall two of her guards following a step behind to either side she finally worked the courage to ask the question she should have at the villa gates. “Dennara, I have a question. Is king Tomlin a good man?”

Melna counted four steps before the reply came. “On my honor as colonel of the palace guard, His Majesty King Tomlin Akenna is a good and fair man. You have nothing to fear from him as long as you remain true to your word.”

“Thank you, colonel.” The page stopped before two exceedingly tall guards in dress uniforms identical the Dennara's. Stationed in front of a pair of ornate double doors, one the guards took a card from the page examining it closely. Nodding to the other guard they grabbed the handles and pulled to reveal the throne room.

“Announcing, Princess Melna Silvana of the nation of Silvana.” a clear voice called from the back of the room. Melna straightened clasping paws behind her back and strode down the purple carpet with a confidence she didn't feel.


Chapter 3

That did NOT come out the way it was supposed to. She was frozen staring into the purple carpet wishing the earth would open up and swallow her. Composure gone the short fur of her tail bushed while her mind raced as she tried to remember the proper phrase that she had been taught to say when this time came. An embarrassed cough to her right snapped her back to reality. Remaining where she had knelt, she waited.

She didn't have to wait long. “Princess Silvana, please stand,” the voice directly ahead stated firmly, though maybe a little choked.

She did so, for the first time laying eyes upon the king of Aldenea. He was handsome. A well defined muzzle bellow yellow eyes displaying an emotion Melna couldn't identify. Reddish-brown fur stained his cheeks and a cream color ran from his chin and down his neck past the collar of his robe. Black hair was combed straight back the simple gold circlet standing out like a beacon. Her heart leapt, there was no ring in his left ear, she might not have to contend with a mate-- or did they do earrings here?

King Tomlin stood from his throne gathering the sleeves of his robe. “I think this is a conversation best had in the conference room. Guards, please escort the princess. I shall join you presently.”

“Princess, please come this way.” Melna turned to look up at Dennara. Did her lip just twitch? Dennara kept her vision locked on a point above her head as she gestured out the door they had entered. Yezni exited first and Melna followed. She wanted to run down the hall back to her room and hide under some bed sheets. Too late now, too late a long time ago. She followed the giantess down a hallway immediately to the right of the throne room door.

Staring at the red-coated back she walked in a daze dreading what was to come. She'd had this feeling once before in her life. Eleven years old, the sequestered princess had grown tired of the bleak walls of her gilded cage. Hatching a brilliant plan of escape she had stashed a rope and a gardening rake to use as a grappling hook like in the comics she'd read. Melna had been caught before her feet left the ground. Sally was most displeased. It hadn't been all for naught, though. Two months later she was allowed to be taken to the Silvanen history museum. That had been fun.

The conference room was dim and cozy-feeling. Dark wood paneling covered the walls and the lights were recessed in the ceiling. The room was dominated by a long table surrounded by thick leather chairs. Dennara closed the door behind the trio as Yezni lead her to a seat near the middle of the table. Seating herself in the plush chair she turned her head at the sound of the door opening again. In strode the king accompanied by two absolute mountains in dress uniforms. Dennara and Yezni stood at a stiff attention to either side of Melna bowing deeply when the king took his seat.

Setting some papers on the table in front of himself king Tomlin looked her in the eye before letting out a breath. “I often have women asking to have my children but I think that's been the most bold declaration so far.”

Melna's looked down at the table ears hot. “Your majesty, I beg forgiveness for that display. The last few days have been hectic and I did not phrase my request properly.” She looked back up at an honest face with an easy smile.

Leaning back the king tilted his head. “All is forgiven, through I think you shall be in the news headlines for some time.” He pursed his lips and glanced at Dennara. Looking back at the princess he asked, “All things considered, would you like to postpone this meeting until tomorrow so that you can get some rest?”

“No!” The word was out before Melna realized the meaning of the question. Melna found herself clutching tightly to the edge of the table. A sound behind the king drew her attention. She saw the guards had moved their paws to sidearms in holsters. She took a deep breath. “Apologies. No, your majesty, I've waited long enough. This is a conversation I need to have now.” Before I lose my nerve, she didn't say out loud.

The king nodded. “Alight then. Now I must ask: what was the proper phrase?”

Looking into his eyes-- they were golden in this light-- she finally said the words that had been recited to her many times throughout her life. “My lord, it is my wish to bestow upon you the title of Chieftain of all Silvana. For you to succeed in this you must give me a child."

The words seemed to hang in the air like a morning fog. King Tomlin's face sobered. Melna kept her face steady internally praying she would not be rejected outright.

He took a deep breath. “Before I decide on anything I think I'm going to have to hear an explanation.”

This was a step in the right direction, a small step. She mentally gathered herself placing her paws flat on the tabletop and sitting straight. She'd heard this story so many times she could likely recite it in her sleep. “As you know, females choose their mates by scent. At the beginning of the tribe of Silvana many millennia ago the tribe's chieftain, Grelbar who first settled the land, declared that his eldest daughter could be the only one capable of choosing a worthy successor. And so it continued: the first daughter of the ruling chieftain chooses her mate and he will be the next chieftain. No mater the lineage the first princess always bares the surname Silvana in recognition of this.”

She stopped for a breath before continuing. “Many generations later a mate was chosen, Delban. He could sire no children, and history derisively calls Delban 'the impotent.' This lead to the what became known as 'The Age of Wars.' With no daughter to choose the next chieftain there were two generation of factious bloodshed. When finally one man rose to power the council of elders demanded the law of succession be amended. Now the first princess must present herself, pregnant, to the council before any man may become chieftain.”

Her shoulders sagged a little and dropped her gaze to a strange device in the center of the table. With a sigh she looked back into the rapt face of the king. “And that is where we are now. With my father, Chazuk Lefinda, dead I need to choose a mate and for him to sire my offspring.”

King Tomlin blinked. “That's quite a tradition you have,” He rubbed the side of his muzzle. “But that leads me to my next question.” Tomlin looked into her eyes with an intensity that made Melna want to curl into a ball under the table. “Why can't you assume power, be the next chiefess?”

She couldn't look away, he needed to know she was being sincere. “The short answer is: civil war. I have limited statutory authority and the council of elders would oppose it to the death. While I do have those that would support me in such an act, namely the garrison at the Villa of the Matriarch, the majority of Silvana's military are honor bound to obey only the chieftain. If I attempted to upend millennia-old tradition in such a way, especially now, the reaction could only be violent; another Age of Wars.”

King Tomlin cocked his head. “You sent those ceasefire orders, how could you do that with your limited authority?”

Melna pressed her lips to a thin line and flared her nostrils. “The chieftain is dead and the princess calls for a ceasefire? They're going to stand down because there is a remote possibility any male in the nation may be selected as the next leader of Silvana. My garrison should be spreading word that I'm looking for a mate as we speak. If I'm not seen in Silvana or declare an intended soon, the people are going to start getting antsy. I really don't want that.”

Chin in paw king Tomlin stared back with a serious expression. “Why me?”

This was it. She would plead her case then it would be out of her paws, everything would rest on his decision. “Because you are the king of Aldenea. As chieftain you will have the unquestioning loyalty of all of the military. You can dissolve the council of elders, and Aldenea can absorb Silvana ending the tradition that has kept me sequestered for my entire life.”

He stared back, wide eyed. “You want to hand your nation over to your enemy?”

Melna shook her head. “You and your citizens are not my enemy. They are the enemy of my father and the council of elders. Momma Sally, I'm sorry, general Banchet says that...” She cut off when he straightened with a look of interest.

“General Sally Banchet?” His eyes darted to Melna's left and up. She turned her head to catch Dennara slowly nodding back at him.

Turning back with a puzzled look she replied, “Yes?”

“You call her 'Momma Sally'?”

She was still confused. “She raised me after my mother passed away. Sally says they were good friends when they were younger. She commanded the garrison at the villa. Is there something I'm missing, your majesty?”

King Tomlin stared off in the distance for some time. “General Sally Banchet is widely known as one of the top fifty military commanders in history. She wrote a book a little over a hundred years ago that is still required reading at South Crossing Military Academy and the battle of Tellara is often the topic of senior projects. She basically disappeared about twenty-five years ago. She's been raising you and commanding a small garrison all this time?”

Melna gave the king a stern look. “Word of warning, your majesty, don't bring up the battle of Tellara around her. She's still upset she couldn't pull that squad out of the bunker.” With a deep breath she continued. “Momma Sally was my mother's friend. After my mother passed my father... Sally says he changed. My mother had been a voice of reason for him but with her gone the council of elders began planting seeds in my father's mind.

“General Banchet opposed the council on many things before my mother died and they wanted rid of her. She also feared for my safety, in that I may have been forced to take a mate that the council chose. In a way to protect us both she convinced my father to assign her as commander of my garrison, paw-picking the soldiers stationed there.”

King Tomlin leaned forward elbows on the table. “Did general Banchet give you the idea to choose me?”

Melna smiled with a slow blink at the king. “Not at all, never even a suggestion. Momma Sally was always adamant that I must choose who I thought would be the best for Silvana. For the reasons I gave earlier I honestly believe that is you.”

King Tomlin leaned back in the chair, tapping a finger to his nose, looking down at the table deep in thought. “This has been an enlightening discussion, princess, and one that I'm going to have to think long and hard over.”

“Your majesty, I never asked, do you have a mate or lover?”

He looked up at her in mild surprise. “As a matter of fact, I do not. Offers have been made, of course, but nothing that I would consider serious. Mostly just plays for political power and status.”

The corners of Melna's mouth turned down. “This offer is serious, your majesty and I'm not looking to power or status. My next estrus is in thirty-six days and I've never been with a man. I beg that you make a decision soon.”

A solemn smirk spread across his lips. “Less than a month to decide if I want to be a dad and expand my kingdom. You drive a hard sell, princess.”

She gave a quiet laugh. “Desperate times and all that. Please, for my people, your majesty.”

“You will have my answer in less than two tendays.” He glanced down at one of the papers he'd brought. “I'd like to have supper with you in two days. For a, hopefully, less serious conversation. Maybe even some small talk.” That got a smile from her.

With a deep breath she asked, “I would be happy to join you, but until I have your answer may I send word that I have declared an intended? You will not be named, these things are kept secret until announced to the council to protect the potential successor. If nothing else it will buy us some time by keeping the people placated.”

After a moment's thought he replied, “Yes, do so. Anything to keep fighting from breaking out. Unfortunately, now I need to get back to other business.” He rose from his seat and Melna followed suit.

“Before you leave, your majesty, may I?” She held out paw a short distance toward him, cognizant of the guards standing behind him.

Another smirk, this one much less solemn. “I suppose its only right.” He reached a paw across the table, she took it gently and leaned down inhaling deeply near his wrist. She felt a razor line rise down her back tail bushing. She'd never done this before to know what was supposed to happen but some animal part of her brain was screaming to hold onto this man. “That bad, huh?”

Standing straight and looking back into the gold eyes it took a moment to calm the waves moving down her spine. “Not at all, your highness, I, umm,” she cleared her throat. “I pray that you take me up on my offer, for the good of all of us.” She belatedly realized she was still holding his paw in hers. Upon release it drew back slowly.

He stared into her eyes as if looking in to her soul with a fascinated expression. He blinked with an almost imperceptible shake of his head. “You will have my answer soon, princess. I bid you good aftermid.” He dipped his head to her and turned to leave the room stopping in the doorway. “Princess, I just wanted to say, that outfit is quite becoming on you.”

Ears hot again her eyes followed him until the door shut behind the guards that trailed after. Giving herself a shake she turned to Dennara. “Back to my room then?” The green-eyed guard nodded turning to lead the way back down the hall.

She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Part of her wanted to twirl every third step. King Tomlin hadn't immediately rejected her, but he also had not immediately accepted her offer. This was a good sign that he was taking her seriously. She wouldn't say she was in love with the king already, not after a half hour conversation and a pleasant hit of pheromones. Melna wasn't naive enough to believe the fairy tales, honest. She would be willing to admit she was quite enamored with the idea of the king.

Swept up in amorous thoughts she didn't notice they had arrived at her room until Dennara opened the door. On entering the room she saw Wilhemina standing while holding a salute. Dennara returned it. “'I Love Lana' again, captain?”

Wilhemina dropped her arm, the picture of military discipline, “No, colonel.”

Melna looked between the two women, there was something there, some inside joke or subtext, but it was lost on her to see it. Dennara continued into the room, Melna and Yezni following. She separated from her two guards to get her bag, she wanted to change her clothes now that the ceremonies were over. It wasn't where she left it on top of the strange, dark fish bowl in the wooden box, she looked around confused.

“Princess, your things have been moved to the bedroom.” Wilhemina stated, moving to open the door.

“Oh, thank you.” These women were still intimidating. Nodding to the guard she stepped into the spacious bedroom. Her bag was on the bed along with a thick, paper box.

She could hear Dennara speaking to Wilhemina and Yezni in the sitting room. Muffled words ending with, “Captain Krinchen, you are dismissed, Captain Buntar to your post.” She heard the door to the hall open and shut. She peeked out of the bedroom and saw Dennara enter a room across from hers, closing the door behind her.

Returning to the mystery box she opened it to find more clothing. Removing the piece on top she unfolded it to find a Silvanen style fenner in a turquoise with small diamond designs. Pulling out more pieces she found it was all familiar styles of clothing but, different. It was like someone had heard about Silvanen women's wear and tried to reproduce it.

They were all lovely in a variety of colors. Maybe after this mess was over she could bring some back, she knew several of her maids that would be delighted. Picking up a nice set in purple she folded them over her arm and walked to the washroom. Setting the new clothes on the bench she caught her reflection in the mirror. She didn't see a child that had gotten into her mother's wardrobe anymore. What stared back was a tired young woman with a spark of hope behind her eyes.

Even with the embarrassing declaration she had made to the king, today had been a good day. She removed her mother's formal wear folding it neatly on the bench she made a trip to the restroom. Stepping out again she noticed she was still wearing the breast chain. Carefully unclipping it she examined it in her palm. She pressed it to her cheek. “Mother, please watch over me, and if you could give the king a nudge in my direction I'd appreciated it.”

Dressing herself she looked again in the mirror. The fenner was a touch shorter, hanging to her ankles six inches above the floor. She hadn't noticed before but the color was a fade, lighter at the top to darker at the bottom where it flared out slightly. The gint hung a little further down her chest and the sleeves reached to her elbows. Yes, she'd be bringing several of these back. Jesha, Milty, and Sandra would love them.

Carefully gathering her clothes and jewelry she stepped out of the washroom. She stopped when she saw Dennara, again in her black uniform, sitting on the couch reading. Looking up from her book she blinked. “So you liked the new clothes?”

Melna gaped for a moment, surprised at how casually she'd asked the question. She felt a bit shy at being put on the spot. “Yes, they're all beautiful. You knew about them? I just found the box in the room when we got back.”

She closed the book on a finger to keep her page. “Wilhemina told me the maids had dropped by with a 'welcome to Aldenea' gift. Looks to me like miss Massey has taken a liking to you.”

Melna's demeanor brightened. “She seemed quite nice.” She remembered the clothes in her arms. “I'm going to put these away.” Dennara nodded with a slight smile and returned to her book.

Returning to her bedroom she found a dresser. Carefully placing her formal clothing in the top drawer she pulled the breast chain out placing it on top, she would wear it to dinner with the king. She put the rest of the clothes away in various drawers. Taking a deep breath and gave herself a little bounce. The waiting game had begun. She was good at waiting. She'd spent most of her life waiting, but now the end was in sight.

Strolling back into the sitting room she plopped her tail in a large armchair and curled her legs under her. She tilted her head to see the book Dennara was reading, the title was small but the author's name was clearly visible: Sally Banchet. Surprised, she asked before thinking, “You have momma's book?” Gritting her teeth at her rudeness but unable to take it back she gave Dennara time to answer.

“Yes, they keep a copy in the library. I read it at the academy, of course, but after your conversation with the king I thought I would read it again.”

“I liked chapter twelve the best.”

Giving Melna a squint she turned to the contents page. “Honor thy enemy.” She read aloud and looked back up.

“It details the treatment of the Tiradellan prisoners,” Melna explained. “Coercion tactics work over the short term but treat the lower ranks with enough respect they tend to be less willing to fight later. Show them they're fighting other inzri, not monsters. Officers and the heavily indoctrinated are a tougher nut to crack, though.”

Dennara set the book down and leaned forward to rest elbows on knees. “You say general Banchet raised you. I'm curious what you learned from her.”

A little surprised at the intense look of curiosity Melna hoped her reply wouldn't be too disappointing. “Momma Sally was... momma Sally. She taught me to brush my teeth, clean my room, to find a female friend before going in heat, and what was expected of me when I reached this point in my life. She didn't like to talk about her time before commanding the villa garrison. I learned more about her military career from that book,” nodding to the copy of 'Called Further' on the table, “than I did from her or the guards.”

Giving the smaller woman a rueful grin, Dennara replied, “She must have cared for you greatly.”

Melna smiled looking into the distance, “Yes, though my mother more so, I think. I get the idea she wanted to retire. Protecting me at the villa was the closest she could get at the time. She did speak of her mate and sons quite a bit, though.”

Dennara leaned back on the couch. “Its always an interesting feeling when you find out someone of renown is an actual person. They had a life outside of what's recorded in the history books.”

“I think momma Sally was as at home in the kitchen as she was on the parade grounds.” Her mood was dulled by the talk. She suddenly wanted to go home and have some fresh baked cookies. Ruminations were averted by a soft knock at the door.

Dennara rose from the couch posture stiffening. “Enter.”

Jenna breezed into the room with a broad smile and two leather bound booklets. “Good aftermid, ladies. I was informed that you haven't had a chance to eat yet today, so we thought we would bump up the schedule on the evening meal.” Melna's stomach suddenly reminded her that food was necessary for life. “Here's some menus you can order from.” Jenna handed to booklets to Dennara looking back to Melna, blue eyes brightening. “Oh, did you like the clothes we brought you? Amber saw you only had a few outfits with you and thought you could use some more while you're here.”

Ears warming from the attention Melna stood up and turned in place once. “Yes, thank you very much.”

“Silvanen fashion was a bit of a fad a few decades ago, a lot of stores still sell such clothes. We thought you'd like something you're familiar with,” She replied cheerfully.

Nodding gratefully to the woman in the red shirt her gaze traveled down just now noticing a roundness in her midsection. “I am quite thankful for your generosity. Everyone has been most hospitable to me ever since I've left home.”

Jenna gave Melna the kind of smile that only a person with great authority can muster. “You are an honored guest in this palace, and we intend to live up to the expectations of such.” Bowing with a flourish and straightening with a mirthful grin. Melna giggled. “Well anyway, ladies, when you decide what you would like to have just give us a buzz.” Nodding to Melna she left the room.

Still holding the menus Dennara watched the maid leave. A smile spread across her stern visage. “You have nothing to worry about here.”

She was again surprised. “How so?”

Handing one of the menus to Melna she sat down again. “She rarely takes such an interest to our foreign visitors.” Melna looked up as she crawled back into the armchair. “If the maid staff had ranks she would be general Massey and be too busy commanding the troops to personally greet the visitors. You can believe that you will be well cared for while you're here.” Dennara finished, cracking open the menu.

Melna looked at the door, here less than a day and had already befriended the head of the maid staff? She shook her head opening her menu as well.


Jenna had delivered the food they had ordered. The food was delicious and when it was gone Melna hadn't been able to decide if she'd prefer a book or a nap. Instead she settled into a long conversation with Dennara, topics ranging from the villa to the military academy. It was nice knowing the stern woman wasn't just a golem in a uniform.

Dennara looked at the clock, Melna looked up as well. It was almost hour twenty-one. Dennara seemed to think for a moment before looking at the princess. “I think I know something you'd enjoy.” She got up and turned a small wheel on the front of the weird fish bowl. Melna almost jumped out of the seat when the glass flashed white for an instant then seemed to settle into a series of monochrome images. Moving photographs!

Melna wondered at the machine while Dennara turned another knob and the box started making the sounds of people talking. It was like she walked in to the middle of a conversation before the glass bubble dimmed again, brightening again with a heart symbol with the words 'I Love Lana' in curly handwriting with music playing. The tall soldier sat down again looking at Melna sitting with mouth open in amazement. “I can try to explain how it all works later. For now think of it like watching a play.”

Looking over an nodding she returned her eyes to the magic of technology. The play revolved around two couples arguing over who had the harder jobs. The women worked as maids in the palace, the men worked at some kind of factory. They finally decided to switch jobs and both pairs failing miserably. Melna was delighted to see Jenna haranguing the men about the time it was taking them to mop all the while the women were lost trying to put small parts into bags while they fly by on an absurdly fast conveyor belt. A lot of it didn't make sense to her simply because she didn't know what 'that' was, but the slapstick humor made up for it. At the end of it everyone came home and promised not to deride the others' jobs again.

“That was funny, is there more?” Melna asked, wide eyed.

“They make a new episode each tenday. There's a different show coming next, though. I think you'll like it too.”

They next watched 'The Billy Joysen Show.' This had a series of acts that reminded Melna of New Years' Harvest celebrations when children were allowed to visit the villa to perform plays for herself, the guards, and maid staff. That thought jolted her back to reality, looking up at the clock; hour twenty-two. “Dennara, I need to write a letter.” She said. She needed to tell Sally that negotiations had started with her 'intended.' Sally could likely deduce who she was talking about but would keep that information to herself.

Dennara stood up to turn off the 'fish bowl,' Melna would have to ask the name of the device later. “There's a small desk in your bedroom. Paper and pens should be there as well as an envelope. Don't seal the envelope, currently any correspondence will need to be inspected before it can be sent. Do you understand?” Back to the stern soldier persona.

“Yes ma'am. I just need to let momma Sally know that I have chosen someone to be my mate. I don't need to go into more details than that.”

Dennara nodded and Melna retreated to her bedroom. Finding the desk in the corner she turned on the lamp and dug through the drawers. Finding paper and a pen she sat back to think how to phrase what she needed to say. Stretching her fingers she began to write.


To the People of Silvana,

I, Princess Melna Silvana, daughter of Princess Serella Silvana by Chieftain Chazuk Lefinda, do hereby declare that I have chosen the man intended as my mate and sire of my children. The identity of this man will be revealed when I, in accordance with the Silvanen Law of Succession, do present myself to the Council of Elders bearing my firstborn. On that day this man shall succeed to the title of Chieftain of all Silvana.

I beg you be assured with the knowledge that I am safe and do hold the people of Silvana in my heart. Please be at peace in these troubling times.

Your servant,

Princess Melna Silvana


It took six tries to write out the letter in formal script with no mistakes. She was frustrated at the number of times she'd referred to the king as her “indented.” Her paw hurt. She delicately folded the paper making sure not to bend on any of the lines of text and slid it into an envelope. She addressed it simply 'General Sally Banchet' not knowing if Sally would have remained at the villa or needed to move elsewhere. Momma Sally would know how to get the word out.

With a deep sigh she stood picking up the envelope by a corner and returned to the sitting room. Dennara again looked up from her book. “Please have the inspectors be careful when they read this, when it gets back to Silvana copies will be made and distributed. If I need to change anything please have them bring it back and tell me. I'd rather not spend a significant amount of time trying to figure out what censors don't want me to say.”

Dennara cocked her head. “Don't like playing thirty questions?”

Shaking her head she replied, “put simply, I'm not a fan of bureaucracy.”

That got a smirk. “That's understandable.”

Melna looked up at the clock, it was twenty-five thirty already. She closed her eyes and sagged. “It's been a very long day. I think I'll take a shower and go to bed.”

“Very good, princess. I'll be staying in the other bedroom for the time being. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask.”

Inhaling deeply, “Dennara, in private please call me Melna. Everyone at the villa did when they thought no one else was around. I never really liked the title.”

Dennara stared mouth working for some time as she regarded the young woman. “Alright, Melna.”

With a tired smiled and a nod she turned for the washroom. Stripping out of the gifted clothing she confidently approached the shower. It wasn't nearly as scary this time. Turning the right knob slightly to begin a the flow of warm water then turning the left to adjust the mix. Slowly she turned up the pressure until she had a comfortable stream flowing down her body. She turned the hot water up just a touch higher she let the stream soak into her dark blue fur.

She took some of the liquid soap and worked it over her body. Her fingers slid over her fur-covered nipples and the gold rings that hung from them. Those piercings had been second only to the time she'd disturbed a wasp nest in terms of most painful experiences but without them she wouldn't have been able to wear her mother's chain. She ran soapy fingers through her long white-blue hair. Maybe she could get a hair cut. Some of her maids at the villa had started wearing a shoulder length cut with part hanging to either side of their faces. It had looked good on them.

Working down her legs and tail she at last stood up and leaned against the wall. Turning the hot water a little higher again she let the warmth flow around her soothing aching muscles. She lingered for a long time still wishing for a bath. Tiredness caught up to her and she shut off the water. Sitting on the bench she dried herself with a clean towel. Completing the process she stepped to the sink. Someone had left a small box with the image of a toothbrush there along with a tube labeled as toothpaste. She brushed her teeth as she had been taught, “a princess should have clean teeth” was something she'd often heard.

Finally done cleaning herself she gathered her clothes and left the washroom in bare fur. Dennara was still on the couch reading. “Good night, Dennara.”

“Good night, Melna,” came her reply. Happy at getting her wish she wandered into the bedroom closing the door behind her.

One last thing to do, she dug the brush out of a dresser drawer she'd put it in earlier and sat on the bed. Long strokes through her fur were almost hypnotizing. Her mind slipped into an almost dream state where she imagined Sally sitting with her singing quietly as she brushed her adopted daughter. I'll see her again someday. Momma Sally wouldn't just let me leave forever. When she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore she set the brush on the bedside table and crawled under the blankets. She curled up with a pillow against her chest wrapping her tail around her so she could hold the tip in her right paw. Sleep was not long in coming.


Chapter 4

Waking the next morning to the sun shining in the window. Snuggled into the soft bed and thick blankets she spent a long time just luxuriating. A noise outside broke the silence of the room. She slipped out of bed and opened the large window. She looked out across a vast green lawn with trees dotted about noticing she was on a second floor. Looking down she saw a guard stationed at ground level below her window, probably to keep her from jumping out. Looking back across the lawn she caught sight of what had awakened her: a squad of palace guards in their red coats with white hats and gloves walking on a path in rigid formation all carrying rifles. The cadence caller in the lead kept them in step as they marched inside a tall iron fence.

Beyond the fence was an occasional man or woman going about daily life. Women jogging by in only a snug breast covering, or men in tight shorts, other people in fancy suits or uniforms. She guessed clothing was viewed similarly here as it was in Silvana.

Leaving the window open for fresh air she grabbed her brush to straighten the bed fur. Satisfied she stepped back out into the sitting room still bare of clothing. Dennara was again (still?) sitting on the couch reading. Looking up she said, “good morning, Melna. Sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.” She took her spot in the armchair again. She looked up at the clock, eight fifteen. She felt like she'd slept later than that.

Dennara motioned to the menus still on low table between the chairs. “If you would like anything to eat we can call on the staff.”

Eggs and sausage did sound good right now. She picked up the menu and flipped to the morning section. There was so many things to choose from, fried sandwiches; egg battered toast with syrup; pan-baked thin cakes with butter, syrup and fruit. Her eyes alighted on something especially tempting, called 'biscuits and sausage gravy.' She'd have to ask if she could get a couple fried eggs as well.

Dennara had her press the button to call the maid, Jenna's shift started later it seemed, and place her order. Sitting back in the armchair she asked Dennara, “is there anything planned for me today? Something I need to do?”

“No, we thought it best to not have you out and about until the... fervor of what happened yesterday has died down. Is there something you need?”

Melna's ears were hot again as she relaxed into the thick cushions. “No. The last few days have been so busy and in the tendays before everyone has been on edge. It will be kind of nice to have a day to relax.” She tapped a claw to her front teeth. “Actually, there is something. The villa had a big library and reading was about the only thing to do.”

Dennara nodded. “When the maid returns with your morning meal you can ask for some books from the library.”

Melna brightened. “Great.”

When the food was delivered she spied Yezni standing guard outside the the door to the room. She'd been slightly embarrassed asking the maid for some fantasy or adventure novels but that just got her a smile and nod. She ate the wonderful food putting the dishes on the tray they had arrived on. She handed them off when the maid returned with a rolling cart of books. There was enough to last her tendays. Thanking the maid she pulled out a copy of 'The Master of the Bracelets' and decided to sit in her room by the open window.

The day passed quietly as she read. The palace guards in formation continued their patrol at regular intervals. Occasionally people would stop by the fence and pose for photographs in front of the palace. She could hear birds that were likely nesting in the trees. It was tranquil here, she could almost forget what was hanging over her head in the near future.

Jenna returned to deliver their midday meals. Melna had been excited to tell her about seeing her on the picture bubble, called a television. Jenna laughed at the memory, saying the actors had been quite affable during their visit to record the episode.

After eating she had returned to her room engrossed in the story she was reading. She was brought back to reality when she could no longer see the words on the page. The febbits had just arrived in Splitdale. Looking out the window she saw the sun had set some time ago. The lawn was lit up brightly, another formation of guards moving past the cadence caller silent this time. Melna stood up to stretch, closing the window, and wandered through the open door of her bedroom back to the sitting room. Dennara had almost finished 'Called Further.' There were several bookmarks hanging off the side of the cart. Marking her place she returned the book to the cart. “Sorry I'm not a more interesting guest,” she said to the guard ruefully.

Dennara looked up a corner of her mouth tugged upwards. “Not at all. Like you said this morning, its nice to have a day to relax. Would you like to have supper soon?”

Melna nodded and sat in the armchair picking up the menu. Choosing a ground meat sandwich topped with leafed vegetables and a large mushroom cap with a side order of grilled vegetables. After supper the two women sat silent, Dennara reading and Melna entranced by the pendulum of the clock on the wall.

She fell asleep in the armchair. Waking up with a shake she looked around confused for a moment. Getting her bearings she stretched. Dennara still sat, reading. Looking up at the clock, twenty-four fifty, she said, “I think I'm going go to bed.”

Dennara looked up and nodded. Melna retreated to the washroom to brush her teeth, skipping a shower tonight and went back to her bedroom. She didn't spend as long brushing out her fur as she had previously before crawling under the sheets. Tomorrow she was going to see the king again, maybe he would give his answer.



The cadence caller woke her again. She opened the window to breathe in the pine scented air. She could get used to living here. Then it hit her, what was going to happen this evening, supper with the king. She held the window sill to calm her breathing. It would be all right, she could get through this. No, he wouldn't be likely to give his answer tonight, he just wanted to get to know the woman that had asked to be bent over and knocked up. Giggling nervously at the vulgarity of the thought she left the window feeling a mild tickle in her lower body. She quickly ran a brush through her fur.

Walking back into the sitting room she found Dennara still reading. 'Called Further' was set closed on the low table and she was deep into 'The Drake, the Sorceress, and the Closet.' Dennara looked up. “Good morning, Melna”

“Good morning, Dennara.” She took a deep breath. “Is there anything I need to do before this evening?”

Setting down the book with a thoughtful expression. “Nothing in particular. The king prefers his private dinners to be somewhat informal.”

Melna thought about that, a meeting the might lead to courtship, might lead to her bedr... she shook her head. She hadn't really considered this dinner much yesterday, now that she was thinking about it he mind was going down paths she'd only really traveled when in estrus. Yes, the king was an attractive man but she hardly knew him. He could be a total jerk. She took another deep breath to try to clear her head. “Thank you, Dennara. I do have lots of nice things to wear, thanks to the maids. I just need to calm down, I think. I just haven't been in this situation before. Adult males were not allowed near me, for obvious reasons.”

Dennara slowly stood up and pulled the much shorter woman into a gentle hug. “As I said before, his majesty is a good man. He's not going to harm you and he will do what he feels is best for both nations.”

Melna was stunned for a moment before leaning into the hug. She suddenly very much wanted introduce Dennara to momma Sally. The guard released her after a short time. “Would you like morning meal?”

“Yes, please.”

After they ate Melna took her book and went back to the window in her bedroom. She needed to occupy her time, supper with the king was scheduled for hour twenty-one and it was only nine thirty. She spent the day reading and trying to force down images of what the king might do with her should he accept.

Stopping for midday meal and finally at nineteen thirty she put the book down. She was going to start getting ready. Returning the book to the cart she went to the washroom to shower. She spent a long time making sure every inch of her was clean. She dried herself then went to brush her teeth; can't meet the king with unpleasant breath. She caught her reflection in the mirror. Did the king think she was attractive? He probably had females followi... nope, she wouldn't let herself get pulled into that train of thought. Still looking in the mirror at herself, her fur poofed all over. She smirked at the absurdity of the image.

Returning to her bedroom she pulled out a few sets of clothes. She considered her mother's formal wear again but opted not. Pulling out the teal set she'd first found she set them aside and began a long process of brushing.

She stood before the mirror in her bedroom, brushed, dressed, hair braided and tied at the end with one of her gold ribbons. She looked as good as she could make herself look. As she moved toward the sitting room a glint on top of the dresser caught her eye: her mother's breast chain. Picking it up she whispered, “mother, please be with me.” Clipping it to her piercings she was happy to see that even though this gint was longer it was still visible hanging between her breasts.

She stepped into the sitting room to see Dennara and Wilhemina both in their dress reds this time wearing wide-topped white caps with a gold emblem in the front and white gloves. She looked at the clock, twenty forty-five, she was cutting it close. “Is it time to go?” she ask.

Dennara nodded. “Yes, princess, please come this way.” Melna fell into line behind the guard with Wilhemina bringing up the rear.

The walked down the hall, past the throne room and the conference room finally ending up at a set of tall double doors. Her guards opened them and ushered her in to a large beautiful room with a long table. She was led to the nearest of two places set across from each other at one end of the table. She settled in to wait.

The wait was short, she heard a door on the other side of the room open. In walked the king followed by his two enormous guards. Melna stood as he approached the table. Looking up his step hitched slightly when she caught his eye. “Good evening, princess. You look quite lovely tonight, that outfit suits you.”

Melna stared back, he was wearing a simple red robe with gold stitching on the hems. His hair and fur looked as if he'd washed as thoroughly as she had, his circlet still perched on his black hair. Her ears were hot again and she looked away feeling shy. “You can thank miss Massey and the maid staff. They had left some gifts for me when I returned from our meeting.”

An instant of surprise crossed his face before he smiled. “I'll have to mention it next time I see miss Massey.” He motioned to the seat beside her. “Please, sit.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” She sat. “Everyone has been very kind since I left the villa. Dennara even showed me how to work the television. I haven't even seen on of those before.” She had to remind herself not to ramble.

Soup bowls were placed in front of the two. She glanced down at the place setting, exactly the same as home. She looked back up and spotted Jenna supervising from the doorway to the kitchen. She smiled at the woman and looked back to the king. He smiled to her. “Jenna Massey is something else. She's started here during my father's reign and worked her way up to the point she's basically running this place. And as I understand its never run smoother. She can make life quite uncomfortable if you upset the maid staff, though.”

“Momma Sally would have me sweeping floors for a tenday if she found out I was unkind to the staff. Once, when I was little, I got a bit too bossy with one of the gardeners. I had to write an apology and was mowing the lawn while the gardener watched from a chair in the shade.” She took up the soup spoon and began her meal.

The king took a sip as well. “General Banchet sounds strict.”

Swallowing another spoonful she looked up. “No more so than I'd think anyone raising children. She always said she wasn't going to raise a brat. I hope she succeeded.”

The king gave her a long look. “I tend to think so.” He scooped more soup. “I think my father felt the same way, though went about it a bit differently. When I was old enough I went to a primary school affiliated with South Crossing Military Academy with strict instructions that I was to be treated like any other student. I didn't attend South Crossing itself but between that school and what my father tried to teach me I like to think I turned out alright.”

The soup finished two red shirted maids took the bowls and returned with a fresh salad with a thin layer of creamy sauce that smelled amazing. “If I may ask, your majesty, how long have you been king?”

He chewed and swallowed a mouthful of the salad before answering. “It's only been ten years since my father passed. He reigned a little more than two hundred years. I think he did a decent job so I've been trying to follow his example.”

“Well, if the newspapers momma Sally could get me are anything to go by you've been doing a good job.”

He looked at her curiously. “You read newspapers from other countries?”

Salad plate empty she set her fork down. “Yes, momma Sally said that Silvanen news was horribly biased and most likely entirely commissioned by the council of elders. I think I got a better idea of what was going on in Silvana with news from Aldenea and Tiradell than I did from our own.”

He smiled again. “General Banchet strikes again. I hope I get to meet her someday.”

The salad plates were removed and the main course was placed before them. It was a piece of grilled meat with a side of vegetables. It smelled delicious. “I think she would like to meet you just as much.”

The night went on, the two speaking of childhoods and and homes. Dessert was a slice of chocolate cake that Melna forced herself to eat slowly. It was so good. After desert hot tea was set out for them as the conversation continued. She was enjoying herself very much. She glanced up at the clock on the wall behind the king surprised to see it was past hour twenty-six. Had they been there that long?

Melna was beginning to feel tired and their conversation was winding down. The king took a last drink of his tea. “Princess, this night has been most enjoyable. Let's do this again in two days.”

She smiled at the king. “That is agreeable, your majesty. I shall see you then.”

She and the king stood from the table, he bowed to her and gave her one last lingering look before turning to leave the ornate dining room. The maids quietly made their way to clear the table. Melna caught the eye of one. “Thank you for your hard work, and tell the chef the food was delicious.”

“Thank you, princess. We will do so.”

Looking around the room one last time she followed Dennara back to her room. It was time for bed.



She spent the next day reading again. Dennara was called away early in the aftermid, Yezni taking her place on the couch. She returned a few hours later revealing nothing abut where she had been, not that Melna would have asked. She went to bed that night excited for another meal with the king.

The next day she woke up much as she had two days ago, amorous thoughts popping into her mind. She ate light for morning and midday meals. This time she picked out a set of clothes in white that almost matched her belly-fur color. It had green and blue beading in nice patterns.

Cleaned and brushed she followed Dennara to the dining room again. The king had arrived first tonight wearing a brown robe with white stitching. The topics of conversation this time centered on books and comics they read as children. They didn't spend as along talking tonight but at the end of the meal the king asked, “shall we do this again tomorrow, princess?” looking almost shy.

