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A Night To Remember (Rough Draft) Posted by: Fin Wolfsky at 05-12-2015 21:38 PM, Last Modified 05-12-2015 21:38 PM
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A Night to Remember
By Fin Wolfsky

"Damn, it got cold...fast..."
The wind was gusting, a normal event around the bay during the nigh. Strong ocean winds bear down into the harbor, rocking the waters and the boats that rested on top of it. The night was a deep midnight blue, the lights of the city illuminating the night sky in a soft amber glow as the lights reflected against the deep midnight blue waters of the ocean. The sky was clear, stars dotting the blackened sky, the moon shining its cool pale white light onto the world below. Another gust of wind bears down onto the area, strong enough to cause the canine to stumble a bit as he walked along the shore of the docks. Fin slips his hands into the pockets of his jacket, a chill shivering down his spine as the cool night air wraps around his soft furred form. Fin had gotten use to nights like this, cool and windy, the gentle sounds of the waves rocking against the sands and the wood of the dock and shores.

His job was fairly straightforward-make sure the docks were clear of people until sunrise. While the private portage was usually open to the public, the docks had been ordered closd at night due to several “incidents” involving the boats and partiers. In the few years he had worked as dock security, he had very few incidents or troubles-a few drunks and partiers around spring break, police and fireman arriving to board their patrol vessels which were kept dockside. He rather enjoyed these nights, it gave him time to think and calm his usually hyperactive mind, the gentle rocking of the waters, the soft jingling of his keys latched onto his belt, the wet padding of his boots along the wooden docks surface as he makes his rounds along the dock. It was a rather peaceful job with little disruptions- his only worries usually limited to the delivery times for his late night lunches and the speed that the end of his shift would come.

Fin made his way back into his cart, the engine turning over, muffler rumbling as he puts the cart into gear and begins to drive. He liked to keep a talk radio station on-listening to the going ons of the community, at the very least it helped keep him company during the lonely nights at work.

"It's never this cold out..." he muttered to himself, his hand holding his coat closed in the open buttoned jacket. The night seemed to remain uneventful, the boats all in one place, nothing out of the ordinary as usual. He stops his cart and slips out next to one of the smaller boat docks, his hand popping his phone off of the hoster on his hip, fingers tapping at the screen opening random videos and websites. A funny video, some music to break up the random droning of the radio, even a few rather adult videos and websites to keep his imagination occupied. The normal silence of the night was broken as a beeping sounds from one of the computers inside of his small cart, ears perking upright as the canine recognizes the alarm coming from the vehicle. He turns and peeks down at the screen;
Motion Alarm-Dock 2 Scarlett (No Badge Activity)
"Must be another damn stray..." Fin muttered to himself. Had it not been for the logs the alarms made, he would simply ignore it-the rather sensitive alarms seemed to trigger in the high winds. It was almost always the wind, or the occasional stray dog that made its home by the brush along the beachfront, rattling the fences as they make their way to the shores to wash or lap at the water. Fin decided to walk the short distance to the dock, reaching in to grab his PDA, looking through the device to find the location off the alarm
Dock 2 Scarlett, Spot 149 Motion

"Shit...." Fin muttered, slipping the PDA into his pocket, placing his hand on his hip. "That's the harbor masters boat..." The canine grumbles under his breath as he began to aproach the boat. The harbor master was notorious for coming into the dock area at night-usually drunk as a skunk and very hsotile. He's even had to drag the blubbering drunk oaf out of other peoples boats before, keeping the inebriate from driving off into the deep waters. It was a taske he hated having to do.
Fin pulls his flashlight off of his hip and shines it around the dock, the highly illuniating bean lighting up the spots where it shined. He looks around and spots nothing out of the normal-dock lines in tact, no signs of tampering, no tell-tale odor of cheap booze or cigarette smoke that permeated the areas where the harbor master would tread. He moves the light to the side as he continues his check, head tilting to the side as he notices something that definitely was out of the normal-wet spots on the dock..in the shape of shoes...two different pairs to be exact. Fins hand immediately rests on top of the handgun that sat on his hip as he followed the tracks, eventually leading to the harbor masters boat. It was a rather impressive sight to see-how such a drunk could hold onto the money to buy such a large vessel. The door to the vessel was wide-open, the boat pitch black inside its cabin. The canine shines his light into the boat and calls out into the darkness;
"Dock Security! Who's in this vessel?"
No response. Fins fur began to stand on end along his neck as he shuffles closer to the door of the boat, his nerves begining to sterss. "Dock Security! Come out now!" he called out once more.
Once more, Fin heard no response. Normally, he would hear at lesat the soft drunken groans from his boss if he was inside-even if the oaf was passed out, he would at least try to communicate in his drunken unconcious state. The hybrid stepped onto the plankway and began to make his way up to the vessels door, shining his light at the entrance. He gets to the top and cautiously peeks his head inside.

