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A Strange Hotel Posted by: Furryfan078 at 09-28-2020 09:07 AM, Last Modified 10-19-2020 13:23 PM
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Hello everyone. I am not really sure how to start this. This is going to be my first story on this site so forgive me if there are some mistakes with grammar or spelling. If your do see some please inform me in a comment or a message and I will correct them.  This is a story about a young man named Alex  who discovers a Appartment Building that Anthro's stay at. He dicides to stay a night but, in the morning he might not leave the same, or at all. There will be transformation and (possibly) a bit of sex at certian parts. You have been warned. Anyway please enjoy.

I was walking through the abandoned part of town, tired and in need of a rest, when I saw light coming from one of the buildings. Imedietly I knew something was not right. Intriged, I went inside. At the desk I saw a Anthro Collie woman who was talking to what appeared to be a Anthro Buck, judging from the horns on their head. I found I was half right. I found that when they turned that they were a hermephrodite buck. They were naked and had a 2ft long sheathed dick hanging limply, with two orange sized balls covered in rich brown fur. They also had two D-Cup breasts which bouced freely on their chest. They froze when they saw me and they looked at me with a puzzled expression before they walked off, but they tapped the collie woman on the shoulder and then she noticed me as I walked up to the desk.  The collie woman was half naked, not wearing anything bellow the waist, but she wore a red uniform that was unzipped slightly and showed off a fair bit of her cleavage which was a C-Cup at least. She smiled. "Oh, Hello sir, welcome to Fur Haven." She says in a cheery tone. I act as natural as possible in this strange situation I am in. "Hi, I am Alex and I just need a room for the night. " She nodded and points to a hallway. "The hallway on your left will take you to your room. It is 2C." I smile and thank her. I notice her name tag says Amy. I will remeber that so I can ask for her by name if I need anything. I head down the hall and enter room 2C. When I enter I observe the room. I see a large bed with a small kitchen a door to a bathroom and a couch with a TV on the adjacent wall. I put my suit case down and press a button on it. The ultra adaptable case creates a portal to my dresser at home and swaps out the items for clothes. Now I have a few pairs of clothes for the night. I am about to retire when I hear humming. A bit confused I get closer to the bathroom door and I hear the shower running and that is where the humming is coming from. I wonder if I am in the wrong room but then I notice some clothes on top of a dresser. They are a large pink T-shirt with white flowers and light brown overalls. Then I here the water turn off and the humming gets louder as the person inside gets closer to the door. I take a deep breath and wait for the person to emerge. I am surprised by not who, but what does emerge. It is a 6ft tall Anthro Cow Woman. She has the typical black and white spotted fur pattern but she has blonde hair that sticks to their back since it's wet. She also has very large, heavy and milk filled breasts. Two rows with two breasts each. All four are a good J-Cup. She has wide hips that would qualify as child brearing. She still posseses hands but she does have hooved feet that would hurt to be stepped on by. She dosen't notice me at first and she walks right by to go grab her clothes. I notice that she has a bubble butt that sways along with her hips as she moves and her butt would put any normal girls to shame. Each cheek is the size of a basket ball, which is a bit small consideing her height. Lastly, she has a huge udder that sways back and forth between her legs. It is the size of a beach ball and it rests right behind her femine slit.  Suddenly I blush and curse myself for staring. She heads over to her dresser and I watch her put her overalls on which have a hole in them to allow room for her udder. Then she puts her shirt on. She sighs and then looks right at me. She freezes for a moment and I akwardly say. "Uh, Hi." With a meek smile. She scans me for a moment and then blushes. "H-how long have you b-been there?" She asks shyly. "Since you exited the shower, so yeah." I say and look down at the ground embarased. Then I hear her sigh. "Well, since thats the case I have another question. Why are you in my room?" She says a bit stern. I hold up my hands in defence. "This is the room Amy told me to go to. Blame her not me." The woman thinks for a moment. "Well, I have been wanting a room mate I just thought that it would be another Anthro like me. Not that there is anything wrong with you it's just odd. You really shouldn't even know this place exists, let alone be here." She says thoughfully. I snap my fingers. "Now I  get it! That's why everyone gave me a funny look when they saw me. It makes sence. So, I should probably leave before I get the Secerity called on me." I say going for my suitcase. "No no no! Don't go. Oh, uh I'm Mia by the way." Says the Cow girl extending a hand. "Alex. Well I guess I can stay tonight but I can't stay here any longer than that seeing as how I don't belong here. Anyway goodnight Mia." I say and retire to the couch and fall asleep almost imedietly.