She stared back, surprise clearly evident. Tomorrow? “Yes, your majesty, I'd love to.”

On the way back to her rooms she did twirl this time, only twice not every third step. They had supper together every night for the next ten days. She was enjoying her time with the king so much she had almost forgotten the reason she was here. She caught Dennara a time or two with a small smile barely tugging at a corner of her mouth as they'd walk back to her rooms.

Reality swam back into focus midday on the sixteenth day when a page knocked at the door. “His majesty would like to meet the princess in the conference room.”

Now? She hadn't showered, or brushed, or... She felt panic rising until a firm paw was placed on her shoulder. “Melna, you look fine, put some clothes on and we'll go meet the king.” Looking into those soft green eyes, she wondered why she'd ever been afraid of this woman. Nodding she scurried to her bedroom.

She took but a moment to decide to wear her mother's gint and fenner. She sensed this meeting was important and would treat it as such. She dressed and tied her hair with the golden bows. She took a moment to look in the mirror. It looked like she would get her answer.

She turned when she heard a knock on the open bedroom door. “Let's go, princess.” Leaving the rooms-- her guards still in their black uniforms-- all three formed the familiar triangle around her. Jenna caught her eye from a doorway in the hall and gave her a nod. Melna smiled back.

The king was already seated at the table when she entered. She was lead to the seat across from him. Sitting she was afraid to look at his face but when she finally did she was met with the easy smile she had grown used to over the last several days. “I said I would give you my answer in less then two tendays. My answer is, yes, I will, and I would like to continue what we have started as well.” He looked down at some papers in front of him sliding one across the table to her. “This form is an official recognition of consort. It will give you functional citizenship of Aldenea. If we complete your plan of annexing Silvana this will be unnecessary but until then you will be able to cross the border into Aldenea freely.”

She read the document carefully finding nothing undesirable written in it. She picked up a pen and signed it and slid the paper across to the king. He took it setting it on top of the small stack. He let out a breath and looked back up at her. “Now, if I'm to give you a child we should prepare.”

“'A woman's first should not be while she's in heat.'” Melna recited the old adage. Estrus can get intense, and if she didn't know what to expect either of them could get hurt.

He stared into her eyes for a long time. She didn't love him yet, no she hardly knew him. She didn't believe in fairy tales, but... He continued, “I would like to visit your bedroom tonight, if you are willing.”

Tonight? Her heart felt like it stopped, leapt, and started pounding all at the same time. The tickle in her lower body got stronger. Battling to keep her breathing steady she replied, “that would be agreeable, your majesty.” She stared into the golden eyes, what emotions would be in them tonight?

The king stared back mouth working before taking a deep breath. “I have some other business to attend to, princess. I will see you tonight.” He got up slowly and moved to the door, guards following. He stopped at the door as if unwilling to leave and looked back giving her a smile. Then he was gone.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions until a firm paw was again placed on her shoulder. “Princess, please come with us.” She looked up and nodded following her guards back in a blissful haze.

Upon returning to her room she almost immediately disrobed. “Can these be washed before the king comes tonight?” Wilhemina had remained outside with Yezni and Dennara joining her in the room.

“Yes princess.” Dennara pushed the call button by the door while Melna dashed into the washroom. She started a shower. Her mind was racing, she needed to clean, she needed to be clean, she felt an ache inside her. The king would be with her tonight. She realized she was standing under the running water with soap in her paw that hadn't been applied any yet. Three deep breaths to calm her heart. She slowed down enough to clean herself properly. Finishing with the soap she just stood in the water for a long time simply trying to relax.

Shutting off the shower she sat on the bench and dried herself. Still forcing herself to move slowly, the longer this took the less time she would be waiting for the king. Moving the towel over her breasts she found she was still wearing the chain. She stopped. She sat like a statue staring at the ruby in the center. “Mother, I did it. The king will come to me tonight, and on my next estrus he will give me a child. Are you proud of me? Are you still watching over me?” She remained seated for a long time. The moment only broken by a knock at the door. “Enter.” She called out.

To Melna's surprise Jenna entered carrying her formal clothes. The head maid sat next to her. “I just heard, good job.”

Melna looked into those sparkling blue eyes. With a deep breath she looked down again. “Am I the gossip of the maid staff now?” She asked laughing a little.

Putting an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Nothing of the sort. The first rule of the Maids of Palace Alden is discretion. Dennara said you would need some calming down.”

Leaning against Jenna she could feel her heart slowing. “She's right, and this helps. After the fool I made of myself in the throne room I'm a little surprised I wasn't laughed out of the country. Now I might actually have a chance to save my people.”

Giving the young woman a squeeze Jenna replied, “I met you when you first arrived because I wanted to size you up. We were told to expect the Princess of Silvana and your father did not leave a good impression. I was expecting a haughty brat to walk in and start making demands. What got out of the limousine was a scared girl with too much responsibility on her shoulders.” Jenna chuckled quietly. “And while yes, you did walk in with a demand it was a cry of desperation not selfishness. I've watched king Tomlin grow up, he's a good boy that will treat you right. So you treat him right, OK?”

Melna nodded, she felt a lot better. The king would be with her tonight, and it didn't seem so scary anymore. Looking down she again noticed the swell in Jenna's middle. “I hope its not rude but I wanted to ask, are you pregnant?”

She heard a happy sigh from the older woman. “Yes I am, my mate and I decided it was the right time.”

Looking back into her face Melna asked, “what's it like?”

“I'm only two months in so I haven't gotten to the worst parts yet, but honestly it feels like I'm swelling all over. I don't know why but my ankles are already starting to hurt. Some of my clothes don't fit anymore, makes me glad the uniform here is tights. But, a few days ago I felt the baby move for the first time, and way Ben looks at me when I get home from work in the evenings. It makes it worth it for me.”

Melna leaned in and gave Jenna a hug. “I hope soon to be feeling those. The war will finally be over, and maybe the king will let me stay with him after all that.”

Jenna leaned back and gave her a tap on the nose. “Alright, get up, let's get you dried off. We've cleaned your clothes but I want you to lie down for a while, try to take a nap. Then you can get dressed to meet the king.”

Melna did as she was told. Jenna helped her finish drying off and brushed her hair and fur. Guiding her out of the washroom and pointing her to bed. Melna removed the breast chain setting it on the dresser and lay down. Excitement bubbled in her belly at the thought of what was to come but she remained still in the bed till her eyes closed.

She was awakened once again by the cadence caller with the patrol. She stretched, this bed was wonderfully soft. The she remembered what was going to happen. She managed to quash the panic rising in her and looked out the window. The sun was setting, there was still time. Grabbing the brush from the bedside table she began to run it through her fur. The feeling always helped her stay calm. Standing to brush through tail and legs she finally stopped to look in the mirror. Should she braid her hair? That might help to keep it out of the way. Opting for the bows again she tied up her long hair.

Not getting dressed yet she made the bed and went to brush her teeth. Dennara and Yezni were in the sitting room and looked up as she entered. “Good evening, princess.”

“Good evening. Thank you for earlier, talking with Jenna helped quite a bit.”

Dennara nodded. “I thought it would. His majesty will be here at hour twenty-two.”

Melna looked looked at the clock, nineteen fifty-three. She took a deep breath and sighed. Two hours. She went to the washroom to brush her teeth very slowly. Rinsing she looked into the mirror above the sink. She stared into the violet eyes that stared back. She didn't love the king, she didn't believe in fairy tales, but she wanted to love the king. She shook her head, there was a war to stop first. Once the current council of elders was dissolved she could focus on her personal life.

She closed her eyes and focused on the air slowly entering and leaving her lungs. Leaving the sink she went back to the sitting room. Glancing at the clock, twenty zero seven, she wanted to scream. Instead she grabbed her book from the cart and retreated to her room.

Time passed slowly, she divided her time between reading and watching the people stroll past outside. Maybe some of them were going home to mates to do what she would be be doing soon. What time was it? Why didn't she have a clock in her room? The tickle was getting stronger again turning into an ache. She managed two more chapters before deciding her mind was too filled with other thoughts to try to continue.

Getting up she put in the book mark. She wandered into the sitting room to return the book to the cart purposefully not looking at the clock and went to use the restroom. Upon exiting she took a deep breath before looking up at the clock: twenty-one thirty-four. A ripple went down the fur of her back, she began to walk stiffly back to her room when a voice stopped her. “Princess.”

She turned to look into the green eyes of Dennara. “Yes?”

“I just wanted to make you aware of a few security precautions you will be subject to.”

Melna stared back a bit confused and gave her head a shake. “Of course.”

“Captain Krinchen and myself will remain in here and the bedroom door must remain open. There's also a guard posted on the ground level outside your window and his majesty will not be staying the night. Understand this is for the security of his majesty for the time being.”

Melna pondered for a moment. She realized the thought of having an audience should bother her but she'd been surrounded by guards her whole life. The idea of 'privacy' was something of a foreign concept. “I understand, I will do my best make sure any intervention will not be necessary.”

Dennara nodded and Melna returned to her room. It was time to get ready. After giving herself another brushing she dressed. She put on her deep red Silvanen formal attire, and clipped the breast chain back in its place. She looked in the mirror. She was nervous again. What if he was bad? What if SHE was bad? What if it hurt? She shook her head trying to clear the negativity.

She jumped and fur bushed when there was a knock at the door to the hall. She heard the door open and quiet words being shared. After what seemed a painfully long time a voice called out, “princess, are you ready?”

Heart jumping she barely managed to keep an even tone of voice. “Yes, I am.” She stood at the foot of the bed the ache in her lower body had grown into a void that required filling. Please hurry, your majesty, she added silently. She could feel her heart pounding. Soft paw steps could be heard until around the door frame walked the man she had been waiting for. Tonight he wore a black robe with gold and white embroidery on the front and sleeves. He was not wearing his circlet. She bowed slightly as he entered the bedroom. She was trembling. “Good evening, your majesty.”

He approached and as she stood straight he gently touched a fingertip to her muzzle looking her in the eyes with and expression that mirrored what she was feeling. “In here you call me Tomlin.”


See ”Chapter 4 SS” for Sex Scene or continue to skip it


She lay in the bed trembling, she'd never thought it would be like this. Nothing had felt like this before, even when friends helped her when she was in heat. “Not bad for a first timer?” She heard him ask and the fur down her back began to rise.

“What do you mean by that?” she panted through teeth that might soon be clenched.

“Oh gren, that came out wrong. I'm talking about me. You're the first woman I've been to bed with.” She froze. The king had never...?

She turned around to face him. “At the risk of being rude, how old are you?”

“I'm only fifty-six. Father always warned of women offering themselves too easily, thought it better to plan on a future with the person you're attaching yourself to.” He gave a bemused smile before looking away. “My mother passed soon after giving birth to me. I know he loved her greatly, I never saw him with any other women after her.”

She again stared into the golden eyes that were currently gazing intently at the wall above her head. She didn't know of anything to say, the eyes flicked back down to hers. After a moment he said, “I meant what I said earlier today. I do like you, Melna. I would like to continue our relationship after we have everything resolved with Silvana.” She nodded not taking her eyes from his. After a moment he closed his eyes with a frustrated groan. “Now, most unfortunately, I must depart, security will not allow me to spend the night.”

She gave a tired sigh as well, it would have been nice to snuggle up and go to sleep. He slowly rolled out of the bed and leaned down to pick up his robe pulling it on. She slid to the foot of bed to watch him depart. Turning back to her, “I look forward to doing this again soon. Maybe we can get supper delivered here and make an evening of it.”

Melna smiled back at him. “That sounds wonderful.”

Tomlin looked around the room patting himself as if looking for things in pockets he didn't have. He seemed reluctant to leave. His eyes met hers again and he sighed. “I guess I'm going to have to bid you good night.” He bent down touching the side of her face with a paw and leaned in to rub his cheek to hers.

“Good night, Tomlin,” she whispered in his ear. Stood and gave her a smile before heading out the doorway to the bedroom.

She sat for a long time staring after him. Everything was rushing back to her, not the least of which was why she was here. She'd just needed him to give her a child. He could have told her to leave when all was said and done and she'd have been fine as long as her nation was safe. Now? Now there was a chance she would be spending a very long time with this man, and she found the idea agreeable. She didn't love Tomlin yet. She didn't believe in fairy tales. But if she got to do what she'd just done on a regular basis... She shook her head.

Looking down at herself she realized what a mess she was, sweaty and covered in bodily fluids. She moved her formal wear aside with a foot paw to be sure not to drip anything on them and tried to stand. She was sore and her legs were weak. She managed to get through the sitting room, avoiding the gaze of Dennara on the couch, Yezni must have left when the king had. Making it into the washroom and to one of the shower stalls she turned on the water and let the warm stream flow over her.

She spent a long time just letting the heat soak through her soothing her aching body before finally taking the soap and cleaning up. She felt better. Turning off the water she sat on the bench and dried off, it would not be difficult to get to sleep tonight. Leaving the washroom she nodded at Dennara who had moved to “Prince Aral” and went to her bedroom. The sheets and blankets had been changed while she was out, she laughed to herself. The efficiency to the maid staff was astounding. Maybe she should bring back some candy baskets for them if she returned from Silvana once this mess of a war was cleaned up.

She crawled into bed thankful for clean sheets and was quickly asleep.


Chapter 5

Melna awoke the traces of their scent in the air reminding her what happened last night. She buried her face in the pillows her ears burning. She stayed like that for a long while. She would have never guessed the king had never been with anyone before. Maybe he was lying? She didn't think so. She needed him a lot more than he needed her, he didn't need to impress her.

She finally crawled out of bed to look out the window still open from the previous night. The lawn and the trees were still there. She must have missed the last guard patrol. She got up to dig through the dresser. Putting on a set of clothes in a bright shade of red she wandered into the sitting room and grabbed her book. “Good morning, Melna.”

She let out a tired, “Good morning,” and flopped in the armchair. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her tail around her. She wasn't hungry and didn't want to socialize, but oddly she also didn't want to retreat to her room to read. Dennara didn't push the issue.

The two of them read in near silence for a long time the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall. At about midday Melna's stomach and its emptiness began to make itself known. She grabbed the menus handing one to her guard. They placed their orders then ate quietly and continued reading.

Later that evening there was a knock at the door. Melna looking up as Dennara called out, “Enter.”

A green haired maid opened the door coming a few steps into the room. “Pardon the interruption, ladies, but I have a letter for the princess.”

Melna was up in a flash taking the offered letter. “Thank you very much.”

“Its a pleasure, princess.” The maid bowed slightly and departed closing the door behind her.

She examined the letter, it was addressed to Maena Silandro, confused until she looked at the return address. It was from Sally Banchet. Sally must have been trying to keep the recipient secret. Turning it over she found the seal to be broken. This was not unexpected, can't have folks sending messages to enemy operatives. Melna settled back in the armchair and opened the letter.


To my little one,

I choose to believe your last letter to us and that you are safe. Your declaration of an intended caused quite a stir with the council of elders. We of the villa have managed to keep your location a secret thus far and none have pushed too hard to know your whereabouts. The ceasefire has been rather tense. Early on fighting broke out a few times in a couple of the smaller villages. Your message eased some of that tension, and I know of one village that organized a celebration on hearing your news.

I must keep this short, the staff and guards are well and we hope to hear from you again.

Much love from all of us,

Momma Sally


Melna read the letter several times, she could recognize her caretaker's handwriting anywhere. She tucked the letter back into the envelope and carefully set it on the low table in front of her. “Is something wrong?”

Her eyes flicked up to Dennara who was looking back, concerned. “Hmm?” The guard motioned to her face. She reached up to find the fur of her cheeks wet. She looked down at her paw for a long time finally giving a sigh. “I want to go home. I want to see Jesha and Milty. I want to feed the bird colony that lived in one of the trees on the villa grounds.” She hugged her tail trying to crawl out of the pit she'd fallen into. “I want momma Sally,” she finished quietly.

She felt a paw on her arm. “You will see them again. Everything's going to be alright.”

Melna looked into those green eyes. She wondered if she ever needed someone to care for her children if this woman would be willing to. She wiped her face. “You remind me a lot of momma Sally.” That got a look of surprise. Melna reached down and picked up a menu. “I think I'm ready for supper.” she said quietly.

The next day passed uneventfully until the late evening when a page came to inquire if the princess would be amenable to a visit by the king the following day. The princess replied an emphatic yes. The nervousness of first times gone she still felt the tingling in her belly at the idea of again seeing the man she'd come to care for quite a bit. They would spend the aftermid together, she was promised a tour of the palace.

Melna went to bed that night wondering what the king would show her giggling at amorous thoughts that brought up. Waking the next morning she put aside a set of clothes in a dark blue with swirled designs across it. Forcing herself not to skip into the sitting room she waved to Dennara on the couch and made her way into the washroom. Taking a short shower she dried her fur, brushed her teeth, and returned to her bedroom to brush her fur. She didn't spend long at it knowing she would be at it again before the king arrived.

Returning to the sitting room she grabbed the menu and picked her morning meal. Giving their orders to the maid she settled in the armchair with her book. After eating she continued reading tapping the end of her tail on a table leg, she was fidgety with excitement. She hadn't seen much since she had arrived at the palace.

At midday she chose to eat light and retreated to her room opening the window for fresh air. She gave herself a thorough brushing making sure no fur was out of place. She braided her long hair tying it again with a gold ribbon. Dressing herself she looked in the mirror hoping she didn't look too casual. Finally she clipped the chain to the gold rings in her nipples.

With a deep breath she walked back into the sitting room and was startled to see the king already there. Recovering her composure she gave him a her best smile. “Good aftermid, your majesty.” He wore a black robe with white embroidery and a red overcoat. His fur also looked immaculately brushed and the gold circlet sparkled in his black hair.

He returned her smile in kind. “Good aftermid, princess. If I may, say you're looking quite lovely today.” Melna wanted to hide her face in her paws, ears hot. The king crooked an arm and held it out to her. “I said I would give you a tour of the palace. Shall we proceed?”

She slide a paw into the crook of his elbow. “Yes, your majesty, that sounds delightful. You're looking quite handsome, yourself.” That got a shy smile from him. The two royals and four guards began their journey.

Palace Alden was built in a circle. Melna's room was in the outer ring of five concentric hallways, with two additional floors above them. They began their tour moving clockwise through the building. King Tomlin pointing out portraits and describing who they depicted. A majority were primary monarchs of Aldenea. There were others of historical note including Penosh Tensera, the woman who had discovered how to track the locations of flying dragons using radio signals. At this Melna finally learned what RADAR actually meant.

Passing through the throne room Melna kept her gaze away from the purple carpet that lead from the door to the dais on which the throne was placed, not wanting to be reminded of making a fool of herself at their first meeting. The ceiling stretched up the full three levels of the palace with skylights letting in the aftermid sun. White marble columns rose floor to roof with red and blue draperies hanging between them.

The continued the tour through the remaining four circular hallways and finally stepping out into the central courtyard. It was a vast, glass-domed botanical garden. Plants of all different kinds flowed along pathways that snaked through it. Tables and chairs were set out under trees and there were small glades of well kept grass that could be used for picnics. A few green-shirted gardeners could be seen ambling about checking flower beds and trimming hedges. “This is beautiful.”

“The pride of Palace Alden.” the king replied with unabashed joy. “When this palace was built during the reign of Queen Justicia, she wanted a garden. After eight thousand years its never looked better, in my opinion. The palace and gardens are open to the public seven days a tenday. Seems a waste to keep something like this hidden.”

They followed a path that meandered its way toward the center of the gardens. “Maybe once all of this is over we can do something similar with the Villa of the Matriarch. The gardens don't hold a candle to this place but they were pretty. The only time the public was allowed in was during New Years' Harvest and only children with a few female teachers. As you can understand, children don't really appreciate gardens very much.” Melna bent down to smell some of the flowers.

That got a chuckle. “No, I suppose they don't.”

At the center of the gardens stood a metal structure that would seem a bit out of place among the plants were it not painted green with floral patterns. At its base was two sets of stairs leading up. Melna tilted her head to look through the tree canopy to see the bottom side of the gold sphere on the spire she had seen during the flight on the glider. Returning her gaze to ground level she saw the king waiting for her on the bottom step of one of the stairways. Stepping beside him again they made their way up.

Upon entering the bottom of the sphere Melna realized they were in a large room with windows that could see out all the way around. She walked the circumference of the room looking out across the city. It was something she could never have imagined, not being able to see past the edges of the city to what lay beyond. Tall buildings, short buildings, houses and offices stretched as far as the eye could see.

She stopped at a strange device on pedestal by the window, it appeared to be binoculars but she couldn't see through them. The king cleared his throat beside her and held up a coin. “This helps pay the maintenance costs.” He dropped the coin in a slot on the side of the pedestal.

There was a clicking sound from the binoculars and when she looked through again they were clear. She traced along the streets following cars that seemed like toys from here. Looking past the city she could barely detect the sparkle of a body of water on the horizon. Turning to the east she could make out the mountains that separated the two nations.

She kept looking through the binoculars until they clicked shut again. She almost asked for another coin but stopped herself instead indulging in another loop around the spire. The city was so big and itself was only a small part of the nation. She took the king's paw in hers. “The capital is beautiful, its so busy but seems so peaceful at the same time.”

The king looked out the windows at the city bellow a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I certainly hope so. The last several generations of monarchs have done their best to ensure Alda city and Aldenea are peaceful and prosperous. I just hope I can continue what they've built so far.”

Melna barely heard what he was saying, she stared at his profile as he gazed out the window. Her heart was racing. He was handsome, gentle, kind, and caring. Could some fairy tales be true? A ripple rolled down the fur of her back.

He turned to her smile broadening. “How about we have supper in the gardens?”

She moved ever so slightly and bumped his nose with hers. “That sounds lovely.”

They made their way down the stairs and to one of the tables under a tree. Two maids arrived with fruit juice and tableware. The princess and the king settled into quiet conversation as a simple meal fitting the surroundings was brought to them. They remained in the gardens until long after the sun had set and lights clicked on overhead. Standing up the king said, “Well, milady, shall I escort you back to your rooms?”

Melna stood as well, slowly rounding the table and leaned in answering quietly, “I would prefer if your majesty would escort me to my bedroom.” The momentary look of surprise on the king's face was exactly what she had been hoping for.

“Ahem, I think that can be arranged, princess.” He again held out an arm for her which she took pressing a shoulder against him. They followed the serpentine paths and curved hallways slowly back to Melna's rooms. At the door the king's two guards continued down the hallway. Dennara and Wilhemina followed as far as the sitting room. She led him by the paw to the bedroom.

Finally alone Melna pulled Tomlin close and rubbed her muzzled to his. “When we were younger Jesha smuggled a dirty magazine into the villa, I saw something I've always wanted to try.”

Tomlin took off his circlet setting it on the dresser by the door and ran a paw along her cheek. “And what's that?”


See ''Chapter 5 Sex Scene 1'' for Sex Scene or continue to skip it


He turned to look at her and gave her a tired smile. “Sometime again, soon, princess?”

She smiled back from the bed. “Of course, your majesty.” He collected his circlet from the dresser and departed. Melna was too tired to get up and shower. She didn't even get under the sheets, the most she could muster was to pull herself up to the pillows and throw part of the blanket over herself.


Melna woke late the next morning still a mess. Languidly she pulled herself out of the bed and something gold caught her eye as it fell to the floor. She picked up and stared, confused, at her breast chain for a moment before remembering the king had removed it to keep it safe. Carefully set it on the dresser she hobbled to the washroom.

She sat on the tiled floor and let the hot water flow over her. However much she enjoyed her intimate time with the king if every morning was going to feel like this... She would need to start exercising more. She still wanted a bath tub. The tired woman stood up to soap herself and get properly clean. Shutting off the water she moved to the bench to dry where she caught herself dozing off with a towel in her paw. Shaking herself she finished in the washroom and wandered back out into the sitting room.

Dennara still sat on the couch, now she was reading 'Journey to the Moon.' “The way you read you'd probably get through the library at the villa in two or three tendays.”

The guard looked up. “Hmm? Oh, yes, ever since the academy it feels like I've spent most of my downtime reading. It was mostly biographies and documentaries. I'd never read much fantasy or adventure novels before but the stories are quite enjoyable.”

“They can be.” Melna blinked taking a bit to long to realize that one needs to open their eyes after closing them. With a sigh she straightened. “I think I'm going to go back to bed.” She glanced at the clock, ten fifteen.

“Alright, take care of yourself.”

She nodded as she walked back to the bedroom noting the bedclothes had been changed again. She closed the window curtains and crawled under the covers.

She woke again laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. She hadn't noticed before now the bed had a canopy. Looking around she realized the bed had curtains she could draw closed all the way around. She felt better after her nap. Getting up to open the window again to let in the early evening sunlight she looked down at herself. She hadn't brushed after her shower and looked like she had been rubbing bare paws on the carpet. Picking up her brush she returned to the sitting room. “Good aftermid, Dennara.”

“Hello again,” the guard replied.

Melna sat in the armchair and began the long process of straightening her fur. “Dennara, do you have a mate?”

Closing the book and setting it on the low table she leaned back to regard the princess. “I do, he works at an accounting firm not far from the palace. Why do you ask?”

Still brushing and keeping her eyes pointed anywhere but the green-eyed soldier sitting near her she asked, “does it get any easier?”

The got a quizzical look. “Does what get any easier?”

“The morning after. Seems like I wake up and my whole body hurts and I can hardly walk and I just want to stay in bed.” She set down the brush finally looking at her guard.

“This is a new experience for you. You aren't used to it. As with anything, practice will help.”

“Practice, huh?” Melna stretched. “That doesn't sound too bad.” She gave the black-furred guard a long look. “I have to ask: what do you think of this whole mess? My method to end this war?”

That earned Melna a long look from the guard. “I have to wonder why you chose this path in the first place. Why choose the king of the nation yours is warring against as your new leader? For the record, I believe your choice is a good one, but it is odd to me you wouldn't try to find a male who would make peace with us instead.”

Melna took a deep breath and let it out as a sigh. “I'm not just looking to make peace. I'm thirty-two and I can count on two paws how many times I have been outside the walls of the Villa of the Matriarch. I want to undo the Silvanen method of succession so any daughters I may have don't have to live that way. This war gave me that opportunity. I think my father dying is about the best thing he ever did for me.”

“So his majesty is just a means to an end?”

Melna stared into the green eyes. “In the beginning, yes, but I tried, maybe unsuccessfully, to make that clear at the first meeting. I needed the war to end, king Tomlin could do that. And being the chieftain with the combined Silvanen and Aldenean military backing him up, he would have the ability to pretty much anything he needed to do in Silvana.

“Now, though. I've grown quite fond of the king in the short time we've been together. If possible I would like to continue having a relationship but I will accept what he decides as long as the citizen's of Silvana are safe.”

Dennara chuckled surprising Melna. “His majesty is quite fond of you, as well. He wasn't kidding when he said he often had women asking to to have his children, but I've never seen him take after a female the way he has with you. Treat him good, OK?”

She smiled. “I will certainly do my best.” She picked a menu up from the low table. “I'm hungry, do you mind having supper early?”

“Not at all.”


The king visited the princess many times over the remaining days and Dennara had been right, it did get easier with practice. She was enjoying time with the king, they would got out to the gardens on days they weren't open to the public. Other times he would join her in her rooms where Melna could pretend they were just normal mates without a nation-ending crisis hanging over her head. She wished to forget that as often as possible.


Melna woke up angry. She lay in her bed stewing, trying to find the reason she suddenly hated everything and everyone. A sensation in her belly told her the reason. It was that time. She tried to throw the blanket and top sheet off the bed. The sheet was still tucked in so it didn't go far. Growling she crawled out from under the sheets and in a fit pulled off the bedclothes and threw them all in a corner. The pillows followed. She managed to stop herself from pulling the curtains off the bedposts.

She stopped to breathe. This is normal, this happens three times a year, she just needed to find Milty... Another breath. Milty's not here, this time is different. Now she has a male, now she intends to get pregnant. Turning she caught her reflection in the mirror, she looked awful. Her hair was uneven, the fur down her left side was all over the place from sleep, her her color faded? Nothing looked right. With another growl she picked her breast chain off the dresser and stomped into the sitting room.

Dennara looked up surprise evident. Melna held out the chain. “Please hold on to this for me and please inform the king I need to see him soon,” she said through clenched teeth.

The guard carefully took the chain. “Yes, Melna.” Saying nothing else the princess went to the washroom forcing herself not to slam the door shut. The water was too cold, but then it was too hot. Rage boiling she adjusted the temperature as carefully as shaking paws would allow. Finally washed and dried she brushed at the bench in the washroom, irritated with how much fur was coming out when she did so. Deep breaths.

Melna left the washroom. This was going to be hard. She would need to be nice to the king, but that fent wanted to get her pregnant. She wanted him to get her pregnant, needed him to. Thinking about him made her belly feel empty and lower body tingle. She looked up to see Dennara holding a plate with a sandwich and a glass of juice. She was angry again. “What's this?” She demanded.

“Eat,” The enormous guard said simply.

“But I...”

“Eat,” She repeated louder. Melna blinked, startled at the harshness in her friend's voice, and slowly picked up the sandwich to take a bite. “The king will be here in about an hour.”

She ate the sandwich and drank the juice, visions of momma Sally with a switch dancing in the back of her mind. Numbly she returned to her room the anger coming back when she found the bed bare of anything but the mattress protector. She sat in the chair by the window. She kept it closed to not have her scent wafting out to catch anyone's attention. The king would be here soon to give her some relief. Getting up from the chair she moved to lay on the bed again. Staring up she started count the pleats in the bed canopy.

On her eighth attempt, the previous seven each having been interrupted by mutinous thoughts, she heard a knock at the door to the hall. She tilted her head to watch the bedroom door hearing Dennara speaking quietly. Turning the corner the king looked as if he'd walked into a wall his eyes glazing over as the hot stench of her estrus soaked deep into he olfactory receptors. He stood agape for a moment before settling on her spread eagle on the bed. Her belly clenched at the sight of him. He shook his head. “Uh, hi.”

She growled in reply getting to paws and knees, tucking her tail, and backing toward the headboard. He blinked, surprised, he kept to the far wall dropping his robe and sat in the chair by the window. She didn't feel cornered with him in the chair, she could get out the door if she wanted to. She didn't want to. She wanted him to hold her down... deep breaths. She knelt and stared at him until his scent hit her. Her belly clenched harder. She needed him, couldn't he see that? She moved back to the middle of the bed and knelt on all fours to watch him. He watched her back. Neither moved for a long time though she could see something working behind his eyes, some animal fighting for control.

The animal won. He got up from the chair approaching from the side of the bed opposite the door. She could still escape, she didn't.


See ''Chapter 5 Sex Scene 2'' for Sex Scene or continue to skip it


Melna woke the next morning laying on her side. She hurt all over, she couldn't move much more than her eyelids, she couldn't remember much beyond waking up in a rage yesterday morning, she had an arm draped over her. Startled she tried to turn to see who it was but her body refused to do much more than wiggle her shoulders.

That wiggle was enough to wake the owner of the arm, with a pained groan. “Who is this place? Where are you?” She heard a deep inhale. “Melna? What happened? I hurt.”

She relaxed at the voice of Tomlin, confused why he was in her bed. Then she remembered. “Well, with a little luck you'll be a daddy in five months.”

“Was that yesterday? Is that why I feel like I've been stomped by a dragon?” Neither moved, likely neither could move. The bed was not comfortable with no pillows which she vaguely remembered throwing around the room the day before.

“Yes, I suppose it is. Any permanent damage?”

“Ask me again when I can feel something other than hurt.”

They spent most of the day unmoving. Until a gentle knock at the door and the voice of Jenna Massey called out. “Your majesties, I'm very sorry to disturb but we wanted to know if you needed anything.”

Melna was tempted to shout at her to go away but she kept her mouth shut. Tomlin answered for them. “Apologies for having to see us in this state, but could you bring us a blanket and something to eat?”

“Not a problem, your majesty.” A moment later she felt thick cloth being pulled over them. She would need to find a special gift for Jenna when she returned to Silvana.

After eating their midday mean they spent the remainder of the day recovering in bed. Melna had flashes of what had happened the previous day, specifically biting Tomlin on the arm. She looked down at it but didn't see any blood stains. She wanted to crawl under the bed over the way she had behaved.

Late in the evening Tomlin said he felt like he could walk. He leaned over to rub his cheek to hers. “I'm sorry for what I did to you yesterday. Please understand I don't ever want to hurt you.”

Melna pulled him close. “I think we both gave as good as we got.” He leaned back and looked her in the eye. “Let's call it even, OK, and hope this works.”

Tomlin got out of bed and bent to pick up his robe with a groan. He pulled it on and stood in the doorway looking down at her with a silly smile across his face. He nodded and turned to leave.

Melna stared for a long time at where he'd been. Please let this work. She rolled on her side thankful for pillows and went to sleep.


Chapter 6

A knock at the door startled her awake. The pains in her body had thankfully begun to localize. Her right hip and thigh, the right side of her ribs, high on her left shoulder, and of course between her legs still ached but she no longer felt like an inzri shaped puddle of pain. “Princess, the palace doctor has come to check you over.” Dennara's voice called from the doorway.

Melna rolled on her back with a groan, still a mess of dried fluids barely wrapped in the blanket on the otherwise bare bed. Propping herself up she could finally see the gray furred woman in a white coat holding a large bag standing a little behind the guard. “Enter,” she replied weakly.

The doctor confidently strode into the room looking down at the worn princess. “Well, the first thing I'm going to prescribe is a shower. Colonel, can you help her?”

“Yes, doctor. Princess, do you want me to carry you?” Dennara stepped closer to the bed.

Melna managed to sit up and slide to the edge of the bed. “If you could lend me a paw I think I can walk.” With assistance she stood and hobbled to the washroom. The doctor followed as far as the sitting room, turning on the television and sitting in the armchair.

Dennara sat Melna on the bench and disrobed folding her black uniform and putting it in one of the cabinets. The black-furred woman opened another cabinet taking out a folding stool and some kind of wand with a hose. The stool was placed by the central shower stall and the hose attached just behind the shower spigot. Melna cursed herself for not being more curious while being helped to the stool.

The wand and hose replaced the shower spigot allowing better focus on areas that needed attention. The hot water soaking into her fur soothed places she hadn't realized were aching. Soap was applied gingerly to her body while Dennara carefully washed her back and hair. She was dried on the stool bruises making themselves known at various places. Dennara offered a brush but the princess rejected that idea for now just wanting to get back into bed.

Dennara supported the princess on the walk back to the bedroom. Making their way through the sitting room the green haired maid entered from the hall with an armload of pillows. “Oh, sorry to interrupt. I was just making the bed. If this is a bad time...”

Melna shook her head thankful for the care she was receiving from everyone. “Not at all. Thank you for your hard work, miss?”

“You're welcome. I'm Minka Sendu. If its alright I'm just going to finish up and get out of your hair.” Melna nodded and followed the maid into the bedroom. The bed was already made and Minka just set the pillows at the head and departed. The doctor joined them a moment later.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, doctor.”

“Katie Gander and it's quite alright. Clean fur helps prevent infections. Now let's lave a look at you.” The doctor started with a visual examination stopping at her ribs. “This is going to hurt, please hold still.” Melna clenched her teeth sucking in air as the doctor prodded the lump on her side. “No broken ribs, that's good.” She continued pressing again at her thigh and going through the fur on her shoulders.

“Last but not least, I need you to lean back and spread your legs.” Melna did as she was told and doctor Gander gave a quick inspection of sore sensitive parts. Standing up she retrieved a clip board and bottle from her bag and taking notes. “You've got some nasty bruises on your hip, thigh and ribs as well as a good sized bite mark on your shoulder. You also have some bruising and swelling down south but nothing permanent.” She opening the bottle shaking some tablets into a palm and handed them to Melna turning her head to Dennara. “Colonel, please get her some water.” She turned back to the young woman sitting on the bed. “Take those and get something to eat soon. After that rest, even better if you can stay in bed. You and the king really did a number on each other.”

“If his majesty all right? It's all kind of hazy.”

“He's a bit worse off than you but nothing broken, just bruises and a wrenched shoulder. If I may suggest, princess, that you wait till your sixties before trying for more children. Females tend to get less violent with their mates when they're a bit older.” Dennara returned with a glass of water while the doctor packed away her equipment.

Melna tried to stretch her arms stopping when she winced at the pain in her ribs. “It's never been like this. I'm usually angry at the start of estrus but never woke up the next day feeling I like lost a fistfight with a bolne.”

Doctor Gander picked up her bag pulling the strap over her shoulder. “It's your body's way of saying you're too young for pups. I would agree but I understand that's not an option for you at the moment.” She placed the pill bottle on the dresser. “No more than two every seven hours, and none if you can manage without them. I'll be back in a couple days to see how you're healing. And it should go without saying, no sex till both of you are back to a hundred percent.”

Melna took the pills she had been given with the water giving the glass back to Dennara and started crawling up the bed. “Oh, doctor, how long till I know I'm pregnant?”

Standing in the doorway the white-coated woman turned back. “Take a test in two tendays, if you don't have a positive result in three you're probably going to have to try again.”

Melna groaned at that thought. Sex was fun, estrus sex was... not so much. “Thank you, doctor.”

“Take care of yourself, kid, there's a lot riding on you.” With that the doctor departed.

Dennara watch her leave before turning back to Melna now snuggled into the pillows. “What would you like for morning meal?”

“Those pancakes sound good right now. With a side of fried eggs and sausage, too, please?”

“Sure thing.”


With the exception of using the restroom Melna didn't leave the bed for the next two days. She took the painkillers sparingly figuring the diminishing pains were a better alternative to whatever would happen from using too much. It seemed the king was doing the same thing. When the doctor returned Melna felt a lot better, taking a deep breath with only a slight twinge in her ribs.

“A few more days and you should be fully healed,” was Doctor Gander's opinion along with one more admonition to wait another thirty years before trying for additional children. 'Nurse' Dennara had been assisting as needed but Melna was feeling good enough to get about on her own. She got up for a shower and brushed herself with no issues. She grabbed her next book and sat on the couch leaning on her guard one eye on the clock wanting to catch the next episode of 'I Love Lana.' She still had plenty of time.

A little before midday while Melna was deciding if she was hungry enough to order food there was a knock at the door. “Enter,” Dennara called out. One of the king's guard opened the door and ducked through the doorway. With a quick glance around the room the titan stepped out of the way for the shorter form of king Tomlin to follow turning to leave once his majesty was in the room. Melna's heart leapt then sank at the sight of his right arm in a sling.