"Dock Securiy! Come out now with your hands above your head!" He calls out once more into the darkness, his ears folding in tension. Once again, the vessel remained silent after his authoratative calls echo inside the massive ship. His heart drops as he hears a loud crash inside of the boat, eyes peeking around the blinding darkness as he spots a shadowed figure inside-slender, short, barely distinguishable from the shadows and figures of the furniture and items inside. He shines his light into the ship, its beam only catching the shadowy figure long enough to reveal a blackened tailtip as the shadow darts into another room. With a click the canine draws his weapon from his holster and cautiously proceeds into the boat, keepig the firearm half-holstered.
One step after the other, he steps over the threshold of the side entrance, cautiously taking one step after the other into the boat. He knew the boats layout well enough that there was no escape the way the shadow darted as he proceeded through the boat, cautiously scanning around his surroundings.
"Dock Security! Come out N-" He began to yell out once more before his body went cold and his muscles tensed from a loud and suprising sound, the sound of the large side hatch he had come in through slamming shut-its pressure lock sealing with a loud hiss. He quickly snaps his head towards the way he entered, seeing the door slam shut, his flashlight quickly shining around the door.
"Who's there?!" he called out, looking around in a frantic manner. His breathing picked up, heart pounding, sweat begining to form along his forehead and neck from his nervous state. He backed towards the door, keeping his back to the exit, hoping that this would let him see anyone that might try to sneek up on him.
"C-come out now!" He calls out once more, his voice starting to take on a shaky tone.
"Come out? Bit I don't want to stop playing..."

Fins eyes widened as he felt his stomach sink, hearing those words-not his words, the words and voice of a stranger. The voice was definitely not his bosses, nor was it any of the dock personel that occasionally worked through the night...the voice sounded soft and playful, high in pitch...feminine...definitely female.
"Who's there?!" Come out now!" he yells out once more, his hand gripping the body of his handguns grip tight like a vice, his claws giving the polymer handle a few scratches.
"But that'll end our game..." the mysterious voice repeated once more. Fins eyes strained to see in such a dark room, his light the only illunation that he had within the boat.
"And we haven't had this much fun in ages..." a voice sounded through the darkness. This voice was different from the last bbut still had the same characteristics-soft, feminine, higher pitched.
"W-we? Who's w-" Fin began to reply before a sudden pain took over his head, his vision begining to quickly tunnel into a blackness. He groans as the last thing his concious mind seees is his body hurdling towards the floor before his world was swallowed into darkness.

"Wh.....wha...." The canine groans as his eyes begin to open. His head groggily lifts, looking around to gather his surroundings.He found himself in a well-lit room, one that he was very familiar with...it was the bar room on the harbor masters boat. He blinked and groaned, a swallowing headache pulsating through his head. His eyes could see the side of the boat, the tacky posters hanging along the walls, the half-emptied bar. His eyes would stop after they spot a figure which slowly became clearer to his eyes. It was slender and short, slow curving hips wrapped by a pair of tight micro jeans, soft white fur hidden by a striped top, its form had breasts, long blue hair resting along its shoulders, soft blue eyes and white fur along its face as the figure grins a mischevious grin.

He tries to stand up, his eyes darting behind him as he finds it difficult to move his arms. To his horror, the canines arms were bound behind him, tied tight at the wrists with a thick rope. His eyes look up and behind him, catching a glimpse of a second slender female before they dart back forward to the captor in front of him.
"Well, look who's finally joined us..." The figure spoke, it was the voice from before. Or at least he thought it was, the throbbing pain in his head made it hard to even think. The figure finally comes into focus as it stood in front of him, hovering over his bound form as her tail sways behind him.
"What is this? What do you want?!" He asks, a paniced look in his eyes. He was tied up, his belt which held everything he needed-his gun, his knife, his handcuffs, and more importantly his panic button had been stripped from his hips. The female simply chuckles, her soft blue eyes taking on a piercing glimmer of light as she gazes down at her catch.
"To simply play the game we've been having so much fun with..." She replies.
Fins eyes widen, a snarl across his muzzle as he growls at the female. He begins to attempt to stand before he is ovecome with a sudden sharp and crippling pain through his head. His efforts were thwarted as he felt himself being pulled back down, a pair of black-furred hands resting on his shoulder holding him in place, his skull pounding with a pulsating pain.
"No need to fight...we wouldn't want to hurt you..." a second voice whispered to him, inches from his ear, his nose pulling in a distinct scent from the others body, soft and sweet.
"It's a little too fucking late for that..." Fin growls in response. “Now, who the fuck are you, and what the fuck do you want?”

The female in front of him simply crosses her arms and shakes her head, a slight frown across her white muzzle.
"So feisty, all we wanted to do was have a little fun..." She replies. The female walks closer to him, revealing more of her form to him-a soft white furred vulpine tail swaying with each step behind her, its tip a deep black like a paintbrush dipped into fresh ink, soft fured and slender legs, a white torso partially covered by a blue and white striped top. The female reaches out her hand and gently runs it under the canines muzzle, her slender fingers lightly trailing under his chin. Fin reacts by snapping his jaws and lurching forward like an angry dog. His protests were quickly halted as the shooting pain became too much inside of his head, a frown showing across the vulpines muzzle.
He groans and hollars out in pain, body curling up as he sits, whimpes of pain resonating from him as he lets out a loud whine. The figure rests her hand on his shoulder as the mysterious female behind him drapes her hands around his torso, gently pulling the weakened and whimpering male back against her and the chair, his head resting back agaisnt her shoulder and chest.

