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Chewy: I Dream Of Destruction Chapter 1 Posted by: Musica Wolfsbane at 01-06-2016 12:59 PM, Last Modified 01-06-2016 13:02 PM
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*Ding Ding, the bell rung* "It's time to go already...," I thought to myself, "I better get up, and move." Every day the school bells at 5:45am, and like every day, I have to rush to school, which I do not really care for. "Morning Chewy... Good to see you trying to make it to school," my mother said with that encouraging face every day, "I know you are going to make it this time." "Thanks mom." "And I am going to be late coming home from work so after school I want you to go to your dad's workplace, and be mindful of him, ok." "Yes mama, bye!" I rushed to school (with hope) to make a chance to arrive on time. "If I am late again, Ms. Milo will finally send me away to the principal's office," I spoke to myself. "So chewy... you think you will make it to school...," A sore voice spoke, "Shadow, freeze!" A shadow appeared locking me in place as it crawled under my feet, "Not on my watch..." "Leon, let me go," I told him, Leon is the most annoying boy in my classroom, because he has a simple shadow control spell, he think he is the greatest magic caster in Elva. "I'll keep you here for awhile," Leon smiled, "If you are here, you will never make it to school in time." I shook trying to get from his shadow's grip, "What do you have against me Leon, I don't do anything to you!" His shadow started to move uncontrollably, "Leon, leave Chewy alone," another voice appeared, "Mind break!" Leon held his head as if he was a mad man, "AHHHHH, Release," the shadow lost its grip and let go, "You haven't heard the last of me Chewy, Shadow teleport!" "Thanks Razz, I can always count on you," I thanked Razz, my friend since my first year at Elva Elementary, "Come on Chewy, we can still make it on time." We planted our feet in racing position, "Ready, Set, And Go!"

We ran wildly to the school, "I'll beat you this time Chewy." "You wish," I said as we smashed into the dirt with our paws, crashing into trees, evading trashcans and throwing each other out of the way. I made it to school, "Yes, we made it! But I totally beat you Chewy," *Dong Dong, the second bell rung (And right on time)* "Class, take your seats, we are about to start," Ms. Milo demanded. Ms. Milo was the meanest ox in all of Elva. Legends, or eighth graders, say that Milo's husband faked his death just to get away from her (That does make reason for why she is so sour). I sat at my desk, full of chewed gum (meaning no one EVER cleans these desks), to my left Leon, and to the right, a stone wall thick enough to get out of this classroom, to the lunch field. "Today we will be observing one of the hardest alchemist equations in Elva." When you get to know Ms. Milo, she always randomly calls someone in the classroom, "Leon, a Blare's nail plus a Xavier horn makes a Haiver potion, true or false? If false, what am I missing and what will happen without that ingredient? After 30 seconds, Freelance answer will be enabled, so make your answer." "Ummmm," Leon hesitated, "Come on... we know about this Leon, we learned about this last Friday!" "That's easy, she forgot the sap marrow," I thought to myself during the 30 seconds, "Freelance enabled..." I raised my hand in excitement as I answered, "The ingredient you are missing is sap marrow from a LeoMars' bone marrow, and without it your potion will become a poisonous potion, which makes your body slower than a snail." "Ma-ma-magnificent, you know the source of the ingredient also, excellent work Chewy," Ms. Milo says in happiness, "I don't care about my sad life; students like you always make my day... AND also Leon I want to see you after class!" (Leon Whispering): "I knew that answer, you goody no-shoes." I only do not wear shoes because me being a fighter, it keeps me on my paws; shoes only get in my way. When I came to Elva Elementary two years, I was different because I had no shoes, until I found Razz, an 8 year old whom shared the same belief, training in the forest. "You don't wears shoes either," that was the first words he ever spoke, afterward to became best of friends because of that feature, our liberated paws representing our freedom to fight. Afterwards, the hardest part of two fighters becoming friends, we fought until both of us almost lost our minds. Both of our lust to test for the strongest male persuades us to fight, but only to see that we both lost. We have been friends ever since that day... *Ding Dong, the two bells sounds mixed* "Finally, it's time to eat, I'm starving!" (Leon coughed "Fat hog!") "Firstly, Leon, I am a Gama Wolf, not a hog, unlike you, the arrogant con artist fox." I walked along Razz as we walked outside where the food awaited to be eaten, "I'm so hungry I can eat a whole cow," a cow ran from me as we passed by his table, "It is a expression!" "Chewy Halris and Razz Markus, great to see you two again," said Dassin, our school's greatest catering chef, whom has the best Maxter in all of Elva, looking everyday like a clean moose unlike other chefs in Elva, "What will ya'll have?" "Can I have your best bowl of Maxter," I asked in urgency, "And for me... give me the Basil Maxter with extra noodles, please." Before we could even sit down, Dassin was ready the Maxter, "Come and get it" He said as we picked up the warm bowls of noodles and sugar steak, "Thanks Dassin, we can always depend on you. How much for the meal?" "No cost, it's on the house...," Dassin said with a smile across his face. "Bet I can eat my Maxter before, you finish yours," Razz said as I responded, "You're on!" I rushed through my Maxter as Razz splashed his face into his. *Dong Ding, the bell signaled our next* "Recess everyone!" Kids were playing, swinging on swings, playing dodge ball, and sparring for fun. "So Razz what do you want to do? Dodge ball? Soccer? Swings?" I sat there wondering what we were going to do. Razz looked around and saw, at his interest, a tournament, in better inference, a co operational tournament, "That, that, I want to do the tournament, we can beat everyone in our way," Razz begged like a dog, "Sure, let us go!" We ran to the training field where we registered for the event right in the opening time for the event.