“Good morning, princess,” he greeted with a bright smile. She stood trying to ignore the fact she wasn't wearing anything taking his good paw in hers and pressed her cheek to his. “I hope you don't mind, I had some free time today so I thought I'd join you for midday meal.”

Melna glanced at Dennara standing at attention at the end of the couch. “I don't mind at all.”

The king followed her eye line and smiled. “As you were, colonel. Its a bit awkward when folks get too formal in private.” Dennara smiled down at the king and resumed her seat on the couch. Melna sat next to him on the other couch and eyed the sling.

“I hope I didn't hurt you too much.”

Looking down at his arm he replied, “No, it's fine. It only causes a problem if I try to lift it above my head. Doc Gander wants to keep the sling for another tenday. Everything else has healed already.”

Melna grimaced. “Doctor Gander says to wait another thirty years before trying for more pups.”

That got a laugh from the king. “To be honest I'm not opposed to that idea. Think I'd prefer things a bit calmer.”

She bumped her nose to his leaning in to whisper in his ear. “I'm willing to wait. There's other things we can do to pass the time.” He shivered looking back with a gleam in his eye.

“Ahem, I think I'm ready for something to eat.” Melna and Dennara agreed.

They spent the early aftermid in small talk and mildly teasing each other about things currently against doctor's orders. To Melna's horror Dennara related Wilhemina's story of her first time in the shower. Laughing the king pulled her close rubbing his cheek on top of her head. She snuggled close wishing this could last forever but knowing he would need to get back to his responsibilities soon. And too soon it was, having spent two hours with them the king departed. Melna returned to her spot next to Dennara and the book she had been reading.

Melna found herself snoozing when another knock sounded at the door. “Enter,” Dennara repeated and in strode Jenna.

“Evening ladies, with tomorrow being midten some of the maids thought we'd ask if the princess wanted to get out of the palace for the day? The king has given approval for a day out with proper precautions taken, of course.”

Melna blinked and looked up at Dennara. There was a slight nod. Looking back at Jenna she all but blurted out, “I'd love to.”

The maid's smile broadened. “I thought as much, as nice as the palace is it can feel a bit cramped when you're been here as long as you have. We thought a trip to the museum might be something you'd like, after that maybe a bit of shopping,” she said with a wink. “Sorry, Colonel Robbins, you stand out a bit too much, we'd like to keep a low profile.” Dennara nodded.

“I, uh... I don't have any money with me at the moment.” Melna replied, embarrassed.

“It's fine, hun, the king has given you an allowance for this trip, its handled. I'll be by at hour nine to get you ready then we'll head out.”

“Do I need to bring anything?”

“Just yourself and something cute to wear. We'll take care of anything else you'll need.”

“This sound great, thanks for taking me.”

“You're welcome,” Jenna replied with a grin. “I'll be by in the morning.” With a wave the maid departed.

Melna felt like her fur was buzzing, she was almost as excited as she was for her first supper with the king. She couldn't concentrate on her book anymore. She dropped in the book mark and closed it. She glanced at the clock, nineteen fifty. “Dennara, I'm going to write a letter to momma Sally, if that's alright.”

“Sure, Melna. Just be careful what you say, you are still technically an enemy prisoner.” That got an amused snort. She stood up to return to her bedroom only to be stopped. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Reaching into a pocket she pulled out a gold chain and held it out. “I need to give this back.”

Taking it she looked a the guard confused. “When did you get this?”

Dennara blinked. “The morning of your estrus, you asked me to hold on to it for you. You don't remember?”

Melna shook her head. “Most of that day is a fog. I guess I thought I might break it. Thanks for taking care of it for me.”

“Welcome,” She said with a smile before returning to her book.

Melna wandered back to her room. Gently placing her chain on the dresser she sat at the desk to write. Melna gave a general accounting of what had happened over the last month, spoke about Dennara, Jenna and the maid staff, and some vague information about the king. On that topic she kept it short ending with 'Negotiations are proceeding well.' Sally would know when her last estrus was so she could read into what that meant.

Placing the letter in an envelop she addressed it to 'Sally Banchet, Eyes Only' and in the return address she used Maena Silandro. On returning to the sitting room she found she was just in time for 'I Love Lana.' She settled in to watch what had become her favorite show.


She woke the next morning trembling with excitement. Jenna had said being stuck in the palace should feel cramped but she'd been 'stuck' most of her life, going out was an event by itself. She'd gotten up before Dennara, the guard still in the other bedroom. Melna got started on what would be a very long shower. The guard joined her at another stall as she was rubbing soap in her fur for the third time.

Getting out of the water they helped dry each other off and brush out puffed fur. Dennara dressed in her black uniform and Melna dashed back to her room to pick out what she would wear, pulling out the dozen or so differently colored sets she had been given. Finally choosing the set in teal she put them aside remembering Jenna had said she'd come by to help her get ready.

She dithered around almost as long as she could stand before finally hearing a knock at the door. Melna opened the door to find a bright eyed Jenna in a blue fenner and gint that seemed to frame growing roundness in her midsection. Melna blinked in surprise. “Good morning, princess,” Jenna said as she entered the sitting room. “I'm here to get you get you ready for a day out.” She walked in the direction of the washroom.

“I've already had a shower this morning,” She followed the red-furred woman.

“I can tell, but nope, you need a disguise to make sure no one recognizes you while we're out today.” Jenna held up a box as she lead the younger woman into the washroom.

Melna giggled. “How exciting, do I get a fake nose and ear extensions?”

Jenna sat her on the bench and disrobed before walking behind her. “Nothing so elaborate. I'm just going to color your hair. Few enough people have seen you that should be enough to fool anyone that's read a description. You're hair is light enough we can skip bleaching it first and the color will fade out in a couple of days.”

The maid pulled on a smock and some gloves to protect her own fur and started a long, and honestly rather boring, process. The feeling of Jenna pulling a comb through her hair was quite pleasant, though. At the end of it Melna stood in front of the mirror admiring her red hair. Her natural light blue showed through just enough to give it a slightly purple hue. “It looks great, fur and hair dyes are hard to come by at the villa and most look like you put colored dust over you.”

Jenna washed her paws in the sink before putting her clothes back on. “They came out with some new methods of dying about thirty years ago, it's gotten pretty popular. Alright, get dressed, the rest of the girls will meet us in the garage.”

Dressing quickly she thought about wearing the breast chain but thought it better not to. She walked back to the sitting room while tying the cord for her fenner. “I'm ready.”

“Alright, princess, let's head out. Colonel Robbins, I promise to have her back before curfew.”

Dennara shook her head with a grin. “You kids have fun now.”

Melna waved as they departed. Upon entering the garage she was greeted with the sight of four more women in the Aldenean take on Silvanen attire standing next to a large car. Tan-furred Amber in a set in bright red, brown-furred Minka in purple, and two dark-furred women in white. “You know Amber and Minka. This is Bella,” first indicating a woman with dark brown fur, “and Nina,” pointing to the other woman with dark gray. The two women nodded to Melna. “They're palace guards as well but they work under cover more often than not. They blend into crowds a bit better than your usual escort.” That got a smile from the two women.

Crossing her arms Jenna turned to Melna and tapped a fingertip to her nose. “Now, what should we call you while we're out? Melna isn't a common name here and 'princess'... well, you don't look like you could be any of ours.”

That got a round of giggles from the group. Melna thought for a moment. “What about Maena, or May?”

“That works. Everyone, this is my niece, Maena. She's visiting from Yuskellen.” Jenna gave a wave of her tail. “Alright, ladies, load up and we'll head out.” She moved to the far side of the vehicle while Nina opened the front door and motioned Melna to enter. She got in. When everyone was situated Jenna waved to a guard to open the door and they were off.

Melna stared out the large windows of the 'van,' as they called it, in wonder. All manner of buildings slid by outside. There were big signs advertising everything from food, to clothes, and even cars, stood high as they drove past. There were so many people everywhere. She wished she hadn't been so nervous when she first arrived, she'd missed a lot.

It was less than half an hour in the van before they pulled into a paved lot filled with many vehicles of all descriptions. The museum was massive with stone columns and large windows. One set of windows made up one entire wall but Melna couldn't make out what was inside with the sun shining off it. The group made their way through a set of doors that looked quite like the ones for the throne room at the palace to stand the in line snaking its way to a counter. Her head on a swivel she looked at murals on the walls depicting ancient wooden wagons and men and women that were building wooden houses and farming.

Minka, the tallest of the group, kept a paw in the middle of Melna's back, presumably to keep her from getting lost in the crowd. “Six, please,” Jenna said to the clerks at the check-in counter paying and received a pawful of paper wristbands colored yellow. Each of them put one on. “Alright, where to start?”

Amber lifted an arm pointing down the high-ceilinged a hallway to the left. “Might as well start at the beginning.”

The rest nodded and lead Melna through the passage. One of the first exhibits they stopped at was a geographical model. The most notable feature was an almost entirely circular ring of mountains. A small flag was placed near the eastern edge of an inland sea with the words 'you are here' written across it. Nudging Minka she asked, “Is this a map of Aldenea?”


“How did the mountains form? It's weird they'd be in a circle like that.”

Tracing the model mountain range with her eyes Minka responded, “No one's entirely sure, but most of the smart people say an extremely large meteor hit the planet a very long time ago. Some folks say its too big for that, anything that large would wipe out life on the planet and be eroded by the time anything else could take its place. Other people say dragons built it but can't give an explanation why.”

Jenna and Amber had moved ahead a little way already, Bella and Nina remaining close to the princess, and waved the stragglers on. The following exhibits went on to explain more about the 'walled country.' At nearly three hundred thousand square miles Aldenea was the largest nation of its closest neighbors. The mountains had kept it isolated from those around it for millennia, the original settlers moving in from Quentallin, one of the only places a mountain pass could be easily traversed.

They moved through exhibits of fossils of extinct animals, then early settlement days with recovered artifacts like tools and firearms, then into the last five thousand years detailing discoveries of the uses of liquid petroleum and the like. Technology seemed like it advanced quickly in Aldenea. Officially, Silvana was two thousand years older but bolne were still the primary form of transportation for most but the extremely wealthy. The last exhibit before the exit was a model of a dragon that filled the room with windows for a wall. “The dragon this is modeled after has been unofficially named Henry. He likes to swing by every couple years.” Amber piped up from beside Melna.

Looking closely at the markings, it didn't match the dragon that had flown over during the battle outside the villa. “It's awful small for a dragon,” Melna chuckled.

Amber poked her in the ribs. “Yeah, well, a full sized model isn't going to fit in here.”

Speaking more quietly Melna said, “They built the history museum in Silvana around a dragon skull that was found in the middle of an open plain.”

That got the attention of the rest of the group. Jenna stepped closer. “Really? Ask a lot of folks around here and most would tell you dragons don't die.”

Melna nodded. “We don't know anything about it, the rest of the skeleton hasn't been found. After it was discovered it was left alone for two or three hundred years to make sure it wasn't something important to the dragons. That thing was huge, I was only eleven at the time but I still remember its front fang was more than twice as tall as me.”

“Let's hope this war ends soon, I'm sure there's several archaeologists that would love to get a look at that.”

Melna's tail swayed nervously and she just nodded back. The group walked back into the lobby having made the full circuit of the museum. Jenna looked up at the clock on the wall above the exit. “Hey, look at that, its almost midday. Let's get something to eat, I need to sit down for a while.”

That idea got an agreement from everyone else. Making their way out then piling into the van they headed off in search of sustenance. Jenna drove them for about ten minutes finally stopping at what they called a diner. All six packed in around a table and the waiter brought them menus and took drink orders. Amber nudged Minka pointing to the male as he walked away. The green haired woman playfully glared at the other woman for something whispered in her ear.

Melna studied the menu before she decided on fried bird meat and vegetables. The waiter left them again to put in their food orders. “Hey, Jenna, I wanted to ask. Why did you all dress like this?”

Jenna smiled. “Figured you'd ask. Well, first, I knew it was all you had at the moment. An odd one out in a group attracts attention. These are common enough here most folks are just going to assume our group is just having a girls' day, which is accurate. Second, unique clothes in bright colors will be easy to spot if one of us gets separated. And last, they're cute and comfortable. I may start wearing these more often. Ben seemed to like them, too, when I was getting ready this morning,” she finished with a wink.

They ate and talked, topics seeming to shift faster than Melna could keep up. It was rather nice to eat something less fancy than what she was getting at the palace. This was more like something Sally would have made on short notice after the princess came in from playing declaring starvation as a child. After the meal they got desserts, Melna being encouraged to try a blended frozen fruit drink which she did quite enjoy.

Plates emptied they sat in silence for a moment when Jenna declared, “Alright, ladies, let's go shopping.” That got a chorus of cheers followed by giggling from the group. They piled back into the van for another short drive.

They pulled up to a vaguely star shaped building that looked to be even bigger than the palace though it was only one floor. Melna forced herself not to gawk like a... well, what she was, someone who'd spent the majority of her life isolated in a remote compound. She felt a paw around her wrist and looked over at Amber who pulled her along the group following as she led the way through the myriad of small shops inside vast building.

They had everything she could imagine here and some things she couldn't. She'd managed to divert the group into a 'pet store.' She had no intentions of getting anything here, for now, but she did get to scratch the ears of several baby felines. Minka managed to disentagle the princess before she made purchases she would regret later.

Next up was clothing stores. There was so much, so many types it was almost overwhelming. The rest of the group managed to keep her from getting lost in a sea of fabric grabbing several pieces before heading to the changing rooms. It was hard to pick something. She wasn't used to wearing much clothing and a lot of things covered more than she cared for. She did find some long skirts she liked. They felt similar to wearing a fenner that covered her thighs with a waistband that tied above her tail. There was nothing between her legs, though. When she brought this up to Jenna, she just nodded and told her to keep trying things on.

Melna was left alone in the stall with Minka as she tried on some different tops. Catching the sight of her own now-red hair in the mirror she was reminded of something she'd wanted to ask. “Hey, Minka, I was wondering, do you dye your hair? I've never seen green hair or fur before.”

The taller woman pulled a shirt over her head looking at it in the mirror before glancing up at her head. “Oddly enough, its natural. My family figures I got it from my grandmother. She's Quentish. Strong colors are fairly common there, I hear. I think Jenna said one of her relatives was, too, that's why her fur is so bright red.”

By the time Jenna had returned Melna had a small pile of 'yes' and a large pile of 'no,' she didn't think she could ever get used to the feeling of trousers. “Hey, Maena, try some of these. They're good for not getting things on the inside of your clothes when you sit down.”

Melna could tell by the shape what they were for. Jenna had gotten several different kinds of the underwear. She actually liked them quite a bit, they felt like wearing a fenner without anything hanging down in the front or back. Some tied in the back over her tail, some just rested under. Melna decided to get some of them after finding the right sizes.

Putting everything else back they collected the things they wanted to buy. Everyone had gotten something, even Nina and Bella. The brightly colored group wandered through a few more stores. Melna picked out a few trinkets, a decorative blue glass bowl she wanted to take back to Sally, and a small clock for her bedroom. At last they ended up in the food court picking out sweet snacks. Melna had gotten some kind of sweet roll that had a layer of syrup glaze over it. “I'm gonna get another one to take back to Dennara.”


Melna was tired, she hadn't moved around this much in months. Jenna looked a bit worn out, too. She had a hard time imagining spending this much time out an about while carrying a pup. The general consensus was that it was time to head back. As tired as she was Melna was reluctant. She stopped short of the exit door and turned to look around. Everything was so bright an vibrant, surrounded by so many people she didn't know. It was scary. It was amazing. Maybe soon, after this was all over, she could just stop being important. She could go to the mall whenever she wanted, walk down the street and meet new people.

Jenna put an arm around her shoulders. “Are we going to have to do this again sometime?”

“Yes, please,” she replied quietly.

“C'mon, let's get you back to the palace.”

The drive home was quiet, Amber seemed to have fallen asleep. Jenna delivered Melna back to her rooms and received a long hug from the younger woman. “I had a really good time today, thank you so much.”

Jenna squeezed her in return. “It was a pleasure, princess.” With that she departed.

Melna gave the sweet roll she'd brought to Dennara and took the results of her shopping to her bedroom. She then showered and brushed her teeth. By the time she was finished it was only hour twenty-two but she her paws hurt and she was tired. She sat on the bed for a long brushing before crawling under the sheets and going to sleep. Today had been a good day.


The maids, as well as the two guards that had accompanied them, seemed determined to keep her busy. They didn't have another “girls' day” but she was often in the gardens before or after public hours, got a tour of the kitchens, or one of them was visiting to play games in the sitting room. The king also visited every few days or she was escorted to the dining room to would have supper with him. The sling had come of after twelve days and Melna wondered if could convince him to visit her bedroom again soon.

Melna had lost track of time until doctor Gander again stopped by with a small box. “These are pregnancy tests. Use one today, tomorrow, and the day after. They aren't perfect, if the result isn't conclusive try again in another tenday. Make sure to follow the instructions.”

The princess stood staring at the box tail bushed. She had almost forgotten. Dennara stood up to join her. “Do you want me to call for Jenna?” She nodded.

Melna followed the instructions and put the cap back on the used end. Stepping out of the restroom she handed the stick to Jenna. The maid and the guard stood in the washroom with the princess, it would be another ten minutes for the test to reveal the result.


Chapter 7

Three tests all solid positive. Melna had kept her excitement to as much of a minimum as possible for the first two, but now... She had her arms around Dennara face buried in her chest happy tears soaking into the black uniform. The end was in sight. Feeling a paw on her back she turned to see Jenna smiling back and pulled her into the hug, too. The tall soldier put her arms around both of them.

“This calls for a party,” the maid's muffled voice could be heard from between the two other women. “I'll make sure the king has a slot in his schedule on Seday.”

Melna extricated herself backing up to twirl in place on one foot. “Oh, I want everyone there! You and Dennara and Minka and Amber and everyone!” She caught herself embarrassed to be acting like a child. “If that's alright.”

A large paw planted itself on top of her head tossing her hair. “I'll be there regardless,” the guard said. “Jenna, will you make preparations?”

“Of course,” the bright woman replied airily. “I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't half done with that already.” She gave a wink.

Melna gave her friend another long hug. The three women left the washroom Jenna patting her arm. “I'm going to head out. There's plans to be finalized and a king's leg to twist. You take care of yourself and I'll be around if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Jenna, for everything.” The maid left. Melna felt she was a bundle of energy, she wanted to run down the halls telling every person she met the good news. Instead she stood in place tapping her fingertips together until she felt a paw on her shoulder. She looked up into green eyes.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. No, I don't know. Its almost over, the war, all of it. I think I'm just getting impatient. I still have another month and a half before I can hand control to the king.” She sat in the armchair paws shaking. “In the short time I've been here the stay has been nothing but pleasant but the reason I'm here keeps popping back in my head. I feel like I'm not treating it with the seriousness it deserves. We're planning a party...” She trailed off staring at the floor.

Dennara sat on the couch beside her. “Responsibility will always be there, especially for those born to it.” She reached over to squeeze Melna's arm. “You are not running from your responsibility. You have accepted it and are doing what you think is best. In this case that responsibility comes with some perks. Why not enjoy it?”

Melna stared into those green eyes for a long time. With a deep breath she said, “It can be hard sometimes. Part of me says I need to be more serious about all of this and another part keeps going back to something momma Sally said to me the day before I surrendered to captain Colear.”

That got a squint. “And what's that?”

“'You're never going to grow up, are you,'” she said with a smirk.

Dennara gave her arm another squeeze and leaned back. “Keep that spark, it serves you well.”


For the next three days Melna was a ball of nervous energy. Two of those she spent choosing what she'd wear to the party. She had beautiful new Aldenean style clothes, or would she wear the Silvanen formal, maybe something she had been given that first day? She looked at the small clock on the desk, it was hour fifteen. The party would start at hour twenty.

She leaned on the dresser and took several deep breaths. It was just a party, friends getting together to celebrate. Tomlin would be there. That thought brought the tingle back. They hadn't been intimate since her estrus. She had gotten used to regular visits from him. She opened the window and sat in the chair. To try to calm down.

A knock at the bedroom door startled her awake. “Melna, are you going to get ready.” She jerked her head to look at the clock. Hour nineteen?

Jumping up she looked around confused for a moment before heading for the washroom. “Yes, thank you for waking me. I need to get a shower and brush before I get dressed.”

She showered and dried a quickly as she could returning to her bedroom to brush where she could keep an eye on the clock. She opted to braid her hair tying the end with her gold ribbon. Nineteen thirty; she finally decided on what she was going to wear. She pulled out a long skirt in purple with black embroidery at the waist and hem that had a notch at the back and the waistband tied over the base of her tail. Next was a breast cover in white with red hems that was a long skinny piece of fabric that came from behind her back, crossed her chest, and tied behind her neck. Last a pair of scarlet underwear that rested snugly under her tail.

She looked at herself in the mirror satisfied. Turning sideways her gaze landed on her belly. Pressing a paw over the fur she wondered if anyone could tell yet. Another knock at the door got her attention. “Princess, it's time to go.”

“I'm ready.” Turning to the door a flash of gold caught her eye. She looked down at her top and could see the outline of the piercings in the fabric. She couldn't wear the breast chain in this. “Sorry, mother, I guess you'll have to sit this one out,” she whispered running her fingers over it as she exited.

She stopped short when she entered the sitting room. Other than in the washroom this was the first time she'd seen her guards out of uniform. Each was wearing a light sleeveless dress in bright colors that matched their eyes and Dennara was wearing a gold marriage ring in her right ear. From the looks on their faces they were ready for a party. “You all look nice.”

Yezni gave her a smile and opened the door to the hall. “Let's go, princess, the guests await.”


Melna spent the walk to the gardens concentrating on deep breaths trying to calm the frantic racing of her heart. She finally stepped into the large glade under the spire to find a long table set up and decorated. Colored lights hung from the trees casting competing shadows on her group of friends. Friends that, when they caught sight of her, let out a cheer and applause. She buried her face in her paws, Dennara guiding her to a stop. Looking up she found she was standing in front of the man she loved. She felt she could admit it now. She still didn't believe in fairy tales, but this wasn't a fairy tale, it was real. “Miss Massey told me to keep tonight free. Do you want to tell me what this is about? Though, I think I can guess.”

She nodded and moved closer to hold him. “Yes, we're going to have a pup.” That brought another round of cheers and he put his arms around her giving a squeeze. The party began in earnest. Sitting around the table food and drinks were passed around. Everyone seemed to be talking, laughing, or eating. Amber retold the story of Minka rescuing the princess from a pack of savage kittens. Even the king's guard were participating, three of the titanic men dressed in red, green, and blue robes sat with them relating appropriately embarrassing stories about the king much to the delight of any in earshot.

Sometime between supper and dessert she'd slid her chair closer to the king's then found an arm around around her shoulders. She leaned against him sliding a paw down his thigh. “Miss Massey knows how to set up a party. You enjoying yourself, love?”

She stopped between bites of cake. He'd said it. She would stay with him forever if she was allowed to. She nuzzled into his shoulder and gave his knee a squeeze. “It's like a Founder's Day party. Good food and good company make for a good evening,” she replied. Jenna glanced in their direction, giving them a smile before returning to her conversation with Tezal, one of the king's guards.

“Indeed it does.” He gave her shoulders a squeeze. The other guests had been leaving the two alone for the last few minutes, not ignoring them just giving them time to bask in the moment. His paw grasped the one on his leg. He whispered in her ear, “C'mon, let's go for a walk. The gardens are beautiful at night.” She nodded and they stood, slipping away down one of the paths through the hedges.

They walked paw-in-paw through the darkened forest garden. Looking up through the canopy she could see the stars shining past the glass ceiling. The only thing she missed was a breeze blowing over them. Daytime flowers were closed tight and drooped while the night flowers stood open waiting for the pollinators to come assist the creation of future generations.

There was a scent in the air, something she recognized that lead to a familiar tingle in her lower body. She stepped closer to her mate slipping a paw under his robe and teased at the belly fur underneath. He pulled her in rubbing his cheek to the top of her head. “I know a place.” He stepped off the path her paw in his as he lead her through the trees and hedges. They found the spot, a large tree surrounded by bushes completely cut off from the rest of the garden.

She pinned him to the tree paws running up his chest their muzzles rubbing together and occasionally licking inside each other's mouths.


See "Chapter 7 Sex Scene 1" for Sex Scene or continue to skip it


Melna straightened her skirt and breast cover smoothing the fabric down her chest and legs. The king had finished tying his robe closed again. They stopped to stare at each other for a moment before descending into a fit of giggles. “Do you think anyone noticed?” she asked.

He took her paw and led out of the hiding spot giving and amused snort. “Probably, I don't think they'll say anything though.”

She leaned into his side and his arm snaked around her shoulders. They followed the path back to the sounds of laughter and cheering. It sounded like they had started a game. Jenna was the first to spot them waving them back to the group. Melna ears were hot and she was overly conscious of how she was walking as they returned. She sat back at the table the king bending down to nuzzle the top of her head before joining a group tossing large blunted darts into a ring across the lawn.

“You two have a good walk?” Jenna asked with a little gleam in her eye.

Melna tensed looking down at the table. “It's the first chance we've had to be alone since my estrus. I hope we didn't cause a scene.”

“You're fine, hun. I sorta figured that would happen. It's not taboo for couples to go find a private spot for a little intimacy.” The maid reached across the table to give her paw a squeeze.



The party continued for another few hours. Individuals rotated in and out of the lawn games, Melna found out her aim was not very good at throwing games. Everyone had moved back to the table conversations getting quieter in the late hour. Leaning over she gently tugged on the king's robe whispering into his ear, “Can I tell them?” He looked over their gathered friends and guardians turning back with a nod.

Melna stood patting her paws on the table. Voices died away as their attention was turned to the princess. “I, um. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. If it wasn't obvious by my outburst when I first arrived here, I didn't really come here with any kind of a plan. I needed to end a war and his majesty was a means to do that. Since I've been here all of you have become quite dear to me.” She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “And I've come to love your king much more than I thought possible.

“I... sorry, whenever I had to give speeches I always had time to practice before giving them.” She paused for a deep breath. “In less than sixty days I will be presenting myself to the Silvanen council of elders to declare King Tomlin as chieftain of Silvana. The war will officially be over and it is my hope that Silvana can join with your great nation. After that I'll no longer be a princess, nothing else will be required of me and I'll no longer have what little authority I currently possess. I hope you'll still be my friend after that.” That got amused protests from the people around the table. “Thanks again to all of you. I'm probably the best treated prisoner of war in history”

That got some chuckles until Dennara said, just loud enough for everyone to hear, “Honor thy enemy.” All the guards present broke out into guffaws at that, the maids looked a bit confused.

Melna snorted. “I don't think this is exactly what general Banchet meant. But thank you again.” She sat again and buried her face in the king's chest at the sound of cheering from the assembled party.

The gathering began to break up, the maids, both on and off duty, began picking up tableware and decorations. Melna stacked a few plates before being waved off by Jenna. “The guest of honor shouldn't be cleaning up.”

The king pulled her away leading her closer to where her brightly garbed guards were standing. He tucked her into a long hug nuzzling into the side of her head. She just held him listening to him breathe. She wanted stay like this. With a deep breath he released her. “I'll see you in a few days. We'll need to makes some plans for your return trip.” She nodded. “Sleep well, princess.”

“You as well, my king.”

Melna felt like she was floating as she was escorted back to her room. It was very late, hour twenty-seven. She still managed a shower but went straight to bed without brushing her fur.


The next fifty days passed by in a blur. King Tomlin would visit her quite often. Melna watched Jenna's belly grow at the same time checking her profile in the mirror to see herself. After the first month the sickness came and the smell of any kind of fish would drive her to the nearest open window. In this Dennara was a help having had two children of her own with Jenna also giving advice about what the near future would bring. Melna grew fast, many noting that her child would likely be quite big. She privately wondered if it had more to do with the food.

Melna had asked to be taken on one more shopping trip, specifically she wanted to find something appropriate to wear to the declaration ceremony. Just Jenna and the two undercover guards accompanied her this time.

Plans were made and finalized, transportation arranged. Melna stood in the sitting room holding a bag. She couldn't take everything with her. She'd packed enough to get her to Ganden, the capital of Silvana, plus a little extra. She'd also packed everything she had acquired as gifts for her friends from the villa. She was in a daze looking around the room. It didn't have the feeling of finality that there had been when she left the villa, but it still felt strange, like she'd never see this place again.

“Ready to go, princess?” Dennara was standing in the door to the hall.

She let out a sigh turning to face her guard. “Yes, I guess I am.”

Jenna pushed a cart down the hall back to the garage making Melna wonder about reflections in time. The king and his guards met them in the garage where the princess was shown the largest vehicle she'd ever seen. “This is a travel trailer, it's pulled by the truck up there. With this we don't have to stop except to change drivers, cuts travel time by a lot.” King Tomlin told her.

“And less scary than a glider flight.”

He squeezed her shoulder. “We can skip that on the way back if you want.” Melna nodded.

Their luggage was packed into the truck and trailer and she was left standing with Jenna. “Princess, I just wanted to tell you, I'm starting maternity leave tomorrow so I may not be around when you get back. I will stop by to visit, though, once things get settled down at home.”

Melna pulled her friend into a hug. “You've held up long enough, go be with your mate and give him and your pup a hug for me.”

“I will, and I definitely want to meet your little one once they come along.”

“I'm going to miss you. You and Dennara combined, it was like momma Sally has been with me the whole time.” That got a laugh.

“Sally Banchet must have been something if it took two of us to do her job.”

“I'll try to get her to come to Alda, I think you two would get on well.”

Dennara called from the trailer, “Princess, its time to go.”

“OK,” she called back. “Take care of yourself.”

“You, too.”

Melna stepped into the trailer, inside it looked like a small living quarters. There were two couches against the wall facing each other, a bed at the back, and a shower and restroom in the middle. Dennara sat on one of the couches the king on the other. Wilhemina, Yezni, and the king's guards Tezal and Bentas were up in the truck as drivers. “This is a lot nicer than my father's carriage.”

“We try to travel in style. Have a seat, we'll be moving soon,” he said waving her to sit next to him.

Melna dug a book out of her bag and sat leaning against him. “I'm ready.”

It took six days of solid driving to get from Alda to Ginad much of which Melna spent looking out the window tail twitching with excitement. This was also the first time she'd been allowed to actually sleep with the king, not counting when they had passed out from exhaustion. No sex occurred on this trip but feeling him pull her to his chest as they lay beside one another was an absolute delight.

They had arrived in Ginad to meet with local informants, Aldenean soldiers who had infiltrated the enemy ranks and Silvanen citizens who had chosen to work with the superior military forces. A council meeting would be called for the day the princess would arrive in the capital where she would declare the next chieftain. What the elders would not be told is that by the end of that day all of them would be out of a job with many of them heading to prison. General Banchet had kept a low profile in the three months the princess had been away, she was a target and best kept away from those who might do her harm. Two of the informants knew where she was and would send word for her to be in the capital.

Melna stepped out of the travel trailer to cheers from a few she knew to be Silvanen citizens. King Tomlin remained inside to protect his identity for the time being. “Colonel, Jenzen!” she called out when she spotted the brown-furred man.

A smile tugged at one side of his mouth. “Princess, its good to see you again, and with good news, I hear.”

She glanced down with an amused snort. “Yes, the news is very good. I also wanted to return this with my thanks.” She held out the gray coat he had given her before her trip up the mountain what felt like a lifetime ago.

He took the coat almost in awe. “This wasn't necessary, princess, this is just standard issue for cold weather.”

“It would bother me if I didn't at least try to give it back. Greet captain Colear for me as well.”

“I will do so next time I see him.”

Melna turned to look over the town again. Much had changed in the time she had been gone. Citizens and soldiers walked the streets in peace, no longer were there lines of prisoners. More importantly there were also no longer rows of bodies on the sidewalk. With a deep breath she turned back to wave at the small crowd that had gathered then stepped back into the trailer.

Two more days of travel found them in Ganden, the capital of Silvana. The city was under the control of the Aldenean forces so the large group of soldiers that gathered around the council building was not out of place, especially since the council was in session. All five of the palace guards used the trailer to change into their dress uniforms. The king dressed as well pulling on a black robe with fine embroidery in white and a red overcoat that hung just bellow the base of his tail.

Melna was glad she had been allowed that second shopping trip. She'd found the most offensively colored Aldenean style fenner possible. It was red, green, blue, and yellow in an odd swirl pattern Jenna had called “tie dye.” She hoped this would make her displeasure with the council clear. She would wear no gint leaving her breasts exposed with her mother's chain hanging between her nipples.

She closed her eyes for several deep breaths until she felt a paw gently touch her back. She turned to look at the king. “Are you ready?”

She stared into the golden eyes for a long time. Everything changed after today, she had been a slave to tradition for her entire life. After today she would be free. “Yes, I am.”

Melna followed Yezni out of the trailer with Dennara and Wilhemina bringing up the rear. Soldiers formed an honor guard the led from the trailer to the door of the council building. The quartet was approached by a man with general's insignia on his collar. He brought his left paw to right shoulder in salute before addressing Dennara. “The council has been gathered and are awaiting the princess.”

Melna spoke up, “General, has general Sally Banchet arrived yet?

He blinked looking up at Dennara who gave a slight nod. “Not yet, princess.”

Dennara replied this time, “When she does she is to be treated as an ally and brought to the princess as soon as possible.”

He gave another sharp salute. “Yes, ma'am.” With that the three guards and the princess moved toward the council building.

“Hey, Dennara, you think you could kick open the door to the council chamber? Maybe a couple of them would die of heart attacks.”

That got snorts from the trio of guards. “No, I don't think that would be wise, princess.”

“It was worth asking.” They entered the long main hall of the council building to stop before the large double doors of the council chamber. More than a dozen Aldenean soldiers lined the hallway behind them. Melna could hear a shouted argument raging inside.

Dennara and Yezni each put a paw on either door handle. “You ready, princess?”

One last deep breath she touched the chain between her breasts. Be with me, mother. “Let's do this.”


Chapter 8

The tall guards did not slam the doors open but the heavy wood creaked at such a volume that the shouting was immediately silenced. Melna clasped her paws behind her back with her head up, spine straight, and thick tail lashing side to side in undisguised animosity. Her memory flew back to almost three months ago walking into a similar situation. This time the guards at her back were here to protect her and the confidence with which she walked with was real.

She stepped toward the center of the circular room where a spotlight shone down on a man that appeared to have been addressing the assembly. Pointing at the man she flicked a paw in the direction of an empty seat at the front row on the lowest level of the small amphitheater. At the sight of her and her escort he quickly scurried off the stage. Assuming his place at the center she waited until her guards had taken equidistant positions around her, standing far enough that all could see her clearly. When she was fully illuminated she heard quiet gasps followed by a woman's voice, “You attire is an affront to this gathering!”

Melna glanced down at herself looking back up with a smirk. “This gathering is an affront to me. Tit for tat, as they say.”

She turned a full circle once, slowly, getting a look at the councilors. Men and women sat in stunned silence, a few looking defiant, most looked nervous. She took a deep breath. “Greetings councilors. As I'm sure you can see, I, Melna Silvana, first daughter of chieftain Chazuk Lefinda out of Serella Silvana, do come before you bearing my firstborn.”

Turning to the left she addressed a different section of the room. “I assume you were somewhat gleeful on hearing about my capture by the Aldenean forces. Whatever means you came by that information I do not know but I'm sure will soon be made clear. I can't imagine your disappointment when I announced my intended,” she paused turning again. “And now I have returned. What plans have I foiled by not allowing you to tear our nation apart in a pointless war against a foe we could never defeat?”

The sounds of a scuffle broke out farther to her left. Intentionally continuing her slow turn her eyes landed on Yezni holding one of the youngest of the old codgers off the ground by the scruff, wrenching a dagger from his paw. A ripple flowed down the fur of her back as a hot rage rose through her chest. Her gaze flicked to Dennara and Wilhemina, they both had sidearms drawn eyes alert scanning the room. A voice called from the back rows, “Your mind has been poisoned by that traitorous general Banchet!”

“One of your number dare raise arms against the first princess!” Melna roared back. Her would be assailant now lay out cold on the floor. She closed her eyes for two breaths opening them again to continue in a more measured voice. “My mind has remained free of the poison you have been forcing onto the radio and newspapers. Even from the confines of the Villa of the Matriarch I have been able to see through the lies you and your ilk propagate.” Weak protests came from a few of the councilors, but the princess continued.

“Unfortunately I am not here to debate you. I am here to perform the duty for which I was born.” She turned to the entrance of the room. “Sire, please enter.” She waited as the king's guard ducked through the doorway, scanned the room, and marched in, rifles in hand. Her defiant expression softened at the sight of him amazed someone could appear so regal while walking with a swagger. “I present King Tomlin Akenna of Aldenea, your new Chieftain of All Silvana!” She delcared without breaking eye contact with the king.

Shouts of “The king of the enemy?” and “A foreigner as chieftain,” followed.

Melna stepped toward her mate stopping him half way with a paw to his chest. She leaned up to rub her cheek to his and whispered in his ear, “Sic 'em, boy.” That got an almost silent snort and a nod. She walked out past the dozen or so regular troops that followed the king and back into the hall. Dennara followed and closed the doors behind them.

The princess put a paw to her mouth and ran further down the now empty hall finding the women's restroom. Slamming open a stall she knelt over the bowl and vomited her morning meal. She kept retching even after she was empty. Jenna had said her digestive issues had eased in her fourth month. Melna wasn't sure she wanted to wait that long.

When the feeling finally passed a paw on her back startled her making her jump and turn to see who it was. “Momma Sally!” Arms around the older woman's neck instantly she buried her face in her neck. At least she did until she realized she was making a mess of the white uniform. “Sorry.”

“It's fine, little one.” Taking her arms she stood the princess on her feet. “Let's get you cleaned up. After that you need to get ready for the public announcement.” Her stomach clenched again at that thought but fortunately nothing threatened to come up. Sally helped her wash her face at the sink. Drinking some of the water from her paws she felt better.

“Is it always like this?”

“It was with both of my boys. You're a strong girl, you'll get through it.”

Melna studied the face of her caretaker, white fur that nearly matched the- now partly stained- dress uniform tunic and a black stripe that started at her nose and went all the way down her back to the end of her tail. “I missed you.”

