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Birthright Posted by: Furryfan078 at 02-03-2021 08:24 AM, Last Modified 03-01-2021 12:10 PM
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"Birthright-a particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth, especially as an eldest child." 

 Not everyone has a birthright. Plus, a lot of it sorta depends on your beliefs. However, thats not the point. The point is that sometimes we are entitled to things because of our liniage and somepeople may think about Inheritence. In a way it is similar but not quite the same. Anyway, what I am saying is that I had a birthright I didn't know about until it fate brought the event that was destined to happen to pass. To make it even more crazy (and different from Inheritence) I wasn't the only one and I didn't know half the other people. So lets go.

It was a chilly December Night. I was driving home after another long day at work. I was tired and sick of my job. It was always long hours and I could barely manage to sleep after staring at a screen all day, no matter how tired I was. The only plus was it payed well. Then I noticed a large truck swerve across the median and heading straight towards me. I dicided that my life was more important then my car. I leaped out of the passenger side door that was actually the driver side door because I was in a 1988 Nissan 180SX Type X. The truck barreled into the car and showed no signs of slowing down. I rolled down the embankment and into a dence wooded area where I hit a tree and was knocked out.
I awoke sometime the next day and found myself in a clearing. There was nothing else there but me and a few random animals. Then I got up and began to look around, that is when I realized that I was naked. Then I saw a large rock with something on it, walking closer I found a note and a box next to it. The note was written in neat cursive and it read.
"Greetings Alex. Please do not panic as you are not in any danger but rather you should be joyous as this is a great day! You have been brought here to recive your new life, your true life! It is your Birthright to recive this gift. Follow the signs and you will find the others that will recive the same gift as you. Do not worry about the box. That will open after you have been given your new life! You may still continue living in your normal house, and doing your normal job but you will have a new identity to get used to. Please, you have no other options as you can see. Trust us, you will love this gift!"
The note wasn't lying about there being no other options so I hesitently stepped forward. I found small wood arrows and a path that wound it's way through the forest. The trail was smooth and there were no rocks or anything else that could hurt my feet or my body even though I was exposed. I carried the box under my arm and it felt almost weightless. After a while I found a much larger clearing and saw other people as well. As I approached I saw what appeared to be funiture set up. There was a table, a bed, a lamp, chairs and even a small kitchen. Walking past that I tried to approach the others but hit a invisible wall of glass. I was confused and then I saw one of them who was pointing to their own nightstand. I went to mine and opened the drawer to find a small laptop. Opening it I found a mesage board that listed the names of all the people who were present in the clearing. They were all currently asking me who I was and where I was from. I answed that I was simply a office worker and my name was Alex Rimirez. I soon got a surprise when one of the girls replied saying that their last name was Rimirez as well. That was strange. I thought and then she asked me what color my eyes where. Even more confused I answered Purple as they had always been that way and I never knew why. Then she said that her eyes were purple as well. I knew then who I was talking to and her name sealed the deal. Jessica Rimirez. My sister who I had only heard of and never knew. She was a few rooms down and she waved at me and I waved back. It was then that I wished we weren't stuck in these rooms. I took stock of the others who were there. Max, a 20 year old college student with brown hair and blue eyes. He was just as confused as everyone else here and I didn't blame him. Zasha, was a 20 year old college student as well. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She seemed excited to be here and another girl shared that enthusiasm. Her name was Lucie. With Black hair and blue eyes, she was 22 and had a job at her parrents store in town. Shara was a 30 year old mechanic who had a shop downtown. She had blonde hair with green eyes. I had gone to her for some repairs before and she was a very kind person who was good at her job. Sam was a 28 year old Bank Clerk who had light brown hair and silver eyes. Nathan was a 26 year old teachers assistant. He had blue eyes and navy blue/black hair. So in all there was 8 people present, 4 guys and 4 girls all in these rooms. The rooms were positioned in a ring and there was one main center room where there was nothing. Then all at once the floor of the center room opened and a figure rose from it. I looked and found myself staring at a 4' tall Anthro Squirel woman. She had rich brown fur all over and wore nothing at all. She also was quite curvy with D-cups and a well rounded ass that was complimented by her tail that was almost as long as she was tall and big and bushy. She then spoke and it came through speakers that I saw on the walls of each room.
"Hello everyone! My name is Elsie and I will be the one to give you your new lives. Is there any volenteers?" She asked. When no one made a move she shrugged. "Guess I get to pick!" She turned in a circle and looked at each of us. Then she stopped and pointed to Shara. "You!" Then all of the glass tinted black and the computer screen showed a live feed of Shara. A strange glow began to surround her and then she began to change.