"Welcome to the Elva Elementary Co operational Tournament! This Tournament is a two round match for who will fight last year's winner duo, Leon and Flare Vex!" The Host gave Razz and I both each one-spell book and told us both to step in the center of the arena. Round One, Yamani and Harry versus Chewy and Razz!" My stomach was filled with uneasy butterflies, "Don't worry Chewy, and just remember, focus your heart to cast your spell," Razz said to calm me down, "Right... You ready?" "Begin!" Harry casts ice blur, ice filled the ground, "Razz, what to do," I asked in hopes that he has the answer, "Use your heart!" I stared into fear, unable to cast a spell, "Come on Chewy, get you head out of the sand and focus," Razz Shouted, "Sorry Razz but your friend is scared of everything!" In rage I focused and visualed the attack in my mind, "Fire spin, wheels of heat," a ring of heat casted around the arena. "Go Chewy," Razz cheered from the sidelines while Yamani crazily yelled, "Focus Harry!" "Artic Leaf, Icy Wind," a wild wind spirals Razz and Yamani into the area, "Psycho, Memory freeze!" Both Harry and Yamani froze in demand of Razz's spell, "These are only low class opponents..., Razz said disappointed, "Time to finish this, Razz, Doubled Back breastplate!" Razz raced to my side in the center of the arena, "Ready, Locust kick," Razz wildly kicked Harry with great might guarding him, "Gray Mountain control, Gigantic Rock quake, Final Product, Doubled Back breastplate!" I crushed Razz with the rock, molding his body into the stone, "Chewy, suit up!" I placed my back upon Razz's boulder body armor, incasing myself into the back of Razz and the Stone armor, "Stone, True Earth Spring," the ground sprung both Yamani and Harry along with us, "Stone Melee: Quake Barrage!" As we casted that melee, I remembered that last time we used this spell, we agreed in order to defeat two opponents at the same time; if not we will be brutally damaged, we must split into two individual stone armors, "Split!" In union, we both proclaimed these words of great power, in union we spoke, "Stone Melee: Quake Barrage!"

A splash of rock cascaded as we smashed Yamani and Harry 3 feet within the arena (It was maybe deeper when we got to the ground, releasing the armor as we fell upon the backs out of opponents, landing in victory and hurt, "We did it!" "Both Yamani and Harry are unable to fight, Chewy and Razz win!" (Leon whispers to himself): "I underestimated their power, it seem that they have a great relation that increases their power... I must rethink my strategy..." "Round Two: Chewy and Razz versus Doma and Flagam!" "We can do this dude! Let's get them" "Begin!" "Fire: Blaze Mark," an igneous of fire burned both Doma and Flagam, "Are you ready you two?" "Bring it," Razz spoke bravery, "Ice: Clear," a dome of ice captured them as we closely found that they are fading into the ice, "Metro: Metamorphic Gene," Doma and Flagam flashed together, "We are the product of power, we are Flagdoam!" "Chewy, remember the weakness of a Metamorphic fusion," I thought about the answer and responded, "Plasma!" "Defect, Hot Mind," Razz casted a defect spell, which by far, is Razz's personal specialty, "I am your mind, and I'm getting hot... I am burning up!" Flagdoam stopped, and started to move as if on fire, "I'm melting!" The meta-duo is beat by a meltdown (and it was super effective!) "Winners are Chewy and Razz, Congratulations!" I looked over to Leon, "You better be ready!" *Point two fingers at my eyes then at Leon's eyes,* "I'll be watching you Conney" I looked at Razz, grasping his arm as if I was going to faint from fear or overuse of my energy, "Chewy stand up dude, we are almost finished." "Final Round: Chewy and Razz versus Leon and Flare Vex! Begin!"

