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Deus Ex: Gods Among Men Posted by: Tengu-San at 05-03-2015 18:21 PM, Last Modified 06-10-2015 19:57 PM
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(Full disclaimer, this story is based on the realm of the Deus Ex game series, and is a fan fiction of sorts. Full copy right goes to the respective owners. I just really love the game and decided to make an adventure for Tengu.)

Chapter 1

The year is 2029. Physical and mental augmentations are becoming the societal norm. Pro-human groups are now labeled terrorists. Corporate cyborgs, nothing more than assassins in shiny armor, are constantly sent out to suppress these uprisings. Time marches on, controlled evolution in the brink of humanity's grasp, and here we are, killing each other over an ideal, over money. Secrets and lies have blurred the line of who's the good guy, and who's the bad guy. No one knows every detail anymore. Every piece of data, every little bit of information, is spread vastly thin over a line of people and computers, to ensure company safety. Corporations wage war on each other, privately, each in possession of their own armies to storm their labs and headquarters, killing each other, stealing each other's tech. This is our future. This is what we have become. A private war wages across America, completely invisible to the government.

Tengu, currently located in the city of Chicago, is employed by a bio-tech firm known as Neurological Solutions Inc., providing security at the main headquarters. He also manages the tech lab, ensuring all technology that passes through is safe, secure, and ready to be shipped without delay. He was cybernetically enhanced a few years ago, after he was ambushed by a group of rival corporate assassins. His augments range all over his body. He is able to think faster, react faster, is physically more capable, can handle most weaponry with prominent recoil control, has the hacking prowess of a black hat, and can safely breathe in toxic gases and substances without punishment. His skills are duly noted by the head of this firm, and carries out many personal missions for her, and cares a great deal for Tengu's well being, spending millions of company money on him to enhance and save him after the attack. The two share a close bond, similar to brother and sister.

He walked out of his apartment, the heavy rain fell in the cold night. Tengu lit his cigarette, and walked onward. His cochlear implant started chattering. "Hey Tengu, it's me, Sera. Somethings come up, we need you hear at HQ, as soon as you can get here.", his boss said, frantically. "Something happen? What's wrong?", Tengu reacted, puffing his cigarette. "Nothing major, just something that needs to be dealt with. See you when you get here, Sera out.", she shot back. Tengu sighed, walking a bit faster, puffing on his cigarette harder. The rain began to pick up, and it was pissing Tengu off. He didn't care much for the rain, and he was already on edge with the call. Some thing really had Sera spooked if she personally contacted Tengu on a private channel. He finished his cigarette and headed up to her office to find out what the problem was.

When he got there, Sera was waiting for him, along with NSI's head IT Manager, and Tengu's cyber enhancement specialist, Phillip. Phillip was a pompous ass, though under pressure, he had a tendency to crack and withdraw. The wolf had a notorious habit of putting himself above others, constantly shaming Tengu for what had happened to him, despite helping Sera fight for Tengu's life. Tengu removed his long leather trench coat, and took a seat, confused. "What's going on? You both look spooked, and I don't do spooked. What happened?", Tengu demanded. Phillip showed him a flashing screen on his wearable data tracker, and Sera showed Tengu the same screen on her personal computer at her desk. "Cyber attacks. Someone hacked the files. What did they take, and why did they take it?", Tengu asked. "We don't know why, Tengu, but we know they stole all the personnel information. Right down to bio data.", Phillip spoke softly. "We traced the hacker down to a substation not to far from here, Tengu. I need you to go there, find out what he knows, and then deal with him.", Sera commanded. She was shaking, almost unable to contain herself. "Is my katana finished?", Tengu asked. Phillip nodded and handed Tengu this little square chip. On the chip, there was a button, and when pressed, a katana would fold itself out, enhanced to cut through even the toughest of metals and fibers. Also, the blade was given a shock drive for stun capability. "Well, I'll get a move out. I'll secure my pistol and some armor from my office first, then I'll have your answers.", Tengu said calmly, grabbing his jacket and leaving in the private elevator.