That got a smile. “And I you.” She pulled the younger woman into another hug. “Alright, let's get out of here.”

On exiting the restroom a motion to her left caught her eye and she turned to see Dennara standing with a military discipline she hadn't seen in a while. She was holding left paw to right shoulder in a stiff salute eyes straight ahead staring down the hall. Melna blinked a short moment before her brain kicked in. “Momma Sally, this is Colonel Dennara Robbins. Dennara, this is General Sally Banchet.”

How on earth was it possible for the much shorter woman to look down at taller guard? Melna's fur ruffled and the air was almost electrified as the general regarded the colonel. “She wanted to...” She trailed off at a momentary flick of eyes in her direction. She was almost scared.

“My foster daughter speaks quite highly of you, colonel.” This must be the general Banchet that the history books spoke of, not the gentle woman that cleaned the scraped knees of a little girl.

“If I may say, general, you have raised an excellent young woman.” Melna's ears got hot.

“I did my best to protect her. Can I trust that you will do the same?” Sally's eyes narrowed.

“I will do so as long as she allows me, general.” A corner of Sally's mouth turned up ever so slightly before she returned the salute. Dennara moved her arm to her side remaining at attention.

“At ease, colonel.” Sally held out a paw. “It's good to finally meet you.”

Dennara took the paw and to Melna's eyes Sally seemed to shrink back to the size she had always known. “You as well, general.”

Melna looked between the two soldiers then gave a snort of laughter. The tension of the moment evaporated. “I think you two will get along quite well. May we return to the trailer? I want to get out of this hideous thing before I need to make my proclamation to the citizens.”

Sally stepped aside and turned to follow Melna beside Dennara. “Why did you wear that, anyway?”

She again looked past the swell of her belly to the bright fabric hanging from her waist. “I couldn’t think of a better way to demonstrate my disregard for the council. It was either this or set fire to their tails.” She was quiet for two steps. “I may ask the king if we can do that anyway.”

“I think half those old coots are bald,” Sally replied getting an amused snort for Dennara.

“Killjoy.” Melna stopped by the exit doors and let out a sigh. “What’s it look like outside?”

Dennara stepped out for several seconds before returning. “There’s a crowd starting to gather. They look more curious than hostile.”

“To the trailer it is.” The doors opened and there was an audible gasp followed by murmuring from the few dozen citizens gathered behind the honor guard still lined up. She walked purposefully to the trailer nodding to the lieutenant that opened the door. Once she was again alone with the general and colonel she sagged sitting heavily on one of the couches. “Dennara, would you please get me a glass of water.”

“Sure thing, Melna.” Sally gave the other soldier a side eye and returned her gaze to the princess with the hint of a smirk. Melna shook her head with a smile.

She downed the whole glass, the cold liquid helping to settle her stomach. “I guess I better get dressed. It’s time for the people to know there’s hope for the future.” Getting up she retreated to the rear of the trailer to change into her formal wear. Sally followed. “How have the people been handling the occupation while I’ve been gone. I haven’t been privy to much news from home.”

Holding up the gint for her to slip her arms into Sally replied, “Lately the people have been opposing the council much more than the Aldeneans. I don’t know who but someone has been spreading rumors of war profiteering and general corruption in the council. Transcripts of a few meetings were copied and spread to the citizens even before your surrender.”

“Are they going to revolt over me handing the nation to Aldenea?” She asked quietly, clipping the chain for her fenner.

“No, the last two and half decades have not been kind to all but a few of the citizens. It will be a shock to many but as princess you have the right to choose any you deem worthy to be chieftain.”

Melna turned to face her caretaker. “I don’t want another Age of Wars. The Aldenean military can put down any violent revolts but that won’t put the people at ease. I don’t think it will come to that but the idea still scares me.”

Sally looked long and hard into her eyes. “What do you believe the king would do in such a situation?”

A memory flickered in her mind, staring at a profile with a content smile as he looked out over Alda City from the spire. “Aldenea is peaceful because it is strong. I believe the king will lend that strength to Silvana so we can be peaceful as well.”

Sally stared back with a serious expression. “You love this man, do you not?”

Melna stared back well aware Dennara could clearly hear anything being said. Honesty was the best policy, wasn’t it? “Yes, I do. He has treated me with nothing but kindness and grace since I left the gates of the villa. I want to be with him when I’m not, and I want to stay with him when I am.”

A smile spread across Sally’s face. “I need to meet this man that has captured your heart so.”

“He would like to meet you as well.” Glancing at Dennara then back, “Though, I think you need to prepare yourself for a certain amount of hero-worship. You are quite famous among the military ranks of Aldenea.”

That got a resigned sigh from the general. “And here I was hoping to leave that behind me.” She patted Melna on the arm. “Alright, when the king is finished with the council we’ll head to the stage for you to make your pronouncement.”

She turned to Dennara. “How’s the crowd?”

Her guard peeked out a curtain. “Anxious, though they don’t look, wait the king is coming.”

The three women backed into the small sleeping area of the trailer before the door opened admitting Tezal immediately followed by the king. He let out a breath as the door closed. Bentas, Wilhemina, and Yezni remained outside. Tezal eyed the older woman in the white uniform glancing at Dennara and getting a nod.

King Tomlin turned as well catching sight of the odd-one-out of their group. His eyes brightened. “General Sally Banchet, if I may presume.” Giving a polite nod.

Sally bowed deep and straightened. “You may, chieftain.”

His eyes tracked over to Melna and gave her a smile before looking back to Sally. “The princess speaks quite highly of you. Though, I must admit I’ve been something of a fan of yours since primary school. I hope we will have time to talk over midday or supper, sometime.”

Sally smiled back. “I’m sure that can be arranged, chieftain. Though, if I may interject, the princess still needs present you to the citizens. The sooner the better. Also, the active generals are still being recalled, they should all be here tomorrow for their formal declaration of loyalty to the new chieftain.”

The king blinked then a smirk pulled at one side of this mouth. He looked to Melna. “You could have warned me.”

She smiled back. “Where’s the fun in that? Did you think taking over a nation was going to be easy?”

Sally spoke up drawing back the king’s attention. “We are a very traditional people, chieftain. It’s really one of our major flaws as a nation. Once the ceremonies are over things will begin to calm down.”

The king returned his gaze to Melna. “Alright, are you ready to do this?”

“Yes, chieftain,” she replied with a glint in her eye.

He just shook his head. The group again left the trailer. The crowd gathered on the other side of the honor guard had swelled to more than a hundred. Murmurs followed by cheers from the crowd when Melna exited behind Dennara. She paused for a moment to look over them. They were why she hadn’t just run away. She choked down a lump in her throat and lifted a paw to wave at the citizens. King Tomlin took position beside her the palace guard forming up around them.

They walked the straight hall to the opposite side of the building. “What will happen to the councilors?” Melna asked.

“They are being placed on house arrest until they stand trial. They will be tried under Silvanen law since we aren’t going through with annexation immediately.”

She let out a breath bringing up a paw to tap on her front teeth.


If the crowd on the north side of the building was big the assemblage on the south side was more like a sea. Almost the whole capital had turned out. Thousands of people coming to see the pronouncement of a new chieftain and any not here were likely sitting with an ear to a radio. Melna couldn’t stop the fur of her back and tail from standing on end.

A large stage protruded out from the side of the building with a podium set in the middle. Ten soldiers in the white dress uniforms of Silvana stood around the perimeter of the stage. Melna looked at the king. He spoke softly in her ear. “They are Silvanen soldiers that freely chose to side with us. We thought it best.” She nodded back then mounted the short set of stairs up.

When she appeared behind the podium another, much louder, cheer erupted from the mass of faces before her. She forced herself not to clamp her paws to her ears but instead held to the edges of the podium trying her best to keep her composure. Then the crowd quieted she looked down at the microphone in front of her and unfolded a sheet of paper on the podium’s surface.

With a deep breath she began. “People of Silvana,” her amplified voice echoed across the densely populated city square before her, “those present and those listening to radios across the nation. I appear before you today to announce my first pregnancy.” Another cheer rose up from the people. “I had not expected to stand before you in this way for much more time but recent events have made it a necessity. This trying time is now over and those responsible, those who can be, will be brought to justice for their crimes against you and against the citizens of Bemorn and Aldenea.

“I have spent the last three months as a guest of Aldenea. While there I have been treated with the utmost respect and kindness. I have seen her cities and her people. Aldenea is a peaceful and prosperous nation.” The crowd stood wide eyed. She took a deep breath she turned and motioned her mate to join her at the podium. “That prosperity is why I have chosen King Tomlin Akenna as our next chieftain. I know as our leader he will treat all of you with the same respect and kindness that he has shown me. Before I met him I asked if the king was a good man. I was told, ‘His Majesty King Tomlin Akenna is a good and fair man. You have nothing to fear from him as long as you remain true to your word.’ This sentiment has proven true in the time I’ve known him.

“These are strange times we are living in, but I know we will come out the better for it if we treat Chieftain Akenna with the respect we would any other man in his position.”

The crowd seemed stunned. Melna took the king’s paw in hers. This was the hard part, would the people accept the king of an enemy nation as their leader? After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, voices in the crowd began to call out. It built until the crowd was cheering louder than before. She released the breath she had been holding.

She stepped aside to for him to take position behind the microphone. Setting his own paper down he looked over the mass of people and waited for them to quiet again. “People of Silvana, three months ago a young woman stood before me with a heartfelt plea for the safety of the people of her nation. Her motivation has always been the protection of the citizens of Silvana. I know this because I feel the same for the people of Aldenea. I would do anything I needed to do to protect them. As your chieftain I promise to care for you in the same way.

“The war is over, let the nations of Silvana and Aldenea be at peace so we can rebuild Silvana into the great nation that it is.”

There was no pause from the crowd when their new chieftain stepped away from the microphone. As the people cheered their leader Melna stepped in to put her arms around her mate leaning in to rub her cheek to his. The two turned to give the people a wave and retreated back to the council building.

They were lead to an office where they could sit, Melna was quite grateful for it. The king’s guards stood in far corners of the room, Dennara and the rest had remained in the hall. They were soon joined by general Banchet and one more Silvanen official. “Excellent speeches, chieftain, princess.”

This came from an older woman with dark blue fur, Ganden’s mayor, Angie Tirov. “I must say that after recent history the people’s sentiment toward the leadership has been growing more negative. This is probably the best time for someone considered an outsider to take on the roll of chieftain.”

Chieftain Akenna, Melna didn’t feel his first name alone fit the title, leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “I must know, from a citizen, how do the people feel about Aldenea? The ceasefire only began a few months ago, before that it was open warfare and they were losing badly.”

“I think I can safely say that a majority of the people view Aldenea more favorably than they do the council of elders. The biggest contributing factor being the inzritarian aid that the Aldenean military has been doling out. The council appeared to have gone into hiding almost immediately after chieftain Lefinda’s death. In all honesty, the primary reason I was elected was because I opposed the council in continuing this war.”

“Running off at a time like this is never a good look.” The chieftain-king sighed. “My primary goal is to get the people back on their paws as soon as possible. We can move forward with any other plans after that.”

“Civilian casualties have been minimal as well as the destruction of residences. I estimate less than thirty years to have the physical scars of the war healed. Farmland and food production even less than that.” The mayor had a confident look on her face.

The conversation continued for some time. Melna wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself, officially her job was complete. She needed to choose the next leader and have a pup. That was done. She sat listening when a strange feeling made itself known in her belly. A moment before she was going to get up for the restroom again she realized what it was.

She failed to suppress a squeal putting a stop to the meeting and drawing all eyes to her. She looked at them embarrassed for a moment. To jelt with it, she took her mate’s paw and held to her swollen middle. “Please tell me you can feel that.”

Silence reigned as the king stared intently at the back of his paw. She felt it again and his eyes flicked up to meet hers. A broad smile grew across his face. “Yes, I do. This is... amazing.”

It then clicked in her mind. This wasn’t a means to an end, she was going to have a pup. Her responsibilities to her nation were over. Now she had a responsibility to this little one growing inside her. She looked at the faces staring back, mayor Tirov and momma Sally were beaming at her. Even the two stoic giants had turned their heads slightly to view the scene. Tears blurred her vision.

The mayor let out a breath. “I think, chieftain, that will be enough politics for now. The palace is being vetted by Aldenean security at the moment but it can be ready as soon as you want to move in.”

“Thank you, mayor. My mate and I shall retire to the trailer for now, its well after midday and we haven’t had a chance to eat anything yet.”

Mayor Tirov stood and held out a paw. “You seem like a good man, chieftain. When I first heard of our princess’ decision I will admit I had doubts. I see now that I should have trusted her judgment. I’m looking forward to seeing what you will make of our nation.”

The chieftain took the offered paw. “I do hope I can live up to those expectations, mayor.”

With that the group exited the office. King Tomlin (what was she supposed to call him now?) slipped an arm around her shoulders pulling her against him. She leaned into the affection putting arm around his back. The crowd had mostly dispersed leaving less than twenty shouting greetings. Melna spotted some familiar faces among the stragglers. She motioned with a paw and Dennara bent down to hear. “Those two men,” she nodded it their direction, “I would like to meet with them if possible.”

Eyes darted to the king, he nodded. “Yes, princess.”

The king, the princess, and Tezal the guard entered the trailer again. The king sat on a couch and Melna remained standing waiting for the knock that came only a moment later. “Enter.”

Dennara followed the two men, one of dark blue fur the other black both with white furred cheeks and necks that would continue past the collars of their shirts. Both men looked nervous. Melna beamed. “Chezum, Maluk its good to see you again. How are…” She trailed off seeing the black furred Maluk leaning heavily on a crutch. Her eyes traveled down and saw he was missing most of his right leg. Her fur bushed. “What happened?”

Maluk looked at the floor. “I was shot early in the war.” His gaze flicked to the chieftain and back down, ashamedly. “It was during the invasion of Aldenea. They couldn’t save it.”

Melna looked the king, he nodded back at her. “Please, sit, both of you.” She directed them to the couch opposite the one occupied. “Your ma… Chieftain, these are my older brothers. Chezum and Maluk Lefinda. They’re the only men I’ve seen with any kind of regularity.” She tried to lighten the mood still horrified at the state of her brother. She sat next to her mate.

Bowing their heads they replied in unison, “Greetings, chieftain. It is an honor to be in your presence.”

“I can see the family resemblance. You two fought in Silvana’s military?”

The two kept their eyes down. “Yes, chieftain. It is tradition in Silvana for sons of the chieftain to serve. Though after the war began we did not serve for very long.”

The king regarded them for a long moment. “Gentlemen, please be at peace. I’m not going to punish you. I daresay you’ve been punished enough. Maluk, have you had any Aldenean doctors look at that? They might even be able to get you fitted for a prosthetic.”

Their shoulders loosened at that. “Not yet, chieftain. We were concerned… we weren’t sure they would treat me, considering.”

The king turned his attention to Dennara. “Colonel, when we’re done here please see that the two are taking to the hospital.”

“Yes, your majesty.” She replied, moving to exit the trailer.

Melna let out a breath. “Aside from the obvious, how have you two been?”

Chezum responded with a more relaxed attitude, “As well as can be expected, I suppose. We’ve been trying to keep our heads down, though. Father hasn’t been exactly popular lately. After you called the ceasefire we returned to the capital and been staying with some friends.”

Maluk spoke up, “When we heard you were coming back to announce the new chieftain, well, we were hoping to see you again.”

“It has been a few years, hasn’t it? I wish someone had told me what happened to you.”

Maluk responded, “We’ve been doing alright. No one that knows us has formed a mob or anything.”

She sat up, startled. “Has that been happening? We shouldn’t be having mob justice.”

Chezum shook his head. “No, fortunately. Though, I think its mostly due to the Aldenean peacekeepers. Anyone that’s been trying to stir things up gets arrested fairly quickly.” He turned his eyes to his nation’s new leader. “Your soldiers have been doing a good job of keeping the people calm, chieftain.”

The king nodded solemnly. “I can only hope so.”

Maluk grabbed his crutch. “I’m sorry, we’ve taken enough of your time, chieftain. Melna it is good to see you well.”

Melna stood holding out a paw for her brother which he took and stood as well. She was disappointed they wanted to leave already. “I want to see you two again soon but first please go see the doctors.”

The king got to his feet. “If you two need anything feel free to contact us. I’ll do what I can”

The brothers again bowed their heads. “You honor us, chieftain.”

Melna pulled them into a hug. “It’s good to know you’re safe. Please call on us again, soon.”

Chezum rubbed the top of her head like he did a long time ago. “We will, little sister. I definitely want to meet the little one once he or she is born.”

She opened the door for them. “Take care of each other.”

“We will.”

They left, that had been too short of a visit. Melna’s good mood was dampened. Outside the trailer she could a man’s voice. “Gentlemen, please come this way.” She looked at her mate, emotions whirling inside her. He stepped close to put his arms around her.

“They will be well cared for. Don’t worry, love.”

She leaned into him nuzzling his shoulder. “I know, I just wish it never happened in the first place. When Dennara and the others first brought be through Ginad there were… The war finally became real. But this,” She choked. “This hits a little too close to home. Maluk used to carry me on his back when we were little.”

He said nothing, just held her for a long time.


Chapter 9

Melna woke in a soft bed wrapped in the arms of her mate. The sun was just now peeking through the east window casting a line across the floor beside the bed. She dared not move, not wanting to disturb the peace of the moment. Nothing existed beyond the stone walls of the chieftain’s bedchamber, the only sound was the gentle, rhythmic breathing behind her.

She lay for some time eyes half closed luxuriating in the warmth until she heard the soft pad of paws outside the door. No knock came, but she knew the day would need to begin soon. She pulled his paw up and nuzzled into the palm hearing a deep breath from the one with her as he woke as well. “Good morning, love,” she said.

The paw moved to her middle. “Mmm, and good morning to you. How are the two of you?”

“Comfortable,” she replied.

He pulled her tighter to himself and nuzzled into her cheek. “Yes, I would have to agree.” She felt something hard against her the base of her tail and wiggled her hips teasingly. “Hey, no fair.” He pressed into her and nipped at an ear.

The knock at the door finally arrived. Melna growled quietly and Tomlin groaned. “Just a moment.” Getting out of of the bed he pulled on a robe. She simply rolled over burying her muzzle in his pillow. “Enter,” he called out.

Captain Tezal Kint escorted general Banchet. Both bowed deeply Sally’s eyes flicking to Melna snuggled in the bed a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Her attention returned to chieftain Akenna. “Greatest apologies for the disturbance, chieftain, but there are preparations to be made for the arriving generals.”

“No apologies needed, general, thank you. I shall join you presently.”

“Thank you, chieftain, we will await you in the war room.” The two soldiers bowed again and departed.

Tomlin sighed turning back to the bed. “Shall we get ready, princess?”

Melna threw off the blanket and sat up. The feeling in her stomach made her wonder if she should eat morning meal or not. Looking at her mate she shook her head. “You should get ready. My presence is neither needed nor wanted there.” He looked confused as she got out of the bed pulling him against herself. “And I’m not officially a princess any more. That ended when you gave your speech to the people accepting the position as our leader. My job is done, if I have a son then by law you can do whatever you want with me. If I have a daughter she will be the next princess and will need to be protected until its time for her to choose the next chieftain… Or you grant my wish and annex Silvana.”

Arms around her he swayed gently. “I had no idea it was like that.” He paused for a moment. “Well, let’s hope we have a son. I can think of several things I want to do with you.” He nuzzled into her neck and softly tickled her sides. She giggled and struggled away from his grasp. He let out a breath and tilted his head to look at her. “Even so, I have no intention of sending you away, if I ever gave that impression.”

“Never, but I guess my dreams of taking up farming have been dashed.”

He bumped his nose to her forehead and moved his paws to her shoulders. He looked long into her eyes. “I do want you to stay with me. The past three months have been a treasure and I want this continue.”

She stared back almost hypnotized. “I will remain by your side as long as I am able.”

He blinked slowly then his shoulders sagged. “I guess I better get dressed.” He turned away reluctantly to dig through a suitcase.

“Umm, Tomlin, there is another thing.” He turned to look at her again. “I was hoping to return to the villa. I couldn’t bring much with me when I left before and I was hoping to try to catch up with some people.”

He nodded. “I’ll have Dennara and the others accompany you. It’s more than a day’s drive back, so you can take the trailer that way you’re not stuck in a car seat the whole way.” Tomlin tied his formal robe and pulled on an overcoat. “When do you want to go?”

“As soon as Dennara says we can. Momma Sally says most of the garrison and staff are still there. I’d like to get back before everyone scatters.”

Tomlin pulled her in for another hug resting his chin on top of her head. “Alright, I’ll meet you there in a few days then we can make more concrete plans for the future.”

She gave him a squeeze. “A man in the Villa of the Matriarch? Everyone will be quite scandalized.”

He chuckled and stepped back. “I need to get to work. I’ll see you soon, love.” She nodded and watched him leave stopping just outside the door. “Ah, colonel, I’m going to need yo…” the words cut off as the door shut.

She sighed and went to her luggage to get dressed.


It took two days to drive back to the villa. Wilhemina and Yezni were on driving duty while Dennara rode in the trailer with Melna. She had thought they would pull right into the courtyard but when she was escorted out of the trailer she realized that idea had been silly. The gate was much too short and narrow to even admit the truck that pulled the trailer. Everything looked so small now.

The noise of the vehicle must have attracted the attention of the residents. The gate stood open and when the former princess had been sighted a hasty honor guard formed up along the main path. Melna looked over the half dozen guards that had formed up and the stragglers still taking their positions. “At ease, everyone,” she called out. The postures slackened a little but guards and staff were still gathering along the path, her family. Why was this so awkward?

The Aldenean giants followed her as she made her way into the courtyard. Major Tawny Contin stepped out of line and approached. “Princess, we heard the news. It’s good to see you again. We were… worried you might not come back.”

“I couldn’t just leave everyone.” She looked down to blink back tears.

Tawny reached out to put an arm around her shoulders pulling her in. “It’s good to see you again.” Returning the hug her belly pressed against the older woman. Stepping back the major looked down. “And this. Of course I knew, but to see it for myself. What are you, three months already?”

Melna laughed. “Just a little over two. Everyone keeps telling me I’m getting big fast. Personally, I think they just fed me too well in Aldenea.”

“Nope, that’s all pup you’ve got. Hmm, I’m going to guess four pounds when you deliver.”

“Oh, ancestors, I hope not. That’s enormous.” She stepped back and major Contin’s eyes fell upon Melna’s Aldenean escort.

“Speaking of enormous,” the major said quietly then continued at a regular volume, “are you going to introduce your new friends?”

Melna turned, surprised, she had almost forgotten they were there. “Yes, sorry. This is colonel Dennara Robins and captains Wilhemina Buntar and Yezni Krinchen. They’ve been with me since I got in father’s carriage.” Major Contin saluted which the three returned. “And this is Major Tawny Contin, executive officer of the villa garrison.”

The soldiers regarded each other for a moment. “Colonel, Melna has spoken of you in her letters to us. It’s good to finally meet you and thank you for taking care of her while she’s been away.”

“It’s been an honor, major, and we hope to continue doing so for some time.”

“You soldiers are always so serious.” A voice behind Melna chimed in.

She recognized the voice even before she turned. “Milty, it’s good to see you!” She pulled the younger woman in a hug. That seemed to break the air of military decorum and staff and soldiers gathered around to greet the newcomers.

This is what she had wanted. Silvanen guards and Aldenean guards were getting along. Melna herself was a bit occupied with well wishers and those wanting to rub her belly. She caught one of the gardeners and waved to Yezni. “There’s some boxes in the back of the truck labeled ‘villa,’ could you get a few people and grab them for me, please.”

They both nodded, Yezni saying. “I’ll show you.” She watched them depart.

Milty leaned in. “Hey, we can get the bath is ready pretty quick if you want.” Melna froze. A bath, in warm water, she could sit and soak in warm water. “Are you alright?”

She looked at her friend. “Oh, yes please. I haven’t had a bath since I left.” Milty blinked, her confusion plain on her face. “It’s complicated, I’ll explain later.”

Jesha had made it through to the middle of the crowd to join the two conspiring women. Melna pulled her into a hug. When the deliveries had been unloaded everyone moved into the large living space inside. The largest boxes were opened revealing stacks of the Aldenean style Silvanen clothes in just about every color Melna had been able to find. To say they were popular would be an understatement. Taking a smaller box aside she opened it having gotten some jewelry for Milty and Jesha.

A party atmosphere quickly developed, all the guards, Silvanen and Aldenean, dropped any pretense of discipline, most had changed into the brightly colored clothing. Cooks cranked up the stoves, music records were played, and Melna settled into her favorite spot on a couch. She was content to watch everyone else get on. Her Aldenean escort, who had attracted the attention of everyone even tangentially related to the military, were being peppered with questions and asking nearly as many in return.

She had been getting her own barrage of questions not the least of which why she hadn’t had a bath in three months. The idea of a shower fascinated her old friends. After a couple of hours the party began to wind down. Plates and drinkware were being collected when Melna spied Milty returning from the back. She nodded to Jesha who sat next to Melna on the couch who gave her a nudge. “You ready for that bath?”

“Very much so.” She stood up as Milty waved the Aldenean guards to follow them.


Melna sat on the low stool and poured the bucket of hot water over her head. Milty, sitting behind her, began to rub soap into the fur of her back. “You honestly scared me when you said you hadn’t had a bath. At least you managed to keep clean while you were gone. Can’t really imagine you lasting that long if not.”

“Don’t know what happened to that little girl that liked to play in the mud. I think momma Sally even got tired of scolding me for it.” She scrubbed the front of her body wincing as her paw moved over a breast.

“Are you all right?” Milty asked

“The piercings have been getting sore lately.”

“Let me see.” Milty moved around her and gently parted the fur covering a nipple. “Yeah, I can see why, we may need to get you some bigger rings. These look like they are starting to wear a bit.”

“You may actually want to switch to something you can remove easily. You’re going to need those for more than just decoration pretty soon.” Dennara spoke up from the pool beside where Melna was washing. That got a round of laughter from those present.

“Yes, I suppose you’re right. I hope mother isn’t too upset, though.”

It was Jesha’s turn to reply. “Serella would want to you take care of yourself and your pup. I’m sure she’d understand.”

“You’re right, we’ll get these out before bed tonight and find something else later,” Melna replied.


“Alight, rinse.” Melna put her arms out as more water was poured over her washing out the soap from her fur. She got up and finally made her way to the shallow pool. She and Milty were to last to enter, having taken her time washing. Dennara, Wilhemina, and Yezni all seemed to be enjoying the water. Jesha sat near them in a quiet conversation.

The water only came a little above her knees, she squatted then leaned back to finally stretch out and float while staring at the ceiling. Soft flicks of her tail kept her from moving with the gentle current in the water. “Dennara, when we go back to Palace Alda would it be possible for me to get a room with a tub? Your showers are nice but I’ve really missed having a long hot soak.”

“You’ve been staying in the temporary guest quarters before now. I’m sure the king will have you moved to one of the permanent apartments on our return. I think you’ll like what they have to offer.”

Melna was about to reply when Milty spoke up. “Speaking of going back. Melna, I was in Kindev a couple tendays ago. Some of the children were asking if you were going to be here for New Years’ Harvest. I just told them I wasn’t sure but I would ask next time I saw you.”

She sat up. “That’s in less than a month, isn’t it. I completely forgot.” She looked at Dennara. “I’d like to stay. Do you think the king would mind?”

“You can ask him when he gets here, though I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“I hope so, that was always a highlight of the year.” She fell back to float again. She felt the breeze blowing over her nose through the open air bath bringing with it the scent of rain. Peeking at the sky past the roof line she could see clouds billowing over the mountains to the west. Rain would be good.

The group stayed in the bath until the sun disappeared behind the mountains and they could see occasional flashes of lightning making its way toward them. They all got out and helped dry each other off. Milty retrieved some pliers and helped Melna remove the jewelry that had begun to cause her pain.

After that she returned to the living space. She was about to flop on the couch when Melna spotted a newspaper on the low table. ‘Chieftain Chazuk Lefinda Killed In Battle, The War Can Still Be Won,’ the headline read. Her fur bristled. Why was the paper still there after all this time? Giving in to base urges she did throw it in the fireplace this time.

She retreated to the balcony to watch the rain fall and lightning spark across the sky. Arms wrapped around her middle pulling her against a body behind her. Melna caught Jesha’s scent as she nuzzled the back of her head. “Are you alright, Mel?”

Melna leaned back against her best friend. “It’s over, the war, and if I get my way none of Tomlin’s daughters will be trapped like I have. The people will be safe. The future of the nation is out of my paws.” She felt a soft flutter in her belly. “And I’m having a pup with a man I really do love. It’s like the weight of the world has been lifted off me.”

Jesha gave a squeeze. “You’ve got a sparkle in your eyes I haven’t seen in a while. It’s like when we were little. We’d be conspiring to go dig up earthworms tomorrow after the rain. Then we’d get scolded by the gardeners for messing up the flowers. It’s good to see you happy again.” Melna grunted a reply then winced when thunder cracked very near the villa. “Let’s go back inside.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” The two women retreated back to the relative safety of the couches by the fireplace. Milty, ever the chatterbox, was engrossed in a conversation with Wilhemina. Dennara and Yezni were drinking tea with major Contin while brightly garbed maid staff and soldiers ambled in and out of the spacious room. Melna leaned against Jesha and just enjoyed the peace of the scene. She was home, her friends were by her side, and soon her mate would be with her again.


Melna spent a majority of the next three days in the bath. The weightless feeling of floating in the water was comforting. Everyone had rotated through the baths with her at least once in that time but her constant companions were lieutenant Jesha Contin and colonel Dennara Robbins. Melna could sense something of a friendly rivalry developing between the two soldiers and she wondered about the possibility of Jesha joining the palace guard in the future.

On the third day the midday meal was served outside on the villa’s lawn. The recent rains seemed to have scrubbed the atmosphere, the clear sky a vibrant blue and the air smelled clean. A shout came from one of the guards patrolling the top of the walls declaring someone’s approach. That’s when Melna heard the distinctive sound of a motor vehicle engine outside. Getting up quickly she rushed to the open gates followed closely by her guards of both nationalities.

Two large military trucks parked next to the travel trailer still resting outside the villa walls. Melna was almost disappointed until one of the rear doors was opened and the person she most wanted to see stepped out, collecting the hem of his robe to keep it from trailing in the mud. Her Aldenean escort bowed to their king while the Silvanens present saluted their chieftain. Melna wasn’t sure which she should do but her decision was made for her when he stepped up and drew her into a hug. “It’s good to see you again. I missed you.”

General Banchet approached more slowly receiving salutes from every military member present. “I can vouch for that. That boy wouldn’t sit still the whole ride here.” Sally had never been one for deference, but Melna knew it was a good sign that she liked him.

“I missed you, too. We had just started midday meal, would you like to join us?” She gestured to the blankets laid out under a tree.

“Yes, please. Food sounds good right now.” She lead him to the place they could get something to eat. The mood of the villa shifted slightly, everyone became more serious now that the chieftain was present. All the Silvanen guards changed into their uniforms and walked with more discipline.

The day passed pleasantly for the young lovers. King Tomlin was definitely a point of interest for the ladies of the villa, though they remained respectful. Tezal and Bentas, the king’s personal guards, also attracted a lot of attention, though most weren’t sure how to approach the stoic men who had to duck through doorways.

After supper Melna convinced her mate to join her in the bath. They were left alone and took considerable time washing each other, she felt that familiar tingle as he scrubbed her back. She noticed evidence of his interest as well when it was her turn to brush the soap through his fur. Not long after they both were floating on their backs in the water, Melna holding one of his paws to her belly.

“So this is the Villa of the Matriarch, huh?”

“Mhmm,” she replied quietly.

“This would make a nice place for a retreat if we wanted to take some time away.”

“Yes, it would.”

They floated in silence for some time. The king finally spoke up again. “Are you feeling alright, love?”

She gave the paw on her belly a squeeze. “I honestly couldn’t be happier. I’m just at a loss of what to do with myself now. I’ve been important for so long that I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now that I’m not important any more.”

He sat up in the shallow water and pulled her against himself. She giggled as he nuzzled her cheek. “You’re important to me,” his paw moved to rub her belly, “and you’re important to someone else. You are my mate and the mother of my pup. You can just be that for the time being. You are free from the responsibilities of a nation. Take some time for yourself.”

She turned her head to lightly nip at his neck. “I think I’ll take some time for you instead.” The look on his face told her he agreed with that sentiment. Getting out of the water they dried off, she took his paw, and they hurried to her bedroom without getting dressed. The two of them definitely drew attention as they rushed through the halls. Most treated them with a respectful indifference but Sally caught her eye and shook her head with a smirk.


See “Chapter 9 Sex Scene” or continue to skip it.


True to his word he was in her bed when she woke in the morning. She nuzzled under his chin and he drew a deep breath the arm around her back pulling her in tight. “Good morning, my love.” She said quietly.

“And good morning to you. Mmm, your bed is very comfortable. Any chance at getting morning meal delivered?”

She laughed into his chest. “Maybe since you’re here. Momma Sally would never allow it unless I was ill. Said if I wanted to eat I had to come and get it.”

Her head bounced on his chest as he laughed as well. “Why break with tradition now?” He moved to sit up and she rolled off this chest and did so as well. They got out of bed together and he looked around confused for a moment. “I seem to have forgotten to bring in any clothes.”

Melna giggled. “You could borrow some of mine.”

He squinted at her with a mock reprimand in his eyes. He straightened to sport an imperious stance chin high with paws on hips. “Not only am I the King of Aldenea I am also the Chieftain of All Silvana. It would not do for me to be seen in women’s attire. If I must be seen by the people in my bare fur then so it shall be.”

Melna covered in face her giggling growing. “Isn’t there a story about this?”

“What was it? ‘The Duke’s Fancy Robes?’ Well, those fools outside cannot comprehend the detail in the embroidery and quality of the fabric of my new robes.”

Her stomach was beginning to hurt from laughter when she stepped up to hug him. “You possess the finest of robes, my lord. Shall we parade them for the people?”

Giggling could be heard in the side hallways as they made their way back to the bath to get properly washed. Melna’s ears were so hot she felt they might catch fire but she maintained her outer composure as she walked paw in paw with her mate. They cleaned not getting in the pool and two sets of clothing were brought for them wear when they returned for morning meal.

Discretion was obviously not the first rule for the maids of the Villa of the Matriarch. Being a compound meant to house and protect one young woman it wasn’t high on the list of priorities. Melna caught a few of them struggling to keep a straight face as they brought food for herself and the chieftain.

After eating Melna lead the Chieftain on a tour of the villa. It didn’t take nearly as long as his tour of the palace but she was still proud of her home. Some time later a group of elders from nearby villages arrived. Officially men were still not allowed on the villa grounds so they met in the travel trailer outside.

When the conference was over Melna was disappointed when her mate told her he would be needing to return to Ganden. Plans were made: she would be remaining in the villa until after New Year’s Harvest. Dennara, Wilhemina, and Yezni would continue to act as her escort along with several more soldiers from Aldenea to bolster the garrison. General Banchet would remain in command for a while longer.

He promised to come visit her as much as he could. In another month she would return with him Ganden and later back to Palace Alda. Melna stood at the gates of the villa’s outer wall watching the travel trailer depart. “Come back to me soon, my king.” She said quietly.

She felt a paw at her back and turned to find momma Sally standing with her. “That boy won’t be able to stay away from you for long, little one. He’ll be back soon and I predict you two will have a long life together.”

Melna nodded and gave the older woman a long hug.


Chapter 10


As always Sally was in charge of preparations for the New Year’s Harvest festival taking place at the Villa of the Matriarch. Five of the nearby primary schools had asked to be included. Normally they would only have two but this year was special. This would also be the first time the villa would be allowing parents to attend as well.

The half dozen female Aldenean soldiers the king had assigned were getting along well with the Silvanen garrison. Their admiration for general Banchet and the fact that this contingent of Silvanens hadn’t taken part in the war had preempted a lot of possible tension there would have existed otherwise.  The Aldeneans were also respectful enough not to pester the general much about her previous service.

Major Tawny Contin, who was lieutenant Jesha Contin’s mother, had stepped aside for colonel Robbins to act as executive officer. Sally left much of the day to day military operations to the colonel who, herself, had gained a fair amount of respect from the Silvanen garrison.

As she had for much of her life Melna retreated to the library. She had already read most everything in here, some many times, but she was looking for something in particular, something she hadn’t before paid close attention to. She was digging through the genealogical records of her family. She wasn’t sure if she should be surprised at how many of Silvana’s princesses had chosen to remain as mate to the chieftain even if their first child had been male. This made her think of her own situation. No, she would not be leaving the king by her own choice and, male or female, she would not be leaving her pup to the care of someone else.

It took three books and twelve generations but she finally found it. “Silandro…” she said quietly.  Sally must have known her history. Carrila Silandro had chosen chieftain Derrig Hossen as mate after Ferris Silvana died in childbirth. Melna stared at the paw written line until she felt a paw on her back and turned to see Sally sitting down on the bench next to her.

“What are you looking for, little one?”

Melna closed the book. “My name. Since I’m not the princess any more, I wanted… I’m not a Silvana any more. When I return with the king to Aldenea I’m changing my name to Silandro.”

Sally rubbed her shoulder. “It’s good to know where we come from, though it will disappoint quite a few people.”

Melna sighed. “There isn’t much I can do about that. You know how I’ve felt about this responsibility my whole life. I have the opportunity to put a stop to it for future generations and I intend to use it.”

The corners of Sally’s mouth turned up. “Oh I’ve been quite aware of your feelings ever since Jesha told me you were going to scale the wall and run away.”

Melna blinked. “Jesha told you?” She asked a bit louder than she intended, adding more quietly, “she never told me she was the one.” She wasn’t sure whether to be angry or thankful. She let out a laugh.

Sally squeezed her shoulder. “She was scared you were going to get hurt. I’m glad she did it.”

“I guess it was for the best. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I had managed to run away.”

“Nothing good, for you or the nation. I’m proud of you, little one. You took what you had and made it into something wonderful.”

Melna leaned on her foster mother. She thought about having words with Jesha but decided it wasn’t worth it. It had all worked out for the best. She picked up the books to return them to their places on the shelves, Sally remaining close by. “Melna Silandro.” She said out loud. “That doesn’t sound too bad. I just need to pick a girl’s name that goes with it.”

