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Square one. Posted by: Abbie Riggs at 11-24-2020 14:55 PM, Last Modified 11-24-2020 14:55 PM
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James Monroe (Human Male, Jedi Master) Saber Color- Green x2
Conner Monroe (Human Male, Force Ghost)
Nathan Fury (Human Male, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Blue
Ocono Vorez (Zabrak Male, Reborn, Rouge) Saber Color- Purple and Orange.
Ava Monroe (Human Female, Force Ghost)
Dustin Monroe (Human Male, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Cyan
Arron Renus (Human Male, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Orange
Jessica Ramirez (Human Female, Jedi Master) Saber Color- Purple
Vicus Raydon (Human Male, Bounty Hunter.) W.O.C (Weapon of Choice) Vibroblade.
Kate Jennings (Human Female, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Blue
Cynthia Whellans (Human Female, Jedi Master) Saber Color- Amber
Amanda Durz (Lepi Female, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Purple
Brian Durz (Lepi Male, Jedi Knight) Saber Color- Blue
Rose (Twi Lek Female, Rogue Jedi) Saber Color- White
Master Ivan (Alans) (Human Male, Jedi Master) Saber Color- Green
Admiral (Ryan) Dikes (Human Male, New Republic Admiral Captain of the Republics Own )
Kalas Dracken ( Sith Pureblood Male, Sith Lord) Saber Color- Red
Tyler Merk (Human Male, Former Jedi Temple Guard) Saber Color- Yellow
Darth Rune (Human Male, Sith Lord) Saber Color- Red
Lord Vern ( Togruta Male, Sith Lord) Saber Color- Red
Alex Ramirez (Human Male, Jedi Master) Saber Color-Purple
Shawn (Shadow) Mast (Human Male, Jedi Master) Saber Color-Red.

James Monroe stands on the bridge of the republics own. He stares out the viewport as the stars whiz becoming blurs as the ship enters hyperspace. Admiral Ryan Dikes is at the controls. James waits until the ship exits hyperspace. Bespin comes into view. James walks into the hanger Bay past the assorted X-wings and other Resistance craft assembled in the hanger. The lone T.I.E. fighter with a Resistance symbol on each wing is James. He pilots it down to Cloud City. After landing James notices the ARC-170 Starfighter on a adjacent platform. That meant Alex was here. Which also meant he got the summons to meet here. James could feel all the Jedi that were present. He walked into the meeting building were the other Jedi were assembled. James took a quick look around the room before sitting down in his chair.
"Are we all here?" he asks the others. Everyone looks and sees no empty seats.
"Were all here." Ocono Says. James nods
"Good then we can start. So were back to square one again. Right?" James says.
"Afraid so." Shawn says. "The Jedi are being killed again. Just like they were when the Empire was founded." Shawn explains.
"We can only assume that some of the sith we've encountered recently or bounty hunters are to blame for these killings." "There was an attack at Master Ivans temple. The Temple was destroyed but Master Ivan was able to save some of the Jedi that were present." James says.
"Who have we lost?" Arron asks.
"Master Ivan said some of the deaths were unidentifiable. Ivan was able to protect most of the younglings. Some Masters and Knights that were lost include." James pulls out a holo pad with a list of names on it. "Masters: Devon, Hala, Orin, and Jason. Knights and Padawans: Remira, Luca, Imaria, and Gerome. MIA. Masters: Cynthia. Knights and Padawans: Amanda and Brian." James Finishes. Alex stands.
"Amanda and Brian are missing!" Alex says clearly panicked.
"According to Master Ivans report." James says. Jessica stands and puts an arm on her brothers shoulder.
"Calm down I'm sure there fine." Jessica says. Alex relaxes and sits down. James looks around.
"May the force be with those who are gone and with the ones who are still here." James says The other Masters nod. Everyone is alerted when a rocket comes screaming into the room through a window. It is stopped I the very center of the room by Nathan. James redirects it back out the window. A low boom is heard as it hopefully hits it's target. Nathan chuckles.
"Ha Talk about Return to Sender." he says. Ocono leaps in front on him and ignites his sabers. He crosses the orange and purple blades. Shots defect off the blades. The other Jedi ignite there sabers. James opens the sky light on the domed ceiling. The Jedi exit through there sabers drawn. Outside on a adjacent room Sits a man in Dark Blue Mandalorian armor. A vibroblade strapped across his back. At his side are Kalas Dracken and Lord Vern. Their sabers cast a red glow on the Blue armor. James glares at Dracken.
"Ah Greetings Jedi. I would like to introduce you all to our newest associate. Vicus Raydon." Dracken says. Two T.I.E interceptors scream over head. "Also some new pilots as well." Dracken says. Vicus Draws his Vibroblade.
"Alright everyone here's the plan." James says.

