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Burning Love Posted by: Hopeless Romantic at 05-23-2015 01:42 AM, Last Modified 05-23-2015 01:42 AM
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I swung my axe down and cut the log in two. Silently cursing the scars that covered my torso, I picked up the two halves and stacked them along the cave entrance with the rest. It has been three years since I moved here, this nameless volcano on Jemstone Isle in the Regama's region, and it has been a blessed peaceful three years, with just me and... Phoenix. I sighed lovingly, thinking about the ONLY charizard I wasn't scarred completely shitless of.
I slowly roused myself from sleep, stretching and yawning as I woke. I stopped suddenly remembering I slept besides Lucifer last night. I was slowly turning my head to where was laying, when I heard the sound of wood being cut. With a great sigh of relief, I finished stretching my 'shiny' body and got off of Lucifer's nest.
"Lucifer! You out there?!" I called as I moved to the cave entrance. I am able to speak English fairly well, and Lucifer can understand pokespeach.
"Aye, I'll be back inside shortly." His voice came back shortly before I was outside.
I looked over to where he called from and shuddered. His upper body was exposed, revealing his well-formed back with all its scars. His short snowy white hair was in a mess, not surprising as he doesn't fix it unless I ask him, hid his cute small ears. His arms raised, axe in hand, causing that lovely back to flex as his strong, muscular arms brought down the axe on to the log, cleaving it in two with one hit. He released the axe and bent down to retrieve the wood, giving me a fair view of his rather sexy ass...
I shook my head and wiped my mouth before he turned around. When he did and saw me he smiled, his pale silvery-blue eyes looking into mine, I suppressed another shiver.
"I WILL ask him today." I told myself.
"Morning Phoenix, sleep okay?" He chuckled in amusement, and started towards me, dropping the wood on the pile.
"Very well," I couldn't help but blush as I smiled, then frowned, "how was your... Morning?"
"Surprising if you'd believe it." His smile shrank but remained, I swallowed.
"Errrr, sorry if I scared you Lucifer it's just that..." I stopped, not really sure how to respond.
I laughed at Phoenix’s worry.
"Phoenix, we've been friends for almost ten years now, I may still be afraid of you, but our friendship, love and trust has nearly completely overridden my fear," I looked into her ruby red eyes, "relax a little."
She looked into my eyes, yipped, then grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug... in reflex, my pulse skyrocketed, I went rigid, and broke in a cold sweat. Phoenix noticed and started to slowly release me, but I quickly returned the hug and held her tight, despite my instinctual fear. Phoenix hesitated, then relaxed with a long sigh. We remained that way for a while, when Phoenix suddenly asked,
"Lucifer... can we go inside, there's... something I need to talk to you about."
"Of course." I broke the hug, and led her into our home, holding her hand the whole way.
Lucifer led the way to the only seat inside, his nest. We sat down and he faced me and waited. I watched him nervously, unsure how to start. Soon I began to take in his gorgeous body. His handsome face, with its own cuts and scratches as well as those beautiful eyes. His strong hard chest and stomach, criss crossed with hundreds of scars, looked like a mural to me, of course, I was turned on by all his scars. I lowered my gaze down past that delectable eight pack of his to his powerful legs, warp in those old, worn jeans.
Lucifer went rigid suddenly. I darted my head up and watched his face, which had gone pale. As he sniffed the air I opened my eyes wide as I realized I was aroused and releasing my sent. I blushed and turned away from him and looked down.
"Ph... Ph... Phoenix." He stammered, his voice full of caution and... fear. I slowly turned my head to him, trying not to cry.
"Lucifer, please, don't be afraid... I'm not going to hurt you." I felt my tears start to fall. Lucifer, hesitantly reached out and brushed them away.
"You're in heat?" He asked calmly, but his body was shaking, and his eyes showed a mixture of fear and concern.
"N...no I'm... Interested..." I turned away slightly.
"Interested? Interested in what?" Again, calmly. I hesitated before answering.
"... You..." I bit my lip as I tried to find a way to say this without terrifying him.
"M... me? Wh... what do y... you mean." He stammered and started to retract his hand. I grabbed it and looked into those lovely eyes.
"Lucifer... I...I... would...would you..." I swallowed then blurted, "WOULDYOUBEMYMATE!" And with that I released his hand and buried my face into mine.
We sat there in silence for a time. I began to fear I brought back his dark past.
I sat there, stunned. Here before me, sexually aroused by me, was the one charizard who, despite my fear for them, I loved with all my heart. I started to smile, she loved me back as much as I did her, she even asked to be my... my…
I closed my eyes and thought back to my past, before I met her... before I was free. I forced myself to open those dark memories I locked away, memories of my childhood. When I opened them, she, my soon to be mate, was looking at me.
