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Negotiations the Second Posted by: Báden at 01-14-2014 21:18 PM, Last Modified 01-14-2014 21:25 PM
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As Chris and his passenger approached the town, he looked at the fuel guage and said "There's a small town ahead-"
"I know"
"-and I've got to stop for gas" Chris finished, ignoring his passenger's rude interruption. As Chris approached the town, he immediately noticed a gas station at the edge of it. 'Of course' he thought 'Why else would you stop at a town like this?' Chris pulled into the station and realized that he would have to leave his strange new passenger in his car alone. The issue was only momentary, though, because Chris remembered how much the stranger had seemed to hate him, so why would he want to take something that would constantly remind him of Chris. Chris got out and entered the convenience store (though one could hardly call it that, it seemed more like a shack) and, after paying the clerk, returned and started pumping the gas. As Chris stared at his passenger's face in the rear-view mirror, he began to feel a faint stirring in the back of his head, along with a lightheadedness that seemed rather concerning. Suddenly, a loud clunk! startled him out of a trance state he hadn't noticed he'd entered. He looked around cautiously and nervously, then realized that the pump had made the noise. He replaced the pump and climbed back into the driver's seat, completely forgetting the strange feeling that cams over him when staring at his passenger. Chris started the car back up and began to get it in gear when his passenger said
"Wait, let me out."
"Because, what's up ahead is dangerous, and I don't want any innocent people hurt"
"Wow, big dramatic guy" Chris joked, but his passenger kept a serious face.
"This is not a joke, what I have up ahead is likely to get you killed."
" How 'bout I drive ya there then skiddadle?"
" I don't know if that will work"
"So what if it doesn't?I'm good in dangerous situations"
"Are you sure you want to risk it?"
Now it was Chris's turn to be serious "Yes"
"Okay, then. Just head straight through the town, the person I'm meeting should stop us" Chris did so, and about halfway through the town, a very talk and devilishly handsome young man walked into the center of the road, and Chris had to stomp the brake to keep from hitting him. "Joe!!" The newcomer called happily "How are you, old man" As the stranger greeted him, Joe climbed out of Chris's car and approached him "I'm fine, now don't try to distract me, you know why I'm here"
"Of course, good friend, but first I mast ask your young companion to exit the vehicle. Chris almost did, just to get a better look at this impossibly handsome person, but he was stopped when Joe said "No, he stays there until we're finished"
"Oh, I don't think so, Chris, get out of the car please" Again, he almost did, but hearing his name spoken by someone he'd never told it to froze him in place.
"Shut you trap and leave the kid alone. Now tell me, just what in the hell was your plan?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what, now tell me, or else."
"Or else what?" Joe then sighed heavily and said "I'm sorry"
"Sorry about wha-" But he never got a chance to finish, because Joe had drawn a gigantic revolver so fast that it just seen to appear in his hand. He fired there shots Justina fast as he drew, and there holes appeared in the handsome stranger. One hole appeared above his heart, another just under his solar plexus, and the final one appeared between his eyebrows.
"Holy Christ!" Chris screamed. Joe then spun around and entered on the passenger side of his car. Chris was again frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the handsome man's corpse. It began to kind of shimmer, as if being distorted by heat waves, then Joe yelled "Get in the car and drive!" Chris didn't want to test his luck any farther than he already had, so he did as he was told. Chris jumped behind the wheel of the car and stepped on the gas hard enough to make the tires squeal (the main road was the only paved one). As they drove away, Chris glanced in his mirror and saw that an inhuman shape had taken the place of the handsome stranger's corpse. "What the hell was all that?!" Chris asked disbelievingly
"Don't yell, and slow down, you wanna get arrested?"
"Like you should be talking, you just killed a guy!" Chris yelled, but he had eased up on the accelerator a bit.
"I don't need you to remind me of that, he was a friend, a good friend"
"Then why the hell did you shoot him?!"
"Shut up" Joe said, sounding choked. "and stop the car, we're here"
"We're where?"
"Just stop, now" Chris decided to do as he was told, mainly because he didn't know what else he could do. When the car came to a halt, a wave of terror came over him so powerful he nearly rocketed the car forward and out of the town (later he'll wish he had). As soon as the vehicle stopped, Joe also got out, then sat in the back. About five seconds later, an insanely beautiful, and impossibly talk woman took Joe's place in the front. "Hi, there" she said in a smooth, lovely voice.
"Uh, hi" Chris replied, flustered and nervous. Not nervous because the woman next to him was so beautiful, but because something about her was off, dark, somehow. She smiled at him and he became even more nervous. The smile was a small, quick one, but Chris was able to see the teeth inside weren't human. They were big, and sharp......

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