Shara's Tranformation.
I watched as something began to appear on Shara's arms. A closer look revealed it to be fur! I began to engulf Shara's arms quickly. The fur was a rusty brown color and it quickly covered her chest and neck. It contiued up and covered her face. Shara's hair began to fall out and be replaced by the fur. The fur soon covered her from head to toe and thats when things really began to get weird. First her face contorted in discomfort and the she cried out in pain as the sound of bones shifting could be heard. I watched as her ears began to lengthen and become pointed on the ends. At the same time they moved up to the top of her head where they sat and it made her look like a cat. Then her face began to elongate outwards and became a short muzzle with a small black nose at the tip. Her eyes didn't seem to change much if only in color. They became a dark brown color but that was it. Then her arms shifted a bit too and her hands became more paw like but still remained as hands. They were now just fur covered and had pads on them. When I heard Shara moan and saw her mouth open to reveal rows of sharp teeth and a long tounge hang out of her mouth, I knew that something was happening that looked like it felt good. Then I saw her breasts begin to grow. They were a small B to begin with but within a few seconds they had gone up 2 cup sizes! Then they shot up another cup size and swelled a bit larger before stopping. They now sat at large EE-cup with engorged nipples to match. Underneath her top set I notcied 3 more rows of nipples that I recognized from cats and dogs. So they would only become breasts if she got pregnant. I followed her body down as her waist had slimmed at bit but not much as she was quite fit. Then I heard her moan again and she turned sideways so we could see what was happening. I watched as her rear began to expand quite quickly and as that happened, her hips and thighs dicided to follow suit. Soon she had butt cheeks the size of volley balls and hips that could make mothers jellous. Then I saw something begin to emerge from right above her large ass. It was a small nub at first but soon it had grown into a large tail. Covered with the same rusty brown fur that had changed to black around her midsection. The black fur had run down her legs and her feet were the last thing to change. They shifted slightly to become three toed paws that looked tricky to stand on. Thankfully the bones in her legs had shifted to make it esier. Then Shara sat down and realized that the changes were done. She looked over her body and then spoke. Her voice had changed slightly. It had a tone that made it sound like she was howling when she said words with O's in them.
"Oooh. I'm a Coyote!" Shara said and her tail wagged happily behind her. Then the camera changed to show Elsie.
"Now that you know what your going to become who wants to go next?" She asked. I noticed a chat log on the side of the screen where we could reply to her. I heard a ping as Max wrote in the chat log that he volenteered to be next but he had one question. "What is you question Max?" Elsie asked. Then Max said.
"Do we get to chose what we become? Or does it not work that way?"
"Hmm. I'm not entirly sure myself. I think It might have to do with you desire. Perhaps if you truly wan't to become something, maybe you will become it. Try it and if it works then maybe the others will try to do that to." Elsie finished. She gave Max a minute and then he gave a thumbs up. Then she pointed to his room and the camera switched to show him as the strrange glow surronded him and I watched to see what would happen next.

