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Fantasy meets Reality Chapter 3 Posted by: Shine at 03-22-2019 10:21 AM, Last Modified 03-22-2019 10:21 AM
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"Over there seems like a good place" said Cyden while pointing over towards a empty cave. "Umm... Cyden I honestly don't think that's a good idea" said Vipine. "Shut up you jewelry" shouted Cyfern "The princess knows best always". A shine rolled across Vipine as if he was rolling his eyes at what Cyfern said. They start walking towards it as they hear a dozen of horse feet clopping on the dirt, they hide in the bushes, watching carefully. "Alright that's thirty-two furs dead in this wagon" said a guard as five others started laughing. Cyden holds her mouth as if she were about to throw up from the sight and smell of the dead bloody furs. The guards start rolling on as more walk behind as to look of some hundred guards walking and following behind the other seven wagons with more and more bodies. Cyden having tears in her eyes from the sight of all this. "There, there Cyden, it'll all be ok as soon as we get back at these monsters" said Cyfern trying to comfort her. "Wow you actually are good for something, making her feel better" said Vipine "And i mean that as a compliment". Cyfern looked at Vipine angered at first and then smiled. They waited patiently as all the guards passed, with Cyden looking away so she don't get more saddened. The guards finally passed, and they ran to the cave as fast as they could. They reached the cave as they pant heavily. "Phew we made it... We are safe for now I hope" said Cyden. "We are safe for now" said Vipine. Cyden looks towards the back of the cave and sees a big pond of water. Vipine shines bright for them to see. "I wonder how deep it is" said Cyden. "No don't go in Cyden" said Cyfern in fright. "Thought you said the princess is always right" said Vipine in a smart remark "Anyways I can make it to where you two can breathe underwater, and while I'm underwater I will be generating enough power to do so". Cyden then motions Cyfern to turn around so she can get undressed for the water. Cyfern turns around as he is told to do so. Cyden finishes getting undressed, as she holds Vipine in her paw tightly "Come on Cyfern". Cyfern slips in the water as Vipine makes it to where they can breath underwater and as he shines brighter for them to see underwater. They swim further and further down in to the empty abyss of the cavish pond. Cyden spots something shining in a sparkle as she swims to it there comes a creature of weird shape charging at her with its sharp teeth. As it is getting ready to bite her she then releases another wave of the power she demonstrated earlier. The creature screeches and swims away from all three of them. Cyden swims closer to the shining object as she gets a vision in her head. “Don’t get too close to that Cyden, it could hurt you my dear” said a strange but familiar voice. It didn’t sound like her mother’s voice, no it sounded as if it were a male’s voice but she couldn’t think of whom it would be. Vipine then blocks Cyden from reaching the object and says “Do not touch that, it was the power of all kings past present and future. No one can handle that power, not even I could handle what is inside”. Cyden nods and swims away from it. They swim further upwards towards the other side of the cave water and reach the top. Cyden doesn't notice that the one jewel is hung on her foot. "Cyden hurry put your foot in the water now!" yelled Vipine in a frightened way. Cyden then jumps back into the water as her foot starts to burn, "OW! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" she'd cry. Cyfern then smacks the jewel off with a stick that he found in the cave. Cyden's foot stops burning as she lays down on the ground in pain still. "We should make a fire now" said Vipine. "Yes we should its getting colder by the minute" said Cyfern in a worried voice for Cyden. Cyden then crawls over closer to Cyfern to lay her sleepy head on his lap as he lights a fire. "What are you doing Cyden" said Cyfern "You do know you ain't suppose to lay on a lap of even mine right". "No, the humies I lived with said it was natural for me to, although I never saw them do so either" said Cyden as she fell asleep on Cyfern. "Vipine how do you explain this behavior of her?" says Cyfern. "Well I'd say it's what she is used to doing, even if it's strange" said Vipine. The fire finally lights and crackles. As the fire is warming up everyone Cyden wiggles around and wakes up, noticing that Cyfern is asleep laying at the front of the entrance as if he was guarding it before. "What was Cyfern doing Vipine?" said Cyden. "Well he got a bit uncomfortable with you on his lap and him not being able to protect you while you was doing so" said Vipine in a calming voice. Cyden then nods and falls back asleep. Cyden starts dreaming of the voice she heard in her head earlier that day, while they was swimming. She tries harder and harder to think of whom's voice that was but she can't tell, she knows it wasn't the man that took her in long ago. "Who could it be" she said in complete confusion. She wakes up with Cyfern trying to wake her up and says "Calm down Cyden. It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real" Cyden confused and the sun shining bright in her eyes. "I heard a voice last night, when we was swimming through the cave pond" she'd say "I couldn't figure out whom it belonged to but it sounded so familiar like I should know it" Cyfern the hugs her and tells her "Alright calm down princess, everything will be alright". "I know who it was that you heard" said Vipine "It was your father". "Not funny Vipine!" said Cyfern with disappointment. "It is no joke, I not only know every king past, present, and future, I can enter theirs and their families heads. I heard the same voice as Cyden did and it was indeed her father's voice that she heard but it was a memory that she had long ago when she was just an pup" said Vipine. Cyden then starts to get up and says "We need to get moving let's go back to the Fur Castle". "No they'll be looking for us!" said Cyfern. "Not really, for one they will be looking for us anywhere but there because they already was there and wouldn't think that any of the furs that escaped would return". "And that's why she is going to be the greatest ruler of all furs" said Vipine "It's because of your intelligence Cyden, that's why you'll be the greatest leader of all furs". As they finish talking, they begin walking back to the castle. "You know Vipine, you don't know everything!" said Cyfern as Vipine argues with him. "Shut up both of you"......

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