Sally laughed. “But what If you have a boy? Have you thought of what goes with Akenna? Maybe Andrew or Aaron, something like that?”

“Yick, I hate alliteration in names. If I have a boy it’s going to be Marcus.” She paused. “I’ll just need to convince his majesty.” Melna said with a grin and a wink.

Sally laughed again. “I think you can do it. Anyway, what are you going to do now that you’ve made life altering decisions and picked pup names?”

“I don’t know, be a mom and hope I can find someone to watch the little one when the king visits.”

Sally squinted. “That’s nice, but I meant right now. The staff are working on banners for the festival and could use some help.”

“Oh, yes. That sounds better than spending the rest of the afternoon in the bath. I forgot how boring it can be here.”

Sally lead Melna down that hall. “If the little princess is bored I’m sure I can find something for her to do.”

Melna tucked her tail, only half jokingly. “Oh, no, I’m sure the staff will find something for me.”  Sally just chuckled.

It was more than another tenday before the king returned for a visit. Melna was a bit worried Sally would rope him into assisting with preparations as well. She was surprised when he actually volunteered to do some of the heavy lifting, much to the Aldenean soldiers’ dismay. She did spend as much personal time with him as she could, but she found she enjoyed watching him work with his paws. As she sat at a sewing machine, supposed to be working on the banners, she caught herself on more than one occasion staring after him as he carried poles and boxes for the stage in the courtyard. No one begrudged her moments with her mate, though.

He was only able to stay two nights before he had to return to Ganden. Running two nations, one in absentia, was not an easy task, and he still needed to form an interim advisory council for Silvana.  Melna would have liked to return with him but she was the reason for this festival and felt she should help prepare.

Melna floated on her back in the bath sucking on a finger that had an unfortunate run-in with a sewing needle. Jesha floated next to her holding on to her other paw. “Did I always cause problems before? Seems like ever since I’ve been back all I’ve done is get under paw or hurt myself.”

“You’re fine, Mel. It only seems that because you’re the most conspicuous. I’ll bet everyone else has jabbed themselves with a needle at least once or knocked over a pile of boxes. Even Milty stubbed her toe twice today.”

“You didn‘t.”

“That’s cause colonel Robbins has been having the whole garrison run drills all day since she’s been here. We’d gotten rather lax on training lately.”

“It’s interesting to watch her with you all. Dennara’s been assigned as my guard since I left here. In that time she’s only been short with me once. All three of them were so intimidating at first. I’d gotten used to thinking of her like a do momma Sally. Now they’re intimidating again.”

“To be fair, general Banchet is rather intimidating herself. You’ve just known her for some long that you see past it.”

Melna reflexively flicked her tail turning the two in a slow spiral. “No, you’re right. Momma Sally is intimidating.”

Jesha steadied their turn to keep them from bumping in the wall of the bath. “So why was the colonel short with you.”


“You said colonel Robbins was only short with you once.”

“Oh, it was when I was in heat. She wanted to make sure I got something to eat that day. All she did was tell me to eat a sandwich. Nothing spectacular.”

Jesha sat up and rubbed Melna’s belly making her giggle. “Well that sandwich could have meant the difference between peace and continued war. So it’s a good thing. Come on, it’s getting late.”

The two women got out of the water to dry off at the stools. If she had been allowed Melna probably would have stayed in the water all night. Her growing belly was beginning to hurt her back when she stood.

Jesha dried her hair and back while Melna scrubbed a towel through the fur of her own front. They had gotten some studs to replace the rings in her nipples and the soreness had gone away quickly. The two switched places and dried Jesha before she lead Melna back to her bedroom.

On entering Melna heard the sound of a horn being played and looked out the window. Five soldiers and Dennara were at the flag poles by the gate slowly taking them down for the night. Ever since their arrival both the Aldenean and Silvanen flags were being flown over the villa. She glanced at Jesha who was saluting. Returning her attention outside she stood respectfully and waited for the procedure to complete.

Jesha lowered her arm as the honor guard outside returned to the barracks. “It’s almost like it was before. Even with the Aldenean soldiers here it’s like the war never happened.”

Melna rubbed her belly before letting out a sigh. “I wish it hadn’t. None of it was necessary. We got sheltered from most of it, hiding here in this walled garden.”

Jesha hugged her from behind. “I heard about Maluk. I’m sorry. But Silvana will get through this, and we have the help of Aldenea. Chieftain Akenna is sure to see us through.”

Melna leaned against her friend watching the sun drop behind the eastern mountains. “We will, and he will.”

Jesha gave her a squeeze. “Come on, get dressed and we’ll get supper.”

Time passed deceptively slow as preparations continued for what was turning into the largest festival ever held at the villa. It was still more than a tenday until the new year but a small tent city begun forming in the harvested grain field outside the south wall. The gates had remained open all this time and small groups were being allowed to tour the compound. Melna was delighted people were finally being shown the around the gardens.

Chieftain Akenna had not had time to return but sent word he would arrive in time for the festival. She was impatient to see him again but did her best to keep her frustrations to herself.

She looked at her profile in the mirror. How was she so big already? Thankfully the sickness seemed to have passed, no more running away when fish was being cooked. She dressed and made her way to the living space. There was yet more work to be done. Banners complete they had moved on to filling gift baskets for all the children participating in the festivities. Melna preferred this because there were no sharp objects to puncture fingers.

She sat on a large pillow cross legged with her tail wrapped around her knees. Milty sat next to her putting dried fruit and small toys in the bags. Melna had always felt she was playing favorites with Milty and Jesha. Jesha was four years older than Melna and she’d spent most of her childhood following the future soldier around. Likewise Milty, five years younger than Melna, had done much the same to her. Milty’s mother, Megan Sucie, had worked in the kitchens of the villa Melna’s whole life. The three girls had formed their own little group, getting into trouble when necessary, celebrating milestones, and being there for each other during their early bouts of estrus.

Melna leaned over and bumped her shoulder to Milty’s getting her attention. “You know I intend to leave for Aldenea with the king when this is over. I could put in a good word for you with Jenna, if you wanted to move to Alda and work at the palace.”

Milty looked back a coy smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “You think they’d want a country bumpkin like me?”

Melna rubbed her head. “I think you’d fit right in. Amber Keltie is a lot like you. I think you two would get along.”

“I’ll think about it. Not sure I’m ready to leave mom yet.”

“No problem. It’s an option if you want it.”


Only two days left before New Year’s when the travel trailer pulled into the only remaining free space outside the villa walls. Lines had formed by the large vehicles and guards were taking groups of the children on short joyrides over the dirt roads surrounding the villa. Melna almost tackled the chieftain when he returned and judging by the feeling in her belly their little one was just as happy for him to be back.

With all of the guests staying nearby the two lovers had to cut any ideas of intimacy. It was bad enough when it was just the staff and guards that could hear, but the idea of the people of Silvana listening in mortified her. Still, it was good to wake up with his warm body at her back. She felt a claw tip tracing a line across her cheek, down the side of her neck, and over her shoulder. She didn’t move, feeling the fur rising as it followed the tingling sensation traveling down her body. The paw finally stopped at her belly fingers splayed and it gently pressed over their pup.

He lightly nipped her ear. “Good morning, love.”

She rolled over and nuzzled under his chin. “Yes it is.” An arm snaked around her shoulders and she curled into his chest as she was pulled in.

“We should probably get up soon. There’s still a few things left to do before we open up tomorrow.”

“Yes, we probably should.” Melna didn’t move.

At this point it was almost a battle of wills, the first one to get up would be admitting defeat. Melna remained still listening to him breathe the cool morning air coming in the open window.

The decision was made for them when a heavy paw struck the door three times. “Chieftain, Melna, its time to get up,” called the voice of Sally from beyond the door.

“Yes, general, we will be out in a moment,” Tomlin replied.

Melna nuzzled into his neck then rolled back to finally get out of the bed. “At least she knocked. If it was just me in here she would have just come in.”

Tomlin slid out next to her and nuzzled the top of her head. “I probably would have, too.”

That got a laugh. “Well, you get a pass.”

He held out a paw to help her off the bed. “Morning meal then a bath? After we have been invited to go see the carnival outside the walls.”

“I’ve been wanting to, from the sound of it they’ve got a good party going on.”

He gave her one of his robes to wear until after they had a bath. Tezal and Wilhemina joined them as they cleaned up. Melna suspected to act as a chaperone to keep them from getting distracted, but from the way the two guards looked at each other Melna wondered if they might have needed one as well. Or she might just be imagining things.

There was indeed a carnival set up outside the villa’s walls. She held paws with the chieftain as they were slowly lead through the tent city. Four of the large Aldenean guards surrounded them. Games and food vendors lined long pathways with one wide path kept clear in the center. They were halted by a Silvanen guard with a radio at his ear. The reason they were stopped was soon made clear when one of the big military trucks slowly rumbled by with more than a dozen children shouting and laughing in the back. Melna and the chieftain waved as they passed earning cheers and greetings from the children.

They continued their leisurely circuit around the carnival sampling some of the food vendors and trying a few of the games. Melna was still bad at throwing games but found she was decent with a pellet gun at a shooting gallery. She politely declined the prize her score afforded. They also had an almost constant stream of children running up to them. The Aldenean giants didn’t even seem to register with the little ones that dashed between them to greet the chieftain and herself. Melna often found a small child attached to her leg, usually to look up and see an embarrassed set of parents nearby trying to call them back.

Melna made it about four hours before her back was hurting enough that the chieftain decided to take the group back to the villa. They entered through the shut gate, the villa having been closed as final preparations were made for the festival the following day.

The two of them had retreated to the bath and were again floating in the warm water. Folk music could be heard drifting over the walls with the sounds of laughter rising over it at various times. Melna held her mate’s paw reveling in the joy of the day. It couldn’t have been more perfect. She squeezed his paw rousing him from the light snooze he’d fallen into. “Yes, love?”

“We need to do this every year: have a big carnival at the villa. It’s never been like this before with so many people outside just enjoying themselves. Tomorrow is the festival then everyone will return home. But in a time like this the people can just let loose and have fun for a few days. I’d like to come back every year.”

He tugged her paw pulling their bodies together and turned his head to nuzzle her cheek. “Yes, I think that can be arranged. Though I won’t be able to join you here in the future. Aldenea has its own New Year’s Harvest celebrations I need to be present for. This year has been an exception.”

“I understand.” She rolled on her side in the water wrapping her arms around his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. They bobbed in the water for a short while as they continued to float.


Pyrotechnics exploded as the gates were opened admitting a line of children dressed as small Silvanen soldiers carrying flags. Melna’s fur prickled in delight at watching them enter. The flag bearers were talking their jobs very seriously marching with an exaggerated lockstep. Following the miniature army was a crowd of children in various costumes including one blue-furred little girl in a set of red garments that matched what she was currently wearing. The plays should be interesting this year.

The last group to enter was a long line of wide eyed parents, this being the first year they had been allowed to enter the villa to see their children perform. An amphitheater had been constructed in the courtyard of the villa with enough seating for everyone, Melna and the chieftain sitting at a raised platform in the center.

The plays were interesting. On previous years most of the performances were comedy routines that tended to lean more into silliness. This year was more serious. The first play was a battle between green uniformed “Aldenean” soldiers and blue uniformed “Silvanens.” The “battle” was short, resulting in the Silvanen retreat, but the major point seemed to when another group of soldiers from the Aldenean side sporting white arm bands made their way through the battle field treating injuries of friend and foe alike. Melna held her mate’s paw fighting back tears.

More plays followed, and the mood began to lighten a bit. They finally got to a solid comedy routine with “private Stack:” a good-natured but ultimately stupid soldier with a penchant for following orders a bit too carefully.

The last play is what got Melna’s attention, though. A young boy in long robes sat in a decorated chair at one end of the stage picking at his fingers as if he was bored. The girl Melna had noticed earlier stomped out onto the stage with two older children in red coats hurrying after her. ‘King Tomlin’ didn’t seem to notice at first until the girl stood before him and belted out with a ferocity Melna herself would have a hard time matching, “King Tomlin Akenna, if you want to end this war you’re going to have to give me a pup!”

The boy honestly looked startled. The real Melna leaned close to her mate, whispering, “I don’t remember it going quite like that.”

He smiled whispering back, “Funny, I was starting to think they somehow managed to open a window in time.” Melna giggled returning her attention to the stage.

‘The king’ spluttered a reply, “Y-you can’t just walk in here and demand a pup. I hardly know you.”

‘Princess Melna’ planted her paws on her hips and glared back. “If you want peace that’s what you’re going to have to do. You’ve got a month to make up your mind. And if you don’t I’m going to kick your tail!” ‘The king’ just looked confused as she turned to leave the stage. Melna squeezed her mate’s paw laughing at the display.

As the stage was cleared a voice called from behind the stage, “three months passed after their first meeting.” A circle of chairs were set up and children dressed up to look old all took a seat. A bang of wood crashing together caused the ‘council of elders’ to jump and stare as the little princess again stomped on stage wearing a very respectable copy of what she herself had worn at their meeting, with a pillow tied to her middle. She was followed again by the young guards.

One of the elders spoke up, “why are you dressed like that?”

With an imperious stare at the circle of ‘elders’ she took a moment to reply. “You’re all a bunch of clowns, so I thought I would dress the part. Anyway, I’m pregnant now, you you have to do what the new chieftain says. You’ve all been very naughty and its about time someone did something about it, and I know just who can do that. King Tomlin, please enter!”

The king walked onto the stage looking much more confident than he had at first. The princess gave him a hug and left the stage. He looked at the elders around him. “Yup, like she said, you’ve all been naughty and now you’re all going to prison. We can’t have scalawags like you walking free to start more wars.”

One of the elders stood up and shouted, “Never!” and charged. With an exaggerated punch, that obviously didn’t make contact, the king dropped the elder, then stood with arms crossed. The guards behind him hadn’t moved. Melna glanced at her mate, he smiled but gave a small shake of his head.

“Anyone else want to try me?” The rest of the elders all shook their heads. A line of small soldiers crossed the stage collecting the elders and taking them away. The king and the guards followed them out.

Again the stage was cleared and a podium was set in the middle. The princess returned, again wearing the copy of her red formal wear. She was followed closely by the new chieftain. Stepping up to the podium the little girl actually looked a bit nervous but she gave her speech in a clear voice. “People of Silvana, the man I have chosen as chieftain is already the king of a great nation. I know things have been hard, but now I know you will all be safe with him in charge. I once asked if king Tomlin was a good man. I was told, ‘If you are true to your word you have nothing to fear from king Tomlin Akenna.’ This has proven true in the time I’ve known him and I know it will continue to be true for all of you.” She stepped aside and the little chieftain took the podium.

“People of Silvana, three months ago a girl walked into my court in Aldenea demanding I save the people of Silvana from the council of elders. Ever since I’ve known her your safety has always been what she wanted most. As your new chieftain I promise I will do my best to always keep you safe. The war is over, now we can rebuild Silvana into a great nation!” The boy raised his fists above his head.

The words were different but the sentiment was there. The little chieftain stepped back only to be hugged by the little princess. Melna was choking back tears as she stood and started clapping her paws. It was but an instant before the rest of the audience joined in.

The children all stepped out to give a bow to the audience. A pair of them peeled out to the group and motioned for Melna and chieftain Akenna to come to the stage. Once there they were given flowers and a small box of candy. Melna was having a hard time seeing, her eyes clouded by tears. She felt a firm paw at her back and turned to see her mate smiling back. She turned to look at the audience still cheering. Melna took the spot behind the podium and the crowd quieted.

“This year’s New Year’s Harvest festival has been very different in many ways,” she began. “and all of it has been good. I would like for it to continue in this way for years to come. Let’s have a carnival next year, and all years to come. Until then I ask that you all be good to each other, be safe, and be happy.”

The audience cheered again as she stepped back and knelt. The children gathered around and she hugged as many as were willing to accept one. Looking up she noticed Sally and Dennara standing in front of a line of small palace guards at they stood at stiff attention holding a salute. The adults looked them over sternly, but Melna could see the hint of smiles tugging at their lips, before returning the salute and dismissing them.

The children returned to their parents as the crowd separated into individual conversations. All the children except the little princess. She gazed at Melna with a wonder in her eyes. “Princess Melna, did I do it right?”

“Do what, little one?” Melna was confused.

“Did I pretend to be you, right?” The little girl looked nervous.

Chieftain Akenna preempted Melna’s response by kneeling down and rubbing her head. “You were perfect. You truly captured the strength of princess Melna Silvana when she walked into my palace. If you were a little older I might have trouble telling you two apart.”

The girl beamed. Melna asked, “What’s your name, dear?”

“Serella Kinseth.”

“My mother’s name was Serella.”

“Yes, momma says I was named after her. She said she always like the name and princess Serella was a good person.”

“Serie!” a voice called from their left.

“There’s momma.” The little girl skipped to an embarrassed woman standing by the stage.

“I’m sorry if she was bothering you.”

The chieftain replied, “No bother at all. Take good care of her, I think she’s going to grow up into something special.”

“Thank you, chieftain.” The flustered woman gave a bow and took her daughter’s paw moving to depart.

The chieftain helped Melna back to her feet. They returned to their seats carefully setting their gifts down. A line had formed and they spent a considerable time greeting well-wishers as they passed by.


Melna was tired, her feet hurt, her back hurt, and this had been about the best few days she’s ever had in her life. She was again in the bath snuggled with her mate as they floated. Her head on his chest she could hear the steady thump of his heart. His arm around her shoulders pulled her in tight. “Today was a good day.”

“Mhmm,” she replied simply. They floated in silence for long enough that Melna started to wonder if he’d fallen asleep.

Finally he spoke again. “So what are you going to do now?”

She squeeze his chest. “I’m going with you. I’ve stayed here for this long because of the festival. Now that it’s over I want to be with you. Whether you return to Ganden or all the way back to Alda, it doesn’t really matter. I do want to talk to you about Jesha and Milty, but that can wait.”

He sat up in the water and pulled her in, nuzzling into her shoulder. “Alright, we’re heading back to Ganden the day after tomorrow. The new council of elders has been formed. We should be able to head back to Alda soon after that.”

They got out of the water and took their time drying off before leaving the washroom. It had been a long day and it was time for bed.


Chapter 11

Melna woke with a body pressed to her back. Again what woke her was a claw very lightly drawing long curves in the fur on the side of her face and down her neck. She could tell he knew she was awake, but she didn’t move not wanting to disturb the intimate mood. The claw was joined by a second as it moved down her shoulder sending tingling down her spine raising her fur. They trailed down her side making her shiver until the paw moved to her belly. In one long spiral the fingertips traveled finally coming to rest with a soft palm pressed flat and tugging her against the body behind her. She could get used to waking up like this.

“Good morning, love.” The voice behind spoke softly, warm breath caressing her ear.

“Good morning.” Her paw moved to cover the one on her belly. Something felt like it jerked inside her getting a surprised squeak.

“And good morning to you, too,” he said with a laugh. He rubbed his paw in a circle over the fur of her swollen middle.

There was a knock at the door. Melna felt the fur down her spine stand up and managed to choke down a growl. “Chieftain, Melna, it’s time to get up,” Sally called out once again.

“We’ll be out in a moment,” the seemingly ever-pleasant Tomlin called back.

“We are getting some private time soon,” Melna grumbled quietly. This got a laugh and a nuzzle to the top of her head. “I’m serious,” she groused a touch louder.

Tomlin responded in an even tone. “I know, love. And, yes, we will, but right now we need to get up.”

She turned to him to see that honest smile she had grown quite fond of and her irritation evaporated.  She nuzzled under his chin before sitting up. “Alright, it’s time to get up.”

They got up and dressed leaving the bedroom to make their way to the dining room. The villa was already alive with activity, decorations were being taken down, gardens picked up, and all the other little things that need to be done after a party.

They ate morning meal then got to work helping out where needed. Melna caught Sally with a grin on her face watching the chieftain getting his paws dirty with everyone else. The enormous guards, Tezal and Bentas, had even gotten roped into taking down some of the larger pieces.

‘Many paws make light work’ and by late aftermid Melna was curled on a couch in the living space next to her mate. She had opened the box of candy given to her by the children the previous day and had popped a few pieces in her mouth. It was chopped, dried fruit coated in crystallized honey.

Sitting across from them Tawny Contin finally asked the question Melna had been dreading. “I have to know. How accurate was the play? The princess seemed a bit more dramatic than I would expect from you.”

Melna buried her face in her paws hearing a laugh from the chieftain. After a moment she replied in muffled words. “I made a fool of myself at our first meeting.”

Rubbing her cheek the chieftain elaborated for her. “I’m sitting there in court going through mundane tasks of running a nation, when in walks this beautiful young woman.” He softly tapped the end of her nose. “She kneels on the floor and declares before all and the ancestors that for peace between us, and the safety of her people, I must give her a pup. Definitely put a stop to anything I had planned that day.”

Melna took a deep breath and looked back up. Major Contin’s lips were pressed in a thin line, suppressing a smile. “I was so nervous when I walked in there that I completely blanked on the traditional declaration of succession. By the time I realized what I’d said…” She trailed off.

He squeezed her shoulder. “After that we met privately in a conference room and she’d managed to regain enough of her composure to give me a good explanation.” He snaked an arm around around her pulling her in tight. “She really cares about the people of Silvana.”

She nuzzled his chest. “And I never threatened to kick his tail.”

“Threatened, no, but I’m sure you did at least once.”

Melna looked up confused before realization dawned. Jerking her head back down she covered her face in a loose part of his robe. She heard Tawny ask, “She did? When?”

The chieftain gave an embarrassed sigh. “We really laid into each other during her heat. I’m just glad it worked the first time. Not sure what would have happened if we had to go for another round.”

“That was a scary time.”

Melna jumped turning to look up at Dennara standing behind the couch. How could someone that big move so quietly? “You were watching?”

The tall guard crossed her arms nodding once. “Of course. Yezni and I heard the commotion you two were making. We had to make sure you two weren’t going to kill each other. Almost stepped in a few times. It was a relief when you finally passed out.”

Melna glanced up at her mate. The tiny bit of skin she could see in his ears had turned a bright red but his face betrayed none of the embarrassment he might be feeling. He spoke up again. “As I said, not an experience I’d like to repeat if possible.”

Tawny chuckled leaning back in her seat. “It gets a little better later in life but estrus is never really a good time. Just something you have to do if you want a pup.”

The chieftain pulled Melna in and nuzzled the top of her head. “Well, we managed that, now we just have to wait.” She turned her head and nuzzled up under his chin.




Melna packed everything she was taking with her this trip and pointed out everything she wanted to take when they returned to Palace Alda. She was leaving her friends again, but this time she knew what lay ahead. She hugged everyone, this time to happy tears and promises to visit. Finally at the gate she stood in front of Sally. “Will you be coming with us to Ganden?”

Sally pulled her into a hug. “No, little one. I’m going back to Kindev to be with Jerrod. Now that you have done your duty you don’t need me anymore. I’m going to retire.” She glanced up and behind Melna. “Colonel Robbins, can I trust you to take care of my little girl?”

Melna turned her head to see Dennara holding a salute. “You have my word, general.” Sally nodded back.

A ripple ran down the fur of her back. She knew this day would come eventually, but never thought about when that would be. Melna was a little scared of being alone. “Will you… Can you come be with me when my pup is due? I really want you there.”

Sally squeezed her arms. “Yes, I wouldn’t miss that for the world. I’ll see you in less than a month.” She looked down at Melna’s belly. “Personally, I think you’re going to be a little early.”

Melna pulled her into another hug. “Let’s hope not too early. I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too, little one, but I know you’ll be well cared for.”

Releasing the stout woman from the hug Melna turned to look over the villa one last time. She spotted Jesha in her blue Silvanen service uniform with a bag over her shoulder hugging her mother. The king had agreed to bring Jesha back to Alda. She would attend basic training at South Crossing before being assigned to the palace. Milty was staying behind for now, the young woman not wanting to leave her family yet.

Jesha caught up to them at the gate. “Ready to go, Mel?”

Melna turned toward the trailer where she could see chieftain Akenna patiently waiting for her to say her goodbyes. “Yes, let’s go.”

Jesha jogged over to toss her bag into the cargo truck and got in to ride with the rest of the soldiers. Melna followed her mate into the trailer. Settling in next to him across from Dennara she heard the engines roar to life outside. She let out a sigh and rested her head on his shoulder.

She felt claw tips brush through her hair. “You alright, love?”

She closed her eyes. “Yes, its just that so much is changing now. I never really considered what would happen after I chose the next chieftain. Now the life I knew is ending.”

The paw on her head moved down to brush her cheek. “And a new life is beginning.”

She nuzzled into the paw. “Yes, it is.”

The trailer jerked and they were in motion. The trip to Ganden was uneventful and less than two days later they arrived to a small crowd waiting for them outside the Chieftain’s Palace. The trailer was, again, to big to drive through the courtyard gates so the chieftain and Melna disembarked through a corridor formed by an honor guard. The crowd cheered as they got out and Melna waved back as they made their way inside.

Mayor Tirov met them in the foyer. “Greetings, chieftain, I heard the New Year’s Harvest festival at the Villa of the Matriarch was quite something this year.”

He stopped to reply. “Yes it was, the people seemed to enjoy it quite a bit and the children were rather creative with their entertainment as well.” Melna felt his paw move to the middle of her back and they slowly resumed moving into the building.

The mayor continued to walk beside them. “Yes, I heard a little about that,” she said with a glance and a small smile at Melna. “But we all know how children are.”

“Indeed we do,” he replied. The trio had moved to a sitting room where the chieftain pulled up a chair for Melna before taking a seat himself. Leaning back in his chair he changed the subject. “So how has the new council been since I’ve been away?”

The mayor sat down across from them. “As well as can be expected, chieftain. They are still settling in after their elections. But no reports of backroom deals being made so far.”

“Good. Can’t have a repeat of what happened last time.”

Melna curled her legs under herself and wrapped her tail around her knees finding herself starting to doze off. The next thing she realized someone was gently rubbing the top of her head. Opening her eyes she found the sun had set and only herself and the chieftain were present in the sitting room. “Wakey wakey.”

She uncoiled herself from the plush chair and wrapped her tail around the chieftain’s leg. “I guess politics aren’t really my thing. How long was I out?”

He bent down to rub his nose to hers. “Only a couple of hours. We’re going to have supper soon.”

Melna stood raising her arms and arching her back in a long stretch. “I’m not really hungry, I think I’d rather just have a snack then go to bed. It’s been a long month and the sedentary life at Palace Alda is catching up to me, I think.”

He rubbed her belly. “I think someone else is may be the primary cause.” Melna giggled at the ticklish feeling as his fingers trailed through the thick fur of her middle but didn’t pull away. She leaned her head onto his shoulder. “Shall I have the bath prepared for you? Maybe that would be more comfortable for you to sleep tonight.”

A ripple flowed down the fur of her back and her tail flicked bumping once against the chair’s leg. “Yes, please,” she said quietly nuzzling into his neck.

With a last belly rub and a nuzzle to her forehead he stepped back. “Alright, I’ll join you later tonight. The tub here isn’t as big as the villa’s but I think you’ll like it.”

Like it, she did. After collecting a sweet pastry and a glass of fruit juice from a pleasant maid she retreated to the private bath. She washed herself before getting into the tub. The water here was a little deeper than at the villa rising to her hips. She let herself fall onto her back being completely submerged for a few seconds before bobbing back up to the surface. She laced her fingers under her breasts and crossed her ankles over her tail. All her muscles loosened and the ache in her back was relieved. She stared up at a mural on the ceiling. It was a mountain pass along a river with a waterfall crashing down along one wall to seem like it was flowing into the tub. Yes, she would be sleeping in here tonight.

Some time later she was awakened by a gentle wave in the water causing her to bob and roll just enough to get her attention. She felt a body float in next to her and moved a paw to take the one offered by her mate and pulled him in close.

“Sorry to wake you,” he said quietly.

“I’m just glad you’re here,” she replied without opening her eyes.

They floated together the rest of the night a gentle current running along the sides of the tub to keep them from bumping into the walls.




Melna woke the next morning finding she’d pulled his arm over herself and was clutching it to her chest with both paws. Turning her head she saw the chieftain was still asleep. This gave her a delightful idea. Momma Sally would not be disturbing them this morning. Arching her tail she turned on her side in the water pulling in close to him and began to gently slide her blunt claws through the fur of his chest. She tailed down to his belly and back up continuing in long ovals getting a little farther down each time.

On the third pass he drew a deep breath. “Mmm, good morning.” He slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her up onto his chest causing them to bob in the water. She nuzzled up under his chin while her paw slid further down his belly to find what she had been approaching before.

“You promised me some private time, I’m claiming it now.” She whispered.

He trailed claws down the fur of her back. “I think that can be arranged.”


See “Chapter 11 Sex Scene” or continue to skip it.


“I guess we should get out and clean up.”

He floated in silence for several seconds before he replied. “Yes, I suppose we should.” He nuzzled into her cheek before finally steering them close to the edge of the tub and helped her get out. Melna got her feet under her and walked up the few steps at the corner of the tub Tomlin following close behind. He pulled a lever on the wall and a strong whirlpool drained the tub.

They sat down on the bench along the wall and cleaned each other. Melna relished in the sensation of a scrub brush being pulled through the fur of her back. They switched places and she returned the favor. She giggled when Tomlin scrubbed over her body with a towel drying her, then nearly melted in pleasure when he slowly began to pull a brush through her long hair and fur. He tied her hair in a braid down her back. Melna turned to brush him, pulling his hair back and loosening any knots in the long fur of his tail. They took their time finishing up before returning to the bedroom.

Tomlin pulled on a blue robe and a black overcoat with red embroidery and carefully set the gold circlet on his black hair. Melna selected a set of Silvanen clothes in a pink. Digging through her luggage she found a velvet bag and inside was the breast chain. She stared at the gold jewelry for a long time. The studs she had in her piercings wouldn’t allow her to wear it normally. An idea struck her and she was irritated it hadn’t occurred to her before. It was too short to wear as a necklace normally but she pulled the black cord off the bag it had been in. She tied the cord in a loop and clipped the chain behind her neck. The ruby in the center sat comfortably in the cleft between her collar bones.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror giving a proud smile at her ingenuity. Her eyes flicked to the reflection of her mate watching from behind with a grin. She snorted in laughter and turned to face him.

He stepped close and gently touched the ruby. “And there it is again. This is the only jewelry I’ve seen you wear, it must be important.”

She put up her paw to hold his where it was lowering her head to nuzzle his wrist. “It was my mother’s. Her father gave it to her. Momma Sally said she wanted me to have it, but I didn’t get my piercings done until I was eighteen.” She shivered at the memory.

He ran a clawtip down the center of her chest. “I hear those particular piercings aren’t pleasant.” He leaned in to nuzzle her forehead. “Come on, we better get the day started.”




Another twenty days passed and Melna just kept getting bigger. Walking was becoming a chore so she was spending more time floating in the bath. Food was almost the only thing that could get her out with any reliability. The most distressing thing for her was intimacy with her mate was starting to hurt.

She was bored, there weren’t any waterproof books to read and electricity and water being a bad combination she didn’t even have a radio. The best they could do was a wind-up record player and if she heard ‘Splish Splash’ one more time she was going to scream.

Their journey back to Alda Palace was starting today. Everything was packed and ready. Melna sat on the bed trying to gather the motivation to get up and walk out to the trailer. She was alone in the room the chieftain out making final preparations. Just as she was about to lay back on the bed again her savior from laziness strode into the room. “Melna, are you ready to head out?” Dennara asked as she approached.

Melna looked up and gave a tired smile. “Yes, but could you help me up?” The guard put an arm around her back and lifted her easily to her feet. “Thanks.” Finally up and about she felt she’d been given a burst of energy she walked confidently down through the halls in the direction of the exit. Staff stopped to offer greetings as she passed which she returned in kind.

She made it all the way to the foyer without having to stop to catch her breath, Dennara close behind. She found the person she was looking for standing near the large palace doors in a quiet conversation with mayor Tirov. The chieftain turned his head when he noticed and held out a paw smiling. She took it and stood close to him.

“Well, mayor, I leave Ganden in your capable paws. If there are any issues you may call upon the Aldenean liaison or send me a message. The radio relay station in Bemorn should be complete in a few months.”

Mayor Tirov straightened and nodded to the chieftain with a satisfied smile. “We have things handled for now, chieftain. The new council is already starting to undo the actions of the previous. We will be in contact if anything comes up.”

He patted her shoulder. “Take care of yourselves.”

“We will, and you take care of Melna.”

Melna looked down, embarrassed, and felt him nuzzle the top of her head. “I will certainly do my best.” He stood straight again. “Farewell, mayor, I hope to be able to return before too long.”

“We will look forward to it. Safe journey, you two.” The Mayor turned to leave down a side passage.

The chieftain pulled Melna into a hug. “You ready to go, love?”

She nuzzled under his chin. “Yes indeed. Let’s go home.”

He gave her a tight squeeze before stepping back and looking up at Dennara. “Colonel.” The guard opened the door to reveal a crowd forming a corridor to the travel trailer. They moved through the cheering people waving and offering greetings as they passed. The crowd had been kept clear of the trailer but Melna spotted two men standing near its door. One with dark blue fur leaned on the handles of a wheelchair in which the man with black fur sat. They grinned as the chieftain and Melna approached.

Melna stopped in front of them. “Chezum, Maluk, it’s good to see you again.”

Chezum reached over to rub her head. “We couldn’t let our little sister leave again without seeing her off. Chieftain Akenna was kind enough to allow us to do so.” He nodded at the two men when he was mentioned.

“You’re looking better than last I saw you.”

Maluk spoke up, excited. “Yeah, the docs have been treating me good and I should have a prosthetic ready in a couple of months. It’s gonna be great, its custom made so its supposed fit comfortable. I’ll just need a cane to walk with once I get it.”

Melna smiled, it was good to see her brothers happy again. She looked between the two. “You two take care of each other, alright, and write me. I’ll see if I can’t figure some way to get you to Alda some time. The city is amazing.” She strained to lean down and give Maluk a hug then straightened to get one from Chezum.

Saying their last farewells she followed her mate into the trailer. Sitting heavily, she sighed. She was hungry and wanted to take a nap.




Eight days later king Tomlin gently shook her awake. “We’re home, love.”

Bleary-eyed she looked around the inside of the trailer, confused for a moment. She shook her head and held out a paw to be helped off the couch. “Hope there’s a bed nearby,” she grunted out at she stood.

The king put an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, love, your apartment is ready. We just have to get you there. There is a dinner planned for tonight to celebrate our return, but if you’d rather I can convey your apologies.”

“Please do so, I’m just too tired. I don’t think I can handle a public event right now.”

“Yes, little one, you need to rest,” Sally spoke up as she took a free paw to help her out of the trailer. Sally had met them in Ginad and accompanied them back to Alda. Melna was relieved to have her caretaker with her right now.

They exited the trailer and made their way through the garage when Melna spotted some familiar bright-red fur and sparkling blue eyes. “Jenna!” She would have run to give the maid a hug but an energetic hobble was the most she could muster at the moment. Fortunately, the cheerful woman and a heavy set man with brown fur made their way to her.

Jenna’s eyes widened in shock. “That pup of yours is going to be huge. I never thought you would get that big.”

“Me either, I’m about ready for this to be over.” Melna glanced at the man next to Jenna and noticed the small bundle he was holding.

The maid followed her gaze. “Princess,” Melna grimaced, “this is my mate, Ben Corden, and our son, Decker.” She peeked into the bundle and a pair of alert, blue eyes looked back. The pup gave a squeak and wiggled.

“He’s adorable. We’ll have to get our pups together to play when they’re older.” Melna pulled her friend into a hug. “Are you still on maternity leave?”

“Yeah, Minka let us know you were due back today and I couldn’t resist coming to greet you back. The three of us are going to play happy family for a while yet, before I return to work.” Jenna leaned on her mate and he shifted the bundle into her arms.

Something, or someone, shifted inside Melna putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on her bladder. She straightened. “Please come by and visit sometime. Sorry to take off so quick but something just came up.” She turned to Dennara. “Restroom, now.”

Jenna gave a sympathetic smile and wave as the group moved into the palace.




The apartment was fantastic. The entry door from the hall lead to a large sitting room with an open kitchen and dining area. One wall was almost nothing but bookshelves all filled with different types of literature and a television built into the center. One door opened into a spacious bedroom with large bay windows that overlooked the lawns and across the city. Another door was for the washroom which had three shower stalls and a tub big enough for four people. And last, a set of glass doors lead out onto a top floor balcony.

Currently Melna’s favorite thing in the apartment was the bed. Instead of a mattress stuffed with feathers or cotton this one was an enormous bag filled with water. It was the next best thing to floating in the tub but she could curl up in the blankets and read a book.

That is exactly what Melna was doing when a Sally’s form appeared in the doorway. “Melna, I have a Doctor Inkid here to see you.” A man in a white coat stepped behind her.

Melna sat up in the bed and slid to the edge so she could put her feet on the floor. “Enter,” she replied. “I’m surprised Doctor Gander didn’t come by.”

The man held out a paw which she shook before he squatted next to her. “Neil Inkid. Doctor Gander is a general practitioner, I’m an obstetrician.”

“Obsta what?”

The man smiled in a disarming way that was actually very comforting. “I specialize in caring for pregnant women and new mothers. Unless you have any major objections I will be assisting in your delivery. And from the look of you that’s not long off.”

Melna glanced down at her belly and let a heavy sigh. “I certainly hope not.” Sally sat next to her and rubbed her back. “I feel like I’m going to burst.”

He patted her arm. “You’re a strong woman, and pup will come when he or she is ready.” He leaned down to dig through a bag he had carried in. “I’m going to perform a physical exam. Shouldn’t take too long. I just want to check on the two of you.”

Doctor Inkid was efficient, getting the basics out the way quickly. After that he pressed over her middle checking on the state of her pup. “Everything seems in order, the two of you are healthy. Because of your size I am going to suggest bed rest as much as possible.” He glanced up at the windows which stood open allowing the gentle breeze to blow through. “Good, fresh air is good for you. Keep those open unless you start getting cold. Eat well and drink as much water as you can. It’s a waiting game now, it’s a bit early but I think the pup could come along any time.”

Melna stretched her back. “Isn’t it too early? I’m not due for another thirty-five days.”