Max's Transformation.
The transformation began at Max's feet. At first we couldn't tell anything had happened until we noticed that his feet were becoming black and shifting in shape. When finished they looked like black hooves and brown fur was begining to climb up his legs. He stumbled as he was not yet used to having hooves and landed on his rear. "Ow." He said and rubbed his sore bum. Then let out a gasp of surprise and then a moan of pleasure as I watched his hips, thighs and ass begin to plump up and swell. He moaned more and this time I saw that his manhood had begun to change. It began to increse in length and began to thicken. He began to stroke it at his balls began to follow suit which were covered in black fur. Max let out a grunt as suddenly he turned on his side and a wispy horse tail exploded it's way out of his tailbone. I could also see that his ass and hips had begun to fill out well and gave him a very female-looking figure. He contiued to pant and moan as the Chesnut Brown Fur began to conquer every patch of skin it saw. I kept glancing back at Max's dick as it now began to change shape and color and a brown furry sheath was now visible at the base of it. I watched as his tool turned to a splotchy mix of black, brown and pink and had a flattened and flared tip. I now realized that he had grown a impresive equine phallus. Max suddenly let out a long, deep moan and he began to rub his much thicker thighs together. He managed to support himself on the desk and get upright. Soon, thick, clear steaks of liquid were visibly running down hir thighs and she moved hir legs apart enough for us to see her new pussy that had formed right behind her manhood. She squirmed and continued to pant as her ass and hips continued to grow in size. While her legs bulked up with the musles of a pro body builder. As the fur reached her belly any fat she had vanished and was replaced by well toned six-pack abs. Her chest also gained a lot of muscle and bulk as well giving her a very ripped body. On her chest, her areole and nipples tingled and began to grow to the size of saucers with a large set of F-Cups to follow. Maxine hefted her new assets as her arms gained the same amout of muscle that her legs had and she was now thourghly ripped. The fur covered his neck and he coughed as his voice went up a few octives though had a gruff undertone which allowed her to comand attention. Finnaly, the fur engulfed her face and I watched her face begin to shift and her nose legthened out into a muzzle. Her ears elongated and shifted to the top of her head, now much more sensetive and twitched at the slightest sounds. Her nose was now at the end of a brown muzzle and Maxine's jaw shifted and her teeth changed. Her teeth became more flat then normal, more suited for grazing on grass rather than consuming meat. Maxines eyes became big, round and black with white dots that reflected the light. Maxine's hair changed and now flowed down her back as a long gracefull mane. His formerly brown hair now turning black and his tail matched his mane. As the changes finished, Maxine looked at her bulky horse body.
"Ah. W-wow. It-it really wo-worked. I became Maxine, my Horse OC who is a surious Body Builder as you can tell!" Maxine said and punctuated her sentence with a flex of her mighty biceps. Her 2ft rod was un-sheathed and ready for action but had no one to use it on. Maxine looked at, blushing and she began to stoke it vigerously. Her equine face changed to a face of lust and pleasure and soon thick streams of white horse cum began errupting from Maxine's tool in thick bursts. It seemed as if her balls never ran out as she cummed non-stop for a solid 3 minutes. After which she had coated the camera in her horsey seed. The camera switched back to Elsie once more.
"Well, looks like Max did in fact become what he- er she wanted to. Keep that in mind people. It also appears she is very much enjoying being a herm. I know how much fun it is as I used to be one myself. Sure there are a few variations of herms but the best kind is the one that has the best of both worlds." Elsie cupped her chest. "A nice set of juicy tits on top..." Then she spread her legs and used two fingers to spread her libia. "... and a nice wide and deep hole on the bottom. Along with a big, meaty shaft to ram into people." She said licking her lips. "Well, do I have anymore volenteers?" Elsie said scanning the remaining 6 humans. Elsie shrugged after no one snswered and began to slowly spin, her finger outstreched to tranform whomever it stopped on. It landed on Nathan and he gulped nerveously. "I will give you time to imagine your desired form if you wish to have one." Elsie said in a calm motherly tone. Her simple reassurence helpped calm Nathan a bit and then he nodded and I turned to face the screen to see what was about to happen.

Nathan's Transformation
Nathan's transformation started with a tail. He suddenly gasped and the sound of a tail bone extending was heard. Then light blue fur spread along the length of it with a ice white tip at the end of it. The newly formed fox tail fluffed up like he had just touched a tesla coil. He let out a grunt as he watched his ass begin to swell up to a nice squeezeable size. He blushed bright red due to the changes he experienced and who could blame him. Judging by the reactions it looked like if felt extremly good. I watched that, as his hips and thighs gained a fair pit of plush and the fur continued to cover Nathan in a blue/white carpet, he suddenly crossed his legs in a way and he blushed even more. Though the blush was replaced by a deep, seductive sounding moan as fur suddenly sprouted on Natalie's neck. This fur however was a mix of red and white and it soon began to cover Natalie's head and I watched as it changed shape like all the others. Natalie's head took the vauge shape of a fox and she gained a short muzzle with a black nose on the tip and a maw with sharp teeth to rip apart prey. However, due to Natalie's usual behavior I doubted that there would be much prey being torn apart. She sprouted ears that turned to whatever made noise and heightened sences kept her on her toes. She too lost her hair to have it replaced by a swath of fur that covered her entire body now. Two more tails sprouted from above Natalie's rear and her legs bone structure was rearanged as her stance shifted. Her feet morphed to become large paws with claws that were as sharp as a knife edge. Natalie smiled as she felt 3 more sets of nipples form underneather her original two and soon all of them swelled a bit in size and breasts followed. The biggest sat at a impressive DDD and they stayed consistent all the way down. Then I heard the audio pick up what sounded like gurgling. Natalie placed to paws on her belly and it began to swell inside her with new life. She smiled and sighed wistfully as she rubbed her plump belly which made her look like she could give birth any minute. However, she didn't and yet her belly expanded more and more until it was around the size of a bean bag chair. Natalie gushed and rested her head on her blossoming belly as the thoughts of motherhood weaved their way into her brain. The thought made me wonder if the transformation had created a proper father for her kits and if so I hopped he would be loving and caring enough to come to his new wifes side if she goes into labor before we are all out of here. I decided to push this thought from my head as Elsie reappeared on screen.
"Congrat's to Natalie for her soon to be kits. We welcome them to the world with open hearts and arms." Elsie said. "Now, who is next?"
"Please pick me!" Lucie called out. Elsie looked at her and smirked.
"Alright then. Do you have an idea of what you will become?" Elsie asked.
"Mmhm." Lucie nodded vigerously.
"Then lets do this!" Elsie proclaimed and the next transformation began.

Lucie's Transformation.

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Furryfan078: Why thank you. I will be adding to it. :
Reddragoncharlie: I love this story! _

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