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Adjusting isn't easy. Part 1 Posted by: Furryfan078 at 11-20-2020 14:57 PM, Last Modified 12-21-2020 10:32 AM
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Hope you enjoy this story.

Hi. My name is Alex. I live in a world that is a bit different. In my world, Human's and Humanoids or Anthro Animals live together peacefully. We live together, go to school together. It wasn't easy to adjust to them but we managed. A lot has changed but a lot is still the same. However, adjusting isn't easy. Especially for me. Why? Well... lets just say I have always been see as a outcast even when humans were the only inhabitants of earth. When the animals came everything kinda spiraled out of control. I made some bad decisions and got punished for them. I fell to a low that I didn't think I would ever get back up from. Then SHE came. My long lost sister, separated at birth. Now, you would be right when you said this made me feel better but wouldn't you know something? My sister is a Anthro Cow. If so... then what does that make me? So, now that you know who I am. Let's continue.

I was almost summer break, I had survived another year of school filled with prejudice. I was cleaning some items out of my locker when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I was prepared to spin around and punch them straight in the face but I didn't. The person who tapped my shoulder did it delicately and without even saying a word. It wasn't someone trying to insult or hurt me. I turned and stood face to face with a bright blue furred bunny woman. Now, I have always noticed it but never questioned why. I just assumed that it was because my sister was a Anthro yet I was a human but Anthro's always looked at me strange. They seemed to be considering something but couldn't figure out what to do. The bunny in front of me had the same look and I was backed against my locker and could do nothing but wait. Eventually she stopped and grabbed my hand and motioned for me to follow her. I closed my locker, grabbed my stuff and followed her to a science lab. In there I felt like I had been brought into a trap. There were at least three other Anthros in there and I thought they were going to beat me up. There was silence for a moment. I took this moment to study each of the Anthro's in the room. One of them was a Black and White furred Kitsune. She stood at a least 6' 3'' and yet she projected a kind and welcoming atmosphere. Her eyes were red but not threatening. She also wore no clothes as almost all anthros couldn't and because their fur covered some of the more... explicit parts... it was normal for them. She had at least H-cups and they looked as soft a pillows. She had some defined muscles even under the fur. Not much but enough to be able to protect herself. Her lower body was also impressive. Along with the eight tails she has curves that every mother want's. Nice large and wide hips with a round ass to boot. She was perfect in every way and I imagined there were a lot of men who sought her. The Blue bunny who brought me here moved around a lot, as bunny do, her older sister however, which I knew from my math class, was quite patient. Her name was Mary and she tapped her foot on the ground a bit. She had a pretty good figure. She had white fur all over but bright blue eyes that were full of intelligence as she has helped me in math quite a bit. She had decent D-cups and a slim hourglass figure all topped off with a round puffball tail. He younger sister was very similar in figure but smaller. She hopped around the room without a care in the world. The last anthro in the room was a rare sight. A Anthro mare with all the right curves. Luscious dark brown fur, G-cups, wide hips and a bit of muscle. However, her crotch contained a bit of a surprise. There was a package tucked away in there and while I couldn't see the sheath, the large balls were visible even though her crotch boobs or udder as they are sometimes called helped hide them a bit. I stood there feeling awkward and uncomfortable when finally Mary spoke.