As the elevator was going up to his office, Tengu's thoughts began to wander. The night of the attack came rushing to him, the gunshots, the stooges that spoke to him as he lay there, bleeding to death. "You and your company will fall, scum.", this fox spoke, a heavy Slovakian accent in his voice. He pulled out a Desert Eagle, a hammer and sickle etched in platinum under the barrel stared at Tengu hard. Before he could pull the trigger, the police arrive, gunning down the assailants. "Sir, you're gonna be ok. I need an ambulance, now!", the officer shouted. "No!", Tengu yelled aloud. "Tengu, are you ok?", an office employee spoke from behind him. "Oh. Jessica. I..I must have been daydreaming. I'm sorry. Going up?", Tengu sheepishly asked. He was ashamed the attack had left him so broken, but he just couldn't shake it. The feeling of helplessness was too overbearing. "Tengu, it's fine, I'm just worried about you. You should probably talk to someone. You know I live a few doors down, don't be afraid to ask me for help if you need it.", she said shyly. Tengu pondered on it, after all, she was a dashingly beautiful feline. her bright green eyes heavily complimented her black fur. "I'll be sure you remember your offer when I need it.", he replied nervously.

Jessica gave Tengu one last look of love and desperation, then parted ways. The doors shut, and the elevator continued it's ascent. After a short amount of time, the elevator had reached the top floor, Tengu's office. A single pane window showcased the entire city around him. The rain pattered on the glass softly, almost calling out to him. He stood, amazed at the orange glow of the black city. Sirens, gunshots, yelling, and screaming all made a crescendo of noise, reminding Tengu he was home. As he sat in his desk, loading a magazine for his handgun, his terminal awoke with an email. The sender was Anonymous, and clearly knew their way around a security system. "Tengu, we know your orders are to deal with this so-called "hacker" at the substation, but we implore you to reconsider. We will meet you at the back entrance. Come alone. We will know if you betray our secret. Trust us.", the contents baffled Tengu. Curious, he decided he'd pay this mystery group a meeting. After loading up 3 magazines, securing a suppressor and a few flash bangs, he descended the elevator to the ground floor.

He walked casually out of the building, lighting another cigarette. "This rain needs to piss off, yesterday.", Tengu muttered. His jacket's coat tails swayed in the wind graciously, his pace picking up. He went around the back, and there stood 3 hooded figures. The leader extended her paw, and welcomed him. "Tengu, I'm glad you followed our advice. We do not have much time. They, no doubt, are already aware of our presence, and will be on their way shortly.", she whispered. "Who? Who's coming? What do they want with you? Do you know anything about the cyber attack on NSI?", Tengu said, bewildered. "Of course we do", she said. A hiss followed, and her companions pulled out Combat Rifles, scanning the area. "We are under attack from a cipher group. A rogue band of black hats, who have framed us for the attack. Go to your HQ and read what is on this hard-drive. You will understand.", she said in a hurried motion. Then, within a blink, they disappeared. A hard-drive, glowing in the street light, lay where she once stood.

"Tengu, have you solved our problem yet?", Sera chimed in. "No. I received credible intel that whoever is here, was framed. Something about a rogue hacker group. I'm returning to base.", Tengu stated. "Damn it Tengu, we don't have time to chase leads. Someone out there has critical information, and could do serious damage should it be leaked.", Sera responded. "I'll take it under advisement", he replied, switching off his implant. He was annoyed. Always expected to jeopardize his morals for the company. Not today.

When he returned to his office, he found it in a chaotic state. Files flung everywhere, his terminal smashed in. His scanner lenses sot out of his temples, covering his eyes, looking for any clues left behind. No blood, fingerprints, DNA. Nothing. "Sera, my office was raided. Not sure what they were looking for, but I'm going to crack open this hard-drive, you and Phillip get up here, you're oging to need to see this.", Tengu said. "We're on our way.", she shot back.

Tengu plugged the drive into his wearable device, and started reading it's contents. Sera, Phillip, and an unnamed employee hired a hacker group to steal company secrets, including personnel information, and sell them to other companies, making corporate heists easier to pull off. Just then, Tengu felt a cold barrel of a gun press against the back of his head. "You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you.", Sera spoke. "After all the money we put into you, you couldn't just follow orders. I'm disappointed.", she said, cold and emotionless. Tengu spun around before she could even blink, and hip tossed her down, disarming her in the process. "You. Phillip. How long has this been going on?", Tengu demanded. A gunshot struck Tengu in the side of the chest, sending him across the room. EMP round, causing all his augments to reset to factory zero, and stunning him as well. Phillip came skulking out of the shadows. "You were always so self-righteous. 'Let's do the right thing, let's have some morals, let's do this by the book.' No more, Tengu. NSI will ascend to the top of the food chain, and you will be left behind.", he said, mockingly. The two left in a private jet, leaving Tengu collapsed and twitching on the ground.

