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Diary Events: The Masked One. Posted by: Driana Le Souris at 12-04-2016 01:19 AM, Last Modified 04-07-2017 17:05 PM
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Invisible Lines: Prologue  

Things that go black and white shouldn’t just be in comic books or a specific time in a timeline where we all fall to be forgotten. We are programmed within our society to be what we all loath. Perfection. Normality. Falling within the structures of a boundary where it is okay to fail however it is forbidden to stand out.

That’s how I met him.

No. No. No. That’s how I came to loath him from a distance, yet here I was watching constantly but to be more exact, the way he behaved in front of others. Distance was key but the dark lines that hid beneath his face and personality were what drew my attention.

Have you ever found that one perfect person who just ignites the veins of blood within your body on fire? What about that one perfect other half you simply run into and you suddenly want to rip off their clothes? It’s not about wanting a relationship or anything from that sudden stranger. No promises. No personal information. Just heated passion and a set of wet panties that’ll stick to the wrecked mound afterwards.

If you haven’t found that person... Be jealous. I guess you can say we had more than hot sex but easily something past primal. Predator and prey. I can still recall the tiny drops of sweat coalesced down every single curve of my body. The way my chest rose and fell each time. Yes, It wasn’t just one time. Going from nothing but a view to unknowing when he would walk in and be favored by the room itself. He wasn’t quite the lower class.. Even with the lowers welcomed to stand in the presence of those on top, it left room for the variation of species. Nothing was ever left for the imagination or even the wishing. Darkness was among the living but here.. It was.. Beauty.

It started happening every time I saw him. Every time I actually heard his voice... It achieved in making my heart pound against it’s boned cage underneath my very flesh, everything in me just wanted him to carve me up. There were many nights where I spent the time building anger and hatred towards this guy.

Easy fuck was the usual topic when gossip came and rotated around him. It wasn’t just that, there was often bad talk about this sexy beast that I dared call Pussy Boi. His reputation is how I came up with that nickname, “Pussy Boi.” No one knew better than myself how much he hated that name.

Now don’t let me get of myself- I remember each time I had to sit back and just watch him laugh or flirt about. Occasionally making a joke or two that was suited to appease the crowd, like it was important to laugh. He had his own way of standing out even when he wasn’t wanted by the ones above him. It wasn’t many in fact just my own group of friends. We were on top. No, I was on top.

He always had an edgy smile that was sometimes more than difficult to resist, even from a distance. It wasn’t bad at first, this watching and observing, until I started getting myself attached to this.. This person. I didn’t even know him!

There wasn’t a real introduction but I knew what his name was. Being on top had its privileges of knowing who was who except without it being high school. I eventually found myself lacking sleep and stalking the nights to run across his company from afar. Sometimes I’d feel jealous of the ones who had achieved in retrieving a caress or his words even. It was encouraged attention that I, myself, was starting to wish I had. It wasn’t about the attention of being on top or my group.. It was about having his attention specifically.  

Each of those stalked nights and encased jealousy.. Did in fact eventually lead me somewhere.. It let me straight to his bed.

Let me rewind just a little and start with the first time I masturbated at the actual thought of him. Using my fingers and a well constructed silicon fake cock to deliver pleasure in every worshiping manner within my mind. How could I ever betray myself within that form of pleasure? I’ll tell you how, I got to know him. It wasn’t sexual at first.

“Dear Pussy Boi…”

Chapter One: Eyes Like Yours

It only took twenty five years. Twenty five years of disappointment and failures with little aches or sparks of wanting something to live for. I guess I could be considered and colored surprise when I was looking into the large mirror. Staring back was the violet glow of my own eyes, but not of a girl who was lost. A woman I couldn’t even begin to recognize..

It wasn’t the first time I stared at myself in subtle admiration but I leaned closer watching the way those violet irises danced. The natural fullness of my eyes burned and fueled with a fire that had been dimmed for far too long. The transformation had started over the one I called Pussy Boi.

I guess that’s what also led me into the mess I am in now..

You know you’ve reached a certain point in your life when you find yourself reflecting back on the people you’ve partnered with; and eventually come to the conclusion.. This is exactly what I want and need. I reached that point when I started asking myself the most basic things..

Ever been in a position where you become the center of someone’s entertainment? Ever heard of collecting love letters? Maybe orgasms? Something that at any rate makes the dirty side of a person, well.. Interesting? What about a lesson? A precious achievement, maybe?

I did.. I learned what a foolish good-for-nothing attention seeking whore I was. Wanting and obsessing over him.. Obsessed in needing a taste from his own lips. Obsessed in needing a taste from his flesh. Obsessed in needing a taste of the very air he breathed. I was more than obsessed. I ached when he wasn’t around. I ached when he was around.