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of freshly cooked pancakes and I turn my head to see a plate of pancakes along with a glass of orange juice on the coffee table next to me. I look to see Mia in the kitchen, humming a tune that sounds familiar to me but I cant tell. She is also wearing ear buds that are just visible by a wire that connects to a pocket on the front of her overalls. I decide to enjoy a hearty breakfast before I go and quickly devour the pancakes and down the orange juice in a few minutes.  Then as I am about to go get my bag, there is a knock at the door. I open it and fall backwards on my butt when I see what is on the other side. There is a Shark Woman who stands at about 5' 7'' tall and has grey scales along her body. She has a strip of clothing that looks like a ripped peice of a blue T-Shirt that barely contains her assets. Her breasts are a good E-Cup. Lower on her body is a blue pair of panties that cover anything else. Her hips are not very wide but her body is toned and she seems to have a lot of workout time on her hands because she is ripped. There is also a 7 foot tall Pink Elephant Woman. She has a rack that is covered by a white T-Shirt that reads "No Peeking". However, it does little to contain her easily M-Cup globes. I also highly doubt there is a bra that could contain them. Her whole body seem to be curves and she has a belly that doesn't make her look fat, but does give her body a more curvy apearence. Her hips are wide so wide I am unsure how she fits through doors. That's when I notice that her body has a shiny texture to it. Her body is made of latex and it is inflatable. Amy smiles when she see's her friends. "Sophie, Pam! Hi! Say hello to Alex, my roommate." *The two girls glance at me and Sophie, the shark, give's me a confused look and then smiles a toothygrin. Pam however gets a big smile on her face and squeals with delight. Then squeeze her body through the door. As she does this it sounds like someone is making a ballon animal. The finally gets through as her body sqeezes trought the opening and gets unstuck from the doorframe with a pop. She scoops me up and gives me a hug that would have killed me had she not been made of latex. Then she puts me down and gives me a look that people give to puppy's. "Awww, he's so cute." Then Mia come's over and sets a bluetooth speaker on the coffee table. Then she wispers to Sophie and Pam and they nod. They leave the room and head to who know's where. Then Mia extends a hand to me. I look up even more confused then ever. "Care to dance?" She asks. I blush and look down at the ground. "I'm not really a dancer." Mia chuckles a bit. "Look around, nobody is here to see except me. I wont judge you either. Don't worry, I will lead." Then she places her phone next to the speaker and hit's play. Stamp on the Ground  by the Italo Brothers begins to play.  Mia pulls me closer and then waits for the music to start before spining and moving to the beat. When the drop hit's she throws me in the air and then catches me. She continues to move like a whirlwind and I somehow manage to catch up with her. I notice she moves with the beat and I match her by listening to the song carfully. Then when the song ends I wipe my brow. While I am still confused why she suddenly wanted to dance, I am surprised I did so well. Then I look at Mia and my face flushes a bright red when I notice she took her shirt off, all four breast on display. Then I hear a sound behind me. I turn to see Pam standing there. On my left Sophie stands. I am boxed in on all side's, exept on my right. I make a dash for the couch but when I jump over it I am snaged. My shirt gets caught on something. Then I hear voice behind me. "Hey. I caught a human." I turn to see the face of a triumphant bunny. The rabbit looks has a feminine frame with cream white fur. They wear a pink bra and panties as well as a pink tank top. They smile and I notice that they are about 5' 5''.  Down below a bulge reveals that they are a he, and a femboy crossdresser. He plops me down on the couch and rests his chin on the back of it. I then look at the three woman who's intentions are unknown. Mia speaks first. "Well, arent you jumpy. I also see you met Tia. Yes he is a guy but thats what he prefers to be called." I look behind me and Tia waves. Then Pam speaks. "Yeah, we just wanted you to become like us." She says with clear excitement. Sophie shrugs. "Yeah, what Pam said." Then Mia drops to one knee and places a hand on my shoulder. "Becoming one of us wouldn't be so bad would it? Besides, you would be able to stay here. You wouldn't be a outcast anymore." I thought for a moment. Then Sophie says. "It's your choise, if you would rather leave, so be it." She places my suitcase on the ground and motions to the door. I then sigh, I look at Mia. "I will do it." At this her eyes light up with joy. Pam is so excited that she jumps in the air, and hits her head on the roof. She floats back down to the ground. "Whoops, my bad." She says and then stands. Sophie smiles and Tia grabs me, pulls me closer and kisses me on the cheek. I blush and have no words for what just happened. Then he wispers in my ear. "I am happy that you will be joining us. Perhaps later we can have some fun." Then he drops me and winks. Then he says. "Well girls I am off to my room. I look forward to seeing how they turn out." Then he leaves and closes the door behind him.