Fins eyes gaze up spotting the black and white muzzle of the female behind him, feline and indeed female. The female behind him looks down at him, her emeald eyes letting out a slight gleam of light like a gem in the sun as her eyes look over the canine. The feline reaches her hand up to stroke along the wolfskys cheek, his eyes slamming shut as whimpers sound from his throat once more, the pain becoming too much for his head to take. He began to pant and grimace out of discomfort and agony, his body tense as he squirms and struggles against his bindings. The vixen stands on front of him, reaching her hands into her pockets.

"Relax, sweetie...We don't want to hurt you..." She replies. The feline behind him reaches her hands slowly down his chest, her slender digits unfastening the buttons of Fins uniform, revealing his white-furred chest as each button opens up the clothing bit by bit. Fin began to whine and squirm, his protests a lot weaker then before as the pain continues to grow within his skull. His head leans back agaisnt the feline, her soft fur cradling his aching head in its warmth a she slowly strips the guard top off of his torso.
"Don't struggle, dear. Just relax...." The feline whispers into his ear. She gives the top of his head a kiss and smiles. Fins eyes widened from the kiss, his breathign picking up as his mind began to fill with anxiety and fear. He could feel an odd and frightening comfort from the kiss, his heads pain subsiding for just a brief moment before returning, his groans deepening as he began to panic even more.
"W...what do you want? Wh..why did you come here?" Fin spoke, trying to keep his words straight and coherent through the pain. His adrenaline had taken over his body, his legs were shaking, sweat madded the fur of his body, his pain being fed by his growing fears over the twos possible plans. Did they want to just rob the boat? Take it for a joyride? Or worse....? The feline slowly pulls his shirt open, resting her hands below his fur covered pecs, embracing the bound canine in her arms holding him in the chair. The vulpine smiles warmly at him as she taps her foot agaisnt the boot on the hybrids foot.
"That's simple.." She replies. She withdraws her hand from her pocket, a glimmer shining from it as she pulls a pocketwatch out from its depts. The metal was shiny, polished and well maintained, a soft ticking snaps over and over from the watches gears inside of it. Fin looks up at her and the feline in confusion before looking back up at the watch. "You."
"M-me? W-what do y-y-" Fin began to reply in protest. The vixen reaches up and presses her finger to the canines lips, silencing him.

"Shh....no need to fuss, weetie...we'll take good care of you...I promise..." She replies. The vixen grins once more as she holds the watch in fromt of the canines eyes, letting it sway gently from side to side. "Just relax, my dear and watch the pretty watch...."
Fins whines began to stir once more as his body wiggles and writhes, straining groans echoing from him as he fought the pain within his body. He turns his head sharply to the side and slams his eyes closed, teeth gritting from the pain in his head as he averts his gaze from the watch.
"You're trying to take m-Ahhhh!" The canine cries out once more in agony, muscles tensing as he tries to fight through his growing pain. The feline frowns, resting her head on top of Fins shoulder, pressing her cheek to his. His ears could hear her begin to hum gently, her soft voice resonating in his ears, soft purrs enveloping his hearing. The hybrids body starts to untense as the soft purrs echo through his mind, his pain beginning to strangly subside and dull the more he listened to her gentle purrs. She gives his head a kiss, right where the pain was resonating from-a rather large bump that he received just before his world went black, causing the wolfsky to whimper. The vixen gently cups the canines muzzle with one hand. the pocketwatch slowly swayig in the other, her thumb storking the boys cheek from side to side.
"Open your eyes, sweetie. Look at me....We won't hurt you,...we just want to help..." She coos softly to the frightened canine. His body tries to pull away, only pressing himself further agaisnt the purring feline behind him. The fox lets her claws gently rake through the fur along Fins cheek, its tips softly rubbing the hiddden flesh below "Sohh...open your eyes sweetie.." The voice coos once more. Fins body was visibly tense, his shoulders were risen, his booted feet digging into the floor, his tail rigid, ears folded back, pupils constricted, eyes widened, wrists pulling tight at the ropes that bound him.

"H...help....w...with what?" Fin asked.
"You relax..." The vixen replies, her voice almost song-like as it drifts into his ear. The feline behind him presses the nose of her muzzle to the canines cheek, guiding it back into a forward position-facing towards the vixen in front of him. She bears her claws, slowly raking them into the snow white fur against his chest and belly. Fin let out a slight gasp, a shiver shooting through his stressed body. The vixen sets the watch on top of Fins lap, a warm smile across her white muzzle as she leans into her captive as he squirms and strains. She reaches up with her hands, cupping the canines face, her fingertips slowly rubbing small circles against the base of his temples. "We just wanted to have a little fun...."
"B...but you broke in h...here...."
"Nothing was broken, my dear... And besides, it's such a lovely place.."
"S..still I...I have t..to.."
"To relax...." the vixen replies, her digits tenderly massaging the boys temples as her soft warm furred hands cradle his head.
"T...to c...calll.... the p..po...po-"
"There's no need to call anybody, we're all here already."
"I...I..." Fin stammers softly. He could feel himself shake as his adrenaline coarses through his body. His head began to pound the more he tried to speak, the headache from the suprise blow only growing in intensity the more he tried to think and struggle. But how could he relax? He was tied up, helpless, his tools were far out of his reach, sandwiched between two stranger...stranger whose intentions he did not know.