Jessica came rushing in, Machine Pistol in hand. "Tengu! Hold on!", she exclaimed. She made a call for back up, then Tengu faded from consciousness. In the darkness, all he could feel was the sting of the bullet, digging into his armor under his jacket. He heard faint sounds of voices, but they were too distant to make out.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Tengu awoke to Jessica by his side, frantically waiting for him to wake up. "Tengu! You're alive! We thought the EMP round had left you permanently comatose.", she shouted, letting out a sigh afterward. "How long was I out for?", Tengu asked, confused. "It's been a week and 4 days. We noticed something on the charts though." "What?" "You're cyber enhancements rejected the EMP blast, and have instead bonded stronger with your body, more so than normal.", she explained. "You're becoming one with the machine.". Tengu sat, almost sick to death from those words. He didn't like the fact he was now dependent on these augments, and now his body was accepting them whole-sale. "I'm an agent of INTERPOL, and was planted in your facility as a sleeper cell, ordered to gather evidence on whether or not your company was guilty of corporate espionage and fraud. We took the hard-drive you were given, and hunted down the ones who gave it to you. We have offered them asylum, and will now offer you the same.", she said firmly. "No. This is my case. Whether or not the company has done anything illegal, it's my call to make. It's my job to find out.", Tengu argued. "If you refuse, you'll be arrested, guilty by association. Tengu, consider the offer.", she said, then left.

Tengu couldn't believe this. He gleamed at the plate of food before him, and slapped it aside. After fighting mass amounts of pain, he sat on the side of his bed, and reconfigured is internal systems. After switching his augments back on, and recalibrated them from his laptop, he unplugged all his i.v.'s, and jumped out the window. A fugitive. That's what he'd be. But he needed answers.

He woke up to a dingy, grey overcast. Thunderclaps could be heard, but no rain. He limped a few blocks, dodging any police through the alleys. It would seem quite suspicious, seeing a physically augmented panda running through the streets in a hospital gown, now wouldn't it? Though, it's hard to be stealthy when there are neon orange streetlights illuminating even the deepest of potholes.

Tengu finally made it back to his apartment, and linked up to his augment intunator, to fine tune and fully restore his augments. As he sit there, he pondered his next move over a glass of honey whiskey. The machine bleeped, and a automatonic female voice spoke to him, "Intunation, complete.", the machine said. He stood, and put on a new pair of BDU's, a clean black shirt, and slung his jacket back over. As he secured his katana chip and pistol, a bang was heard from the door. "Jessica, INTERPOL, open the door, Tengu. We know you're here.", she shouted. Tengu opened the window, ducked behind the wall on the fire escape, and shut the window silently. He sat there, crouched, praying she wouldn't discover him. How the hell did she move so fast anyway? His door was breached, Jessica and several members of SWAT raided the apartment. "He's gone. Damn it. We need him alive. Scan the perimeter and get a patrol on the clock here, now.", she demanded. "Yes ma'am, we'll do what we can.", the SWAT captain responded.

Tengu left immediately, not wanting to make friends with the police. As he walked, he lit a cigarette, a pleasure he'd been dying for since he woke up. He exhaled a sigh of relief and kept walking, puffing away. He made a call on his implant, being sure to use the private channel. "Hey, Brian. Wake up. I need you to do something for me.", Tengu whispered. "Y...Yeah? Kind of waking me up awfully late, boss. What do you need?", Brian responded. "Dig up anything you can on the INTERPOL agent Jessica, stationed here in Chicago.", Tengu said. "Right away.", he shot back. Brian was an ex-security officer at NSI, but quit, due to the lack of morality by such companies. Ironically, became a freelance hacker, but only took on jobs that served some sort of justice.