The doctor gathered his things back into his bag. “Pup might be a little underweight,” she snorted, “but from what I can tell you’re both as healthy as can be. I’m not worried about it. Take care of yourself and contact me if you feel anything is wrong. Otherwise I’ll be back twice a tenday to check on you until pup is ready to come out.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Melna started to pull herself back up the bed and used her tail to leverage herself onto her side.

“You’re welcome.” He nodded and left the room.

Sally was rubbing her leg when Dennara appeared at the door. “Melna, its nearly midday. Do you want anything to eat?”

She closed her eyes to think for a moment. “Just a sandwich and something to drink, please.”

“Right away.” Dennara left the room. Melna glanced down at Sally who just looked back with a smile and nod.


Chapter 12

Melna sat at her school desk barely able to see her art tutor around Dennara who was sitting in front of her. To her left Jesha was furiously scribbling notes and to her right king Tomlin looked like he was about to fall asleep. “Now, about dragons,” Melna’s attention returned to the front where her language tutor was drawing on the chalkboard, “most of us have probably seen them flying over. Some of you may have just thought they were simply birds at the time because they usually fly so high they appear tiny. Other times they are lower. You should always remember the ‘rule of paw.’ If you can see a dragon, hold up a flat paw like this,” she held a paw high, arm fully extended with her palm out, “if you can see its wings to either side, or its head and tail, its close enough to know what you’re up to.

“Dragons may seem docile, or possibly even completely indifferent to anything you may do but they can be extremely vindictive, seeking vengeance on any of those attempting to cause them harm. To be clear, no one in recorded history has managed to harm a dragon. They seem to like to check up on large gatherings. If a big group of people hang around an area for a tenday or more there’s a good chance a dragon will pass by at some point. They also are quite often seen flying over battles. There hasn’t been a war in recorded history that hasn’t had at least one visit by a dragon. Though they simply fly over and continue on their way.”

The tutor turned around to draw a fish on the chalkboard. “A frustratingly little amount is known about dragons. What they eat, how they mate, even how to tell the difference between males and females… we don’t even know if they have males and females.

“On two occasions people have managed to follow dragons to caves one can only surmise was their home. Both times the groups waited several tendays and did not see the dragon exit. One group returned later with more provisions to wait longer. The only things found of them were some scraps of tent fabric.”

Milty, sitting to Melna’s left, raised her paw and her math tutor pointed at her. “What about the dragon skull at the history museum?”

“Again, almost nothing is known about it. When it was found on the Cortian Plains more than five thousand years ago it sat alone on the open ground. The rest of the skeleton is missing. It’s possible it was left as a warning of some kind. There is scarring in the bone across the right eye socket leading many to believe it lost a fight with another dragon. That is conjecture but from what little we know it’s the most likely reason. It is also less than half the size of what we would expect for a dragon, as well.”

A noise to her right caught Melna’s attention and she turned to look at the elder alone with her in the council chamber. He struck out with a dagger stabbing her in the stomach and it started raining.

Melna jerked awake, she would have sat up if she could but her swollen belly didn’t allow for that. Her stomach still hurt and she noticed she was laying in a puddle in the middle of her waterbed. “Gren it,” she hissed quietly. This hadn’t happened since she was a child. Untangling herself from the blankets she rolled to the edge of the bed and set her feet on the floor. Taking a deep breath she stopped, that didn’t smell right. Lifting a wet paw near her nose she sniffed. That’s not… “Momma Sally!” she called out forcing down panic.

It was but a moment before the stout woman quickly entered, “What is it?”

Melna indicated the wet sheets, “I think its happening.” she whined softly.

Sally drew a long breath before holding out a paw for Melna to take standing her up. “Let’s get you to the tub then I’ll call for the doctor.” She guided her to the washroom and helped her into the bathtub set in the floor. “Stay here and try to relax, I’ll be back in a moment.” Once Melna was floating in the warm water Sally hurried out of the washroom.

Melna stared up at the blue ceiling watching reflections from the water’s surface play across it. It looked like she would be only twenty days early. Doctor Inkid had said several days ago that she was past the point where delivering prematurely would be concerning. She still worried a bit. She counted her breaths waiting for Sally to come back, she really didn’t want to be alone right now. Turning her head she saw the sunlight coming in the window high on the wall. A least it wasn’t the middle of the night.

An eternity later, though probably only a few minutes, Sally returned. She disrobed and got into the tub with Melna grabbing a paw and holding it close to her chest. “The doctor will be here soon.”

Melna nodded then gasped as another pain came. Her grip tightened on Sally’s paw as she could do nothing but ride out the contraction. When it finally passed she took a deep breath letting her body go slack. “How long does this usually take?”

“From where you are right now both of my boys each took about an hour. Megan was in labor with Milty for around three hours. Your mother managed you in less than thirty minutes.” Sally rubbed the back of her head. “It looks like your little one is going to be pretty big so it may take a bit longer.”

She growled quietly at that thought. It was another ten minutes and one more contraction before doctor Inkid arrived with a nurse on tow. He stripped off his robe leaving himself in just a pair of shorts and joined the two women in the tub. Giving Melna a quick once over he looked up at Sally. “How’s it going?”

Sally, ever the calm one, replied evenly, “Contractions every fifteen minutes lasting about twenty seconds.”

The doctor nodded and set a paw on Melna’s belly. She opened her eyes and looked down at his confident smile. “It won’t be long now. You’ve got this.” She smiled back then leaned her head back to breathe deep and wait for the next contraction.

They were coming faster now, the last wait had only been five minutes. She wasn’t allowed to push yet which was starting to get frustrating. Melna heard the door to the washroom open again. Opening her eyes and turning her head she saw her mate enter carefully looking embarrassed. “Uh, hi. Hope I’m not interrupting.”

The nurse bowed, doctor Inkid and Sally nodded acknowledgment, Melna held out a paw for him. King Tomlin laid on the edge of the tub and took her paw. “I’m glad you’re here.”

He nuzzled the back of her paw. “I couldn’t miss this.”

The wait continued, through each contraction Melna focused on breathing until finally she heard what she wanted to hear. “On the next one I want you to push.” Sally and the king each gave her paw a squeeze, it was time.

She felt the next contraction start she took a deep breath and pushed. And pushed and pushed. The contraction passed. “Good, the next one should be coming soon,” the doctor said watching her lower body closely.

Deep breaths, one, two, three. Another contraction. She pushed again. “I can see the head.” Melna bore down harder until finally something moved out. “Ah ha! It’s a girl.” Doctor Inkid held up a brown furred pup. Sally and the king cheered as he handed the pup to the nurse who was holding a towel. “Quite a bit smaller than I was expecting,” He said quietly turning back to his patient with a thoughtful expression.

The king started to move to see their little one but Melna still gripped his paw. There was another contraction and she gasped out, “Not… done.”

Sally, the king, and the nurse replied almost in unison, “What?” The doctor just looked down with a serious look on his face.

Melna pushed and again felt something shift inside her. Silence reigned as she panted deep breaths and waited. The wait was short. On the next contraction she bore down again pushing with everything she had left. For a second time she felt a small body leave hers. The doctor burst out laughing holding up a dark-blue pup. “It’s a boy!”

King Tomlin stared in amazement and Sally bent over to nuzzle the top of her head. “You two certainly don’t pull any half measures. Twins?”

Melna let go of the king’s paw and he crawled over to the nurse who was scrubbing the two pups. Cords were cut and she finally got to hold her little ones. Sally got out of the water making room for the father. King Tomlin got in the tub and held Melna’s shoulders rubbing his cheek to hers as their two pups squirmed and squeaked in her arms.

“Your daughter is one pound ten ounces, your son is one pound twelve. A healthy weight for both, and they sound like they’ve got strong lungs.” Doctor Inkid had pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the tub. “Congratulations. And thanks, this is the first set of twins I’ve gotten to deliver.”

Melna looked up at him. “I guess that explains why I was so big.” Her mate gave her a squeeze and she nuzzled into him.

The doctor continued to regard his patient. “To be completely honest, I had a feeling. I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t know for sure and I didn’t want to get your hopes up.” He stood up and gave himself a shake that started at his ears and traveled down to his tail. “I’m going to leave you alone now. I’ll be around if you need me.” The brown furred doctor pulled his coat on and he and the nurse gathered their things and left the room. Sally quietly followed them.

“Thank you, doctor,” Melna called out as he departed. She let her body relax and floated on her back in the tub clutching her pups to her chest. The king was holding her arm still sitting upright as he looked down at his family with a dreamy expression. “That wasn’t nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be.”

The king looked at her confused for a moment as if he’d just remembered she was there. He nuzzled the top of her head. “That was scary, watching you do that when I can’t do anything to help.”

She closed her eyes and let him comfort himself. “You were here, that was all the help I needed.” They remained in silence for a long time the pups had fallen asleep nestled into her belly fur. “So what now? Are theses pups the prince and princess of Aldenea or is our little girl just the princess of Silvana for now?”

She heard him take a deep breath. “They would be my heirs if we were married. Our method of succession has had some refinements over time as well. Several thousand years ago there was almost a coup when someone claimed to be an illegitimate son of the primary monarch. So now only my wife or a registered concubine, which I can only have after I already have a wife, can be the mother of my heirs. So no surprises if a monarch goes philandering.”

She swayed her tail rotating her body so she could see her mate without turning her head at odd angles. She gave him a playful look. “So does this count as the monarch philandering?”

He snorted and reached out to rub her cheek. “In a legal sense, I suppose it does.” His expression sobered. “I did want to talk to you about that, but later.”

She gave him a long look before deciding to stifle her suspicions for now. “So what do you want to name your daughter?”

“If its all right, I’d like to name her after my grandmother. Madeleine Silandro sounds pretty good. What about our son? I was thinking…”

“Marcus,” she said quietly looking down at her son.

He blinked at her in surprise. “Marcus Akenna works. Any particular reason?”

Flicking her tail she began a slow rotation in the water. “I don’t know, really. When I was little I heard the name somewhere and its always stuck with me. Decided if I had a son that’s the name I would give him.”

His claw tips traced her ears when they passed by as she kept up her lazy spin. “That’s as good a reason as any.” He sat in silence for a time just watching his little family float in the tub. “Will you be staying in here today or do you want to get out?”

Melna luxuriated for two more rotations before she answered. “I’d like to sit upright for a while.” She stopped her spin and paddled her tail to push herself to the edge of the tub. The king gently took the tiny pups from her arms. Rolling onto her belly she put her paws on the edge and pulled herself out of the water. Standing up she let out a satisfied sigh. “I feel so light. Four pounds of pups and what felt like another fifty pounds of everything else.”

He just smiled and shook his head. “Want me to dry you off?”

She tried to give herself a shake but found she was still too sore. “Yes, please.” She sat heavily on one of the benches in the washroom taking her pups back from her mate. He arranged a little nest of towels for them to lay in then started to scrub through her wet fur. He worked slowly starting with her hair and moving down seemingly determined to get out every drop of water. She hadn’t cut her hair in the time since she’d left the villa more than half a year ago. It was noticeably longer almost reaching the base of her tail. She pulled it up out of the way so he could scrub down her back. He worked through her tail and legs while she braced herself with her paws on the bench.

He put the towel aside. “There, all dry. Do you want me to get gener... Sally to help you to the sitting room?”

She leaned on him with a paw and stood up. “If you carry the pups and lend me a shoulder I can make it to the couch.”

Her mate nodded. He bent over to wrap the little ones in the towel together holding them close and stood straight. He stepped near so she could grip his shoulder and they made their way out of the washroom.

Dennara and Sally were sitting in armchairs in the sitting room while Minka stood by the door to the bedroom with an armload of pillows. She had the air of someone trying to find an excuse to stick around. When the pair entered the sitting room the three began moving again.

Dennara, wearing a white skirt and top, stood up and approached as they moved to the couch. “Should you be up yet?”

Sally waved at the colonel. “The girl’s fine. She needs to get around a bit.”

The tall woman followed with a concerned look until Melna was firmly planted on the couch. She took the pups from the king curling up and wrapping her tail around her legs. “I got this far. I think I’ll rest here for a while, though.”

The king sat next to her and took one of the bundles in his arms. Dennara hovered nearby obviously struggling against her own curiosity and Minka had put the pillows on the bed but still hadn’t left. Melna waved them over and opened the towel so they could see the sleeping newborns.

Dennara leaned over the back of the couch. “I don’t know anyone that’s had twins.”

Minka peeked at the little girl in the king’s lap. “Would it be alright if I tell miss Massey? She’d want to hear the good news.”

Melna glanced at her mate. He replied for them, “Yes, but don’t spread it around. There’s going to be a formal announcement soon.”

The maid straightened and bowed to the king with the hint of a grin. “Discretion, your majesty.”

That got a laugh. “Always.”

Melna spoke up. “Tell her she’s welcome to come by any time.” The maid nodded and quietly exited the apartment.

Sally glanced at Dennara still peeking at the tiny pup in the king’s lap then at Melna. “Would you two prefer to be alone for a while?”

Melna stiffened eyes flicking to the king again, he looked back just as curious about her answer. “No,” her eyes turned back to her foster mother. “I want some people around right now.”

Sally smiled and nodded then got up to pull a book off the shelf. Dennara held out her paws to the king. “May I?” He gently shifted their daughter into the big paws of the tall woman. Holding close the bundle barely big enough to fill both paws she began a slow dance with a grace Melna would never have expected of the large woman. “Have you named them yet?”

“You’re holding Madeleine Silandro and our little boy is Marcus Akenna,” the king replied as Melna examined her son. She could tell he would be the blue furred image of his father when he grew up.

“Beautiful names,” Dennara spoke softly as she moved about the room. Sally watched the colonel with a bit of surprise evident as well.

Marcus trembled in his sleep flexing tiny nostrils. Melna brushed a claw tip through the fur of his forehead and he lay still again. This was going to take some getting used to.




Melna stood with her paws on the handles of the stroller looking up at the near life sized portrait hanging near the public entrance to the palace. The king stood behind her with a wide smile while she sat holding the twins dressed in formal clothes fitted for infants. She shook her head and returned to her journey to the gardens. The formal announcement had gone over like a fireworks display. In fact, there had been a few fireworks displays she had been able to see from the balcony.

“King Tomlin Akenna Fathers Twins With Surrendering Silvanen Princess. What Will The Future Hold For The Royal Family?” That had been the most prominent headline the day after the announcement. She had also been considering that future over the last two months since the twins’ birth.

Another little tidbit of information Melna had received was that the birth had made a small number of people very rich. After her initial declaration to the king so long ago betting pools had been formed. As she understood a set of fraternal twins, one boy and one girl, had gotten up of fifty thousand to one odds. Two booking agencies had been forced to close and liquidate assets to cover their losses.

She continued down the empty halls, the palace closed to the public today. The circular nature of the building had been a great boon for taking the twins out. She’d found they much enjoyed looking at faces, bright eyes examining every portrait closely as they passed, Madie’s muted green and Marc’s violet, just like her own.

Passing the open doors of the throne room she spied Minka talking to a startled-looking, blue furred man standing on a ladder. He appeared to have been interrupted while working on something. She might have to mention this to the maid next time she saw her.

They made their way down to the ground floor and through the double doors that lead out into the sunlit palace gardens. The twins squinted and blinked at the bright light, Marc giving a squeak of irritation at first. She followed the path that lead to the glade under the spire at the center waving at the gardeners tending to the plants.

The reached their destination. “Alright, you two, time to get out.” She lifted each out of the stroller and set them on the lawn, Madie squealing delight when she fell over and waved her tiny paws at the grass. Marc sat staring up at the trees overhead and Melna wondered if he was counting the leaves. She herself stretched out next to them enjoying the warm day under the glass dome. Winter was here but it was nice to know they would always have a place to go if they wanted to get out for a while.

She was by herself today. Sally had been asked to give a presentation at South Crossing Military Academy, the king was off doing his best to run two nations, and since she was no longer considered a security risk her ‘personal guards’ were no longer watching her twenty-eight hours a day, forty days a month. Dennara, Wilhemina, and Yezni would still come by several times a tenday when they were off duty, though. Jenna was a regular visitor always bringing little Decker along.

There was also an unspoken agreement with the maid staff. Melna, having little else to do, kept her apartment quite tidy. The maids had been allotted two hours to clean it every two days, so Melna had co-opted them as baby sitters, and general company, in that time. Minka, Amber, and Jerro were more than happy to oblige.

Melna lay on her side gently rubbing the bellies of the pups. Marcus seemed to have just discovered his feet and looked rather surprised they were attached to him. Madie stared wide eyed at a small insect crawling up a blade of grass.

This was good. Melna wanted things to stay like this for as long as possible.


Chapter 13

Melna hugged Sally tight really not wanting to let go. Sally was beginning the journey back to Silvana today. “I’m going to miss you.”

Sally rubbed her back and seemed almost as reluctant to let go. “And I you, little one.” Melna released the hug and stepped back. “You take care of that boy. Be for him what your mother tried to be for your father.”

Melna glanced back at the king standing several steps behind her leaning on the stroller holding their twins. “I will certainly do my best but I’m don’t think he’ll be taken in nearly as easily as my father was.”

Sally leaned close lowering her voice and giving a stern look. “There are always those around hoping to sow chaos and discord for their own gain. I raised you to not be one of those people, keep your eyes and ears open. You are in a position to sway the king to the path of peace. I expect you to do so when necessary.”

Melna felt like ice water had dripped down her back. “Yes, momma.” Sally pulled her into another tight hug.

When she let go Sally turned to the king. “Your majesty, thank you for allowing me to be with my adopted daughter in this stressful time.”

King Tomlin rolled the stroller closer to the two women. “It wouldn’t have occurred to me there was any other choice, genera…” he stopped and shook his head, “miss Banchet. I know you mean a lot to Melna.”

The former princess moved to stand next to him placing a paw over his on the handlebar and twining their tails. Sally smiled at them. “I also expect you to take good care of my little girl.”

That got a laugh and he leaned against his mate. “I would hate for you to feel the need to come out of retirement if you received a bad report about me. I might have more defectors than not if the great General Sally Banchet had reason to make a move against me.” He glanced around the garage, Tezal, Bentas, Dennara, Wilhemina, Yezni, Nina, Bella, Jesha, Amber, Minka, and Jenna all stared back with an even expression that left their opinions hidden. He looked down and chuckled. “It was a joke, but I see where I stand. Miss Banchet, I give my word I will treat your charge with the utmost care and respect.”

Sally grinned back. “That’s the most a mother can ask for.” She squatted down at the front of the stroller and tickled the paws of the two infants inside. Madeleine giggled and Marcus stared back wide eyed holding the end of his tail. “Now for you two. You be good for your mother and father. They have a lot of responsibility and don’t need you causing trouble for them as well.”

She stood up again and pulled Melna into one last hug. “Take care of yourselves. I’ll be in touch.”

“Give Jerrod a hug for me,” Melna replied. Sally nodded and moved to the side door of the van that would take her home.

“Farewell, my friends. I hope to see you again soon.” Everyone in the garage either waved or saluted as the door shut and the vehicle left the garage.

Melna stared out the open door for a long time her mate remaining beside her. Giving herself a shake she turned to give him a hug. The king spoke quietly to her, “Its all right, love. You’ll see her again.”

She stepped back releasing a breath and looked him in the eye. “I will.”

He turned the stroller and started to move back into the palace. “Come on, we’ll go to the gardens and let the pups out of the cart.”

All of the on-duty maids and guards departed the group to return to their various tasks around the palace leaving Melna, the king, Dennara, Jesha, and Jenna carrying Decker. The stroller stopped in the glade and Melna sat heavily in the grass and moved to pluck out her pups and set them down. Jenna sat down and let her pup loose as well. Decker squealed and grabbed his toes rolling onto his side little tail pumping back and forth. The king sat with them and reached out to rub his pups’ heads.

Dennara and Jesha stood nearby at a relaxed attention both wearing their dress reds. Jesha was still in basic training but had been assigned a tour as a palace guard since, ultimately, that was going to be her job. Dennara was overseeing this part of her training.

“How have the twins been treating you?” Jenna asked holding a paw over her pup which he was batting at with his stubby arms.

Melna curled her tail around her legs and leaned on an arm. “Not too bad, I suppose. They’re starting to get fussy at night. Especially this one.” She reached out and lightly tapped Marcus on the nose. He shook his head and blew air between pressed lips. “I’ve had momma Sally up til now. I’m not sure what I’m going to do now she’s gone home.”

The king looked up from tussling with Madie. “We could look in to hiring a nurse if you need help.”

“Oh, I…” Melna stopped, her initial reaction was to reject it outright but after thinking the idea had some merit. “Maybe that’s something we could do. Momma Sally did a lot to help out.”

Jenna rubbed her back. “I know a couple of people I can recommend. One’s been enough for me, can’t imagine trying to handle two.”

Marcus had begun fussing and Melna had learned this particular sound meant he was hungry. She undid the stud from a nipple and picked up her son. “Yes, its been interesting. I kind of feel for my mother, three pups less than eight years apart.”

Jenna and the king blinked at her. He spoke up, “I thought Chezum and Maluk looked close in age to you but I didn’t think you three were that close.”

Melna looked between the two then glanced at Dennara who had turned her head also. Jesha still stood at attention. She shifted her grip on Marcus. “Right, I never mentioned it. The chieftain needed a daughter. When you have boys you have to keep trying.”

Jenna shook her head and picked up her son holding him high while he giggled. “Nope, one’s definitely enough for me right now. Maybe after you’re grown we’ll think about a little brother or sister for you.” Letting him back down she nuzzled the pup’s belly getting a cheerful squeal before setting him back in the grass.

Melna looked down at Madie who was now in the king’s lap as she gave a big yawn. “Two works for me. They’re just going to be a pawful for a few years.”

The conversation continued until all three pups had worn themselves out. The twins were loaded back in the stroller and the small group returned to the apartment. With access to a kitchen Melna had been exercising her culinary skills. It was something she hadn’t been able to do for a long time due to extenuating circumstances.

King Tomlin pulled Melna into a hug rubbing his cheek to hers. “Midday meal was great. Sorry to eat and run but I need to get back to work.”

“Take care of yourself, love. I’ll see you when you can get back.” She watched her mate leave then turned back to Jenna sitting on the couch with a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. “What?”

The maid snorted in laughter. “You two are adorable.”

Melna’s ears got hot. She looked at Dennara who gave her an apologetic smile and nod. Jesha still stood at attention near the door, expression revealing nothing. Melna shook her head, picked up a cup of tea, and curled into an armchair. The pups were asleep on the floor in the middle of a nest of blankets.

“I guess we are. Never thought it would be like this. I had always thought of the rite of succession as more of a business transaction. ‘I need you to be chieftain so prove your worth’ kind of thing.” She looked off into the distance for a moment. “But after that first meeting in the conference room there was a feeling that started growing.”

Her gaze fell back to her friends sitting with her. “I looked through ancestral records when I was at the villa, when I was looking for my matron name. I went back a dozen generations and the only woman I could find that had not stayed with her chieftain mate had passed away during childbirth. I hadn’t considered what would happen to us after he became chieftain.”

Jenna reached over and patted her knee. “King Tomlin’s the type that’s going to take being a mate very seriously.”

Melna smiled. “Yes, I can see that he is. In all honesty, I wasn’t at first. Now, though, I’m his till the end.” It was Madie’s turn to start wailing, Marcus and Decker each opened their eyes but just looked slightly annoyed at having their naps disturbed. She picked up her daughter. “I was wondering when you’d get hungry.” She sat back holding the pup close so she could nurse. “So what have you and Ben been up to?”

“Ben is still working and I’ve been taking care of the pup, but we’re planning a trip to see his parents in Innarin. They haven’t gotten to meet Decker, yet.”

Melna blinked. “Where is Innarin? I may need to take a geography class if I’m going to live here.”

Jenna smiled back. “It’s three days by boat southwest of here, but the three of us are going to take a cruise ship that hits some of the more interesting places along the way.”

Dennara set down and empty teacup, Melna nodded at it but she just shook her head. “Is that the Harbor Way cruise liner?” Jenna nodded. “I’ve heard good things about that trip. I may need to take some leave and get Denja out of the office for a while.”

“I’ve never been on a boat. There weren’t any bodies of water close to the villa deep enough to use one.”

Jenna regarded her for a moment before a mischievous grin spread across her face. “We’re going to need to fix that when the pups are a little older. We are right on the Aldenian Sea. Might have to rent a boat and take you water skiing.” Melna stared back, mystified. Jenna just winked.

There was a knock at the door and Jesha moved to answer it. Minka stepped in pushing the cleaning cart that rarely got used in the apartment. “Good aftermid, ladies. Melna, do you need anything done while I’m here?” Jesha moved back to her position beside the door.

Melna motioned the maid over to them. “Just some clothes that need to get to the laundry, but that can wait. Come have a seat, I’d get you some tea but my paws are full at the moment.”

Minka waved her off sitting on the couch and gave Jenna a hug. “How’s Decker been?”

Jenna grinned. “A bit of a pest, honestly. He’s just started crawling and I’ve been having to keep a closer eye on him lately. Caught him trying to get behind the radio cabinet the other day.”

Minka leaned over to peek at the sleeping boys on the floor. “Still a cutie, though.”

Jenna laughed. “That’s how they get you.”

A thought popped in her head Melna squinted at the green haired woman. “Speaking of cute. Minka, I saw you talking to a man in the throne room the other day. He looked rather surprised.”

Minka froze, all eyes on her. She took a deep breath before beginning. “Guess I’ve been caught out. Yeah, his name is Deored. He’s on the crew working on getting the palace set up with television cameras.” She dipped her head obviously embarrassed. “We’re going to meet up for supper in a couple of days and see where things go from there.”

Jenna brightened and pulled Minka into a hug rubbing her head. “Good news, I was starting to worry about you.”

Minka wiggled free laughing. “Yeah, me too. Never could find a man that smelled right. Was beginning to think my nose was broken.”

Dennara spoke up. “Some women are just more picky than others.” Standing she picked up the teapot filling everyone’s cups. Raising hers she motioned to Minka. “Well, here’s to good fortune for the two of you.”

“Cheers!” erupted from the other three and Decker fussed his irritation at being awoken again. Jesha remained at attention by the door.




They had hired a nurse, Morgan Shetty, and she was proving to be invaluable. She would arrive early at hour nine and stay until hour twenty, seven days a tenday. The twins seemed to have decided to be nocturnal for the time being and Melna found she needed a nap during the day to keep going. The pediatrician said the pups were healthy and they just needed some training to get them to sleep through the night. Morgan would bring her own pup, Hillan, along and care for the three of them with Melna, reducing some of the burden.

Time marches ever onward. Over the last couple of months Melna and Sally had kept up an almost constant stream of letters back and forth across the mountains that separated them. The retired general had found that total retirement was not for her and had started teaching at the primary school in the village of Kindev. She seemed to be enjoying it. Melna’s brothers were also doing well: Chezum now had a mate and Maluk could walk on his prosthetic without even having to use a cane.

Melna reported back that Tezal Kint and Wilhemina Buntar had recently announced their betrothal. Their marriage ceremony would be taking place soon. The twins were crawling now and had started pulling themselves up on the furniture attempting a few steps.

Jenna had mailed photos of her family’s cruise to Innarin. There were quite a few tourist destinations along the way all centered around the Aldenian Sea. Everything from water playgrounds for children to tributes to the pirates that once roamed the waters. They were spending almost a month with Ben’s parents before returning.

The king was being called away from the palace more often than Melna liked. While the reaction to the end of the war had been overwhelmingly positive some factions in the northwestern parts of Aldenea, the ones most separated from the effects of the war, were not as well informed to circumstances and were expressing displeasure with the outcome. King Tomlin was spending time smoothing ruffled fur.

Another thing driving Melna to distraction was that she hadn’t had any private time with her mate since before the pups were born. Between caring for the pups and his responsibilities as king there hadn’t been any time for them to sneak off somewhere.

There was a knock at her bedroom door. “Melna, the pups are hungry and I’ve got my paws full at the moment,” came an apologetic voice from beyond.

Ah, the joys of motherhood, the thought floated through her mind as she came awake. She glanced at the clock on the dresser, the same one she’d bought so long ago. A four hour nap was pretty good. Throwing off the blankets she returned to the sitting room without getting dressed. Morgan was slowly pacing the room clutching Hillan who was obviously getting her own sustenance at the moment.

“Mealtime for everyone, is it?” She collected her own fussy pups and lay back on the couch. The twins wiggled in her belly fur until they found what they were looking for.

“Seems that way. They’ve been getting into sync with a lot of things lately,” she replied with a knowing smile.

“Yeah, they have been sleeping…” she stopped when realization struck. “Oh, do we need to get more diapers?”

“It never hurts, but I think you’re alright for now.”

Melna snoozed while the pups ate. Morgan clicked the radio set to a quiet music station and sat in an armchair. After Hillan was finished and the nurse set the dozy pup in a basket by her seat. “I can take one for a bit, if you want.”

Without opening her eyes she shook her head. “No, I’ve got this for now. Might as well let them finish what they started.”

Melna fell asleep while the pups nursed. Marcus was the last to finish and she woke again when he released her. Wiping milk from their faces she then gently gathered the pups and put them in the basket with Hillan. She stood and stretched two pops coming from her lower back. “That’s better.”

Morgan glanced up from the book she was reading. “That sounded like it hurt.”

Melna shook her head. She gave herself a shake to smooth out her fur then stepped to the kitchen. “Want something to eat? I’m going to make a sandwich. We’ve got some fruit, too.”

“A sandwich and a glass of water will do for me, thanks,” Morgan replied setting her book down and getting up to join her in the kitchen.

Melna tried to wave her off but she just laughed and got some drink glasses. “Hon, there’s something you’re going to have to get used to. You’re the king’s mate, folks are going to be doing things for you.”

She kept building the sandwiches with an obstinate determination a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Only so much as I let them. I felt so useless during my pregnancy, toward the end I could hardly walk, people had to do pretty much everything for me. I need to catch back up.” She turned and held out a plate for the nurse.

Morgan just shook her head. “Most people think royalty is snobbish and lazy.” She took the plate and the two women returned to their seats.

“I guess they don’t know his majesty very well.” Melna took a bite with a confident smirk.

“No, I guess they don’t.” Morgan smiled and followed suit.




Melna hurried about cleaning the tidy apartment. The king would be back today. She hadn’t been this excited in a long time. When Morgan arrived at hour nine she found Melna standing in the sitting room tapping a claw to her teeth.

“You alright there?” She set Hillan down near the twins who were tussling over a stuffed animal.

Melna looked up. “Huh? Oh yeah, hey, umm…”

Morgan looked back waiting for her to finish. “Yes?”

She wasn’t quite sure how to put her request. “Could you do me a huge favor and take the pups out later. His majesty will be here and I wanted to…” She trailed off not wanting to say it out loud.

The nurse just shook her head with a smile reaching out to pat her on the arm. “It’s fine, hon, I understand what its like having a pup around. My mate and I have to find a sitter too, sometimes.”

Melna startled her by pulling her into a hug before dancing back. “Could you watch the pups while I wash up?”

Morgan waved her toward the washroom laughing. “It’s literally my job to watch the pups. Shoo, go get ready to see your mate.”
Melna dashed to the washroom and turned on the faucet for the shower. She stood under the hot water letting the pressure work its way through the outer layers of her fur. She closed her eyes to breathe deep trying to slow her racing heart. This felt like the early days. She froze in place, it had almost been a full year since she’d knelt in the throne room before the king. Maybe she’d try to make this aftermid special somehow.

Plans began trickling through her mind as she rubbed soap through her fur. She took her time making sure that every inch of her was thoroughly soapy before standing under the stream to rinse. That familiar tingle was back and growing whenever she thought of her mate and the vague ideas she had for what they would do when he got back.

Shutting off the shower she stepped into the tub allowing a short time of relaxation to try to calm her nerves. It would take all of her self control to not simply tackle him the moment he arrived. Laying outstretched in the water she concentrated on her breathing, five count in, hold for four, five count out. It took nearly an hour before she felt she’d regained enough composure to get out and dry off.

On returning to the sitting room she found Morgan curled in an armchair reading while the pups wrestled over the plush toy. Hillan, being a few months older, had an advantage in size but Marc and Madie seemed to be working together and making a good showing of themselves. Melna watched for a moment until the twins noticed she was back, released the toy, and reaching up for her squeaking. “Are you two hungry?” She picked up her pups and sat on the couch removing the studs in her piercings. Hillan rolled on her back pulling to toy to herself and chewed on its ear.

Morgan looked up from her book. “Do you want some help with that?”

“I’m fine. When I get excited I tend to start getting ready too early. This will help kill some time.” She brushed through the pups’ hair as they worked on their morning meal. She relaxed feeling the two tiny bodies wriggle against her. They sat for some time the only sounds in the room were little Hillan growling at the plush and the twins sucking. Melna snoozed.

A few hours later Melna leaned in the open refrigerator gathering odds and ends for the twins’ day out. She pulled out four bottles of milk she’d collected the night before and stuck them in an insulated bag with ice packs. “Here’s for when they get hungry, and I’ve packed two changes of clothes and the disposable diapers. Do you think you need anything else?”

Turning to the nurse she felt two paws clamp on her shoulders and Morgan’s brown eyes bored into her own. “The pups will be fine. Colonel Robbins, Lieutenant Contin, and I will take good care of them while we’re out. Take some time for your mate. Ancestors forbid if anything happens we’ll call for you.”

Melna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “The king will want to see the pups this evening.”

Morgan released her. “Of course.” She took the cooler bag from the table and added it next to the diaper bag hanging from the stroller. “Enjoy yourself.” Melna’s ears got hot. The nurse took the handles of the single seat stroller for Hillan and Jesha, still at attention, took the two-seater for the twins. In a momentary break of discipline her eyes flicked to her friend and she winked. Dennara nodded to Melna and the group departed.

She was alone, she would soon not be alone. Melna went to the bedroom and picked up her brush. As much as she trusted her friends she wanted her pups. Aside from when she was asleep this would be the longest she’d been away from them since they were born. She concentrated on her breathing as she slowly ran the brush through her hair and fur. Long strokes passed over her body seeming to release the gathered tension.

One last stroke, thigh to knee she finally felt relaxed, all except for the ache in her belly that cried out for her mate. She looked at the clock, fifteen ten, he would be here soon. Moving with deliberate slowness she opened the wardrobe taking from the hanger what she would be wearing tonight. Setting that aside she also pulled out a set of gold rings and jewelry pliers. She removed the studs and carefully reinserted the rings using the pliers to hold each open to place the section back in that made them appear solid. To the rings she clipped the breast chain in its place.

Sitting back on the bed she braided her long hair. After tonight she would be getting it cut short, it had been pulled on a few too many times in recent months. Tying the end with a golden ribbon she finally dressed. There was one last thing to do. She skipped to the washroom to brush her teeth.

She waited patiently at one of the dining room chairs hoping her fur wasn’t getting messed up. She did not have to wait long. She stood when she heard a knock at the door. “Who is it?” she called.

“Open up, in the name of the king.” A playful voice spoke in reply.

She smiled. “It’s open, your majesty.”

The person she most wanted to see opened the door and stepped in. He paused in the doorway eyes tracking down then back up. “What’s the special occasion.” He looked at her with a hunger that she felt echoed in her belly.

Melna was wearing the deep red, formal clothes she’d worn when she first met him. The gold thread stitching and jeweled beading caught the light sparkling and she’d polished the jeweled chain hanging between her breasts to a brilliant shine. “I haven’t seen you in a while, and I haven’t had any private time with you in even longer. Seems pretty special to me.”


See “Chapter 13 SS” for sex scene or continue to skip it.


There was a gentle knock at the apartment door. Melna, from the couch in the sitting room, called out, “Enter.”

Morgan opened the door and peeked in to see the two lovers cuddled on the couch watching ‘I Love Lana.’ His majesty was resting his head on his mate’s shoulder. All the windows and doors to the balcony were open letting the pine scented breeze blow through the room. Melna waved to the nurse and she ushered the two guards with the strollers in behind her. The king stood up and the three bowed to him. “I hope we’re not interrupting.”

“Not at all.” He circled around the couch and knelt in front of the two seat stroller to peek at the sleeping pups it carried. Melna stood behind him.

Morgan smiled and said with an apologetic tone, “They’ve had a busy day. They nodded off on the way back.”

He reached out to softly brush the fur of their cheeks, Marcus yawned. “Its alright. I’ll see them in the morning.” He stood and smiled at the her. “Thank you for taking them out today but we’ll take it from here. I don’t get to be a dad as much as I’d like.”

Morgan laughed quietly. “My mate says the same thing. Thank you, your majesty. I’ll be back in the morning, then.” With another bow she took her the stroller carrying Hillan and left the room.

“Colonel, lieutenant, thank you for watching over my pups.”

The guards bowed, Dennara answering for them. “It was a pleasure, your majesty.”

Melna waved at them as they departed, Jesha gave a stiff nod in response. It will be nice when her training ends and she can see her friend when she wasn’t on duty. She knelt in front of the stroller and gently lifted her son. “Let’s get these two to bed.”

The king picked up his daughter. Madie stretched her limbs and tail curling against his chest as he held her. He followed his mate to the bedroom. They put each bundle in the crib in the corner of the room and just stood looking down at the twins. The pups had already grown so much. They would be walking soon, then school, work, mates and children of their own. Melna shivered and Tomlin put an arms around her shoulders.

“You alright, love?”

“Life goes on, sometimes too fast.”

He pulled her into a hug. “We can be slow for a while.”

Melna started humming a Silvanen folk song. Stepping back she held up her right paw and put her left on his shoulder. He got the idea, taking her right paw in his left and his left around her back they began to move through the room in the slow dance. Staring into his eyes she lost her place in the song, but they continued to the beat of the imaginary melody.

They didn’t know how long they danced but the spell was broken when Tomlin bumped his tail to the foot of the bed. Melna put a paw to her muzzle to stifle her giggling. He held her to his chest letting out a satisfied sigh. “I hadn’t realized we’ve never danced before. Maybe I need to organize a ball so I can so off how good you are at it.”

“You think the court would approve of the king’s mistress being out for the people to see?” She asked in a playful tone snuggling into his chest. He stiffened and remained silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. “It was a joke, I don’t want to cause problems.”