*Somewhere Else*
Cynthia runs through the dense forest. Amanda in her arms. Brian following close behind. Amanda suffered a leg injury while escaping the temple. Cynthia stops in a clearing listening for danger. A rustle to the left gets her attention. She sets Amanda down on the ground and draws her saber. She throws it in the direction of the sound. When her saber doesn't return. Cynthia is puzzled. Then Master Ivan steps out Cynthia's saber in his hand.
"You should really be more careful were you throw this." Ivan says.
"Master Ivan is it necessary to scold me like a padawan?" Cynthia asks slightly annoyed at Ivans comment.
"No. But I find it quite entertaining." Ivan says with a smile. Then he turns serious. "We must leave now. My ship is not far." Ivan says. Cynthia picks up Amanda and Brian follows Ivan.
"Don't worry Amanda. You'll be okay soon." Brian says to himself.

*Back on Cloud City.*
James and the other Masters discuss a plan while avoiding the forces the Sith employed to destroy them.
"Alex!" James shouts. "Get in the air and take out those Interceptors!" James says. Alex nods and hops in his ARC-170 and takes off. James finds Tyler behind a building taking cover from the two Interceptors. "Tyler. Can you take care of the bounty hunter?" James asks. Tyler nods.
"I'll deal with him Once Alex takes out the T.I.E's" Tyler says. One of the Interceptors begins to smoke and is sent spiraling down to Bespin. The second T.I.E knocks down a building which is sent falling into Alex's Path. The building explodes as Alex blasts it to pieces.
"Watch the collateral damage." James says through the comm. Shawn has engaged Vern while Dracken is fighting Jessica. Vicus is simply observing. Tyler uses the force to drag Vicus down to the ground. Tyler clashes with Vicus vibroblade. Tyler has a lot of skill in saber fighting but Vicus seems to know a fair bit as well. Vicus blocks Tylers attacks and tries to get under Tylers guard but Tyler let's the second blade of his temple guard saber come down and block it. Then it's two blades Vr's one.
Tyler knocks Vicus back and cuts the Vibroblade off at the hilt. Then Tyler pins Vicus. The second interceptor explodes above the city. James then helps Shawn take on Vern. He then notices that Jessica is injured. A non lethal cut across the chest. Dracken goes for the kill when he is blasted off his feet by Alex from his ship. Dracken is sent off the edge of the massive city. Hes as good as dead.

Ivan pilots his ship through hyperspace and then docs with the Republics Own. Admiral Dikes meets him in the hanger.
"Ivan! Thank the force! James will be glad to hear that you and the others made it out safely." Dikes says.
"Were is James?" Cynthia asks.
"He is currently engaging some sith of Cloud City." Dikes exsplanes.
"Take us there." Ivan says.

James watches as a massive star destroyer appears. A orange/red phoenix is painted on the bottom. Alex notices it too.
"Great Phoenix is here too!" Alex says.
"Who isn't." Shawn says. Then a new voice comes through the comm.
"The Republics Own!" Dikes says. Then the massive ship appears above Phoenix's destroyer.
"Alright Dikes let's give these guys are good reason to leave." James says.
(To Be Finished)......

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