Tengu went to a private garage, and hid out for a while, still pondering on what to do. His time was limited, but there was nothing he could do, until Brian called him back. Then the garage door began to open, and there stood Jessica and a few SWAT officers, their guns pointed right at him. "Tengu, I will shoot you, if you move. Don't make me. Turn yourself in. It's all you can do now.", she said softly. Tengu stood up, and pulled out the katana chip, looking at the button intently. "I said, don't move.", she repeated. The officers turned their laser sights on, drawing a bead on his head. He activated his scanner lenses, and once again, the lenses came out of his temples, and covered his eyes. "Tengu. This is your final chance. Stand down, or we will fire.", the captain shouted. Tengu clicked the button, the katana folding out, and he activated the shock drive, didn't want any un-needed casualties. "I can't do that, captain. Jessica. You know, more than I, the corruption that's going on. I need my answers, and I need to clean up this mess. If you don't understand, then you better kill me, because I won't stop until I have my answers.", Tengu stated firmly. "FIRE!", Jessica shouted. Time slowed down. The bullets head for Tengu's face. He stepped aside, examining them as they flew into the wall. He walked up to the feline, and stunned her unconscious, then disarmed the SWAT officers, and rendered them unconscious as well.

He left in a hurry, not wanting to make himself known. He'd now be labelled a terrorist, so he had to move quickly. He clicked the button again, the blade folding back into a little square chip, and he tucked it away with his hands in his pockets. "Hey boss, got some info. She's not INTERPOL. She's really a corporate spy with the credentials. She's duping everyone.", he reported. "Anything else?", Tengu asked patiently. "Yes. But you should go see for yourself in the apartment.", he said. Tengu doubled back around, and broke into her apartment. It's the last thing they'd expect. All the patrols were gone, surprisingly. This wasn't making much sense, but Tengu didn't have time. He seen a lot of photographs and security footage of Tengu. She was tracking him for assassination. "Brian, she had eyes on for a while. She's operating an F.O.B., but who does she work for?", Tengu interrogated. "Don't know. This is all I could dig up, boss. I'm going back to sleep. Keep me posted.", Brian answered.

A loud thump was heard from behind Tengu, followed by a kick to the spine. "You were stupid to come back here, Tengu.", a voice echoed. It was Jessica. She de-cloaked and revealed herself. "Now I can complete my mission, and get out of this hellhole.", she spat. She gripped his head, preparing to snap his neck, as he lay there, helpless. When she had a hold on him, he pulled his gun, and fired three shots blindly, one striking her in the head. Her body fell to the ground and began twitching. A robotic voice announced it was to begin a "self-protection" protocol, and her body disintegrated. This was common with corporate cyborgs, as there was no way to retrieve any data from them if they were purged. "Shit. No. Damn it!", Tengu exhaled in anger. He'd never killed a woman. But something just kind of..took over. He lost all trails now. Who knew what he'd do next. He went to a local safehouse, ran by a gang he had some "ties" to, and asked for safety while he figured out what to do. Luckily, they knew someone that liked Tengu, and gave him shelter. For now, all Tengu could do is rest...

Chapter 2; "Demons Run When A Good Man Goes To War"....

Two weeks, Tengu spent inside the safehouse, secluded. Hearing his gunshots that lead to the fatality of Jessica haunted his mind. The smell of gunpowder, at least to himself, was still frsh in his nostrils. He ran his paws over the fur on his face. He was worried. The "framed" black hat group had disappeared, Brian had gone silent. Tengu himself was being targeted for assassination by an unknown group, for undisclosed reasons. 

Trey, a cunning fox, and leader of the "Brotherhood", approached Tengu's bedding. A warm bottle of sake rolled over to his stomach, and Trey sat at the foot of the cot. "Look, we have some information. It's not much. But, I figured you could do well with it.", he spoke softly. Trey and Tengu once served on a tour in Azerbijan, as part of an EOD team. "What is it?", he said, cracking open the bottle. The liquor was sweet, but burned going down. "We know who Jessica was working for. We caught someone snooping around one of our associates storage cells. We have her tied up right now. You want to talk to her?", he said. "Yes. Yes I do.", Tengu replied, killing the bottle in seconds. Drunk, and pissed as hell, that's going to get me somewhere, he thougt sarcastically. He grabbed his overcoat, handgun, and katana chip, and walked with Trey to the back yard. Bottles of malt liquor, shell casings, and a few hookers were just some of the decorations that marred the safehouse. Tengu chuckled, thinking about what he was going to do. He popped his lenses out of his temples, and walked in the garage.

