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Gray Files Posted by: Zuulass at 06-24-2016 02:16 AM, Last Modified 06-24-2016 04:39 AM
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Fizz, Male Russian Gray, 27 years old. He studied many things while being a detective like lockpicking, electronnics, photography, firearms, micro expressions. basically anything that would help him with the tasks he might have to do. This is a set of his early records

------ Febuary 12, 2559
------ Personal Note
   Ive started up my own dectective agency and am the only dectective, also got a room in the apartment next door, pretty nice. I bought a neon sign for the window of the agency, hopefully i can start getting clients soon, i dont have any money. Fizz Dectective agency, open for bussiness! Ill be keeping records of my cases and some personal notes for furture reference.

------ Febuary 20, 2559
------ Client - Pink Snake Women - Husband issues
   A snake slitherd her way on the 13th. We started talking and she thought her husband was cheating on her. Easy enough for a first job. I followed him for a few days and it was pretty open and close, he would visit a whore house every night and get it on with the ladies. i was nice and only charged her a small fee. She was happy to pay, hopefully the guy isnt there when she gets back. I dont want to talk to the cops.

------ Febuary 29, 2559
------ Client - Blue Fox Male - Theft
   A fox came in on the 24th, someone broke into his place and stole a family heirloom, a really expensive one. The cops wouldnt help because the fox was also a known theif, kinda funny. I agreed and started at his place for clues. The place was a mess but at least i only had to seach one room to find the a clue, a black feather. The fox didnt know any avains so this was a huge lead. I then went from crow neighborhood to raven neighborhood. Crows are always shifty so it was hard to know if they were quilty of anything or just being ... well shifty. Either way it was hard to overlook the heirloom sitting in the window of the house with a bird foot spray painted on the door with "Talon Territory!" on it. i knocked, no answer, the window was unlocked, in and out easy as that. I dont know who the Talon are, ill have to look into it.

------ March 8, 2559
------ Personal Note
   The Talon gang is a small gang of crows the seems to be growing quickly. They seem to deal in small crimes like theft and muggings. They also are trying to get into a protection type of thing, honestly thats the funniest thing ive heard, who the hell would want some scrawny ass bird as protection? ive got my revolver and so does anyone else whos smart. guns are real protection. on a side note ive been contacted by the police, they say they want me to look into something. great, exactly what i didnt want.

------ March 21, 2559
------ Client - Cops - Bullshit
   Well they pretty much would have shut me down if i didnt agree, so there i was standing over the dead body of the fox i helped last month. The slash marks where similar to talon marks. Apparently the cops didnt even know about the Talon gang so i filled them in with what i knew, damn i hate talking to cops. Something was off though, normally they write things down when they get new info. When i told them what i knew about the Talons they just shruged it off. Its too early for corrupt cops.

------ March 29, 2559
------ Client - Red dog male - Asshole boss
   So this dog nearly rips off my door growling, after cooling off for a second he told me he needs me to get dirt on his boss. Now this would have been easy if it was a normal job but this dog works a government job. Not all detectives get to say they got to do some Jame Bark stuff but i dooo. oh man it was so awesome, i was tailing the guy in my car for a good while, then followed him into that same whore house that snake guy went into, turns out the whore house was being used by a few criminal heads and that guy was working with them. i snapped a few pictures and even got a few of the documents out of the trash. why the hell would they just throw away this stuff it was gold. large spending on illegal drugs, firearms, and documents. I gave the pictures and files to the dog and he looked like he died inside, didnt know what to say, he just put one grand on my desk and ran out. one grand.

------ April 10, 2559
------ Personal Note
   So im coverd for a while because of that dog, i got my revolver worked on so now its lot smoother and i cleaned up the place so now i look professional. I still had a shit ton of money so i bought a few of those "thing" for dumb people books, i like being a jack of all trades. rent is only 150$ a month because there is only two rooms and electricity so i need to save some. While i was with those cops they did hand over a few cold cases to me, said they would pay if i found out anything, i could look into those inbetween new jo-
   Someone threw a brick though my window, there was a talon spray painted on it.

------ April 16, 2559
------ Client - Crow female - Gang involvement
   When the crow lady walked in i put my hand on my revolver, luckily the revolver was on my right side and she was left of me so she didnt see. She told me she thought her son was getting into trouble and "hanging out with the wrong kids". I jumped in and implied that maybe he was thinking of joining the Talons and she got pissed. The things she said she would do to his ass i wouldnt wish on any kid. Either way this was an reason to go investigate them. I recently bought some binoculars so i dont have to get so close to my targets, being a cat i have good night sight so that was a bonus. i was tailing this kid for a while, he kept taking weird turns and such. eventually he walked up to a door in an ally and knocked on it, sure enough when the door opened i saw the Talon spray painted on the door. thats all i needed to see so i fled back to the office. today i told her about where her son went last night and sure enough, she got pissed, payed, and stormed out. i stalked a kid for money.

------ April 25, 2559
------ Cold case
   I was looking through the cold cases and something clicked. There was a murder back in 2551 with talon marks all over the body, a robbery in 2548 of a big jewlry store, and lastly there was a police shoot out with a group of crows and niether side took any hits. I feel like these went cold on purpose but why would that cop give me these? ill look into it more later, i need more coffee annnnd somone walked in

------ June 25, 2559
------ Client - Lightish Red Vixen - Jumble fuck
   Where the fuck to begin with this ... two months of my life lost due to a jumble fuck of things happening. So to start, this Vixen walks in as im writing about those cold cases and she demands i look into this conspiracy threoy of hers. like the Talon are conspiracy enough and now i have to look into something that might now even be a thing. so she wants me to look into "The knappers" which means kidnappers or something. she had files and told me to start looking into this coffee shop, so every day i would stop by and get some coffee, chill for a while and leave after a few hours. luckily she paid in advance, rent is important. so as im drinking coffee one day i notice this guy walk in, briefcase in paw and close to his side. he walks up to the clerk and she points to the back. so it turns out she wasnt super crazy, but then it gets weird. I slip in after hours, no cameras so i dont have to wear my half mask on for long. i walk around and to the back of the store to this locked metal door. this door was like ice, lockpicking it was torture. when i get in there all i see are breifcases of all sizes neatly laid out on shelves, the room it self is like a freezer. the only thing to look at was the breifcases so i opened one up and bam, a fucking heart. sufice it to say i got the fuck out. the next day i went by and the entire place was cleaned out and closed down. i gave what i found to the lady and she was just nothing but happy. crazy bitch.

------ July 17, 2559
------ Client - Crow Male - Talon Takedown
   Well this was a surprise, for the last few weeks ive been working with cops on those cold cases and linking them to now known Talon activity. my office was looking pretty nice until all this, so much paperwork. so we worked out that everything was happening in a mile radius of that door i found, which the cops didnt know anything about, finally. so we set up a a date for the bust or something and there i was July 4, 2559. i was stadning outside a Talon hideout with swat infront of me. i wish i would of had taken pictures, the looks on their drunken faces when we blasted down that door oh god it was funny. after a short while of shooting at each other and me taking one out but also taking a hit in the arm we pushed it and arrested them all. turns out the Talon were actually like the mafia or something. the cops were just keeping those cases cold so they could build up evidance and such. i got a good pay and even went to the departments july 4th party. they paid a good amount like im set for a few months. which is a good thing, i noticed a door the cops missed while looking around the talon hideout, im going to check it out soon.

--------- to be continued ----------......

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Zuulass: this was boring to write and read, it was a lot better in my head shrugs

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