I then have a question. "Uh, how exactly are you going to transform me?" I ask. Then Mia smiles. "Pam? Show him." Pam reveals a needle with a strange blue/green liquid inside. Then Pam giggle's. "We have no clue what you will become so this is going to be exciting." Then she injects the needle in my shoulder. After the injection there is a still silence in the air. Then I scratch my shoulder where Pam injected me. Sophie removes my shirt and Mia has her phone out. She shows me that she is going to write down the things I need after I transform, like clothes and ect. My shoulder feels like it is being pricked and when I look at it I notice a light grey fur has begun to spread. I watched as the fur spread down my arm and then crossed my body and proceeded to spread down my other arm. Upon reaching my hands the fur stops and my hand's remain as they are. Then the fur spreads down my body. It covers my neck and I cough a bit. Then I clear my throat and say. "That was unplesant." Then I gasp, surprised that my voice is much higher in pitch. Then the fur engulfs my head. As it does I feel my face push outward into a muzzle.  "Oh. ah. uuhhhn." I moan as my face shifts and reforms.  My ears elongate and become floppy and shift upwards to the top of my head. In my mouth I feel my jaw reform and my mouth rearanges to better suit my new visage.  Then I feel my tounge reshape as well, becoming longer and more flexible. My new muzzle is coated in light grey fur and my nose is black and wet, like a dogs. I feel my face soften in physique. Then I can tell that my eye lashes have lengthened a bit my vision blur's for a moment as my eyes change. When I can see well again I remove my contacts carefully and notice that I can see better then I could with normal eyes. A quick look in a mirror confirms that my eyes have changed in more ways then one. My left eye is now purple in color while my right is a aquamarine color. Then I feel a pressure at the top of my forehead under my bangs. I move them and see that I have small nubs poking out of my skin. In seconds they grow until they are a good 4'' long. Then I feel my hair begin to lengthen. It grows until it reaches the small of my back. I also notice that my hair has changed color as well. It now lookes like it is dyed a blue-green color. I watch as the transformation contiues, now starting at my feet.  I remove my pants and underwear. Then I brace myself on a counter as my feet shift and change. It feels like someone is covering them in cement and they are being squished. When I look I see that I now have black hooves that look shiny and polished. I move them expeirimentally but I dont trust my ability to stand on them yet. The changes continue with chesnut brown fur that sweeps up and engulfs my legs.  The fur however, changes shade as it approaches my groin. It turns darker and become black that contrasts well between the grey and brown. I feel the muscles in my legs get stronger and more toned. Then Mia hands me a glass filled with a colorless liquid. I eagerly drink as the tranformation has made me a bit dehydrated. Then my belly gurgles and swells. I also gain a lot of fat on other portions of my body that were thin before. I end up having a lot of extra fat in places that I shouldn't and it makes me look weird. I am about to ask why Mia did this but she raises a finger. "Wait for it." She says calmly. I do and soon all the excess fat dissapears, leaving a normal amount on all of the other places where I didn't have much before. The only thing that didn't go away was my belly. "Huh. Why did you give me all the excess just to have it dissapear?" I ask. Mia smiles. "It didn't simply go away. It moved and is currently being stored in your body, waiting to be put in certain parts of your body." Before I ask what she means I moan as a sudden pleasure rocks my body. I feel a swelling sensation in my butt but I dont really notice it as my hands slip off the counter. No longer supported my legs cant balance on my unfamiliar legs and I fall on my ass. However, I dont feel much pain from it. Confused I manage to stand, with help from Mia, and turn my body. I gasp when I see that my butt has now become huge! Each cheek the size of a volleyball. More pleasure hits as my hips expand in size to become equaly as large. My tounge lulls out of my muzzle as I begin to pant. Sophie smirks and begins to massage my shoulders. "It seems this transformation is stressing you a bit. Just relax, keep calm and let all your worries go. Just enjoy the changes as they come and you will feel so much better." She said as she continued. I try my best to calm myself as Sophie massages me. Pam starts humming and begins to do something with my long hair. I cry out suddenly as I feel something happen in my groin. Looking down I see that my dick has become fully erect. Then my eyes widen as it begins to shrink slowly. In a few minutes it is gone completly, dissapearing into my body with a wet slurp. As this happens I moan loudly and where my dick once was a large wet slit has formed.  