"So... your the guy with a Anthro sister right?" She said but she clearly knew the answer. I nodded and she turned to the other two. "You already know me but not these two. This is Ruby." She said pointing to the kitsune. "This is Tessa." She said and the Mare Herm gave a little wave. "Oh and this is my sister Mia." Mary said and the little blue bunny gave my hand a vigorous shake and then bounced over a counter and then went to do her own thing. "Hi. I have a question. Why am I here?" I said confidently. At this Rudy took my hand as Mary said. "Let us show you." Ruby led me along and we entered a adjoining room where there was a board on the wall that had a picture of me, my sister, and my parents. Mary pointed to the picture of me and my sister. "You two are brother and sister, but you are different species. That means the parents you know adopted you and your sister before they died." She said and paused. "I am sorry about what happened to them." Ruby wiped a tear from my face with a tail and I nodded. "Continue." I choked out. Then regained my composure but the sorrow showed. "Anyway, that means your birth parents were a interspecies relationship with one being a Anthro and the other a human, right? Now, through some phone calls with your sister and some digging of our own we discovered something shocking. That was not the case. Your birth parents were both Anthros. Yet how did they get a human son? They didn't. They had two lovely little girls, Jessica and Alexis." She stopped to let the info sink in. I looked at the ground and my jaw hung open as I processed what she had said. "However, Alexis was not a normal Anthro. She was a hybrid and while that is accepted now, at the time she was born it was not. So, they disguised your form and hid you away and gave you a new name. They sent you to the human world with no knowledge of what you really were Alexis." Mary said directing the name at me. I was shocked, I never knew and now learning it was causing my head to spin and my world was turned upside down. I calmed down and asked. "What do you want with me then?" More silence followed by Mary whispering something to Tessa and Tessa left for a minute and came back with a large pod machine that had hover pads that allowed it to be transported with ease. She set it down in a corner and began fiddling with it and she clearly knew what she was doing. "You see, Anthro look at your strangely because they can smell your sent. They can smell your true form but while it is gone we can still see what you should really look like. This machine will transform you into the form you were always meant to be. You will be yourself, your true self." Mary finished. Tessa turned to us. "It's all ready Mary!" Then she opened the pod door with a button on a tablet. Mary motioned towards the pod. "Whenever your ready. Take your time." As I sat there and sorted through all the jumbled emotions and thoughts and questions that threatened to make my head explode, Ruby did something that caused it all to sort itself out and calm my mind. She squatted down a bit and hugged me before she gave me a tender kiss on the forehead. I looked at her with wonder and confusion but she simply smiled and said. "Go, be who your meant to be." After she said this I smiled and stepped into the pod.

I was still confused and had a lot of questions but they could all be answered in time. Then I heard a beep and the tube's glass door tinted. For privacy I guessed. A screen showed on the door and it gave me instructions. It first told me to strip and I did. Next, it told me to sit and relax and a comfy chair was provided. I sat down and took even breaths. Then a VR Helmet was placed on my head. A bit confused I still put it on and found myself standing in a empty street. Then the scene shifted quickly to a living room and then it changed to a hospital room. I saw a doctor talking to my mother who lay in a bed after giving birth. I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying though and suddenly I heard a very familiar voice. "Hey little bro. This is a message I made for you. I never knew you would hear it so soon but It had to happen some day. I am sure you know why you are listening to this and what is happening. This is the life you don't remember so that's why I made this simulation. Once you remember everything up to your arrival on Earth, you will truly know that this was the only way to protect you. While you watch this sim you will undergo changes in reality so be prepared. Lastly, I am so sorry for keeping this from you but I hope you forgive me. Bye Alexis, see you tonight." Then her form disappeared, a hologram. I turned back towards the sim and watched. Then I saw him, my father. He was a handsome man too. He was a tall ram but though he looked frightening he was so kind and gentle toward my mother. Suddenly I felt a wave a nausea as the scene shifted. At the same time I a needle prick me and then I felt itchy all over. I looked to see fur sprouting all over my body until it covered every inch of me. It was mostly white but mixed with grey at some spots but still had the black spots throughout. Then I felt like I had a splitting headache, I felt the top of my head and found two nubs that soon pushed out and curved into long horns. Then my ears lengthened as well becoming cow like. Then I felt my face push outwards and looked at a mirror in the sim as my body changed in the sim as it did in real life. When I looked I saw a bovine like muzzle and my head was shaped differently too. The last thing to change was my hair as it