He let out a breath. “No, there wouldn’t be any problems. The people are quite taken with you and the pups, I can’t imagine anyone saying anything untoward.” He put his paws on her shoulders to hold her at arm’s length then slid them down to hold hers. “The day the pups were born I said I wanted to talk to you about something later. It’s a lot later than I had intended but now…”

“Yes?” A wave of apprehension flowed through her.

He stared down into her eyes with those golden eyes she could never tire of. “Melna Silandro, I would like for you to be my wife and the queen of Aldenea.”


Chapter 14


Melna felt like she’d been struck by lightning. Wife? QUEEN? This was not where she thought things would go. She froze for a moment to catch her breath. When she didn’t answer immediately a shadow of worry crossed Tomlin’s face. “If you don’t wan…”

She put a paw on his muzzle, stopping him from saying more and stared into his eyes. She took several breaths to gather her thoughts. “Ask me again in five years, after the pups have started school. I am not ready for the responsibility of being queen. I know too little of your home,” she turned to look at the crib in the corner, “and I want to be a mother as long as I can.”

His gaze softened. “So, that’s not a ‘no’ then.”

She bumped the end of her muzzle to his. “Give me some time.”

Tomlin let out a breath and pulled her in tight resting his chin on top of her head. “Alright, five years it is.”

They held each other in silence for a long while before Melna gave him a squeeze. “Let’s go to bed.”

Promptly at hour six Marcus made it clear he was ready for his morning meal. Melna threw off the blanket and got out of bed. Tomlin woke as well but took longer to get up. Picking up her son she held him close so he could eat. Marc liked to eat early, Madie would want hers in a couple of hours. She began a mimic of the slow dance Dennara had performed with Madie when they were newborns. The pups seemed to enjoy it.

She turned in the dance and her eyes fell on her mate. He was propped up on one arm watching the scene with a smile shining in his eyes. She suddenly felt shy about what had become a morning routine. She got through the rest of the dance then moved back to the bed to sit with him. Tomlin reached out to brush the pup’s hair. “Too bad, I was enjoying the ballet recital.”

Melna leaned on him. “Unfortunately, this ballerina suffers from a bit of stage fright,” she replied playfully.

He snuggled in close. “I’ve been away for too long, I missed this.”

“The pups are getting old enough, I think, maybe we could tag along. Or not, I don’t think Morgan would want to leave with us for a month or more.”

He nuzzled her cheek. “I’ll be around for a while for now, we can think about the best way to handle it.” He rolled out of the waterbed causing waves that bounced the mother and pup. “Alright, I’m going to make breakfast. I’ll come get you three when its ready.”

Melna gasped in mock surprise. “His majesty can cook?”

He laughed and shook his head. “Dad taught me some things besides just how to run a nation.” He turned to leave giving a wave. “It will be ready soon.”

Melna decided her mate was pretty sexy. Marcus was soon finished and had again fallen asleep so she carried him to the sitting room and set him in the basket returning to fetch Madie. With the twins snuggled where she could keep an eye on them she softly padded to the kitchen. “Can I help?” He gave her a nod.

They worked in a comfortable silence until Tomlin had her get the twins into their high chairs and sit at the table while he finished the remainder of the cooking. At last he brought out a stacked plate and set it before her. Fruit pancakes, two eggs, and sausage, it smelled amazing. He’d also made two small bowls of oat porridge for the twins who sat sleepily gawking at the goings on. Melna waited to dig in until he’d taken his seat at the table.

She took several bites with her eyes closed. When she opened them she saw her mate leaning with a paw to his cheek and watching her, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. “So, how is it?” Melna didn’t answer with words, she cut another slice of the pancake and very slowly raised it to her maw, wrapped her tongue around it, and licked the fork as it left her lips. All the while she was staring him in the eye. She was startled by a small sneeze to her right and decided now was not the best time for innuendo. Tomlin snorted in laughter. “I’m glad you like it.”

After a moment she joined in the mirth. “It is very good. Your father taught you well.”

He started on his own plate of food. “He had help. And I do like to get into the kitchens occasionally, try to keep the skills sharp. I don’t usually go all out like this over morning meal, single man living on his own and all,” he finished in a joking tone.

It was Melna’s turn to laugh. “Well, I appreciate it.”

They continued to eat in silence for a while until Madie fussed waving her tiny paws at her father. “Well, good morning to you, too. Are you getting hungry?” He’d finished his own meal so felt the bowl the oat porridge was in to see if it had cooled enough. Picking up a spoon he scooped a small amount and touched it to her lips. The pup looked quite offended at first, that was until she licked it off her lips and gave a squeal of delight. Tomlin laughed and scooped up some more.

Melna dithered over the last few bites of her meal watching the scene unfold. If only every morning could be like this.

There was a knock at the door. Tomlin started to stand but she stopped him and got up to answer it. Morgan entered stopping to bow to the king before setting Hillan on the floor. “Good morning, your majesty, Melna.”

“Morning, miss Shetty,” the king called from his seat at the table where he was alternating feeding the twins. “We made a bit extra this morning if you and Hillan would like some.”

Morgan smiled and glanced at Melna, she just smiled back. “Yes, thank you, your majesty. It smells good and Hillan does enjoy oat porridge.”

“Help yourself, I’ve got my paws full at the moment.”

The nurse set her bag down by the couch and stepped to kitchen to make a plate for herself and a bowl for Hillan. Melna picked Hillan up from the floor and sat back at the table with her in her lap. With her mother back in sight Madie again made a fuss and reached for her. The king looked up from the spoon near the pup’s mouth. “I think she’s ready for her mom to feed her.”

“Let Hillan use the high chair and I’ll take her,” Melna said, standing up to trade pups in the seat. She held Madie close so she could eat her other meal. Marc was done with food for the moment and contented himself with patting on the tabletop.

“This is really good, your majesty,” Morgan after a few bites.

“Thank you, though Melna helped,” he replied a bit distracted tapping the table with Marc. The pup seemed fascinated by the fingers dancing in front of him.

Morgan took turns taking a bite of pancakes and giving Hillan a spoonful of porridge. “Will you be joining us today, your majesty?” Melna glanced up at him.

Tomlin continued trading taps on the table with Marcus. “Yes, I managed to clear out my schedule for the day. I thought we’d get the pups out and spend most of the day in the gardens.”

“That’s sounds like a good idea,” Morgan replied still scooping porridge for her pup.

Melna sat holding her daughter with her eyes closed and just listening to the sounds of family.




Tomlin and Melna dressed then gathered supplies for their time out of the apartment. Morgan carried Hillan while the twins rode in the stroller. They made their way around the palace at a leisurely pace, Yezni and Jesha following close behind. It was Dennara’s day off. They passed a tour group and Melna realized the palace was open to the public today. She’d stayed away from the public areas when they were open most of the time so she wasn’t used to seeing people around.

It took them a while but they finally made it to the ground floor and the gardens. The king lead them to an out-of-the-way corner of the gardens that was well separated from where most of the citizens would travel on their own. It was a small lawn surrounded by tall hedges with only one entrance that Yezni and Jesha guarded. The pups were set in the grass and Melna stretched out on her back in the sun. She was surprised when Hillan giggled and flopped on her stomach. “Oof, just learned to walk and already you’re making mischief.” She sat up and tickled the pup. Setting her back on her feet she waddled off back to her mother still giggling.

Morgan smiled taking the little girl into her lap. “Sorry about that, she likes to do that to me and her father at home.”

“It’s fine, the twins will probably get up to the same things when they get older. Good practice.” She looked at her mate who was engrossed in rolling a ball with Madie and Marc. Melna laid on her side in the grass and just watched them play. The king looked at her, then gave a wink. The ball rolled between the pups who looked positively astonished it could go that fast. Melna caught it easily then gave it a light bat that sent it to Marc. It bumped his knees and he gave it an unsteady swipe sending it a few feet across the grass.

The game continued for a long while. Morgan and Hillan joined in, the older pup dashing after errant balls knocked away by the younger. The little ones played until they’d worn themselves out. Melna sat in the grass looking at the king laying on his back with two pups sprawled over him. She suddenly felt a strong desire for a camera.

The moment was interrupted by a soft tap on the shoulder. She looked up at Jesha who motioned to the king in a nonverbal query if he was awake. Melna nodded and Jesha spoke up quietly enough to not disturb the pups. “Apologies, chief… ahem, your majesty. A messenger needs to speak with you.”

The king turned his head to the guard-in-training. “I’ll be with them in just a moment. I need to get untangled from these two.” Jesha bowed and returned to her position. He eased himself up, Melna gently moving the pups aside to they didn’t fall on the ground. The king let out a sigh. “Duty calls.”

Melna leaned in to softly bump the end of her muzzle to his. “And you do it so well.” His paw brushed her cheek and he stood up to speak with the messenger patiently waiting for him. She pulled the pups into her lap who, despite efforts, had woken up and were getting fussy.

Over their soft cries she heard her mate ask, “Now?” and saw the page give an apologetic nod. He shook his head in mild annoyance and spoke to the page again who then departed. The king returned to her and knelt to rub his cheek to hers. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to put a pause on this. There’s something I need to take care of, I’ll come find you when I’m done.”

“Alright, we’ll probably head back to the apartment. The pups need a nap.”

“I’ll see you soon.” He stood and made his way out of the secluded section of the garden.

She looked over at Morgan. “I guess we should find a better place for the pups to sleep.” The nurse nodded and collected her own snoozy pup.

They were soon back home and put the pups together in the basket in the sitting room. Melna opened the doors to the balcony for some fresh air and grabbed a book off the shelf. The two women spent the rest of the late morning reading the radio playing quietly as the pups slept.

Some hours after midday a knock at the door made Melna look up from where she was playing with the pups. Morgan got up motioning her to stay there while she answered the door. When it opened the king peeked in then entered fully when he was motioned in by his mate. He carried a large box in his arms. Madie squeaked and reached up when she spotted her father, which was rewarded by being lifted off the floor and spun around a turn.

“What’s this?” Melna asked pointing at the box from where she sat with Marc.

The king sat down with them. “I just thought I’d give the pups their first lesson in structural engineering and architecture design,” he replied with a grin. He tugged the box closer and pulled out a couple of large, colored, wooden blocks. He stacked a few in arm’s reach of Marc, Madie still in his lap.

Melna started pulling out the blocks as well. “You’re a goofball.” Morgan returned to her seat and watched the small construction project with a grin. All three pups in the sitting room stared wide eyed as blocks were stacked. That was until Marcus reached out an unsteady paw and bumped the tower causing it to fall. The little boy burst into a fit of giggles reaching out to carefully get his fingers around one of the blocks and move it back into position with the others. Madie reached out so the king set her on the floor with her brother and Hillan stood nearby watching while chewing on the plush toy.

“So what dragged you off this morning? If I may ask.” Melna scooted closer to her mate handing blocks to the pups as they learned to work their stubby fingers.

“There’s a delegation from Biraviin coming to Alda in about eight days. We’re making preparations to receive them. There’s a state supper planned for the day after their arrival, I’d like you to be there if you’ll agree.” He continued absently putting blocks together for the pups.

Melna laughed quietly. “I’ve hidden from enough of those things, I think I better start participating.” She didn’t elaborate on why since they weren’t alone at the moment. “Biraviin, that’s northeast of here, right? Silvana had trade agreements with them until recent events soured the relationship.”

The king looked at her surprised for a moment before he shook his head as if realizing something. “Yes, it’s the nation directly north and east of Aldenea. There isn’t a mountain pass between us and them like there is with Silvana, so anyone coming here either has to climb the mountains or go all the way around through Quentallin or Silvana. We only established regular contact with them in the last two hundred years.”

“So, a visit is a big deal.”

“Very much so. I think this has more to do with the change in leadership in Silvana. If they’re going to negotiate with the chieftain they’ve got to come here. Aldenea and Silvana both possess better farmlands and they’ve got a robust ore mining infrastructure. Iron for grain, basically.” The block tower was once again toppled, Hillan decided to join in helping rebuild.

“If things go well that would be good for agriculture in Silvana, though it could raise food prices until production can meet demand. A trade route for Aldenea could pass through Silvana, bring in some money from travelers.”

“Getting large quantities of produce through Bemorn might be a bit of an issue, but worth thinking about.”

“What’s going on with Bemorn, anyway. I haven’t been keeping up with politics lately.”

“The governor has officially requested annexation into Aldenea. I guess they figure its going to happen to Silvana eventually, me being chieftain and all, and they don’t want to get left out.”

“It can be hard to be independent when you’re surrounded,” Melna said, arranging blocks for the pups.

“Pretty much.” Madie seemed have suddenly discovered the color blue and thought it was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. The king stayed to play with the pups for the rest of the night. They ordered supper from the palace kitchens then put the pups to bed. After cuddling on the couch for a while they also retired for the night.




Tonight was the banquet for the delegation from Biraviin. It was being held on the observation deck of the spire above the gardens. Morgan had agreed to stay late with the pups and, when she’d overheard, Amber had gleefully volunteered to help.

Melna looked for a long time in the mirror. It was going to take a while to get used to having short hair. She’d had it cut to shoulder length because the pups kept grabbing paw fulls and yanking. Apparently their mother squealing in pain was funny. She brushed it carefully so the bangs in the front hung down to frame her face. Giving herself a smile she left the washroom. On her way through the sitting room she saw Amber sitting on the floor performing a puppet show for the little ones with their stuffed toys, the pups watched on intently.

She’d already taken out what she’d be wearing tonight. Quite happy with the variety of styles available in Aldenea, she’d picked an evening gown in purple. In the back it sat snug under her tail and tied behind her neck at the top so it left her entire back, shoulders to tail, exposed. It hung down to her ankles with slits up both sides to her hips keeping her legs free to move. She’d pulled on some underwear that could remain hidden by the dress. Last she sat and laced on some foot pad covers that tied with sparkling, gold colored cords.

She stood up and took a turn in front of the full length mirror making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. Giving herself a nod she stepped back out into the sitting room. Morgan looked up and gave her a smile. Amber turned to see and let out, “ooh, princess, looking good!”

Melna shook her head with a laugh. “I’m not a princess anymore, how many times do I need to tell you?”

“Could have fooled me. As far as I’m concerned, you’re always going to be princess Melna, the brave girl who walked into the king’s court to ask for a child to end a war.” That got a snort from Morgan.

Melna looked at the floor with a chuckle, ears getting hot. “That feels so long ago but it’s only been a little over a year.” She sighed and looked up at the clock on the wall. “Morgan, there’s bottles in the fridge if you need them, you know where everything else is. Call for me if you need anything.”

Morgan gave her a nod. “We will, the pups are safe with us.”

The clock chimed hour nineteen and there came a knock at the door. She opened it to find the king outside with a grin and a flower. He was wearing a long black robe with gold embroidery and a red overcoat. He tucked the flower into her hair beside her right ear. “You look lovely tonight.”

It took all of her willpower not to drag him off somewhere they could be alone. “Thank you, your majesty. You are looking quite handsome yourself.”

He held out an arm to her. “Shall we.” She took it and they made their way down the hall. Tezal and Bentas ahead of them with Dennara and Yezni trailing behind.

They were soon mounting the steps that led up to the observation deck of the central spire. The foreign guests were scattered through the room in quiet conversation with various advisors from both Aldenea and Silvana. That all stopped when the king and his mate entered the room.

A tall man with thick red and gray fur in black trousers and coat stepped forward, obviously the head of the delegation. “King Tomlin Akenna, its good to finally meet you!” He said in a jovial, booming voice with an accent she hadn’t heard before. “And this lovely lady must be princess Melna of Silvana.”

She held out a paw to him which he took in both of his giving her a nod. “Melna Silandro, my title as princess became defunct after his majesty was declared chieftain of Silvana.”

He released her paw and turned to his host holding out a paw for him. “King of Aldenea and Chieftain of Silvana? That must make correspondence difficult. Do you ever forget which title to use?”

The king shook the man’s paw with a laugh. “Fortunately, no. At least no one has called me out on it yet.”

“Fortune favor that you don’t.” He said with a wide smile. “As for me, I am first minister Colter Nintoo, official representative of the kaiser of Biraviin. Our delegation would like to thank you for having us in your beautiful palace for the trade negotiations.”

The king motioned with a paw and they moved further into the room. “I’m sorry you’ve had to travel all this way just to have a meeting with one of your closest neighbors.”

Melna remained next to the king, still not a fan of crowds, listening to the ongoing conversation. Minister Nintoo responded. “Not at all, your majesty. If anything it makes things easier, ‘two bolne in one yoke’ as they say. Though we were surprised to hear that you were chosen to lead Silvana. Happy, to be sure. Your father was much more pleasant to deal with than…” The large man stopped and glanced at Melna seeming embarrassed at what he was about to say.

She gave the minister a rueful smile. “I am aware of how my father was viewed, no offense taken.”

He gave her a nod. “You are quite gracious, milady, but its probably best I not speak out of turn.” Looking back to the king, he continued, “I had the pleasure of meeting with your father, the king, on two occasions. I was saddened to hear of his passing.”

“Thank you, minister. We do mourn his loss but I hope that I can continue his legacy.”

Melna felt eyes on her, turning her head she saw one of the delegates staring at her with a certain hardness. She looked away and shifted her grip on the king’s elbow. He glanced down at her and she smiled up at him.

The Biraviinen minister continued. “From what we’ve been hearing from those on the border with Silvana and Quentallin, you’ve been doing a fairly good job of it. We do hope we can hold open lines of communication between us.”

The king nodded. Melna was surprised to see Jenna in her maid’s uniform come up the stairs and walk purposefully to the king. Melna gave her a smile, which was returned before the maid leaned close to whisper in his ear. “Wonderful, minister, miss Massey has just informed me supper will be served in a moment. If you’ll join us at the table, and please avoid the center of the room for the time being.”

The group of advisors and the delegates moved to the table set along one side of the circular room. The king sat the center of the table with Melna to his left and the Biraviin delegation opposite him. She was surprised to see a square in the floor split and open upwards in the center of the room and a large elevator cage lower through it to the ground bellow. When it returned to the observation deck it carried two staff members standing beside rolling carts laden with food.

The minister inhaled deeply through his nose as the carts approached behind him. “Ah, your majesty, I can tell already the recipes we brought have been put to good use.”

The king gave a wide smile in return. “Yes they have, minister. I hear the kitchen staff were delighted to have a sampling of the food from your home. They have added a touch of Aldenean flair, if my sources are correct. The spices you brought along were also greatly appreciated.”

The table was quickly set with delicious smelling foods. Grilled fish, steaks, vegetables prepared in various ways, a few different soups, and several other dishes were set in front of the thirty people seated at the table. Portions were divvied among the guests and advisors and the conversations quieted as people dug into their meals.

The minister looked up from his fish that he’d already eaten half to look between Melna with a hint of a smirk on his lips. “I could hardly believe it when I heard the news until I saw the portrait hanging in the entrance. Is it true you two had a set of twins?”

Melna smiled and the king laughed, replying, “Yes, its true. We could hardly believe it ourselves. I was set to welcome a baby girl when this incredible woman,” he gave Melna a squeeze on the arm, “says she’s not done. Madeleine Silandro and Marcus Akenna are our pups, perhaps we can arrange a time for you to meet them. Tonight was a bit late for them to be out.”

“In Biraviin twins are considered a sign of great fortune to come. I do wish the best for your family.”

“Thank you, minister.” Melna replied with a smile.

Supper continued with conversations that amounted to mostly pleasantries and inconsequential news from respective countries. Emptied plates were cleared and desert was served with tea. The overall mood was relaxed as everyone seemed to be coming down off the high of a delicious meal.

“Your majesty, your kitchen staff do you great credit. If its possible I would like to take some of the recipes back with us when we depart. I’ve never had grilled jirtoo fish made quite like that. I think it could be popular back home.”

“That can be arranged, minister. It’s only a fair trade for what you’ve brought us.” That got a hearty laugh from the large man.

After dessert the crowd moved into the gardens to continue the mingling between the representatives of three nations. With a full stomach Melna had loosened up a little holding onto the king’s paw as they walked through the gardens. The lights overhead had been turned down for the night but the paths were still well lit. A memory popped in her head, she hadn’t been in the gardens this late in a long time. The night flowers would be blooming. She gave her mate’s paw a squeeze and whispered in his ear. He nodded and she wandered off down a separate path.

As Melna walked away from the crowd she thought she heard steps on the gravel path behind her, but when she turned no one could be seen. Shrugging the continued until she reached her destination. Yes, they were in bloom. Some were still opening but many stood wide in the light of the moon shining down.

She had knelt to gently lift one of the white flowers to her nose when a paw clamped around her muzzle and an arm snaked around her middle lifting her off the ground. A voice hissed in her ear. “You’re going to pay for what your father did to my family.”

Part of her was scared until an image of her pups popped in her mind, and what might happen if she wasn’t around anymore, then a much larger part got angry. She started flailing, fists went back over her shoulders trying to pummel his head, feet kicking, and tail sweeping to knock a foot loose. She squirmed her head and got his paw off her muzzle and bit down, hard. She tasted blood and he cried out, the arm holding her let got to try to push her away.

Suddenly he was off her back and she twisted to see he was being held off the ground by the scruff of his neck in the paw of Bentas. She leapt grabbing his shoulders, feet catching on his belt, clamping her teeth in his left ear, and digging claws into the sides of his neck. Another arm locked around her midsection pulling her off. She started flailing again until the voice of Dennara snapped her out of the feral rage. “That’s enough.”

She stilled, panting as she was set on her feet. She was then startled as a large, gray fist crossed her sight line, connecting with the left cheek of her assailant, knocking him flat.

She finally processed that minister Nintoo was standing in front of her staring down at the man on ground. “Hentil, you fool! You do not assault the mate of the king!” Hentil lay on the path panting, Bentas, Tezal, and Yezni standing over him. “Milady, I must give my deepest apologies for the behavior of my colleague.”

Melna felt a paw softly brush her upper arm. She turned her head to see her mate next to her. She leaned into his chest putting her arms around him and felt his arms around her. The king replied for her. “Minister Nintoo, I think emotions are running a bit high right now and it would be best to deal with this in detail in the morning. Your fellow delegate will be held in solitary, under guard, for the time being, and I beg your indulgence if we increase security around the palace during your visit.”

The minister nodded to the king. “Under the circumstances I take no issues with this arrangement. You must do what you can to protect your own.” His gaze traveled over the gathered crowd. “I think the mood of this evening has been sullied by the actions of a fool. If we may, your majesty we will return to our quarters and await your summons tomorrow.”

“In the morning then. I will send a page when we are ready to see you.”

Hentil was lifted to his feet by the three guards and passed to another group of soldiers to be taken away. Minister Nintoo nodded to the king and the Biraviin delegates were taken back to their rooms. The gathered advisors dithered around for a few moments before taking their leave as well.

Tomlin gave her a tight squeeze. “That is honestly not something I would have expected to see from you.”

Melna spent a while to calm her breathing, her face tucked into his shoulder, before she responded. “I don’t know what happened, I just snapped. He wanted to blame me for the actions of my father and the council.” She took a deep breath. “And I didn’t want the pups to not have me.”

“Come on, let’s get you back to your room. I’ll stay with you tonight if you want.”

She pulled him close as they walked back to the apartment the four guards formed around them in a tight escort. Nothing was said until they reached the door to her apartment at which Dennara spoke up, “Two of use will remain here tonight then rotate out in shifts.”

The king patted her arm. “Thank you, colonel. I’ll be staying here for the time being.”

Melna let go of her mate and turned to a particular member of their escort curling a finger at him. He bent down and she put her arms around his neck giving it a squeeze whispering, “thank you,” in his ear. When she released him he seemed to stand a bit straighter with no obvious change to his expression, except maybe a touch of reddened skin visible through the gray fur of his ears. “Thanks to all of you,” she said louder. Bowing to her guards she retreated into the apartment the king following.




Melna stood beside the throne looking down at the Biraviin delegation knelt on that familiar purple carpet. It was an interesting perspective to see it from this angle as she listened to the first minister. “We will, of course, abide by any punishment meted out for the behavior of our fellow delegate. Myself and two others witnessed Hentil’s actions, so his guilt is not in question.”

“Minister Nintoo, I won’t lie and say this situation hasn’t put a sour taste in the mouths of those taking part in negotiations, but on the advice of my mate, and in the interest of future relations between our nations, he will be held in confinement until the end of your visit. At which time your delegation will be escorted back to Biraviin with the understanding that Hentil Graten is barred from returning to both Aldenea and Silvana. Should he return he will be arrested and will stand trial for the assault he has committed.”

Minister Nintoo glanced up at Melna, she gave him a slow nod. “Your mate is most gracious, your majesty. We thank you for your mercy.”

Melna spoke softly but the acoustics of the room allowed it to carry to all present. “As I understand, his feelings toward my father may be justified. I was, until recently, unaware of Silvanen raids taking place on border villages of Biraviin. With that said I do want to be clear, I am not my father, nor the previous council of elders. I did everything I could to put an end to their actions when the first opportunity arose.”

She glanced down at her mate, he nodded. She looked back to the delegation. “If Biraviin would be willing to send a list of grievances we will do our best to see that recompense is paid and those responsible are brought to justice.”

Minister Nintoo seemed surprised at her words. “I will need to speak with the kaiser before any such actions are undertaken but I do appreciate your understanding in this.”

The next tenday was spent in trade negotiations. Due to easier access Silvana would be seeing the most benefit from the resulting agreements. Aldenea had some exports the Biraviins were interested in as well. With the king’s agreement Melna had kept up with the talks as an outside observer. She had no authority on her own but king Tomlin did allow her to speak to certain things at times. She was taking this time as a sort of training for what she might be expecting in the future.

The Biraviins had departed with their escort, Hentil had looked much more downcast than angry by the time they left. She laid in her bed enjoying the sensation of Tomlin softly running his claws over her scalp and hearing one of the twins twitching in their dreams.

“You did well.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

Melna chuckled. “I think this was good practice. And minister Nintoo was not a hard person to deal with.”

“I think all of us came out for the better in these negotiations. Biraviin needs food, and we always need minerals. Silvana will do pretty well for themselves, as well.”

“Mhmm,” was her only reply. She turned and snuggled into his chest. They were soon asleep.


Chapter 15


Melna was in school again, only this time it wasn’t a dream. After the ambassadorial visit from Biraviin she was finding she needed a better understanding in local and international politics. If her mate truly wished her to be queen… she wasn’t going to be a disinterested ruler who left the administration to others. To that end the king had hired a tutor that visited five days a tenday for four hours. Their primary focus was Aldenean history.

Aldenea had always been so peaceful in her, admittedly limited, experience, so she had been more than a little shocked to discover why the military was so strong when compared to Silvana and even Tiradell. For the first two thousand years of its existence Aldenea had been in an almost constant state of war with Quentallin.

When the low mountain pass had been mapped many people flocked through to take advantage of the riches to the east. Prospectors were the first, looking for precious metals and gems, soon followed by the farmers and ranchers. Villages were established and people prospered which drew the attention of the Quentish government. There were commodities to be taxed, and they ended up taking a hard line approach to the recent colonists.

When the people had become fed up with what they thought of as outside interference, they fought back. The Quentallin military was forced back to the mountains where the opposing factions hit a point of stalemate, neither side could push forward though the relatively narrow pass without extreme losses. The war finally ended when the people of Quentallin itself revolted due to all of the resources being dedicated to fight an unending war. The war had been the main reason why the capital, Alda, was established on the far side of the Aldenian Sea from Quentallin.

Having started on a military foundation the new nation of Aldenea kept the strength of its armed forces at a high priority, as well as making sure the citizenry had access to proper arms should the military fail at halting an invasion. Less than one thousand years after the end of the Revolutionary War, as it came to be called, Quentallin came to ask for assistance from its former adversary. The neighboring nation of Tiradell was invading Quentish lands from the south.

Over time the scars of war healed and Quentallin became Aldenea’s closest, really only, trading partner. It would be another four thousand years before the high mountain pass between Aldenea and Silvana would be discovered. It was also discovered that the pass was inhabited by the Bemorn Bandits who had taken to raiding the villages in the nation on the other side.

Token gestures were made to quell the bandits by Aldenea but there weren’t any villages near it on their side of the mountain and once Silvana established Fort Ginad almost directly bellow Bemorn, raids became difficult on that side as well. The bandits were primarily defeated through watchful indifference. It ended up being more profitable to trade with travelers than to attack citizens. The village of Bemorn allowed passage between the two nations but had remained independent from both, until someone had recently decided Aldenea’s king should also be Silvana’s chieftain.

The mountains to the north and east were especially difficult to traverse so it wasn’t until the invention of the motorized cargo truck that it really became worthwhile to attempt trade with Biraviin. Those suffering from wanderlust would sometimes make the trek around the mountains through either Quentallin or Silvana to visit, but the governments of each nation hadn’t traded official greetings until the reign of king Tomlin’s father.

Melna rested her head on the tabletop. There was still a lot of history left to go over, details about the northward expansion, the Aldenian Sea pirates, the attempted coup by a pretender to the throne. All of it was threatening to fill her head and overflow out through her ears.

“I haven’t really thought of any of that since primary school.” A voice called from the sitting room. Melna turned her head to look at the gray furred nurse playing tug-of-war with the pups.

“I wish momma Sally had gotten some Aldenean history books to go along with the newspapers. My only saving grace is that I won’t have to take a test at the end of this class.”

Morgan gave her a smile. “Just be glad they aren’t making you study literature. ‘The Works of Jillian Rattlegun’ bored me to tears.”

“No, that was something that Sally did manage to get, so I know your pain.” She closed the history book and stood up. “I’m getting hungry, do you want a sandwich?” Madie and Marc let go of the rope and excitedly toddler-waddled their way to the dining room. “I wasn’t asking you goofs, but I guess you’re hungry, too.” She squatted down to give the twins a squeeze. They’d just passed two years old and were confident enough on their feet to start causing themselves trouble.

Hillan was still desperately pulling on the short rope against her mother. “I’d like one, thanks. Could you put something together for the little power puller, too?”

“No problem.” Melna went to the kitchen and opened the fridge pulling out ingredients for sandwiches. She assembled two then pulled out a container of diced fruit that she separated into three bowls for the pups. She set everything on the table and waved the two in the sitting room over.

With the pups in high chairs the two women sat down to eat their midday meal. When they were about half way done three low tones that repeated a few times could be heard coming from outside the open doors to the balcony.

Melna looked up, a bit startled. “What’s that?” The noise had gotten the attention of the pups as well.

Morgan stared outside for a moment before standing up and collecting Hillan waving Melna to follow. “That’s the dragon alert. Seems like we’re getting a flyover today.” The nurse walked out to the balcony.

Melna got the twins out of their seats and guided them outside as well. “Is it Henry? Amber said he comes by every couple of years.”

Morgan shaded her eyes and scanned the sky before pointing at a distant speck on the horizon. “We have had others, but Henry is our only regular visitor.” They watched as the speck grew larger, much larger. Melna had never seen a dragon fly so low before.

Henry was enormous, the wingspan was probably twice the diameter of Palace Alden. Yes, this was definitely Henry, from the red stripe down the neck to the black tail, the distinctive markings she remembered from the model at the museum matched perfectly. The gigantic lizard dipped a wing and began a slow turn that seemed to travel the circumference of the city. It took a second for the scale to make sense but Melna finally realized the dragon must be moving incredibly fast to cover these distances in such a short time.

He took two full turns of the city then lined up to fly straight across. All the fur on her body stood on end as he approached to pass directly over the palace, slightly afraid he would clip the top of the spire. The air pressure wave that followed tossed her hair and rattled windows. Melna stood frozen for a few seconds until she was snapped back to reality by Morgan patting her arm. “Well, now you’ve met Henry.” She shifted her grip on Hillan and started to move back into the apartment. The entire experience had lasted less than ten minutes.

Melna looked down and saw a crowd dispersing from the streets beyond the palace fence. A few poster signs she hadn’t had a chance to read were folded up as people returned to their daily lives. She bent down and took the twin’s paws to lead them back inside. “Is it always like this?”

“Hmm? Two turns around the city and once across, pretty much.” Morgan had resumed her seat at the table taking up her sandwich. Melna followed suit after putting the twins back in the high chairs. “I think he was flying a touch lower than he usually does. Maybe he wanted to check out the new additions to the palace residents.” Morgan gave her a wink.

“Does anyone know why he flies over?”

“Just checking up on us, as far as anyone can surmise. Henry has been a fixture of Alda skies since any of the history books have recorded. Maybe we’re encroaching on his territory, but he’s never been hostile. Even when some fool took pot shots at him with a rifle some five hundred years ago. He just continued on his way.” She finished eating and helped Madie get her fingers around a particularly slippery piece of fruit.

“I’m kind of surprised Alda’s still here if someone did that. There’s a record of something similar happening in Silvana about two thousand years ago. The remains of the village are still used as an example of what not to do around dragons.”

Morgan took on a thoughtful expression for a moment. “Yatesk village, wasn’t it?”

“Yattecka, but close enough. I guess word travels.” Melna took the empty dishes to rinse them off in the sink.

“Is pretty important information to pass on: don’t tick off city-block sized creatures that can breathe fire.” That got a laugh.




Morgan was off today, fortunately Jenna had just come by to visit, Decker and Ben were out having a boys day, and the two were talking quietly while the twins napped. Jenna often stopped by on the nurse’s days off and Melna suspected the two friends were coordinating it.

There was a soft knock at the door, Melna had been here long enough she was starting to be able to tell who it was. Getting up to answer it in order to not wake the twins, she opened the door.

“Come in, Minka, the pups are asleep so keep it down for a bit.”

“Anything you need done while I’m here?”

“Just some laundry you can take when you leave. Want anything to drink?” Melna said as Jenna waved the maid to the couch in the sitting room.

“Water would be good, thank you.” Minka sat on the couch and peeked at the pups curled up together in the basket that was getting to be too small for them. Marc’s tail was wagging, he seemed to be having a good dream whatever it was.

“Me too, please.” Jenna spoke up softly.

Melna filled three glasses of water, walking back in to the sitting room. She settled in an armchair and curled her tail around her legs.

“So how have the twins been treating you?” Jenna asked.

“Keeping my on my toes, for sure. I had to get a child lock for the washroom or they’d spend all day in the tub. Though with them walking I can put them on the leash and send them with Morgan for a while if I need some time to myself.”

“I have the same issue with Decker. He’d spend all his time swimming if I let him.” Jenna said. Minka took a long draw from her glass of water. The red furred woman gave the maid a sly look before saying, “So what’s this a I hear about you and Deored?”

Minka looked back in mock reproach. Melna was actually worried until she looked at the floor with a grin and replied, “Yes, he asked me to marry him. We’re planning the wedding to be in a few months.”

Jenna patted her shoulder with a wide smile. “Ah, my young protégé is growing up. Won’t be too long before you’re chasing around a little rascal of your own.”

Minka stifled a laugh. “Not too soon. We’ll need to get used to living together first.”

The two maids laughed for a moment and Melna took the opportunity to speak up. “I haven’t been to a wedding, I think I know the basics of what happens I just haven’t seen it for myself.”

Jenna and Minka looked at each other before the corner of the green haired woman’s mouth turned up and she looked back replying, “We’ll just have to fix that then.”

Melna grimaced internally, she hadn’t want to worm her way into it. “I didn’t mean to…”

Minka cut her off with a grin. “I was planning to send you an invitation anyway. Don’t worry about it.”

Melna looked down in embarrassment until a thought popped in her mind, she looked back up with her own grin. “And Jenna can help with another disguise. We did red hair last time, what do you think we should do this time?”

This got a laugh that woke up the twins.




As a matter of fact, Jenna did not help with the disguise. The king had hired a professional beautician to apply the appropriate makeup. Melna lay back in the chair as the woman lightly brushed color through the fur of her cheeks. She decided that this would need to be only for extremely special occasions; she could really get used to this and overindulgence could get expensive quickly. Her normally almost-white hair was now a midnight blue and the white of her cheeks had been dyed to match her nose and forehead.

Melna wasn’t alone in this ‘spa day’ as this was a wedding gift from the king, Minka, Jenna, and Amber were present as well. Minka, as the lady of the day, was receiving the most care from the salon staff and looked positively giddy at the experience. Tomorrow was her big day and Melna couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge of jealousy.

All the work was completed and the four women were left to relax before Minka would be whisked off to her hotel room for the night to get ready for the following day.

Amber was the first to speak up in the quiet room. “So, are you ready for this?”

Minka squirmed in her reclined seat. “Gah, I’m so nervous. Mom said she tripped on her dress when she was walking down the aisle. I’d be so embarrassed if that happened, I couldn’t show my face anywhere.”

Jenna chuckled. “With Ben, I got so focused I didn’t hear the officer when it was my turn to answer. Took me entirely to long to realize why everyone was staring at me.”

“I just hope nothing goes wrong at my ceremony. I’ve already made a fool of myself in front of the nation once.” Melna replied looking up at the ceiling. No one said anything and when she looked back down the other three women were staring back wide eyed. The fur down her back prickled. “For the love of the ancestors, please don’t tell anyone I said that. The king and I have an agreement and its not time yet.”

Jenna took a deep breath. “Ladies, what’s the first rule of the maids of Palace Alden?”

“Discretion.” The other two replied two replied without missing a beat.




Melna arrived at the District 30 chapel at hour eighteen leaving about an hour to spare, escorted, once again, by Nina and Bella, the undercover agents of the palace guard. Showing her invitation to the door attendant she was allowed into the meeting chamber. Rows of chairs were set up along the aisle down the middle with seating for less than fifty people. Someone was quietly playing a piano lending a calm to the room. She’d just placed her gift on the table by the door when she spotted Jenna’s bright red fur and was waved over when she was noticed. Making her way over she found seats with place cards with their names written on them. The three sat and Melna waved to Ben who was holding Decker on his lap.

“Glad you could make it,” Jenna said.

“This is kind of exciting, do we need to do anything?” Melna asked forcing herself not to fidget.

Jenna bumped her shoulder. “Just sit here and look pretty, and clap when appropriate.”

About fifteen minutes later Amber arrived. Nina and Bella scooted over to let her sit next to Melna. “Oh, I can’t wait to see Minka in her dress.” Everyone else agreed.

There was fidgeting as the wait continued. The room slowly filled until all of the seats were taken. The blue furred man Melna had last seen standing on a ladder in the throne room stepped out onto the stage at the front dressed in the traditional long, green robe. He was joined by the marriage officer wearing white. After the last person was seated the music stopped soon followed by the quieting of the various hushed conversations.