"Oh Lucifer please forgive me." she sobbed, and started to rise to leave. Only to be stopped by me grabbing her beautiful black tail.
"L…Lucifer..." I quickly pulled on her tail as I rose, causing her to stumble into my open arms. I held her tight then with one hand grabbed her head and kissed her fully and passionately on the mouth.
"Oh... Arceus please…" I moaned as his human tongue explored my mouth, and his lips caressed mine. I returned his embrace and started to battle his tongue with mine. Finally, he pulled back and gasped for air, I merely breathed heavily. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Does that answer your question," He slowly leaned closer and whispered into my ear, "my lovely mate?"
"OH BLESS YOU ARCEUS!" I divided my head at him and kissed him as he had me. We fell onto his padded nest, he on his back and me resting on top of him. His hands rubbed my back and slowly moved down to my tail, then he suddenly shivered, and not from pleasure.
I retreated from the kiss and looked down at him. He was gasping as he smiled, eyes full of love, but he shivered again.
"Phoenix? What's wrong?" His face became full of worry.
"You tell me, you're shaking." I started to rise. His hands and arms locked and prevented me from getting off him.
"Sorry my love," he sighed, "I opened up some memories so I can do this right."
"You mean..." I couldn't finish.
"Aye," he raised slightly and lovingly kissed my long black neck, sending shudders down my body. "I plan on ensuring you the best I have to offer."
I moaned in ecstasy as Lucifer ran his hands along all of the more sensitive scales on my back and neck as he continued to kiss my neck. I couldn't help but to start humping him as he worked, I heard him chuckle at this.
"Roll onto your back." He said lovingly, kissing my lower jaw.
I complied without hesitation, after all, he DID know what he was doing. His hands moved to my chest and stomach, rubbing all the right places, as he touched his lips to mine, tong begging for mine. I returned the kiss and brought my claws to his back, gently rubbing him. As our tongues danced, his right hand slid lower and lower, till it rested on my entrance. I gasped and shivered in pleasure, but Lucifer winced and froze.
"Ph-Phoenix." His voice was shaky and contained a hint of fear. Immediately I knew what happened.
"Oh Lucifer! I'm so sorry!" I carefully move my bloody claws from his back and cry slightly.
I felt my blood slowly spill from the holes in my back, but I didn't care. I quickly returned to kissing Phoenix's neck to try and calm her.
"Phoenix, please calm yourself."
"N...no, I hurt you when I promised I would-?!" I interrupted her with a lick from the center of the base of her neck to about halfway up.
"Trust me my love, it's your natural response to this." I started moving my left hand along her chest again while slowly tracing her sex with the fingers of my right. She moaned and closed her ruby eyes, but refused to return her claws to my body.
"L...Lucifer..." she slowly opened her eyes and stared into mine, "I... I don't want to hurt you like they did." She whimpered. I stopped and stood, looking down upon my lovely black Phoenix.
I moaned as he suddenly stopped his caressing and stood. I watched him and grew nervous again. Fearful that I scared my beloved Lucifer away when,
"Phoenix," his voice was level, commanding, and full of love, "you are NOTHING like those... monsters." He started to shiver as he continued, "You are beautiful, proud, kind and loving and..." a smile appeared on his face as he undid the buttons that held his pants.
My eyes were glued to his jeans as he quickly and quietly slipped them off, leaving him in his black underpants. I swallowed and licked my lips as I saw the very noticeable bulge in the crotch. He came close and lay on top of me, his legs between mine, allowing our sexes to almost touch since he still wore his briefs. Our eyes locked, I could see all his love and lust for me as he said something that made my scales tingle,
"Unlike them, I WANT to be yours." He began to massage my chest and shoulders as he kissed my neck. I cooked in response slowly and carefully wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled and made a slight humping motion, making me hiss with pleasure.
"L... Luc... Lucifer," I struggled to say, "p... please... m... ma... make me... y... yours." I closed my eyes as I groaned and arched my back, trying to hump him as well. He chuckled again, and slid his whole body down to my legs, kissing my scales the whole way. I opened my eyes as I felt his kissing roll down my belly, and watched as he grew closer and closer to my sex. I moaned when he stopped an inch above my womanhood and meet his eyes, only to gasp and throw my head back shortly after as he rubbed my slit.
"Oh I will Phoenix. However, I intend to make sure you are well taken care of." His tone made it clear he was smiling, but I didn't see it, as I was too busy moaning and panting as he worked me with his hand.
The moment his fingers enter me I roared. Or tried to, as I was quickly overtaken with shock as I felt his moist tongue start 'cleaning' my insides.