Then I moan again as I feel something happen in my chest. My nipples perk up and become puffy. Then I feel flesh begin to swell up underneath them. Sophie has stopped massaging my shoulders by now but Pam continues to style my hair, oblivious to my changes. As my breasts begin to form I cup them and once they have swelled large enough I squeeze them, sending even more pleasure through my body. They begin to slow there growth at the D-Cup range and stop at E's. Then I feel another set of tits begin to form under the first set and yet a third row under those. They all stop at a E-cup and then for some reason, on each row in between the two tits, a third one grew and swelled to match the rest. I thought that I would finnaly get a break but I was wrong. Suddenly it felt like someone just flicked a switch as I suddenly felt my body change internaly. Before I could wonder why I felt something begin to form in my groin. Having the lower body of a mare, I still didn't think of this. I watched as two crotch boobs began to swell into existance behind my new pussy.  Then even more strangely a large pink sac began to form and four teats dangled from it. All of these new organs were small but then I finally realized what was missing. The breasts, the udder's. All of the things you need as a mother but one thing was missing. Milk. Then I felt it. I expected more pleasure but it didn't feel like that. It felt good but at the same time a feeling of contentment washed over me. I flopped down on the floor and the girls carried me onto the couch. I glanced in the mirror and noticed that Pam had done my hair up well. It was braided and put into one big ponytail topped off with a pink bow. I laid on the sofa and watched as my breasts and both sets of udders filled with more and more milk. I also noticed that my belly fat was gone. There was still a little bit of chubbyness but it looked natual on my curvy body. I shifted on the couch a bit and soon drifted off to sleep. I awoke suddenly but I was sure it was a dream. There was a large mare herm who had a fine pair of E-cups and a 3 foot long shaft which they shoved deep inside of me. It felt so vivid and real but I don't remeber much else. 

I awoke the next morning feeling sore. I attemted to sit up but something wouldnt let me. Thats when I noticed with a start just how big my tits had become. They were now a giant M-cup! I peeked under the blanket and saw my over engorged udder being squished between my legs. I spead them to allow it room to breathe and I let out a "M-mm-mooooooo." Then I reached down and fingered my passage. I began to pleasure myself and was surprised by how good it felt. "Uh, uh ah, yes." I was so lost I didn't notice Sophie sneaking up behind me. She carefully reached down and then grabbed my lower set of tits and began to rub some kind of cream on them. I melted in her touch. "AhhMmmmmmm-mmpph." Suddenly she covered my mouth and I glanced upward at her. She smiled and then mouthed. "Shhh." I nodded and let her finish rubbing the cream on me. Then she lifted me up and placed me on a special table that made room for my breasts as she laid me on my belly. She  rubbed more of the cream on my back and then began massaging me as I lay there. Her hands were nimble and soft. I could tell that she had done this before. After a while she flipped me back over and then told me to just rest and relax. She brought back a large device with hoses. I knew what it was instantly and she attached it to each of my breasts and she said my udders would be next. The machine turned on and then left. I lay there moaning constantly as the machine eagerly sucked at my milk. As I lay there being drained I wondered what it would feel like to have babies suck on their mothers milk. As this thought made itself prominent I began to rub my belly. Then I felt my belly gurgle. I stopped rubbing and looked at it. To my surprise it began to swell right before my eyes. It soon became a large globe that made me look like I was just about to give birth. I began to rub my belly again as motherly instints began to emerge in my mind. I switched off the machine and unhooked it. Then I stumbled onto the sofa and sat. A few minutes later I felt kicks. They grew in intensity and soon I felt my water break. Then I groaned as I strained. Then the first baby popped out. Soon it was one after the other until 8 babies were born. Being part stallion they quickly got thier bearings and began to stand and walk around. Soon one of them who was having trouble walking saw me and whinnied. The others soon began to surrond me and I knew what they wanted. I lifted each of them onto the couch and I laid down. In no time at all each of them were nursing from my breasts but some of them moved to my udders as well. I was enveloped in love and euphoria and at last I felt like this was were I belong. I knew deep inside that I would live a long happy life as a mother.


That's the end of it. Do not fear I will be writing more... eventually. Hope you all enjoy, leave a comment to tell me what you think. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks. :)......

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