"You need to relax....."
"N...need t..to....r....run....a...ahhhhh" Fin whimpers out loud. The vixen presses her nose to his, her lips parted slightly. Her warm breath puffs against his muzzle with every breath she exhaled gently agasint his fur. The felines hands continued to tenderly massage and stroke through his fur covered chest, her head resting comfortably on top of his shoulder, a sly grin across her face as she peeks up at her partner.
"There's no need to run, you're perfectly safe..."
"S...safe....B..but I.."
"Need to relax...."
"I...I..." he stammers once more. Her words began to ring with an odd sensation in his mind...an odd sensation of comfort..comfort and calm. Her voice was so soft...so warm and loving-like a mothers voice trying to calm a frightened child. Her sounds sent shivers through his skin with each word that floated from her lips and into his mind. He could feel his muscles begining to ease their tension, the pain in his mind becoming less intense-slowly numbing. It felt like they could simply turn the pain off, but how?
"Need to relax.....and open those lovely eyes for me...I just want to take a peek at those lovely eyes..."
"Relax...." She whipers to him once more, her eyes looking into the closed lids of his own. Fins breathing began to become heavier, slowing a bit even, his heart slowing its marathon-paced beating as he parts his eyelids, just enough for him to see the soft blue of the vixens before him. The fox smiles, a soft chuckle escaping her as the hybrids eyes opened for her.

"That's right. You have such beautiful eyes...It's such a shame that you hid them from me..." says the female before him. Fins blue and yellow eyes widened at the sight of his captor once mroe, his vision filled with the sight of the soft blue irises of his captor. She rewards the canine with a soft kiss to his nose before slowly pulling away, a warmth passing through his muscles, causing them to relax a little more.
The fox gently leans forward towards the canine, her hand picking up the pocketwatch once more and gently swaying it before his eyes. Fin found his eyes fixated on those soft colored eyes, finding it hard to look away from them. She smiles and begins to him once more, a flick of her wrist to the side sets the shiny metallic watch swaying once more from side to side.
"R...relax..." Fin would mutter softly.
"Good boy..." The feline whispers softly into his ear, giving its lobe a soft kiss. The felines arms gently squeeing around Fin as if she was cuddling up behind him, embracing the canines form to her own. "We won't hurt you....we just want to make you feel better...." she whispers to him, her hands kneading along his pecs.
Fins mind began to wash with emotions; his adrenaline rush begining to quiet down, his fears begining to weaken, the tension within his muscles slowly being pushed away by a feeling of warmth and comfort, his mind begining to quiet from its racing thoughts, even the headache that had plagued him only moments before began to taper to nothing more then an annoyance and finally disapearing.
"F...feel better?"Fin asks the two, his vision never leaving the foxes own as her gaze meets his. The two of them hum lightly, the feline giggling gently into the canines ear

"Much better....am I right, sweetie?" The feline asks, her words echoing within his mind. The vixen slips the pocketwatch back into its home within her pocket and comes astride Fins lap, gently settling herself onto it. The feline lets her hands drift up just above Fins nipple line, her hands kneading slowly as the vixens own hands gently caress Fins bare sides, her fingers kneading along his flesh and fur in a slow sensual manner. Fins muzzle points up towards the fox, his eyes gazing into hers, a slight empty expression reflecting in them. He nods shyly in response.
"Y-yes..." he replies. The fox hums in delight, her black-tipped tail swaying behind her. She looks down into the canines ice blue eyes with a warm expression across her face, smile widening.
"And why is that, sweetie?" asks the vixen in FIns lap. The feline takes the time to reach up with a hand, gently cupping under Fins muzzle, cradling it upright as his muscles begin to slacken, her thumb idly stroking its charcoal and white fur.
Fins face began to take on mroe of a blank expression, his once tensed and even angered face now reflected the inner relaxation that he was experiencing-his eyes half-lidded, pupils begining to dialate open, his mouth showing a relaxed expression, ears perked upright-taking in every single word that the two captors whispered into his slowly opening mind.
"I...I..."Fin began to reply, his words catching inside of him as he felt his body slip away even more, giving into the warmth that cradled him.
"Trust us?" the vixen replies, finishing the hybrids statement.
"A...and I..I..."
"Am safe....safe and happy....."the feline replies for him. Fins arms and legs finally relax, his body going limp between the two. It felt like his body was like ice, slowly melting away into a pile of warmth.