grew long and reached the middle of my back. My face looked out of place on my body but I knew that soon it wouldn't. I felt something enter my mouth and was surprised when in the sim I was now spectating my small infant body as I nursed on my mothers breasts. In reality they simulated the same with a breast shaped device that fed me milk like I was a baby. I took a quick taste and the milk felt warm and comforting and tasted great. I began to suck on the breast and I almost fell asleep. As I continued to suck I was aware of what the milk was doing to my body. The more it fed me, the more fat I gained on my body but soon it stopped and I had quite a bit of chubbiness to my body now. Then the breast was removed but soon a large pink blob came into view on the sim. Then I heard my mother say. "This will make sure you look pretty, impress the boys and have many children of your own Lexie." Then I felt the warm teat of a udder enter my mouth and it began pumping milk into my mouth and I had to swallow quickly to keep up. As I nursed on the teat I noticed more changes occur. My belly began to swell first and it grew larger and larger until it was a big as a beachball. Then I moaned as I felt my ass begin to grow and my hips started swelling and becoming thicker. At the same time my breast did as well. I reached down to cup my swelling tits and moaned again as I felt another row of breasts begin to form and yet a third under those. All the while my ass grew larger and rounder and I reached a hand back to grope it while the other fondled my tits. While this happened I felt my feet pinch and reshape into shiny hooves. I was so lost in the pleasure of it and the teat just kept pumping more and more milk into me. Eventually it stopped and while I panted I inspected my body. My chest now had 6 giant J-cups on it and I noticed that my nipples had elongated to about 2'' long. I looked behind to see my huge bubble butt that jiggled with the slightest movement. Then I felt a sharp pain right above my huge ass and a short tail popped out. I wagged it a bit and my butt swished from side to side when I did. I let out a giggle that was quite high pitched. Curious I cleared my throat and said. "I super sexy!" When I did it came out high pitched but not too high as it had a bit of a deep undertone. I stood on unsteady legs and braced my self on my chair. Then I managed to balence on my hooves. I took a few steps and stumbled a lot but soon I had mastered walking with them. I had a gait that caused my large ass to sway seductivly with every step. I smiled and then in the VR sim my father was holding a baby me and he tapped my mother on the shoulder and pointed to something on my baby body. As this happened I felt something clamp itself around my penis. I lifted the visor to see what it was and found a small golden ring. The ring sudenly grew warm and I moaned in a way that sounded a bit like a moo. As the ring grew warmer I felt my cock change. First it began to grow longer and thicker while at the same time it changed shape to be more bovine looking. I began to stroke my swelling member and felt something else begin to swell behind my dick. I reached down to find a sac and it was expanding rappidly. Then I gasped and my eyes rolled up into my head as a massive wave of pleasure struck. I felt my insides rearange. I felt a womb form, as well as all the other parts and then a slit formed on my crotch. It had big puffy lips and was warm. Not hot like I was heat but a pleasant warmth radiated from it. I resisted the urge to finger myself and insted focused on the other changes occuring. I shifted my position a bit as my udder now hung low and was also warm to the touch as I felt milk fill it while the same happened to my breasts. I then looked straight ahead and found a long, black shaft that was a good 2' 8'' long and as thick as a two leiter soda. I stroked the nearly 3ft long shaft that stood stiff. As I did it began to become straighter and soon it stuck itself between my breasts and the tip was inches away from my mouth. Unable to resist I carfully worked the tip into my mouth and as soon as I did it began pumping on it's own. I eagerly swallowed the cum and each stream laster longer then the previous one. I felt my balls swell under my shaft and soon I unloaded my seed into my mouth and shuddered in joy as the warm cream slid down my throat. I felt my dick begin to slide back into a sheath. Once fully tucked away the sheath itself was a good foot in length. The VR sim had long been over and the helmet retracted into the celling. A mirror slid out of the wall with a message projected on it that said. "Pose!" I did so and heard a small click. Then I did a few more seductive poses along with some where I spead my legs to show my puffy pussy. Then the mirror wen't back into the wall and a small slit deposited the pictures. Finally two robotic hands decended from the celing. They had mesuring tape and they mesured each inch of my body and then a wall panel opened with clothes on it. The first thing I grabbed was a large light pink shirt that read. "If you like what you see. How about you come and get to know me." I slid it on and the v-neck did nothing to hide the top row of breasts and all three rows pressed against the shirt so everyone knew what was under there. Then I picked up a pair of short shorts that I slipped on easily. The back of the shorts was a bit tight and it enhanced my large bubbly ass even more. It took a few tries to wiggle my tail through the hole but I got it and hoped it would be esier in the future.

