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/:\ The A.D.F. Files /:\ midnight snack. Posted by: /A.D.F. Knives at 12-20-2013 09:51 AM, Last Modified 12-29-2013 18:19 PM
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The bed squeeled it seemed,but it was just the old steel bolts that are on the rusted iron bunk bed, able to fall anytime it wanted to. It was loud enough to wake the mech worker Knives. The only light in the room was the dark orange of the slowly dying from the thermal lights, illuminating some items. A woven basket with a harsh smell of a hard day's work in an auto repair facility, the brown steel-toed boots of the comms officer below the bunks, and to knives's surprise, another pair of boots that are standing up, calling for knives figuratively.
Knives slowly sighed, being as quiet as possible. Knives slowly sat up, now in like a "cannonball" pose looking around the quiet room. Observing every moment and smell, like the shifting of a sleeping scientist, the smell of sweat and warm stale air. Knives slowly prones and grabs a ladder handle to pull himself to the freezing iron ladder of the bunk bed. He now climbs down the
Ladder, every step makes a screeching noise until he reaches the ground. Fuddling with the cloths basket, and now wearing the dirty apparel , the heavy steel-toed boots click and clack as he approaches the door...

He opens the door, letting out bright white light in the bedroom quarters until he shuts the door, letting out a sigh of relief. Like everyday, this was his another normal day to work. "Another day... another victory...", knives mumbled under his breath. The hallway was different today in the bunker, broken lights littered the ground and bursts of lights every couple moments lead knives into curiosity. So he followed the broken lights, sparks flying in his face and cracks of glass every step he took.
He reached the end, a metal door with blood tracings on the indented handle and on the padlock. Why isn't anybody seeing this but him, there is many midnight military police guarding the long corridors of the Moac!?
Knives opened the door. The room was a dark red, that was coming from a dark figure in the corner, it was a blinking light. "Hello?!" Knives called out to the figure, "who are you!?". The figure walked closer, now seeing the exact color of my fur on it. Every step it took it resembled knives, his posture, height, and body was the same for atleast one part... his metal red lenses for an eye. There was blood dripping from it's mouth and hands, knives shivered with fear. Knives looked down at his own body, seeing that the "oil stains" were blood red.
The figure smiled, maniacally laughing. Knives shivered in fear, nothing to do but run, so he took the chance. Knives swung open the door, now sprinting back to the bedroom quarter, every footstep revealed a tread of blood. The door is now right in front of knives, he opened it quickly, slamming it shut behind him and looking around the room. It was dead silence. Knives fuddled through his pocket for a flashlight, pulling out a key chain flashlight, the LED lights were bright enough to see 3 feet in front of my peripheral sight. Seeing puddles of warm blood, and the corpse of the comms officer, half his body missed most of its brain and chest. Knives was horrified of the view, but he also wanted to taste the sweet flesh of the officer. There was a shifting around the room, like a heard of slimy footsteps was approaching. he shined his flashlight over to see more corpses, but that are actualy reanimated. They huddled around him (including the comms office), and embraced knives.

Wakes up, screaming with sweat trickling down his temple.......

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