I targeted for Leon only, but Flare was determined to keep him far from me, "Shadow, Grab and Fling," like before Leon casted that shadow, I rushed backwards, knowing that the shadow won't work unless it was under my feet, "Ice, True Freeze," I blew ice from my mouth, freeze the shadow in its tracks. I felt great, "Hey Razz, you got Blaze yet?" I rushed to Razz's side, looking what Blaze had in store, "Burning: Corpse memory," a spear of bones leveled from the fire, "Chewy, time for our next combo," Razz said with the combination signal, "Right, Ice Magic: Glacier Needles, "Razz casted Maze, his foreign spell that has a special effect... "You two fight with heart, but the Blazon will show you the way outside the ring," Blaze proclaimed while Razz smiled, "Release!" The bone zombie giant screamed and screeched as it is lifted in the air. "Ice magic: Spear rain, Final product: Glacier Needles," the spears pours into a hurricane, smashing the spears together. "RHHHHH," the bone zombie fell as the glaciers smashed into each other like a hammer and nail multiple times. Tons of glacier spears battled with the corpse as if they were opponents, delivering the final attacks to stop it in its tracks. Leon laughed as he spoke, "It seems you haven't seen my special trick, Shadow Control: Rebirth!" The sack of defeated bones started to move once again, but this time in a hellish black aura, "Let's see if you can survive my trump card, The LeoBlaze!" Razz and I had to think of how we can defeat this monster AND defeat Blaze, however, Blaze, the one, whom we thought was still standing was nowhere to be found. We looked around for him only to find a sinister plan going in place, "You are witnessing the spell that has a history of helping me to keep the championship for 4 years straight, the only way you can defeat it by finding its creator!" Razz and I thought of where Blaze could be while we dodged the bone sword, for he is the only way to the defeat the black giant, "Good luck looking for him, but check out my new trick." The aura started to grow and move towards us as spikes, "Run Chewy RUN," Razz supposed as he also moved.

We moved behind the monstrous automaton, and to our surprise, we saw strings connected to both Leon and Blaze, "HEY! You poser, you are draining your teammate's energy to control your puppet! You're a fake," Razz made a face that was less than what we expected; "Now for my true spell, Shadow clone Jutsu!" Leon was surprised when he saw multiples of Razz and I, "How did you!" Razz, all similar, walked towards him, "I knew shadow magic since my father taught me...," Razz smiled, "I wanted to show you this for years. Ice burst: Sub-Zero!" From Razz's feet came a sea of frost, finally freezing the shadow leviathan, "Chewy, do what I do!" Razz created a Fire sword and I thought about what move he was going to do, "You sure we can perform this move, we haven't practiced on this but only once...," I said while making the sword, "Yeah, we can do this! Clones deploy!" The clones started to perform different spells, each important to the technique we are about to perform. The clones got the co artist in the air along with the oversized shadow corpse, "Icy Fire: Fiche," the icy fire blend created matter air, keeping both the corpse giant and Leon in the air for approximately 20 second, "Stone: Double Back Breastplate, Stone Melee: Quad-Quake Barrage!" I stood holding the ice sword until Razz moved, which, of course, I knew what the spell was about, I put my back to Razz's, knowing this Melee spell will be the end to Leon's winning streak. I launched myself, same as Razz, to Leon and LeoBlaze, making in the final move, "Heaven's Breath: RaChewzzy," a behemoth quake shook Elva as Razz and I threw our swords into Goliath's infernal heart. "Rhhhhhh," the gigas corpses screamed, a burst of fire blew both Razz and I halfway into the field, "Clones, slingshot," Razz commanded. The clones reacted with fast reflexes and stylish speed, flinging us back onto the field. I ran unto the chest Leon, whispering, and "Never judge yourself, EVER, as a god again!"" Ladies and Gentlemen, we have new champions, Chewy and Razz!" *Razz whispers into host's ear,* "Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, Chewy and Razz changed their team name into RaChewzzy! Give it up for RaChewzzy!" Both Razz and I took a bow until a light covered the opponents we defeated, "After a tournament your ailments are then full healed," Razz said, "We did amazing, but we will have to have a greater combination." *Clap Clap, Leon clapped for us, looking envious,* "You haven't seen the last of me," Leon said refusing to be healed, "My Determination will come from these deathly wounds." Leon faded into a shadow, Blaze turned into a pile of bugs and dirt "Um, Razz did you know what just happened," I asked Razz as he answered, "I wish I can tell you dude..." *Ding-a-Ling, the bells turned completely into one* "I guess it's time to go home, bye Razz" I said quickly, "Bye Chewy, see you tomorrow!" I waved bye to him and left school.......

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