Once I was clothed the pod door opened and I stepped out. I found the room empty but there was lights on in the adjoining room. I peeked in to see Mary, Ruby, Tessa and Mia sitting at a table chatting. The only person who was looking at the doorway that led to the room I was in was Mia. I stepped out of the door and Mia who had been glancing off to the side for a moment, shifted her gaze back to the doorway and noticed me right away. Her eyes widened and she gasped. I heard Mary ask her. "What was that for?" Mia smiled and pointed in my direction and the other 3 girls turned.  All three had different reactions. Tessa checked out my body but her eyes lingered on the buldge in my shorts. Then she smiled. Ruby smiled so wide she looked about ready to explode and Mary just kinda stared dufounded. Then she breathed. "Damn! I knew you were going to look good but...holy shit!" I blushed and smiled. "Thanks." I said and Mary arched her eyebrows at the sound of my new voice. Then she cleared her throat. "So Alexis. It's time for you to go home and start your new life." Then she handed me a slip of paper with phone numbers on it. "Here are each of out numbers if you ever wan't to hang out. We may call you one of these nights and you can join us for a special game night." She said with a slight chuckle. I smiled a hugged her. Then I hugged Tessa, Ruby and Mia and turned to leave. As I did however, Mary snuck up behind me and slapped my ass. I yelped in surprise and then blushed. "Well, I guess should've seen that coming." I said timidly and then waved goodbye and headed down the empty halls. Once outside I noticed that the sun was setting and then realized that there was a slight problem. My car was missing! However, a new one sat in the spot where it had been and there was a post-it note on the side mirror. In neat cursive writing it read. "Hello Sis! I came and got your car. I will have to modify them inorder for you to fit in them properly but I got you a new one to use in the meantime. It's a Tesla Model 3 with all options. Fully charged and good to go! Your welcome. Love, Jessica." I dicided that I would have a lot to thank her for when I got home and wondered how I would repay her. Then I got in the Tesla and drove home. Once I arrived I stepped out and walked up to the front door. The moment I had opened it all the way a unseen force pulled me inside and the deposited me onto the couch. Then the door closed by itself and Jessica struted up next to me on the couch. "Hey Sis." She said calmly.  "Hello Jessica." I said with a smile and then reached up and pulled her into a kiss. At first she was caught off gaurd but then she leaned into it. At one point she broke the kiss and cast a spell that stripped all of our clothes. Before I could ask why she leaped up onto the couch and straddled me. Then she leaned down and pulled me into another kiss. This one lasting longer than the first and I knew Jessica was up to something because as we made out I felt her hands tingling with energy and I felt the same energy on our lips as we kissed. When Jessica finally broke the embrace I felt strange. I glanced up to see a mischevious smile on Jessicas face and I swallowed nerveously. Then in a sudden burst all 6 of my breasts and my udder began to swell even larger than before. I could only watch with intence pleasure and nervousness as they swelled to sizes that left me imobilized on the couch. I realized what my sister was planning too little too late as she wheeled in a large machine and hooked the suction cups up to my breasts and udder. Against my will I let out a long low Moooooo that only furthur made me into the little cow-goat slut my sister made me and a part of me just wanted to be milked and bread like a good little slut while another part of me wanted more independence than that.  I didn't mind the milking, nor would I have a problem with being fucked by a strong bull. In fact I would probobly want that to happen but I didn't want my life to be centered around those two aspects. My bodys disire and instints made that difficult however. A few alseep to the soft humming of the milking machine. 
I woke up a few hours later and my nipples were tender and sore and my breasts felt empty. Though a quick inpection showed that I had amost filled the machine to it's limit. Which was impressive considering that my sister gave me mamaries the size of smartcars.  I found my sister asleep in her bedroom and I pushed the machine aside and decided to sleep on the couch for the night as I was too tired to go to my room. As I drifted off my dreams were filled with pleasure and fun but I found myself pondering what else lied ahead for me. As I gazed over my new body one last time I smiled to myself. Whatever comes, I will be able to take it. We just need to see the morning after.
(End of Part 1.)......

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