"Y...yes...." he replies. The two smile at each other, the felines free hand slipping down between her and Fin. She gives the ropes a gentle tug, letting the bindings slip and fall onto the ground behidn the chair.
"Good boy..." the two whisper in unison. Something in Fins mind caught those words...those two sweet blisful words and latched onto them. The canine could feel his body sinking...yet spinning, he felt like he was slowly drifting down a stream of warmth, his body slowly going round and round- Like drifting on a gently flowing river on a raft, no paddles, simply drifting as the craft slowly rotates over and over. The two girls gently ease themselves closer to Fin; the feline wraping her arms around his waist and lower belly, embracing him closer to her-the vixen pressing herself agasint him as she sits in his lap, her chest gently pressing against Fins head as teh fenines own head rested agaisnt Fins shoulder.
"Just close your eyes..." The vixen whispers into the canines ear. Fin s eyes felt like bags of sand, drooping shut, plunging him into a darkness filled with warmth..and those voices. The feline tilts her head upwards, her lips inches from his ear as the vixen leans down, a hand slowly stroking Fins chest, the other stroking his hair along the back of his head- his face resting agasint her breasts just over her beating heart.
"That's right...no worries...no pain...no fear...no worries...." the two begin to coo and hum into the canines ears. He lets out a soft whimper as it felt like weights had been tossed onto his body, only dragging him further into the depts of their control. Their voices sounded so warm, so sweet, their touch was intoxicating and inviting-warm and soft, their scent was sweet and gentle, even the heartbeat of the vixen-steady soft and monotonous like a metronome helped ease his once aching mind and head into a puddle of blank thoughts and movements. "Just relax...like a good boy...so happy...so comfy...and let us take care of you....."
Fins only reply was with his breathing, heavy slow and deep breaths were all that indicated the canine was still with them. The two continue their mantras, the vixen breaks from their repetitive words "So, what is my sweet puppys name?" she asks him.

"Fin." he replies, his voice soft, low, and almost monotonous.
"What a lovely name...." the feline replies as the vixen started to whisper her words once more. "Happy....relaxed...warm....comfy....good..." the fox would repeat over and over into the canines sensitive ears as they perked upright.
"My name is Neisha." The feline whispers.
"My name is Saradia." the vixen replies as the feline picks up where she left off. "Do you like our names?"
"Yes." Fin replies, his voice mimicing the same monotone sound as before.
"Good boy...but..." the vixen replies.
"You can call me Miss Neisha..." says the feline, picking up where the fox had left off.
"And me Miss Saradia." the fox replies.
"Or simply...." Neisha whispers.
"Miss." the two whisper in unison. Fins jaw went slack,his lips parting as he blankly nods.
"Miss...." he replies.
"Good boy." The pair replies. The vixen traces her slender digits along Fins chest, claws slowly scratching through the thick but soft fur of his belly up to his pecs. Fins body shivers, a slight moan escaping his muzzle the more the two continued to tease and speak. His senses were no match for the barrage of stimuli from the two women, his ears rang with their words, his body heavy and warm as his mind empties into a vast nothingness, his body heavy and warm-the warm chills from the twos embrace enveloping his muscles and skin.

The teasing fox notices a rather interesting feeling underneath her, a growing thickness pressing against the fabric of her tight and revealing jeans. The vixen chuckles a bit, looking over at her pertner behind the canine with a sly grin.
"I think he's really liking this..." the fox says with a slight giggle. The feline grows a rather large smile across her muzzle and chuckles.
"Is that so....is my puppy enjoying himself?" Neisha whispers into his ear. The feline starts to trace gentle circles over Fins belly, her fingertips slowly inching their way down past his belly button, teasing the thick trail of charcoal fur that decorated the white fluff of his lower torso, causing a soft moan to exit his lips. Fins muzzle flushes, enough for a slight blush to be visible underneath his fur. "Well.....answer me, puppy."
"Y....." he stutters out. Saradia gently presses his head further against her chest, her bosom cushioning against the canines head. She traces her claws tenderly along the back of his neck, all the way up to the base of his perked ear, scritching along lightly.
"Come on, sweetie...you were asked a question..." the arctic fox hums into his ear, letting a warm puff of air tickle the fur along its inside. "Now answer Miss Neishas question..." Fin felt his heart drop as he hears those words, an audible gulping sound coming from him as he swallows nervously.
"Yes...." the canine replies.
How could I be enjoying this? How can I want this? How can I need this? These thoughts began to echo through his mind, confusion and questions softly protesting within his emptying mind. The two girls grin as they reply in unison-those two words once again enveloping his hearing "Good boy..." Fin felt his mind releasing his thoughts of protest as those words ring true within his mind. He was a good boy for them afterall, He listened, he relaxed, he did what they told him to do-like the good boy he wanted to secretly be...like the good boy that he was.