Trey locked the door, and stood off to the side. Before Tengu, sat a feline, clad in a black stealth suit, and a black bag secured on her head. He ripped it off, gazing at her. "Do you know who I am?", Tengu asked. She looked up at him and laughed. "So, she failed, is that it? Did you enjoy killing her?", she spoke in a thick french accent. "Cut the bullshit. I take it you know who I am. Who are you?", he shouted, the alcohol boiling inside him. She looked down at her feet, spitting on the floor. Tengu pulled out his katana chip, and deployed the blade. "I thought I told you not to fuck with me.", Tengu demanded. He activated the stun core, and slapped her across the face with the dull side of the blade. Trey approached him, placing his paw on Tengu's shoulder. He looked over at him, and put the blade away. "Who do you work for? Why do you want to kill me?", he interrogated. "Now, that I can answer. Simply. Your augments. They are beyond current technologies, and we were ordered to bring you in for extraction of your augs. That's it.", she said plainly. Tengu removed his handgun from his chest holster, and shot her in the head, killing her instantly. Trey smirked, and flipped a switch on the wall, draining the blood off the floor. "So now what?", he asked Tengu. "Get Brian over here. Have him trace the signal of her augs.", Tengu spat, walking back into the house. 

What could they want with his augments? Sure, they were advanced, but why? He didn't have a clue, but he knew one thing. Whomever was out there gunning for him? They had all hell to pay. Some time passed, and his communicator started going off. "Go.", Tengu confirmed. "Hello, Tengu.", Sera's voice rasped. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. You flatlined my operatives. I must say, racking up quite a body count aren't you?", she said, laughing in a taunting manner. "What do you want?", he said. "That group you met with? We have them. Since you think you can kill off our assets like this, we will teach you a lesson.", Phillip chimed in. Tengu could hear screaming in the background. "Incineration. A very painful, but clean method, don't you agree?", he said, chuckling. "You bastard! They had nothing to do with this!", Tengu screamed, tears streaming down his face. The call ended, leaving Tengu to go beserk. He began punching the wall, furiously. After a minute, he calmed, collected his thoughts.

At night, he loaded some magazines for his firearm, and headed for the door. "Tengu, we got into contact with Brian. He's working on that signal. Where are you going?", Trey asked. "I'm going to find out where Sera and Phillip are. I think I have an idea.", Tengu stated. He walked off into the fog. Lighting a cigarette, he set out for the sewers. There was a blacksite for "advanced experimentation" located there for NSI. Tengu never questioned it before, but now, he could only imagine what that really meant. He made it to the sewers, just as his smoke faded out. The manhole was already opened, so he jumped down. He walked in the foul refuse for a few hours, until he found an unmarked door. As soon as he opened it, a NSI logo bore the fruits of his labor. Securing his pistol in his paws, he went forth. He activated his Smart Tracker 3.0, revelaing several heat signatures in the next room. He snuck in, and hid behind a counter, listening to a conversation. "Did you hear about those hackers? Phillip just lost it, torched em all." "Yeah, shit's crazy. I'm glad I don't work with the guy. Fucking control freak man." They were dead. The ones who gave Tengu the hard-drive at the power plant. He stood, and took out the 3 scientists, and moved on. He came to the main labs, where Sera and Phillip were standing, examining a few "lab rats". Tengu took cover behgind some boxes and waited for his moment. "Were the tests successful?", Sera demanded. "No ma'am. Their nervous system gave out. Too many augments at once. Did you secure Tengu's plasma?", the scientist asked nervously. Sera shot him dead where he stood. "We don't need it. There has to be a way." The hell could they want with my plasma, Tengu thought. He stood, and kicked a pipe, drawing their attention. Fear overwhelmed the two. "You weren't expecting me? Shame. I'm sorry, I had to let myself in.", Tengu said, laughing. "Tengu, you won't get far. Killing us won't stop what is going to happen to you. It won't change a thing.", Sear said, shaking. "Oh. It will change everything.", he replied. He shot Phillip in the knee, and Sera took off running, sealing the lab in a "bio-alert". "Errrr, ughh. Ngggg. Do it, you'll get no information out of me.", Phillip said, grunting in pain. Tengu crouched before the wolf, and stuck in finger in the bullet wound. "Oh, I believe you shall be a little more forthcoming than you'd like to admit. "Fuck! No, errrrrr!", he grunted. Tengu shot him again, this time striking his chest. Phillip simply responded with a glob of spit being spat at Tengu. He sighed, then killed him. "Trey, we're done here. I'm coming back.", Tengu said frankly. "Alright. Brian's got something. Get out of there. You got SWAT and a few Marshalls heading for you.", he responded. 

