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Mitne - His story in dates. Posted by: Mitne at 10-19-2015 06:56 AM, Last Modified 12-12-2015 01:22 AM
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Mitne Godlewski (1995 - 2055)

2 march 1995: Known date of birth as human. He was born in unknown hospital in Poland.
1995-2015: Moments in life of Mitne which are not known in history and which were later erased from Mitne memory.
2015: Meteorite strike Earth. It sends mystical wave across whole planet which alters DNA of humans and animals living on it. Mitne is one of directly affected - his DNA becomes mix of lizard, bird and human one - he is one of Earth dragons. Mitne lose also memory because of such gigantic DNA alternation.
2015-2025: Time in which Mitne had no political power. Polish streets were ruled by anarchy in some places and in other by tyranny of "democratic" law. There was clear allowance to treat DNA altered as sub-humans. Mitne lives as homeless dragon on streets, growing both tired and frustrated on current situation.
2025: Mitne creates political party from his own initiative which is named "Crown coalition of Polish wings". It's clearly monarchic political party.
2025-2028: "Crown coalition of Polish wings" gains serious support over time - Mitne ideas about absolute monarchy, traditional ways of rule and interpersonal dialogue between goverment and people bring something new to political sphere of Poland. 
2028: Mitne wins president elections and becomes president of Poland. His party also wins majority in parliament elections, as well as prime minister elections are won by his party candidate. With his party in rule - Mitne proclaim Poland to be absolute monarchy with him as head of it called King. Kingdom of Poland is represented by King which got 100 advisors called "Council of Royal Advisors" and are representative of people in certain subjects of politics.
2028-2030: Massive reformation and modernization - fusion of police and military and creation of W.E.D. (Wyvern Earth Defence).
2030-2035: Funds puts in reformation and modernization starts to pay back. W.E.D. becomes the most advanced army in the world. Technology level of Poland outgrow this of Japan and USA in some subjects.
2035-2036: War with Russia in response for occupation and they try of Balkan States annexation along with Ukraine and Belarus. Russian military although advanced is suprised by attack and is quickly overthrown. Mitne army drives them back to Moscow and retreats to Balkan States, securing free elections there. Balkan States, Ukraine and Russia are restored. Poland and it rulers gains in eyes of international community.
2036-2037: Times of peace for Poland. Poland becomes closer and closer every day to hitting it new golden age.
2037-2039: War with USA. USA thinks Poland is potential threat for stability of their nation and world. Real reasons are unknown. Poland is first in defense for few months but then comes into active attack at european countries in which USA had their bases in temporarly for war (Germany, France, UK). War becomes multi-national and almost becomes new World War. Poland stabilize situation by sudden invasion of USA from Asia (Poland creates secret bases at Asia). USA surrenders, overhelmed by attacker and withdraws it forces from Europe back to USA. Mitne decide to stop invasion of USA. Poland creates it sphere of "love and hate" because of this war. 
2039-2041: Peace times for Poland. WED recovers from war. 
2041-2043: Mitne starts special secret campaign of his and creates WED base in Lebanon. From there he creates arabic section of WED and stabilize Middle East. Whole operation is leaked out when it ends which force Mitne to leave Middle East, back to Poland. Mitne becomes more sure of himself and his cause.
2043-2045: Mitne rest in his glory. Poland grow greatly on international arena, Mitne shows how good politic he really is.
2045-2047: Special action for whole Africa done by Poland. Mitne invest in Africa - he wants to help fight with corruption and poverty. His actions eventually lead Africa from stagnation and make him allies out there.
2047-2055: Mitne deals with economical crisis sucessfully. Everyday citizen of Poland don't feel it effects at all.
2055: Poland becomes offical superpower and hits it golden age because of it. Poland also have it own sphere of influence in whole Europe, Middle East and Africa. Poland have great future ahead of itself...

Mitne Godlewski (2055 - 2495)

2055: "Cult of Satan" raises on Earth... Mitne which aren't user of magic needs to face the biggest evil known to Earth. Mitne succesfully foresee consequences of "Cult of Satan" and all occultists and quickly banishes them and throw out all their members from Poland. Mitne worries becomes truth, demons overhelm all nations of Earth. Mitne is forced at war with Anti-Christ and Satan himself - hellish army occupy all nations and eventually starts to occupy each territory of Poland. WED and allied armies fall back to Warsaw where they planned last stand. Poland and survivors from other country (Army had 55 milions of soldiers - many of them civilians) faced off there army 10 times greater than population of whole Earth. This was true test for Mitne. At some moment in battle where "United Army of Earth" greatly losed, Mitne had to face off Anti-Christ... he succesfully killed him but then... Satan attacked him. He lost his live and big fight with Satan for his own soul, thanks to never discovered light power within him collected from all his deeds - he won... and become deity, joining his soul within his body - becoming what you see right here. Mitne banish and destroy all demons and after event called "Second Miracle at Vistula". Mitne was reported dead in battle and was called "Hero of Earth" after this although his body was never found. Some found "Cult of Mitne" after seeing what he did in battle. Mitne though... hided himself in space and fleed from Earth after deed, scared of consequences if he continued to rule after what he became. He didn't abandon Earth though. He observed it... just secretly and for they own sake. He traveled space and learned what it meant to be god... 
2200: Mitne creates Light City (big flying in space city, constructed using advanced science so any mortal and immortal may live within it boundaries - place where his new palace is and which is center of Light and new Heaven) after winning with other corrupted Light Gods and claiming his total dominance as only Light God - creation of White Dragons(Called also Angel Dragons, heirs of Golden Dragons).
2250: Mitne meets Mother Earth. He falls in love in her and not much later, ask for her hand, wanting her to become his only consort.
2495: Mitne beats all known gods and becomes omnipotent. He was now, not only king. He was deity. God of Light, Father Light(Only because of marriage with Mother Earth), Leader of White Dragons. Along with Mother Nature, he is One and Only, the most powerful being in universe. Long live the King! Long live the God!......

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