Neisha presses her digits agaisnt the thick black trail of fur below the canines belly, rubbing slowly with more pressure, fingers trailing further down his body. He would whine once more as he lies still between the two, his hips slowly rocking underneath the vixen that had claimed his lap. Saradia smiles, letting her hips roll slowly on top of his canine lap, her weight pressing his growing excitement between the two furs, slowly grinding against its growing mass. She releases his head and sits upright, reaching her arms back and over her head as the fox dances slowly for her puppy in his lap.
"You like being such a good boy...and good boys like to relax for their misses..isn't that right?" Saradia asks. Fins eyes stared blankly at the vixen in his lap, her slender form dancing in his lap. She sways her tail back and forth behind her, her hips rollign seductively back and forth-side to side, her slender torso writhing with each motion, her ample breasts swaying within the confines of her shirt.
"Yes, Miss." Fin would reply, his relaxed body leaning back into the chair and Neishas body. The feline sits herself up a bit-enough for the wolfskys head to rest back against her cleveage, her breasts cradling his head once more. The felines fingers trace down to the hem of his pants, tenderly their tips begin to unfasten the button of his trousers, inching his zipper down ever so slowly as the vixens hips rock and sway in slow rhythmic patterns on top of his crotch.
"Relax...let go....no need to worry....no need to think.....just happy....and relaxed..." Neisha would whisper into the canines ear over and over as she began to strip his pants from his hips. Saradia lifts her hips up, just enough for the feline to work the front of his pants down past her. Saradia hums lightle as she runs her fingers under Fins muzzle.
"Lift your hips for me, sweetie." the fox says to the canine. Fin lifts his hips, giving the feline a much easier time as she slips his pants fully off of his legs, letting them fall to his ankles as he eases back against the chair and the feline behind him. He sat between the two, shirt hanging from his shoulders, his hips bare save for a pair of tight purple briefs hugging his hips-concealing his arousal. Saradia looks down with an approving smile, spotting the rather large bulge that formed in the canines crotch.
"Oh, what a good puppy we have, dear..Isn't that right?" Saradia says with a smile, easing herself back down into Fins lap and against that bulge. Neisha nods and grins, giving the canines ear a nip, her teeth lightly sinking into its sensitive flesh.
"Mmmmhmmmm indeed..." she whispers.
Fin tensed for a moment from the nip, letting out a long and soft moan. Neisha slowly lets her fingers slither into the hem of his undergarments, fingers wrapping around the large mass hidden within the confines of his clothing. Fin tensed once mroe, his thickened length twinging from the touch. With a grin, the feline slides her hand out, pulling the canines hardened length out of his underwear, its black mass exposed for the twos delight. Saradia presses her crotch to his exposed length, hips slowly rolling up and down its length as it rests agaisnt his belly. His mind flashes before going even more blank, awash of pleasure and arousal overtaking what little resistance he had left within him. He was gone by now, no worries, no fear, just relaxed and aroused as a deepening pleasure begins to overtake his mind and body qiuckly.
"I think the puppy's earned a treat...afterall, he's been nothing but obedient to us." The feline sings into Fins ear. The canines lips part as his moans begin to slowly deepen, his length even dripping a few drops of pre from its tip. Saradia nods, slowly sliding herself off of his lap.
"I think you're right...would you like that, puppy?" Saradia asks as her hand gently grasps the canines muzzle, pointing it up to stare blankly into her eyes.
"Yes, Miss." Fin replies.
"Good boy..."

Neisha pulls awaw from Fin and stands upright, Saradia in front of him as the fox parts Fins legs with her hands. The feline slips her hands to her hips, with a few wiggles of her hips, she slides her micro shorts and panties off of her hips and onto the floor, revealing her soft furred curves for him to see, her netherlips damp with excitement. Saradia would lean down to kiss the canines lips, locking him into a long and passionate embrace. Fin moans blankly into the kiss, his lips tasting the soft sweetness of the vixens own before she pulls away. "Good boy...the two whisper once more to their entranced puppy.
Saradia presses her lips to Fins chest as she slowly slides down onto her knees, letting her lips trail down past his pecs, his ribs, his navel, down to that soft warm thick trail of fur that lead down to her ultimate goal, his black harnened cock. She takes a hand and cups his soft furred sac as it hangs from over the hem of his underwear, her fingers slowly kneading at the soft furred sac, his orbs rolling around and side to side in her warm grip, her velvet lips pressing to his cocks wet head, causing him to moan out deeply. Neisha grasps his chin and gently turns the wolfskys head to face hers, his muzzle level with her exposed crotch. She leans up agaisnt him, pressing her sex to his lips as she slowly rocks her hips against his muzzle. Fin lets out a low moan, the warm sweetness fo her netherlips overloading his senes. His gaze was blank, eyes staring forward with his muzzle as it faces the felines bare belly.
"Go on, puppy, you deserve a nice treat..." Neisha whispers to the canine, her fingers running through his hair, her other hand stroking his neck. Fins muzzle presses to her crotch as his lips part, tenderly kissing at the wet netherlips before him lovingly. Neisha lets a soft moan rumble from her body, a sigh accompanying those lovely words once more. "Good boy..." she coos out, purrs sounding deep from within her chest. Fin moans softly as his tongue slowly slips from his lips, pressing to her sex, rolling up and down its wet mass. The canine licks slowly and lovingly against the warm folds of Neishas sex, his lips pressing against her clitoris, rubbing softly against it. The eagerness from the canine took Neisha by a bit of suprise, causing her moans to become louder and more vibrantas her fluids coats the canines tongue.