The doors at the back of the room opened and everyone turned to see Minka standing in a halo of light shining behind her bearing that giddy nervous expression most believe to be only a cliché. She wore the traditional blue wedding dress that hugged her figure to her hips then flowed down her legs. The musician started again and she stepped forward in a determined stride eyes locked on one person almost directly ahead of her.

She arrived at the stage without incident and Deored held out a paw, palm up. Taking the offered paw in hers she leaned forward putting her nose near his wrist, inhaling deeply. The short fur down her spine and tail stood on end. Straightening she pulled him close and rubbed her cheek to his. Holding paws the two turned to face each other on the stage.

The officer stepped forward to stand between and behind them. He spoke to Minka. “Does his scent please you?” She nodded. He addressed the audience. “Family and friends, we are here today to witness the union of Minka Sendu and Deored Sunny in the public expression of their desire to be mates.”

Decker squirmed his way into Jenna’s lap where she held him caressing the top of his head and ears to keep him quiet. The officer continued. “We equate marriage to the farmer and his land. The farmer must care for the land if it is to be fertile. The farmer cannot plant seeds in land that has been neglected, so it must be tended and protected for it to bear fruit.

“In the case of marriage both husband and wife can be considered both the farmer and the land. Both must tend to each other, for if either is neglected or abused then neither can bear fruit.” He looked between the two standing before him with a smile. “For this it is all of our hope that you will care for each other in the same way you would care for the land that provides for you.” The two nodded.

The officer reached out and dropped two rings into the open paws of the two. He then handed a set of jewelry pliers to Minka. “Minka Sendu, do you choose Deored Sunny to be your mate?”

“I do.” The officer motioned to her.

Deored leaned forward and turned his head slightly for his mate to insert the gold ring into the, already healed, piercing in his right ear. “With this ring may our souls intertwine in this life and beyond,” she said as the ring was closed.

Deored’s ear done the tool was handed to him. “Deored Sunny, do you accept being chosen as Minka Sendu’s mate?”

“I do.” He repeated the vow to his mate inserting the ring in her right ear.

“Please face the audience.” The couple turned to them, what could be seen of the skin of their ears a bright red. The officer held both index fingers together then moved them in an arc to stop, pointing at the ear rings as if he had outlined a string tied between the two. “As we can hear our own voice even when we do not speak, may this cord allow you to hear the soul of your mate. In this way you become one of spirit as well as body.

“Minka Sendu, Deored Sunny, I pronounce you as one under the law of Aldenea. May your life together be happy and fruitful.”

The newlyweds touched their muzzles softly then pulled each other into a hug while the crowd cheered. Decker looked around confused for a moment then raised his arms to join in with a big grin. Melna clapped though her mind was elsewhere, with a man not currently present. She swallowed a lump in her throat. She would be up there someday, she and Tomlin would tell the world they were meant to be together.

Guests approached the stage to congratulate the couple until the two of the group moved outside the building for photographs. In this time the meeting hall was rearranged with tables for the reception. Upon returning the newlyweds went around the room to greet guests individually. When they got to Melna’s group Minka gave her a hug though she could tell Deored didn’t recognize her. “Thanks for coming. Deo, this is Maena, I work for her at the palace.”

There was second for confusion before realization dawned. “Oh, OH, yes, Minka talks about you all the time.” He stuttered for a moment, obviously trying not to say anything to reveal her identity. “Well, thanks for what you did a while back.”

“You’re welcome.” She reached out to pat him on the arm. “I hope you two can live in peace in the future.”

Minka smiled and hugged her mate nodding back before continuing the tour of the room. Dinner was served, speeches were made, embarrassing stories were told, and as the sun was going down the music started, encouraging couples to move to the dance floor. Melna would have opted out but Decker posed a very convincing argument of toddler babble that she should dance with him at least once. She was pretty sure she saw a camera flash in her direction while entertaining the little boy. He was passed to Minka on the next song.

It was getting late, though most of the guests were still enjoying the night Melna wanted to go home to her pups. She leaned over to communicate as much to Jenna receiving a nod. Getting up she went to give her final congrats to the newlyweds. She stopped to sign the guest book on the way out, she’d waited so she could use her real name without anyone catching on.

She glanced at the gifts she’d brought, with a card the twins had ‘helped’ make tied to the top. One was a high end Singo record player turntable chosen by the king and the other a Silvanen Military K-35 single shot pistol she’d been told were desired collector’s items in Aldenea. Minka had complained Deored’s turntable was worn out, and since she’d be moving out of her parent’s home she didn’t have a better one to replace it. She’d also said Deored was a bit of a firearms enthusiast but was too cheap to go into high quality guns. Sally had been able to find one in excellent condition to send her.

Bella and Nina escorted her back to the car and they returned to the palace.

She got back to the apartment a little after hour twenty-five to find her mate in the sitting room reading a book. He looked up when he heard the door. “I almost didn’t recognize you. How was the wedding?” He stood up and walked around the couch.

She wrapped her arms around his middle and held on tight. “It was beautiful. They looked so happy.”

He returned the hug and swayed side to side. “That’s good. Minka’s always been dedicated and cheerful, its good she found someone.” He gave her a squeeze. “Come on, I put the pups to bed. Let’s get a bath and do the same.”




Years tick by without prompting. Melna got to hear the ups and downs of married life from Minka with Jenna and Morgan tossing in tidbits from their own experiences.

Madeleine, turning out to be the adventurous one of the pair, at the ripe age of four decided to climb a tree in the gardens. The resulting scream Melna heard felt like it would have been enough to stop the heart of a dragon. Broken bones do heal, though, and the little girl was soon back to herself, though less inclined to climb on things.

Jesha finally graduated from South Crossing and now served a permanent post on Melna’s personal guard. Her and Dennara became fast friends though looked an odd pair when standing guard with Jesha being nearly a foot shorter than the colonel.

Melna returned to Silvana for every New Years Harvest and the event had grown beyond anything she would have thought possible. The villa grounds could no longer handle the crowds that came each year and an entire event center was being constructed to house the people that traveled from all across the nation to participate. The villa itself had become a tourist attraction on its own. Melna often laughed that the compound she once thought of as a gilded prison would draw so many. Now, the only time it was closed to the public was when she was present.

Trade with Biraviin had begun in earnest the year after their delegation’s, initially bumpy, visit. Goods flowed freely across the Silver River that separated Silvana from Biraviin. Enough of it found its way over the mountains that it kept everyone happy.

So happy, in fact, it had caught the attention of Tiradell. While initially a bit disgruntled they were able to send their own delegation to renegotiate trade agreements with the leader of their former partner. Melna was given a stronger role in those talks, still under the watchful eye of the king and the advisory council. Everyone managed to leave satisfied.

With access to new trade opportunities Aldenea was beginning to rethink the value of its geography-imposed isolationism. Having a buffer zone in the form of Silvana to the east, plans were beginning to take shape to dig a tunnel straight through the mountain for easier access to the wider world. Things were changing, and Melna couldn’t help but feel a little responsible for it.

Melna wasn’t going to cry. Madie and Marcus were in their little uniforms backpacks in paw both wearing big grins as their father took their picture. She squatted down and they ran up to give her one last hug before they were escorted to the car that would take them to their first day of school. The king stepped behind her wrapping arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on her head. They didn’t move til the long after the car was out of sight.

“Yes.” Melna spoke quietly to her mate without turning to look at him.

“I’m sorry.” A touch of confusion in his voice.

“You asked me a question five short years ago, and I appreciate that you haven’t mentioned it since. My answer is: yes.”

The arms around her shoulders tightened just a bit pulling her against his chest. “I had intended to wait another month or so.”

She turned and snugged into his chest squeezing him tight. “I still don’t feel like I’m ready to be queen, but I don’t think I will ever feel like I’m ready. I can be your wife and help you serve the people of this nation.”

“That’s all I can ask for.”


Chapter 16


The Palace had become a madhouse. Melna never would have guessed planning a wedding would be such an ordeal. Everything from the color scheme, catering menu, guest list, all of it was making her wonder if she and the king couldn’t just run off somewhere to get it done privately. Unfortunately, no, this was a royal wedding and it was as much for the people of Greater Aldasilve, as it was being unofficially called now that Silvana shared the same ruler, as it was for herself and her mate. If she had just wanted a quiet life with the king she could have simply remained his mate.

Sally had come back when she’s received the news. The twins had been a little nervous when they first met ‘Grandma Sally’ but had quickly warmed up to the woman who had raised their mother. Since she had overseen basically every event at the villa for nearly thirty years Sally was proving to be a very useful filter for anything that made its way to Melna.

Another thing that made Melna want to hide from it all was the fact this would be the first royal wedding to be televised. The eyes of two nations would be on her. She really hoped she didn’t make a fool of herself again.

Melna sat at the dining room table absently flipping through the book filled with swatches of colored fabric. Someone had gotten a bur in their tail about what color the banners in the throne room should be. She actually liked the red and blue ones but was told that was too ‘pedestrian’ for the royal wedding. Melna didn’t really care and had already chosen white with a lace trim, but as long as she pretended to be digging through the book no one was bothering her.

Sally exited the washroom and joined her at the table. “I see you’ve made up your mind.”

She looked up with a, “huh?”

“You’re procrastinating. You used to do that over your mathematics lessons.” Melna gave her an embarrassed grin, lifted the book, and slid across a piece of cotton fabric and a section of lace that had been hidden under the back cover. “Good choice.”

“You could have warned me that planning a wedding was going to be this much of a hassle.”

Sally grinned. “I would have if I’d ever had an inkling you were going to choose the king of Aldenea to be the Chieftain. By the time you made your intentions clear there was a lot of other things to worry about.”

Melna snorted then laughed out loud. “I have really made this mess myself, haven’t I?”

Sally reached across the table to squeeze her paw. “But you’re happy, your mate is happy, and your children are happy.”

“Yes, they are. There’s not much else I can ask for.” Melna got up and stretched then wandered out onto the balcony. Sally followed. “Except maybe maybe one day the two of us can retire. Then we can head out that way.” she pointed northwest along the shore of the Aldenian Sea, “We can get a little farm and live out the last of our lives quietly.”

She felt a paw on her back as she continued to stare out across the city. “It’s a goal to aim for, but you can’t run away from your responsibilities chasing it.”

Melna turned to face the older woman leaning on the guardrail. “Have I ever tried to run away from responsibility?”

“Only once. Though what eleven year old doesn’t?” The younger woman shook her head with a rueful smile. “Come on, the sooner you get done making plans the sooner they will leave you alone.”

“Alright, but if they pitch a fit about my decisions again I’m having the king banish them to the frozen north of Biraviin.” Melna followed her back into the dining room.

“Oh, her majesty is looking to start another war, is she? I can’t imagine Biraviin would be happy at their presence.” Sally looked back with a smirk.

“Fine, fine, five years in the dungeon. Wait,” She stopped short to think a moment. “I don’t think we have a dungeon.” Sally laughed.

Melna handed in her choices on various things and managed to stand firm against any points of contention. The king had not intentionally left the planning to her but had been called away for a minor dispute between some trading factions representing Silvana and Tiradell. As much of an annoyance dealing with interior decorators was Melna thought he might prefer that over running two nations single pawed. Melna would survive this and use this as a teaching moment on how to handle being queen. She needed to make sure she didn’t allow anyone to walk over her, she vowed silently that she would not add to the king’s burden.

By the time the king had returned all that was left was the menu for the banquet to be served after the ceremony. She let him take the lead in this particular topic. Melna never considered herself any kind of culinary specialist and would have been satisfied with sandwiches and cupcakes. She could cook decently, but that was mostly about feeding other people more so than herself. The king was better at the fancier side of things in this area.

Plans were finalized and Melna just glowered at anyone trying to argue at this point. She knew she wasn’t intimidating in her own right but a having three palace guards that topped six and a half feet at her back tended to lend some credence to her words. Everything was done and Melna wasn’t allowing any last minute changes except in cases of true emergency. And some minister’s hurt feelings did not constitute an emergency.




Melna was alone with her mate. She sat at one end of the couch absently stroking through the hair of the head in her lap. The television was on but neither of them were really paying attention. The last two months had been far too busy with everything going on and the two of them were tired of dealing with minutiae. The children were at an end of semester party with school friends, it was just the two of them, alone.

“So when I’m queen I can finally enter your bedchamber?”

“‘None but crowned rulers of Aldenea and a single select maid may enter the royal quarters.’” He quoted the law back to her.

“So what can I expect to find when I move in? A bunch of naughty posters on the walls?”

Tomlin snorted. “None of that, but I seriously can’t tell you much of anything. Anyway, you’ll see soon.”

“Can’t even give me a little hint?”

He rolled on his back to look up at her past the swell of her bosom. “It’s a room, there’s some furniture with a possibility that it might have windows.”

She laughed and ruffled his hair. “Alright, goofball, I shall contain my curiosity until the wedding night.”

“Thanks.” He nuzzled into her belly and she squirmed from the ticklish feeling. Her paw trailed from his chin down his belly.


See “Chapter 16 SS” for sex scene


He nuzzled her head. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Do you think we should get a bath before everyone gets back?”

“That’s probably a good idea.” Melna didn’t move.

Tomlin snugged her body to his chest and nuzzled the top of her head. She relaxed into the affection holding onto the paw around her middle. Then he moved. She giggled as an arm went around her back the other under her legs and she was lifted off the bed and carried into the washroom.

He set her on her feet at a shower stall and they washed, giving each other a thorough cleaning. They dried off before returning to the sitting room where he picked up a brush and had her sit next to him on the couch.

He was still brushing through her tail when the door to the hall opened letting in two small children followed by Sally and Dennara. When they saw their father the twins dropped their toy fishing poles and dashed into the room with a shout of, “Daddy!” He jumped up to meet them part way and bent over to scoop them up in his arms and spun them around. Madeleine’s paper pirate hat fell on the floor.

Tomlin collapsed on the couch setting the twins on either side of him. “Oof, you two are getting big. Did you two have fun at the party?”

The twins started excitedly talking over each other. “Yeah, pirate Captain Clanker showed up.”

“He was going to make us all walk the plank!”

“But then Commodore Norton arrived in time to save the teacher with navy soldiers.”

Tomlin looked between the two of them with a serious expression. “No one told me Captain Clanker was sailing the Aldenian again. I may have to enlist more for the Sea Guard. What did Commodore Valto Norton do with old Clanker after he saved your teacher?”

Marcus hopped off the couch and started swinging his arm. “They had a big sword fight. Norton knocked his sword away.” He made a swish of his arm.

Madie finished for him, “Then made him walk the plank instead.”

Tomlin glanced at Melna and they shared a smile. “It’s good to know I have a capable commander in Commodore Norton. I’ll have to tell him thanks for saving my children next time I see him.”

“Yeah! He was awesome!” Marc said crawling back up on the couch.

Melna gave him a hug. “Well, it sounds like you two had quite the adventure, but I think its time you got a bath. Then we can have supper after.”

Both hopped off the couch and dashed to the washroom calling, “alright,” in unison. The door shut and they could hear the shower start.

Sally joined Tomlin and Melna on the couch. “It’s good you can let your children be children even though Madie is the princess of two nations right now.”

“I trust Dennara to take care of the two of them.” Tomlin waved her over and she sat in one of the armchairs.

“I will certainly do my best, though I will admit its been quite a few years since I’ve had to chase after a small child, let alone two.”

Sally laughed. “Try it in another century. It took a whole garrison to take care of this one.” She motioned at Melna.

Her ears warmed but she joined in the mirth. “We can send Jesha with you next time, you can have her do the chasing.”

Dennara grinned. “I think she would actually enjoy that.”

Melna nudged her mate. “I have to ask, who is Captain Clanker?”

Dennara and Tomlin chuckled. “He supposedly sailed the Aldenian Sea before the war with Quentallin. Really more of a legend than anything historical. There’s an old adventure novel about Commodore Valto Norton’s quest to catch him.”

“But, ‘Captain Clanker’ really?”

“Some say he hung sheets of metal on the sides of his ship to stop cannon balls but it made the ship clank as it sailed. But who knows how real any of it is? I don’t write the fairy tales, I just play into them when my pups need it.” He gave a wide smile.

The door to the washroom opened and the twins dashed back out to crawl back into their parents’ laps. Melna picked up the brush and started running it through Marc’s hair. They had both gotten Tomlin’s long fur. “You two all clean?”

“Yup,” Marc replied. Madie looked a little jealous of the attention her brother was receiving. She wiggled down and ran off to the twins’ bedroom soon returning with another brush which was handed to her father. The children got their fur straightened while telling the adults about the party and what their friends were planning over the school break.

It was times like this when Melna was happiest.




Tomorrow was the day, Melna felt like she was going to faint from anxiety. Representatives from Silvana, Quentallin, Tiradell, and Biraviin were going to be present. This was in addition to the other five hundred people would could fit in the throne room. And that was on top of the thousands who would be gathered around televisions and radios for as far as the signals could reach. She felt the eyes of the world would be on her.

Aldenean royal wedding ceremonies were very traditional. The only really big thing, to Melna, was that the piercings were performed at the time rather than before and allowed to heal. Sally assured her that ear piercings were nothing compared to the nipple piercings she’d had done so long ago. Still, Melna didn’t care for needles.

Just for the night Melna was staying in some familiar guest quarters, this room was closer to the throne room than her apartment, and as had been much of her previous experience, Dennara sat on the couch in the sitting room. Though, now, across from her sat Sally as the two soldiers talked like old friends. Milty had arrived a few days ago and Jesha was allowed leave of duty to be with her friends.

Melna curled in the armchair just trying to stay calm and wondered if his majesty was feeling the same way. “You all right there, Mel?”

She looked up at Milty who stood nearby with a concerned expression. “I’m just so nervous. Everyone will see it if I mess up.”

Dennara reached over to rub her arm. “You did a pretty good job at addressing the council of elders. If you can harness some of that energy you’ll do just fine.”

“But I actually like the people at the wedding. What kept me going at the council was an all encompassing rage. And I still nearly vomited before it was all over.”

Milty squeezed into the big armchair with Melna. “Just think about that sexy man that’s waiting at the finish line. Nothing else matters.”

Melna got a far off look in her eyes. “He is pretty sexy, isn’t he? You know he can cook? Does a good job of it, too.”

The other women in the room shared a look and Melna glanced at them with a grin. Everyone burst into laughter. Sufficiently distracted from the prospects of tomorrow she wriggled out from under her friend and went to the washroom to take a shower. Jesha and Milty followed each taking a separate stall. Jesha spoke from her spot to the right. “Seriously, you’ll be fine tomorrow, Mel. You don’t need to think about anyone but the king.”

The hot water was doing its work, soaking down through her fur loosening tense muscles. “You’re right. Just breathe and get through it.” The three quietly washed themselves and helped each other dry off returning to the sitting room right after.

Sally looked up from the couch. “Do you have everything you need for tomorrow?”

Melna clasped her paws and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She wasn’t going to let nerves get to her anymore. “I better check.” She retreated to her bedroom. Her clothes and accessories were carefully laid out for when they were needed. “My chain.” Melna mumbled to herself.

She stepped back out to the sitting room where Dennara was leaning against the wall blocking her way to the door. “I forgot to get my chain. I need to go get it.”

The guard held out a paw stopping her from leaving. “Lieutenant Contin, would be please.”

“Yes, ma’am. Mel, where do you keep it?”

Melna glared at Dennara for a moment before accepting she wouldn’t be allowed to retrieve it herself. “It’s on the dresser in our bedroom. Amber and Morgan should be there with the children.”

“Alright, I’ll be back in a few.” The lieutenant saluted the colonel and left the room.

Melna shook her head, it was going to be frustrating for a while to not be allowed to do things for herself. She hoped the royal bedchamber had a kitchen, then no one could stop her cooking for herself. Jesha was back in less than twenty minutes and handed Melna the felt bag. “Crisis averted,” Milty called out from the couch.

Melna gave herself a shake and looked up at the clock on the wall, twenty-six thirty. “I’m going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

Sally stood up and took hold of her paws giving her a long look in the eye. “You’ve got this. Tomorrow will be fine.”

She allowed herself to smile. “Yes it will be.”




Melna stood in the sitting room looking over the four palace guards, dress reds all immaculately clean and polished, one guard was much shorter than the other three. She inhaled a deep breath before letting out a chuckle. “This reminds me of so long ago. Being escorted to the throne room to meet with the king.”

The three native Aldenean guards echoed her laugh. Yezni spoke up, “I doubt any of us thought it would come to this.”

Melna looked each of them in the eye then gave them a deep bow. “Thank you for being with me on this journey. I hope it has been worth your time.”

All three of the tall guards snapped to attention and bowed to Melna. Jesha followed suit though looked a little confused. Dennara spoke for them. “You have done more for us and our two nations than is likely yet known. We will be honored to serve you as our queen.”

Melna swallowed a lump in her throat. There was a knock at the door, Jesha opened it to admit Amber in a green dress. “It’s time to go, princess.”

She shook her head. “Will you stop calling me that after the ceremony is over?” she asked with a laugh.

Amber grinned back. “I’ll have to.” She turned to face down the hall. “If you will follow me, please.”

Melna was just as nervous as she’d been the first time she made this trip, but this time she wasn’t scared. Her guards formed up around her and they marched down the hall. “Dennara, you were right. King Tomlin Akenna is a good and fair man.” The guard didn’t reply with words.

When they reached the door to the throne room they could hear music playing from the other side. Yezni and Wilhemina each took a door handle in paw waiting for the cue. Melna took one last deep breath before the music stopped. She counted to five before nodding to the guards who then pulled the doors wide open for her.

Melna stood still for just a moment back lit by the windows of the hall behind her. She was dressed in blue but in a Silvanen style, her attire had been passed through generations of princesses of Silvana. The fenner held to her waist by a silver chain hung down until it almost touched the floor. Her gint hung to just bellow her breasts allowing all to clearly see the jeweled chain. It held closed with a white cord at the collar. The set was carefully embroidered in white floral patterns with ruby beads.

As she began to walk forward she could see a pair of red-brown feet and her eyes tracked up to meet the golden gaze of the man she loved. He wore a green robe with gold embroidery on the hems and an expression that made it obvious to her that he was as nervous as she was. His gold circlet sparkled in the light coming through the skylights.

She was met by Sally and the twins at the end of the purple carpet she’d come to… tolerate. She knelt for a moment to give the children a hug. Standing again she mounted the steps and took the outstretched paw of her mate. She bent to inhaled his scent, it had the same effect on her now as it did all those short years ago. A razor line lifted down the fur of her spine and her tail bushed. She straightened to rub her cheek to his getting another deep breath of his scent there. She stepped back taking his paws in her own.

The the white robed marriage officer stepped forward. “Does his scent please you?” Melna just gave him a slow nod then moved to stand across from Tomlin. The marriage officer raised his paws to address the audience. “Citizens of Aldenea, Silvana, and friends from other far off lands…”

Everything went quiet for Melna as she stared into the eyes of her mate. Electricity seemed to pass between them. It finally clicked for her, this ceremony was just a formality. She didn’t need some piece of paper or tribal rite tying herself to him. She would stay with him for as long as she was allowed. They would raise their pups and she would support his rule of two nations in every way she could. This also came with the realization he felt the same for her.

“Melna Silandro, do you choose King Tomlin Akenna to be your mate?”

Melna and Tomlin both gave a quiet laugh that was noticed and echoed by the crowd in the throne room. “Yes, I do.”

Her attention was brought down to a small basin filled with water. She carefully washed her paws then picked up the piercing needle. Tomlin leaned forward slightly and turned his head. They shared a nod and she held his left ear. He grimaced as the flesh was pierced. She quickly put the ring in the end of the needle and pulled it back through. Picking up the jewelry pliers she clamped the ring shut. “With this ring may our souls intertwine in this life and forever.”

The marriage officer nodded at her approvingly and continued. “King Tomlin Akenna, do you accept being chosen as Melna Silandro’s mate?”

They kept a straight face this time. “I do.”

He washed his paws then took another needle. Melna gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. There was a prick, then a jerk then she heard him repeating the vow. When she opened her eyes again he was setting down the pliers giving her a sympathetic smile. She could feel the weight of the ring in her ear but there was no lasting pain.

“Please turn to face the room.” As they turned she saw the officer pick up a white cord then felt him tying it to the rings in their ears. “As we can hear the voice of our own soul even though we do not speak, let this cord allow you to hear the soul of your mate so you may be of one spirit as you are of one body.

“Melna Silandro, King Tomlin Akenna, I do hereby pronounce you as one under the laws of Aldenea and Silvana. May you bring each other joy and your lives be fruitful.”

The crowd cheered as they embraced. “There’s one thing left to do.” Tomlin whispered in her ear, she nodded. They waited for the audience to quiet before they continued. When he could finally be heard the king spoke out. “Melna Silandro, please kneel.” She did so thankful the cord between their ears was long enough to allow it.

“Former Princess of Silvana, as my mate and wife, I, King Tomlin Akenna, do hereby crown you Queen of Aldenea. May you serve its people well so we may continue to prosper.” She felt the gold circlet settle in her hair. “Please stand by my side that we may lead together.”

She had stood up and taken his arm before she realized a chant had started among the crowd in the throne room. “Long live the queen!” All the fur on her body stood up.

She looked up at her mate, he smiled down at her. “Shall we?” She grinned and nodded. They marched down the aisle together past the people cheering.

The reception was held in the gardens, hundreds of people ambled about the greenery little knots forming as everyone from business people to national representatives mingled. Six palace guards all remained close to the royal family as they made their way around greeting guests. Marc and Madie quickly grew bored and tired of the adults talking all evening and had returned to Melna’s apartment. They would be having a sleepover party with Decker, Hillan, and a few school friends.

Before the end of it Melna was starting to get a little envious of the children. By the time the sun had set most of the guests had departed and a much smaller group climbed the stairs to the observation deck of the spire. Conversations continued until Tomlin glanced at the clock on the wall. “Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the west.” He called out. He slowly turned and she followed, the two of them still joined at the ear.

The room got quiet as everyone waited. Then it happened, up went a streak of white then a second followed. Two flowers made of fire opened, one of red the other blue, on the edge of the Aldenian Sea. Two more fireworks went up one a yellow red color and one more blue. Then the display began in earnest, bright explosions lit the sky for the next twenty minutes.

Melna spent the whole time watching in silence clutching the arm of her mate. They were celebrating, the citizens of Alda City were celebrating her and Tomlin. She turned her head and could see smaller displays shining across the horizon. She’d been in this nation for less than seven years but she already loved them as much as she had loved the people of Silvana. Her visions blurred and she wiped her eyes.

“You alright, love?” She looked up into the eyes of Tomlin and smiled.

“Never been better.”




The six palace guards marched in lockstep as they escorted the king and queen to the royal chambers. Melna was tired, she was actually kind of glad she had the relationship she’d had with Tomlin. She didn’t think she had the energy left to engage in the expected wedding night activities.

They finally stopped at a normal looking door in a section of the hallway one could tell didn’t see much use. Standing outside the door marked only with a numeral 1 inside a gold circle stood a short, rotund, brown furred woman that looked old enough to be Melna’s great grandmother.

The woman bowed to them. “Good evening, your majesties. I have placed your bags inside and prepared your room for the night. I hope it is to your liking.”

“Melna, I’d like to introduce you you Corrigan Jayce. Miss Jayce is the select maid, and the only one besides the two of us that may enter the royal quarters.”

“Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope I don’t cause you any problems in the future.” Melna nodded her head to the woman.

The old woman gave her a knowing look. “If I may speak freely,” the two of them nodded to her, “I had my doubts about you at first, my queen, but his majesty is quite fond of you. Watching what you have accomplished in the short time you’ve been here I’m certain you will do well in service to this nation.”

Melna could have hugged the woman right then but restrained herself. “I thank you for your vote of confidence. I will certainly do my best.”

Corrigan bowed again. “I will bid you good night. If require my services in the morning you need but call for me.” With that she departed farther down the hall.

Tomlin let out a breath. “Guards, to your posts.” The six guards snapped to attention. Dennara and Bentas took positions on either side of the door. The four remaining bowed and turned to march back down the hall the way they’d come. He took hold of the door handle. “Right this way, my queen.”

They entered a small vestibule that led to another door. Closing the door to the hall, Melna remained close as there was still a cord tied between their ear rings, he moved to open the inner door. The space was… underwhelming. It was indeed a room, with furniture, and it did have windows after all. The sitting room and dining room were a little bigger than in her apartment, but, it was just so much build up to walk into a normal looking living space.

Tomlin reached up to untie the cord from her ear. “Just get this off so we can move around a little easier. I hope its not too disappointing. I haven’t spent much time here, lately. I expect you’ll want to stay in your apartment most of the time since the children aren’t allowed in here.” He removed the cord from his own ear and set it on the table by the door.

“I think that will be best, at least until the twins are grown. Still, it will be nice to have somewhere to go where no one can bother us.” Melna yawned and stretched while he walked to the kitchen and reached into the back of a cabinet fiddling with something hidden inside. “What are you doing?”

“Now that you’re queen there’s something I need to show you, but you must understand, you cannot breathe a word of what you see here outside of this room or with anyone that isn’t the crowned ruler.” Melna nodded and followed as he stepped into the sitting room and pushed on a bookshelf, it made a click, and he pulled it out revealing a stairway that led far down. There was some kind of cart that straddled the stairs. He stepped into the cart and held out a paw for her. “Please come with me.”

A secret passage? How exciting! Down they rode the cart. Tomlin continued speaking, “I’m not sure how long ago it was one of the monarchs installed the escalator but I guess they got tired of climbing stairs. It’s definitely nice to have on the way back up.”

It was several minutes before they reached the bottom. They were in a vast underground cavern standing on a balcony half way up one wall. The weirdest thing of all, there was an enormous painting of a yellow, slit pupil eye on the far wall.

“Queen Melna Silandro, I would like to you meet Henry, chief advisor to the rulers of Aldenea.”

The eye painting blinked. Melna’s blood ran cold.

A high pitched voice out of sight to her right spoke up, “Good evening, your majesties.”

Melna’s opened her eyes. Why would the royal bedchamber have a plain stone ceiling? She then noticed a paw waving in front of her face pushing a slight breeze over her. She blinked. “What happened?”

Tomlin’s face appeared in her vision, concern evident. “Are you alright? Does anything hurt?”

“No I, there was a cave, and it blinked. What’s going on?”

“There’s a couple of people I need you to meet. Please don’t be afraid, you’re safe here, trust me.”

Melna sat up and leveraged her tail under her. The voice she vaguely remembered hearing before spoke again. “Many apologies if I startled you, but my master says you aren’t the first person to faint upon meeting him.” She turned to her right and was surprised to see a small, green lizard man who gave them a formal bow.

“Melna, this is Carllyn, he speaks for Henry since he cannot speak our language and we cannot speak his.”

She turned again to look out into the cavern and the gigantic creature that inhabited it. His head nodded slowly. She knelt on the floor of the balcony and leaned on the railing so as not fall down again. Maybe this was a dream, it had been a very long day.

“My master says its a pleasure to meet you. He’s been curious about you ever since you made your declaration in the throne room.” There was a pause, then the lizard man, Carllyn, chuckled. “He also says your children are cute.”

Tomlin squatted down next to her and rubbed her back. “It’s alright, I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more warning about this, but… I really just couldn’t.”

She raised a shaking paw to point at Carllyn. “What are you?” Her voice was wavering but she no longer felt on the edge of hyperventilating.

The small creature stood straight and gave her a proud smile. “I am a kobold. My people serve the dragons in whatever capacity is needed. My family line was chosen many thousands of years ago to be the voice of our lord for the kings and queens of Aldenea.”

Tomlin continued the story. “Henry, well that’s not really his name but I can’t pronounce his real name, made this land his home long before any inzri arrived here. He’s been watching over this nation since the beginning. He’s the reason the capital was built here, the war is just a convenient excuse.”

Melna felt she was starting to regain her composure. She stood again and faced the creature across the cavern. She bowed deep. “It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Henry. I regret that this was not how I had thought this day would end.”

The voice behind her replied. “My master says he takes no offense. He understands your kind are not accustomed to such close proximity with his kind.”

She turned back to the kobold, he wore a red tabard tied at the waist with a yellow stripe diagonal across the front. He was actually kind of cute. She bowed again. “I also apologize for my reaction to you, Carllyn.”

He grinned up at her. “I also take no offense. I know our kind are unknown to but a select few of you. If you will come this way I have made tea and you can sit down while we talk.”

Melna was finally coming out of the daze. The chief advisor to the king was a dragon speaking through a, what, smaller dragon? This was all a lot to take in. She was seated next to Tomlin and gratefully took the teacup. “How do you speak for Henry? He hasn’t made a sound since we’ve come in.”

Carllyn smiled as he poured for Tomlin and himself. “We don’t know how it works but we kobold can hear the words of our master in our minds. I just repeat what I hear him say.”

Melna shook her head. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

Tomlin leaned in to put an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, but we can do it together.”

The conversation went on long into the night. Little of national significance was spoken, it was just a group of people getting to know each other.




The old woman slowly turned pages in the photo album. So much had happened during her long reign, as it was Tomlin and herself both held the records for the longest rule of any in Aldenea. She felt a little bad for Madeleine, by the time her parents had retired she was already well past 200 years of age. She and her mate, Decker Corden, currently served as the queen and king but had privately stated they would also be retiring soon. The crown would pass to Melna’s grandson and his mate.

After primary school Marcus had moved to Silvana. While there he’d met a young woman by the name of Serella Kinseth. Melna had been delighted to again meet the fiery little girl that had once portrayed herself on stage. The two of them were currently the official ambassadors to Tiradell.

Fingers traced over an image of Tomlin, head down on his desk in the office. She’d lost count of the number of times she’d sent him to bed in such a state. Ruling nations was long, hard work and after a few short decades she’d finally gotten to the point she could support him properly, taking over for him when he’d run himself ragged over paperwork. It had taken more than a century, but the title of Greater Aldasilve had finally become official.

This life had been long, and she and her mate had done their best to keep both Aldenea and Silvana peaceful and prosperous. She hoped that history looked kindly on their tenure.

She closed the album touching the picture on the front, a smiling couple holding two small pups. She looked at her mate. They sat in the porch swing of the small farmhouse they’d moved to after retirement. Tomlin was asleep, chin on his chest and snoring, this was something that had started some seventy years ago. The doctor said it was normal for people his age. Over time it had become an oddly comforting sound.

She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. She stood up and skipped down off the porch into the short grass of the lawn in front of the house. Turning back she saw the old couple seemingly asleep in the swing, a gentle breeze ruffling their clothes. Milty, herself now also an old woman, stepped out rubbing paws on an apron about to call them in for midday meal but stopped when she laid eyes on the pair. With a smile she turned to go back into the house.

“Hello, little one.” a familiar voice behind her spoke softly.

Melna spun around. “Momma Sally!” She dashed across the lawn to hug the woman that had raised her.

Sally laughed and gave her a tight squeeze. “It’s good to see you again. I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” She returned the squeeze then took a step back. “So, is this it?”

Sally nodded. “Yes, but its not the end, and there are some people that would like to see you.” She turned her head to nod to her right.

Melna turned to look and all the fur on her body stood on end. “Mother?” the word came out as a whisper. “Mommy!” She was a little girl again, running into the arms of the black furred woman. She was lifted off the ground and spun around a joyful laugh echoing in her ears.

“Oh, my pup, I wish I could have been there for you. I’m so proud of you.”

Set on her feet again she looked the woman in the eyes tears rolling down both faces. “I kept your chain, I knew you were with me always.”

A man’s voice spoke out behind her mother. “You did good, kid.”

Melna looked up. “You.” The word came out as a growl.

The gray furred man lifted his paws and took a step back. “Woah there, there’s nothing you can say to me your mother hasn’t already.”

She felt a paw on her shoulder. Serella stopped her. “You can let that go, here. That time has passed.”

Looking into her mother’s blue eyes she felt the anger deflate. She turned back to the man and pulled him into a hug. “I missed you, daddy. I just wish things hadn’t been the way they were.”

He held her tight. “I was a fool and lead around by greedy people. I’m glad you took the tragedy I caused and made the nation a better place.”

Melna felt a paw on her back she opened her eyes to see Sally. “There’s a couple more people that would like to meet you.”

Letting go of her father she turned to see a tall red furred man and brown furred woman that… looked familiar but she couldn’t quite place them. The man stepped forward and bowed. “I would like to express our sincerest gratitude to you for taking care of our son.”

Tomlin’s parents? She took his paws looking between the two of them. “You raised a good man, and it was my pleasure to be with him.”

Serella took her paw pointing out into the white mist in the distance. “Come on, pup, there’s many others that want to see you.”

Melna turned to look back at the house and the pair cuddled in the swing. “What about Tomlin?”

Tomlin’s mother gripped her paw and smiled. “He’ll be along soon enough. I daresay you’re the reason he’s lived this long. I promise, when his time comes you’ll be the first to greet him.” Still holding the paw she began to lead her into the distance. “Let’s go, daughter-in-law, there’s people to see.”


Author’s note:

It’s hard saying goodbye to your characters, but you have to let them go at some point. This is the end of “She Made Her Choice” and I really appreciate you for reading by just some weird guy on the internet putting words down hoping others might like them.

It’s been an interesting journey getting through this. This world spent a lot of years stewing around in my head when I was trying to sleep. Melna has gone through more name changes than I can count over time though Tomlin has always been Tomlin. Intended plot points change as the story progresses and characters get molded into what they finally become. The weird things are the ideas and characters you think up on the spot to fill a space in the story then they become integral to the world you’re building. Jenna Massey, Dennara Robbins, and to a lesser extent Yezni Krinchen and Wilhemina Buntar were all characters that arose because they needed to be there at the time, then they needed to be there for the rest of time. Other little things popped up along the way as well, but these are the best examples.

I would also like to thank everyone that’s favorited chapters over time. You may or may not have noticed I’ve borrowed and tweaked some of your names for characters in the story. I would especially like to thank FurAffinity users Marksan and SethTriggs. Mark’s been talking to me about the story and world I’ve created for a while now. Seth, thank you for the beautiful art of my characters.

Two more folks I’d like to mention are FurAffinity users who probably don’t even know this story exists: artist DragonFU and Ricochetcoyote. Many long years ago I ran across an image commissioned by Ricochet and the story behind it kind of helped form the core of ‘She Made Her Choice.’ Inspiration strikes in some strange places occasionally.


“Thank you all for accompanying me on this journey. I hope I have made your time worth it.”



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