Tengu couldn't get any of the doors to open, so he eventually found a vent to crawl through. He made it to a security office. After dropping the two guards, he dropped in, lifting the alert. All he had to do was walk out. Sera was long gone by now. He exited the sewers, and made his way back to the safehouse.

He went straight for the shower, washing away the stink of the undercity. 

Tomorrow, he'd get some answers. 

Chapter 3; "Go forth, in the dying of the light."

It had been a few days since the lab incident. All over the news, headlines flashed across the screen, "Terrorist attack in Bio Tech lab". Tengu was now, as Jessica predicted, a terrorist. The group that had contacted him was dead. He had no leads. Trey sat next to him, consoling his friend who was in a world of drunken depression and confusion. 

"Tengu, listen to me. Some of my guys went to the lab after the patrols wrapped up for the night. They got you on the security feeds, including your bio-metric ID. We're going to have to move.", he said calmly. All Tengu could do was look at him. After staring off for a moment, a beeping noise caught his attention. It was consistent, but it kept getting faster, as if it were winding down. Then, suddenly, a concusive blast blew a hole in the wall of the house, sending the two flying. SWAT raided the home, gunning down Trey's lackeys. Tengu laid there, fading in and out, crawling for his gun. He look over at Trey, who was up and returning fire to the officers. "Get up! Come o-", he said, a bullet striking his face. His body fell limp, the cold eyes staring at Tengu. 

He tried to speak, but no words came. Tears welled in his eyes, his paw taking Trey's tightly. 

Back in Azerbijan, a group captured Tengu, tied him up. Demanded ransom money and safe passage to an airport. HQ wanked them, told they were working on it, but they fully intended on letting Tengu die there. Trey saw to it he made it home ok. Now, Tengu held his only true friend in his paw, dead on the ground.

The officers hauled Tengu up to his knees, muffling under their balaclavas. "I told you Tengu, it'd be pointless.", Sera's voice rang into his ears. Tengu looked at her feet, and spat some blood at her. "I don't think you understand, just who you are fucking with.", he said quietly weeping. His body twitched, and a blast eminated from his body. One of the features Tengu was equipped with when he was augmented was a Combat Chasis. His whole torso was covered with tiny little holes, that shot out microscopic, non-lethal shape charges. Sent anyone within a 5 meter radius flying back. 

He stood to his feet, drawing his katana. "Now you will pay, you will pay for your crimes.", he spoke softly. "I saved you. I made what stands before me. I am your god, your only salvation.", she said pleading. As Tengu shook his head, he drew his blade back, but was struck by an EMP round in the spine, and collapsed.

What felt like mere minutes later, he opened his eyes, and was secured to a little metal chair, a dingy light above him ensnared him. "Where the hell am I? Hello?", he shouted. No answer came to him. His electronic cuffs release from him, a steam hissing from the device. He stood, examining the darkness that surrounded him.

Before he could move, he seen 3 lasers targer his torso, and a voice spoke to him. "Tengu, it's been a while.", a familiar voice said to him. "Who are you? What do you want with me?", he responded. He noticed he was bleeding from his nose, and he had a patched up wound on his leg. "What happened to me?", he demanded again. "It's me", the voice spoke, a robed figure stepped foreward. It was the leader of the black hat group, the one who gave him the hard drive. "It's a pleasure to see you're still with us, Tengu. We thought you died. SWAT loaded you into an armored truck. En route to a public execution, we converged on the truck. They injected you with something, and you kicked off the doors, and went heywire. We subdued you without injury, and brought you here for safety.", she explained. 