Saradia continues her kneading and massaging, his heat building within his loins with each passing second. The vixen wraps her lips around the harnedend shaft, suckling at his cocks head with a growing intensity. The canines moans deepen, his body going tense as the sensitive head of his cock slips into the warm suckling lips of the vixen between his legs.
"Miss.....mistress...." he lets slip from his muzzle, his mind awash of erotic bliss. Neisha giggles as she moans and purrs with each lick to her folds, her fingers stroking through his hair as the wolfsky licks and kisses against her sex.
"Mistress hmm? I think puppy has taken to his new role really well..." She responds as her breathing begins to pick up, more of her sweet nectar coating the canines long and wet tongue. The wet flesh of his tongue presses in between the two folds of her sex, finding its tight entrance into her depts as he slowly works his tongue into it. Neishas walls hug around his penetrating tongue, a moan catching in her own throat as the canines tongue begins to slide in and out of her-his lips sealed around her netherlips. Saradia hums, her rumbling vibrating against the canines cock as she inches the large mass deeper and deeper into her suckling muzzle, her head slowly bobbing back and forth, tongue coiling around his cock and constricting its hardened mass over and over.
"G...goood...b...boy.....y....yes.....that's a good boy....like t..that.." Neisha stammers out, her own arousal begining to catch her as the boys tongue moves in and out of her faster-his lip slowly rubbing agaisnt the fleshy nub of her clitoris everytime he rocks his head back and forth. Saradis slides Fins cock into her muzzle as deeep as it would go, her nose hilting the pad of thick fur at his cocks base.

She groans a bit, his thick shaft filling her muzzle and throat as she hods it there-the muscles of her throat clutching and rumbling against his cock. She lets out a low moan, the vixens eyes looking up to gaze at her helpless puppy. She slides his mass slowly out of her throat and free from her muzzle, sucking at it as deep as she could before releasing the warm flesh with a wet pop. With a gasp, she chickles, a hand slowly stroking and massaging the length, the vixen catching her breath as she wags her tail behind her happily.
"That's it.....such a happy puppy...such a horny puppy too..." Saradia coos as she looks up at Fin, her hands kneading and toying with his sex. Fins moans had become muffled as he dives into Neishas crotch, his tongue sliding in and out of her depts at a decent pace. Neishas walls constrict and spasm againt his probing flesh as she feels herself approach her climax, her hand grasping the canines hair from behind, holding his muzzle into her crotch.
Saradia grins as her fingers knead the sensitive aroused flesh of his cock, up and down the slender skilled fingers make dilligent work of the canines length. Fin simply moans with each breath as he happily indulges his tongue into the felines sex, his muzzle leaning in to bury his tongue deeper into her.
"I think puppy's ready for his big finish.." Saradia smiles. The fox stands up, slowly releasing Fins cock as she moves behind her partner-the foxes tailtip coiling around the canines length, tip teasing his own tip as his body shivers with chills of pleasure. Saradia embraces Neisha from behind, letting her hands cup the felines breasts, kneading them tenderly. Her digits tease and tweak at the felines nipples through her shirt as the felines eyes close. Neishas body goes rigid and she erupts in a loud moan of ecstacy, muscles spasming as her body reaches its peak, her climax overwhelming her tensed body. A gush of secretions flows over the canines tongue as her sex spasms around his tongue, her hips pressing firmly against his moaning muzzle.
"A-ahh...haaah...g-g-goood b-b-bo-booooooy" Neisha stutters, her body reeling from her orgasm. She pulls the canine from her crotch slowly, letting him ease into the chair as Saradia greets the felines lips with a long and passionate kiss. The two embrace each other, the fox holding onto Neisha form in her post-orgasmic bliss. Neisha and Saradias kiss slowly breaks before the two look down at the canine in the chair.
"How is our puppy hmmm?" NEisha asks.
"Horny...happy...relaxed..." Fin replies in a droning tone, his heavy breathign turngin into panting.
The two girls grin and see to it that their canine is well taken care of-just as they promised earlier. Neisha straddles Fins hips, her wet netherlips pressing to the underside of Fins crotch as she slowly grinds up and down his shaft. Saradis comes behind the canine, holding his muzzle upright while Neisha slides off her shirt, revealing her breasts for him. Neisha leans forward, pressing her breasts to Fins muzzle-taking Saradias place as she grinds along his thick hot shaft. Saradia slides her shirt off, her braless breasts falling free from their fabric confines. The vixen presses herself to the back of Fin, hugging him tight, his head resting between the two pairs of bare soft furred breasts.
Saradias hands would find their way up to Fins pecs, digits teasing and twisting the nubby flesh of his nipples in slow rhythmic patterns. Fin moans out lustfully, his hips rocking underneath the feline as the two sandwich him in between them.
"That's it, puppy...let that tension build.." the fox whispers.
"Let that pleasure grow and grow.."The feline coos.
"With each passing moment..."
"It gets stronger..."
"And stronger..."
"Making your willingness to obey..."
"And your willingless to relax for us grow..."
"Until you can't bare to hold it in anymore..."
"And all you can think about is release..."
"...and with that release..."
"...comes pleasure..."
"...and with pleasure...."
"...comes obedience...."
"...to your misses...."
"...your mistress'..."
FIns teeth dug against each other as he could feel the tension within him build, to an almost torturous level. Fins hips rock uncontrollably underneath the feline as her folds grind deeply against his shaft, the others fingers teasing his sensitive nipples, sending surges of sharp pleasure through his being.
"P..please...m...misteress.....r...release.....o...obey...." Fin moans out, his voice broken. Saradia tilts Fins head up, preessing his lips to one of Neishas breasts. The canine responds almost immeniately, sealing his lips around her nipple and suckiling at it. His teeth lightly sink into the perked flesh, tongue rolling around its surface, flicking at the nib, his lips sealed around its surface.
"Good boy....goood boy...good boy...." Neisha whispers into his ear over and over. Saradia presses her lips to the other ear, runnign her tongue lightly along the fur within his ear, teasing him just a little more. NEishas mantra continues over and over "good boy...good boy...good boy..." as Saradia whispers into his ear.
"Here it comes, sweetie...feel it build up within you....feel it getting closer...and closer..." the vixen sings into his ear. Fins speech had been replaced by a mix of submissive whimpers and desperate moans of bliss as the two overwhelm his body with a barrage of pleasure. His hands grasp the back of the chair tightly-claws digging into the wood, his feet digging into the floor. With a moan, Saradia kisses his ear, placing her lips against the fur along the inside of it. "Let it go..let yourself go....be a good boy...and give into your desires...cum....cum for me, little puppy..." Saradia whispers into his ears.
With that, Fins blank eyes widened fully as his eyes roll back into his head, unfocused and blank. His hips begin to violently thrust up and down, bouncing the feline on top of him up and down like a bull as he goes into a full body orgasmic spasm. His vision goes white, ears ringing, heart beating like a freight train as he reaches the peak of his climax. With a loud growling moan, his cock spews its heavy load, strands of cum shooting forth from his tip onto his chest and face, its shots powerful enough to strike Neisha and Saradias faces with the wolfskys thick hot seed.
"I-I-I-I-" Fin stutters incoherently, his mind far too taken from his climax to form any intelligible thought-his speech dribbling into nothing more then a mix of loud moaning and whimpering. Neisha settles down her grinding to a halt as she rocks up and down the canines hips. The vixen slowly strokes Fins panting chest as it rises and falls up and down, Neishas hands stroking along his sides as the two of them gaze down at their prize.
"Good boooooooy" the two whisper to him in usison.
Moments pass as they let the canine recover a bit from his ordeal. They two had slipped off of him and caught their own breaths. Saradia and Neisha grasp Fins fatigued arms and ease him out of the chair and onto a large bad in the room next to them. They help make the canine comfortable, Saradia slipping his pants and underwear from his hips and ankles, tossing them into a heap of clothes as the three bare furred furs eased onto the bed. Neisha guides Fin to rest against her, his head resting on her shoulders and chest. Fin even began to lap at the cum that he had inadvertently shot onto her face, making sure to clean the one mistress' face for her. Neisha smiles warmly at him, stroking the back of his head idly with her hand "Good boy.." She whispers to him.
“Thank you, mistress...” the canine replies to the two, his voice soft and weak-strained from his earlier moaning. Neisha strokes along the back of Fins head, her body purring in delight as she holds her new puppy closer ro her. Fin drapes an arm around her, resting his head on top of her breast-her purrs resonating gently through his body.