"Oh! Lucifer!" I was in near complete ecstasy. My mate's tongue and fingers worked me over in a manner I never thought possible. When I felt him pull his head away I couldn't help but whimper. I raised my head to look at him, and found him smiling as he licked his lips.
"My, my, my love, you taste as good as you look." he said softly, then dove at me again.
I couldn't believe how sweet she tasted. In past experience, her kind were generally spicy and bitter however, my beloved tasted nothing like the other Charizards who I was often sold to. The thought left my mind before I could allow myself remember those horrid days when I was a sex slave as I swallowed Phoenix's sweet nectar while she panted and moaned.
I carefully wrapped my legs around her black tail, preventing her from moving it around and away from me. Her heated moans and taste were making it painful for me to keep my tool in my undergarment, but the twitching of her tail muscles were stimulating me well enough to endure it.
I felt Phoenix's tail wrap up and smack me in the lower back, leaving before the flame at its tip could burn me. I tilted my head up to look at her and slid my hands to the base of her tail. She was panting heavily as she was getting close to her first orgasm, her tongue hung out the side of her mouth and her body glistened with sweat.
"I… I feel you…" She swallowed, "d… down… th…" I felt her start to tighten and decided to give her a little nudge.
I knew Lucifer was skilled, but wholly Arceus! He dug his nails into my tail and pulled his lower body up my tail and I couldn't help but roar and released a jet of fire as I felt myself cum from his motions. I gasped and panted heavily as I tried to regain some air in my lungs while I felt my mate lick and suck my juices from me.
I moaned and laid back, winded from the experience. I felt Lucifer slowly slide himself back up to my chest, dragging his body against me and gently rub my sides with his hands and kiss my belly. He chuckled lightly.
"Let me know when you catch your breath my love." He said softly, then with a sudden jerk he clashed his lips to mine and kissed me softly, "So I can take it away again…" he gently peppered my neck as I worked on catching my breath.
Remembering I have arms I reached and laid my arms around him as moved to kiss him. He almost purred as our lips touch, and I tried to move my tongue into his mouth. He stroked my neck and I released a little gasp allowing him to shove his tongue past mine and start stroking the roof of my mouth. I moaned happily as I felt myself grow moist once again. Wrapping him in a tighter embrace, I rolled us over so I was on top kissing down into him. We broke the kiss and he looked down at my slit and his briefs, he smiled with a raised eyebrow when he looked back at my face.
"So you want to be incontrol for your first? Seems someone's a little more assertive than I originally gave credit for" I couldn't help but blush and tilt my head away at that. Lucifer laughed and made a quick thrust, smashing himself against me and slowly withdrew, allowing me to feel his length against my lower lips, and cause me to shudder and moan.
I shifted slightly, allowing one of my hands to rest on the waistband of my briefs and the other gently stroking my Phoenix's lovely neck.
"Don't be shy my love," I gently pulled her head to me and lightly nibbled at the horn closest to me causing her to shudder, "I am all yours." I kissed the side of her head as I ripped the poorly made undergarment from me and chucked it to the side. Phoenix craned her neck to looked down out my member, and licked her lips before turning back to me.
"Lucifer, this will hurt won't it?" I sighed and leaned up on my elbows.
"Yes my love," I looked her in the eyes and reached out to her neck again, "I know a few things to help the pain past faster, but it will still hurt once I pierce your barrier." I gently brought her into another kiss, but not as passionate as our earlier few.
Our lips parted and I became very nervous. But I loved Lucifer with all my heart, and I wanted this. I swallowed and carefully lined myself up with his member. I started to moan quietly as I slowly started to slide down on his member.
"Go slow my love." Lucifer sighed pleasurably as he stroked my neck, "Once you're ready, I need you to lock your lips to mine and I'll take care of the pain as fast as I can." I cooed as his length went deeper in me. It was amazing, I was feeling my beloved within me, slowly filling me. I had barely gotten down two inches of his nine when I felt it, the slight pain of his tip hitting my barrier.
"Lucifer…" I leaned down to kiss my mate when he stopped me with a hand on my snout.
"Phoenix, I must ask, are you sure?" I saw the love and concern in his eyes and I melted. I did not answer with words, merely letting my actions speak for me.
I moved his hand from my snout and, wrapping my claws under his arms into his shoulders, kissed him with as much passion as I could. As our tongues danced together in between our lips, I felt Lucifer's hand that was on my neck slowly slide up to the base of my skull and pull me closer into the kiss. His other hand suddenly appeared on my left hip and was roughly kneading my scales as it worked up to the base of my tail. I slowly pushed myself onto him, whimpering as I felt my hymen gently pull against my mate’s member. Suddenly, I felt his grip on the back of my neck tighten and his body start to… vibrate?
