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Negotiations the Third Posted by: Báden at 01-15-2014 17:53 PM, Last Modified 01-15-2014 19:24 PM
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Chris almost screamed, and who could blame him? This was way too much to handle nine day, especially if the worst day of your life so far had been seeing a beloved pet die. He realized that he had been asked a question while he had been list in thought. "Huh?" He asked.
The girl giggled, then said "I asked if we were going to go or not"
"Oh, yeah" Chris said, flustered. He started to drive towards the end of the town, then he was told to turn around. "Excuse me?"
"We still have business here" the girl said sweetly, as if explaining to a child. Chris didn't want to know what, at least not yet, so he did a K turn and began driving. The girl laughed, then asked Joe "Where did you get this kid?" Joe didn't answer, just kept staring straight through the windshield. About two minutes later, they came to a turn that the girl told Chris to take. He did, then took another turn that brought him to a long, straight dirt road. "At the end of this road, were going to come to a large dirt lot, stop before we enter it." The dirt lot was more wide than long, relative to their view, and was blocked on both sides by talk wooden fences, most of which were covered in foul-languaged graffiti. At the far end of the lot was a very large building that was most likely a werehouse, but now looked more like a gigantic cinder-block with a few broken windows. 'I bet this used to be a football field' Chris thought, then, as if reading his mind, the girl said, "Y'know, this used to be a football field"
"Why would a town like this need a football field?" Chris heard himself asking.
"What are you trying to imply?" She asked defensively
"Nothing, nevermind" As they drew ever closer to the dirt lot, Chris got a fantastic idea. He thought that, if he floored the go-pedal, he could probably crash into the giant grey building across the lot and kill them all. Then, at least, this would all be over. And the horrible feeling of dread that had taken control of him would go away. He was just about to push his foot through the floor when his entire leg went numb and out of his control. Instead of pushing the pedal down, his foot actually started to lift off of it. They got to the edge of the dirt lot and his leg brought the car to a stop. He was relieved when his leg stopped moving on it's own, but then realized that it was still numb, almost locked in place on the brake. Suddenly his mouth went AWOL, as well. "Here" he heard his mouth say to the girl "take my keys"
"I don't want to lose, them, my pant pockets have holes in them."
"Whatever" she replied, then held out her hand. His hand went out of reach and took the keys out of the ignition and gave then to her without him telling them to. She took the keys and left the car, the feeling rushed into Chris so fast he became lightheaded. Chris got out of the car with her, as did Joe, and immediately asked for his keys back. "I thought you had holes in your pockets"
"Not really" Chris replied. She said something under her breath and tossed his keys back. He caught them easily, but something told him he wouldn't get to keep them. Then, as if appearing out of the dirt, a talk, skinny, middle-aged man wearing a very nice suit asked how everyone was doing, scaring the shut out of Chris. Chris looked him over and saw his hair, a very lovely dark brown, was much too long for the business tycoon look he was likely going for. Chris also noticed his eyes, although covered by thick-lensed bifocals, were a piercing and unnerving shade of green. Chris was certain that it would be impossible to lie while looking into those eyes. The tycoon asked the girl, calling her Jen, who her friends were. "Well, the cowboy here is Hank, and the kid is his friend,whose name I never found out."
"It's Chris" he said.
"Well, Chris, how are you involved in all this?"
"I told you, he's Hank's friend" Jen said
"If you don't mind, I asked Chris" tycoon replied.
"Well, I'm actually not really involved, I'm pretty much just the chauffeur"
"That makes you involved" tycoon said smartly "Now tell me, Chris, do you know why we are here?"
"Don, what the hell are you doing?!" Jen hissed at him
"Quiet" he snapped not taking his powerful eyes off of Chris. Jen quieted, but the anger practically radiated off of her.
"I wouldn't have thought so, you see, young man, your talk friend here isn't what you'd call "human", and she has come to me to negotiate a contract for... certain things, which are better left unsaid"
"Don, you bastard!! You said you wouldn't-"
"Shut, your, mouth" Don growled at her sinisterly. She did, but greeted this command with animal-like growling of her own.
"Why are you telling me this?" Chris asked, now more concerned than ever.
"Because I know what would've happened to you if I didn't" As he said this, he cast an evil glance over his shoulder, at Jen.
"If you think we're still in business, you're sorely mistaken" Jen growled at Don.
"Very well, then, I suppose I must be on my way" Don turned and walked away. Only, it wasn't really walking, or gliding, even, but a kind of sliding. He disappeared around the corner of the grey building, and Chris heard Jen's growling increase. He turned to look at her, but before he could, there was a deafeningly loud, electrical snapping sound, as if electricity we're arcing somewhere. The sound was so loud it made Chris drop to his knees, covering his ears and screwing his eyes shut. Once the ringing left his ears, he slowly stood up, opening his eyes and uncovering his ears as he did so. Jen had been tall to begin with, six five at least, but the thing that has taken her place was easily seven ten. He looked up at the terrifying animal face and thought, 'Dear Christ, I'm gonna die' The creature didn't kill him, however, but spoke in an eerily human voice "Come with me, Chris, I promise you won't be hurt"
He wanted to scream at her, cuss her out, do SOMETHING, at least, but he had lost control of his body, like he had with his leg, arm, and mouth earlier. Gender himself take a step forward, then a second one, and told himself he was doomed. The there was a dry crack as Hank, formerly Joe, broke out of his own form of hypnosis and fired at the creature. It was too quick, however, and the bullet only took an war. The creature whirled around and charged Hank. He got off there more shots, ......

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