Saradia crawls in behind them, hugging the canine from behind-her hands raking through his fur as she massages the spent canines pecs and belly. They each give him a soft kiss, a symbol of how pleased they were with their new pets performance. Saradia drapes her tail over the canines bare hips like a blanket, her lips kissing and gently grooming at the back of his head- specifically where the knot from earlier was. Fin simply whines a fatigued whimper and lets his eyes drift shut. Saradia would hum to him, her soft soothing voice lulling the tired canine into a deep sleep for the night.


Fins body jolted upright as he looks around....the dock, a bright sunrise washing over the harbor, the air warmer and clear. The canine rubs the back of his head as he stretches, his back hitting the back of his seat. He found himself sitting inside of his little golf cart, his clothes all on-pressed and neat just as he came into work.
"What? I...." he began to mutter to himself before the sound of the morning lighthouse bell screeches through the air. He shakes his head a few times before turning the key to his cart and driving down the dock to his office.
The wolfsky finishes his shift, chucking the strange and hazy memories of his night to a dream. He makes a note for tomorrow-Bring more coffee.
The wolfsky clocks out for the night and slips his equipment into his locker, his ear twitching as the sound of his phone vibrating catches the attention of his ears. He reaches down to unlock the device, finding a text on the screen-a number not stored in his phone. The message simply reads:
"See you soon, my good boy."
Fins head tilted out of confusion, a text from an unknown number-must have been a wrong number. As he slipped the phone into his pocket and walked out towards the parking lot, his tail began to wag excitedly behind him, a strange warmth and excitement coarsing through his body. The canine slips into his car and slams the door shut, a heavy sigh bellowing from his chest. He starts the car and speeds off, eager to get home.
"Goood...boy..." he whispered to himself over the droning radio, those words ringing through his ears the entire trip home.


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