Before I could pull back to ask, he pushed me down onto his member as he thrust forward, destroying my hymen and burying himself in my core. I cried out into our kiss, tears coming from my clenched eyes as I felt his vibrations increase. He gently pulled out then back in about an inch a few times as I felt his member quiver with in me. Finally my lungs begged for air, and I slowly retreated my tongue from his and gently pulled against the hand behind my head. He under stood as he let it fall to our side as we both panted heavily. I moaned as I felt him pull further out and went back in slightly rougher than before, both his vibrations and my pain dying down.
"Are you okay my mate?" I looked down at him, his face was slightly redder than normal as he panted, but he had a look of blissful pleasure. I giggled as I rocked my hips on him, enjoying the feeling of his dick deep within me.
"We're finally bonding as mates," I leaned forward and licked his neck, causing him to moan happily, "I'm better than okay." I noticed my claws had cut into his skin yet again, but before I could remove them he turned his head and gently kissed my clawed hand on his right.
"Well as your now official mate," he looked back to me and chuckled, "I do believe I am lacking on one thing right now." I growled lustfully as I felt his member vibrate within my walls again.
"Then," I rolled us back to where he was on top of me and kissed his lips briefly, "You may have to fix that."
Lucifer smiled and moved both his hands to just above my tail as he slowly pulled himself out till his tip remained. Suddenly I found myself slightly elevated from the bed as he, rather than push back in, brought both of us up to where he was on his knees leaning over me and brought me back onto him. I leaned my head back and roared as he quickly jerked his hips back and forth, thrusting into me with enough force to bounce me off of him slightly. He continued slamming into me at a steady pace as I moaned from the pleasure. His member gently throbbing and flexing within me each time it slid to and fro. I felt my back touch the soft blankets of Lucifer's nest and tried to look back at my love, only to have him start licking and nibbling at my neck.
"Mmmm, no fair…" I moaned as I felt myself grow hotter and tighter. "I can't be close again already?"
"Oh, don't feel bad my love." Lucifer said as he slowly sped up his trust, much to my enjoyment, "I've had a lifetime to perfect this art," He wiggled his shoulders and released him, "And now I have all the pleasure of satisfying the most amazing woman I have ever met."
Her beautiful ruby eyes followed me as I straightened my back. I carefully adjusted my legs as I continued my thrust, before I noticed Phoenix getting closer. With a smirk I pulled back to my tip and set my hands on her lower stomach, before thrusting into her as hard and fast as I could. She arched her back roared as her walls clenched down on me and her fluids covered my member. Not wanting her to be the only to make a mess, I twitched the mussels at the base of my cock to make it move in a circular manner within her and continued thrusting at a slightly faster pace than before.
Her moans and pants spurred me on as I continued to fuck my beloved Phoenix. She craned her neck up to me and we became entrapped in another passionate kiss. She broke it to roar as I relocated my hands to her hips and buried my fingernails into them. Her tail started to smack my back as she attempted to thrust in time with me. I growled at her attempt and went back to assaulting her neck, making her moaning and cooing louder as the whole cave echoed with the sound of our lovemaking. Before too terribly long I felt her get close once again and she whimpered.
"Lucifer I… I'm close again." She panted as she gripped my sides, "P… Please… cum with me…" She begged. I purred to her and kissed her lips quickly, she growled happily. "Please fill… ME!" She threw her wings around me as her walls tighten once again as she came. I continued to rock in and out, as I felt my own length start to tighten as I got closer.
"Hold on my love," I kissed her lips, "I'm on my way." She cooed tiredly.
"I… I am tired… please finish… in me." She tried to reach her lips to mine, I beat her however and passionately kissed my tired mate. As our tongues danced I abandon my steady rhythmic thrust and settled for pounding Phoenix as hard and fast as my body could manage. Phoenix threw her head back into the bed and hung her tongue out as her body rocked on the bed. I grit my teeth as I felt myself getting ready to fire.
"P… Phoenix…" I growled and leaned into her as I started dragging her hips into mine. She brought her head up as she panted heavily. I touched my lips to hers, but before we could kiss, she shot her head up and released a jet of water into my hair and over my body onto the floor as came for the fourth and final time that night. I found myself locked in her as my semen started shooting deep into her womb. We stayed still as I filled her with my seed, the both of us panting tiredly.
"Mmm…" Phoenix hummed and smiled happily, "That was wonderful…" I kissed her lovely throat and pulled out, causing her to moan.
"Yes you were." I crawled up to her head and cradled her to my chest, "Go ahead and rest my love, I'll be here… Or making you lunch." I chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"Was I really good?" She asked tiredly, I looked down at those lovely rubies she has for eyes and smiled.
"Not even Arceus herself could hold a candle to my mate." I rested my forehead to hers as she purred happily and slowly fell asleep in my arms.

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