I slapped my hand hard against the mirror; everything began fading with the tears that surfaced. It always came to pain whenever he filled my thoughts. Yet, here I was betraying myself with such a shameful fantasy or was it really a fantasy? Everything became foreign as I tried to blink it away but I was reliving it all over again..

"No Mistah, Please, don't stop! Don't stop this time.... More.... More.... I need more.... Please Mistah..... I'm ..... I'm ......" My mouth fell open in a silent scream as I came. The silence of my orgasm echoed off the walls louder than the glistening cum coated dildo.

"Wow Puddin’,... You really are a nasty depraved little slut aren't you? How many times is that this week, even just today now that you've made yourself cum? Even with your ‘Mistah’ making you cum every day is it simply not enough, hm? How could anyone possibly love such a filthy whore with sinful demands..."

"Shut up" I screeched, knowing that I’d die from their taunting if those voices kept talking. I’d submit to every deceitful thing I shouldn't want; those deep dark desires I could never truly reveal. No one could know just how filthy and shameful I really was.

Betraying little shit my mind had become. It only grew worse when the fantasy had ended. I looked around the room. The light was blinding above me making everything hardly visible. It wasn’t just from the natural high either. I blinked several times before things became focused. Realization had set in, it wasn’t just as fantasy anymore but the voices weren’t as forgiving either. The nightmare was fully out in the open and I was at its mercy. I wasn’t the female looking in the mirror anymore. That had been the true fantasy.. The escape that salvaged my mind..

"Only because he doesn't know..." They coxed in my ear and I was suddenly trembling like prey to the beast. How could I ever forget? I ended up right here on the floor with my knees quivering with the only relief of looking at my own reflection against the one way mirrors. I was never allowed to see who the bidders were on the other side. Three large panels all facing my disgusting pleasure. Watching my every move and every single expression on my features for their disgusting selfish needs.

By the end of the night I was to go home with one of them. Outside of my own cold cage whilst fighting my battles between the goons on my shoulders. Male or female, wouldn’t really matter as long as their excited, pent up orgasms were met. The company holding me captive didn’t care what was done to my body. All they cared about was how much money they would make off of it.


The lady’s voice startled me enough to force a hiccup.

“Object item #1812 is here for your pleasure. The little show has ended now is time to look at the assets of your bids closer.”

“Uhh.. Miss.. What..” I started questioning as if they could actually hear me. The sudden tentacle like machines appeared from the floor,  inching back my steps in a rather pathetic attempt to escape. Lifting my foot up to kick the nearest aside hadn’t been enough as another latched to the foot I had been standing on. Struggling against each appendage in distress as I was spread and overpowered by each ghastly cold tentacle.

I was pressed up against each mirror in various humiliating positions to be examined. Each mirror held my orgasmic juices in one way or another. Often enough my face was smeared in it just to prove what a dirty whore I was. Perhaps it was punishment for attempting to kick at the machine. They controlled how I was stretched and the only thing I could do was squeeze my eyes shut and beg for the nightmare to end.

The sound of the announcer seemed so distant. I swallowed the moment the AC was turned on. They wanted to make me shiver with my nipples at their fullest hardened peak. Silence was fully granted until my panted breaths broke out. Peeking at my own tits instantly realizing my mistake. It was arousing, I could easily place down my own bet that those round melons were ready to be eaten up.

The voices started laughing and mocking at me. Shaking my head from side to side with a whimper. They made fun of how turned on I was by this. The dull throbbing ache of my clit told those voices everything. I needed to clench my thighs in hopes that no one else would notice but I was saved by the voice.

The first inspection was finally over with. Yet the new bidding war was about to commence now that they got their good look.

“He’ll kill you all!” I screamed at the room just as I busted into an empty laughter. The bidding lasted longer this time. I was worth the money because the voice came back up on the shitty speaker, that round two would begin shortly.  

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Driana Le Souris: Totes working on it guys. Give me time 3
Maddox: Holy.. Effin.. Fuck. Like Dri! Where all this writing skill coming from. Its amazing. I like the way your style has changed and grown from where it was when you first started. I cannot wait to read more of how you changed the original chapters and hopefully the new ones as well if there is more. I am so proud of you. I look forward to reading more. Dri! Dont keep us waiting girl. Your fans love you.
Mala: So very terrible. Stop it... Just kidding ... Dont xD
Driana Le Souris: Cause I am terrible??
Mala: Oh my.. Now being able to fully read this.. Itsso captivating and now need more. What will become of this character?? Ahh why yu do this?!?!
Driana Le Souris: I know.. I guess its a hit or miss? Its whatever.
Maddox: Adding more? Damn. I want a story like this tho. Always got a talent when showing that favoritism.

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