Tengu sat back down, taking all the information in. The leader waved her paw, signaling for her soldiers to stand down. "Allow me to introduce myself.", she said, stepping forward. Removing the robe and a throat mounted voice changer, Sera revealed herself, along with Brian. Tengu stared hard at what he was seeing. "Are you fucking joking me?! What is this? Answer me.", he stated firm with hatred. "Trey knew, Tengu. He knew what was going to happen. The orders weren't mine, I just had to maintain cover. Phillip was co-opting with a terrorist cell from Russia. Something to do with controlling the bio-metric neophyte in your brain. Basically, a human proxy, able to be controlled through satellites.", Sera revealed. "It's true Tengu. I meant to bring up to you, but you went dark after the labs.", Brian confirmed.

A pack of cigarettes found it's way into Tengu's lap, so he lit one up, confused. "Luckily, we were able to track down this cell before you killed him.", she said. A moment of silence passes as Tengu takes in his nicotine as slow as possible. "Let me guess, you want me to go after them, and take them out.", Tengu said. They both gave him a slight nod. "They are going after our company, Tengu. You don't have a choice, as my Security Chief. So yes, you are going.", Sera shot back.

"Don't worry though, I'm going with you as observation and interference", Brian said, comforting the confused panda. Tengu felt better having a familiar face, but he just kept seeing Trey die, over and over in his mind. "What about my status as a 'terrorist'?", Tengu asked. "That's been cleared. The only ones going after you now are these hackers and mercs.", he replied. Sera handed him his katana chip and handgun, along with a duffle bag with some more gear in it. "Now, that you'll be ready to go soon, we have one more subject to cover. Bring him in.", she commanded. A door opened, and shut, with a loud whimpering echoing everywhere. "Stand up, Tengu.", she shouted, then sat the lizard down in his chair. Same get up as the French woman, black jumpsuit. An Australian accent filled the room, banter flowing from his tongue. "I already told you, I don't know anything! Please, let me go.", he pleaded. 

"Tengu, deal with him.", Sera said, leaving with her guards and Brian. He looked up at Tengu with sorrow, his greenish scales reflecting off the light. "You smoke?", Tengu asked, lighting another cigarette. "No, it's bad for the lungs.", he replied. Tengu chuckled, and stowed the pack of smokes. "So, I see you're dressed like the Frenchie. You with the cell based in Russia?", he asked calmly, leaning against the wall. "Cecile!??! You killed her.. No, I don't belong to anyone. Her and I are just freelancers. We were hired to support Jessica's operations in the area, then she went dark, so we got a pay raise, and were told to finish her mission. I opted out, but Cecile needed the money.", he spoke in a frantic manner. Tengu nodded, casually puffing on his cigarette. "You do know, that Jessica's mission was to assassinate me, correct?", he said. "Why do you think I wanted out? I know you served as EOD in Azerbijan, I know you're with NSI as Security Chief. Not one to be trifled with.", he replied instantly. "How do you know this? Who hired you?", Tengu asked. "Wolf. Phillip?", he answered. 

After some silence, Tengu pondered. "So, you're telling me my employers Tech Engineer hired you to kill me?", he asked confused. "No. Jessica was given that mission from your competitor, Cellular Preservation INC. When she flatlined, they had their mole, Phillip, hire us to finish it out when we could no longer run support and observation.", he clarified. Tengu paced around the lizard for sometime, digesting all the information. "Why are you being so forth-coming?", Tengu asked curiously. "Because, I have a family, and I never signed up to kill anyone. Take pictures of a target? Fine, but I'm not going to be someone's private assassin.", he stated clearly. Tengu kneeled behind him, pausing. "What are you going to do with me?", he asked fearfully. Before he could react, Tengu wrapped his arm around his throat, and his other paw on the back of his head, choking the life out of the lizard. He slummped over dead before long.

Tengu felt the sting of guilt rise, but quickly suppressed it with logic. He was still the enemy, and he had orders to deal with him. 

"Sera, did you hear all that?", Tengu asked. "Yes. It sounds like all the loose ends are tied here. Go rest, and tomorrow, you're heading to Russia with Brian.", she said, somewhat relieved.

For now, he could sleep, but who knew what lied in wait for him in Russia. 


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