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Horse Play Posted by: HyBrithe Resurgam at 05-03-2015 03:45 AM, Last Modified 05-03-2015 03:45 AM
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Greetings everyone to my little attempt at furry hard core porn... ;D It has been ages since I did any creative writing but once in a while I get this idea in my head that just wont go away until I write it all down. However, I am prone to a few mistakes. First, in my attempt to be creative I often go TOO far in being descriptive that often leaves simple things being long winded and carrying on too much. Secondly, I often switch between perspectives of first, second, and third person. It's a bad habit I have and I often wish I had an editor to fix my mistakes... >_> Third and lastly, as much as English is my first language, I am often left with grammatical and homonym errors. I try to go back and reread my stuff several times to fine tooth comb them out but once in a while, one or two get missed.

I know the rules ask for no excessive profanity and I swear I've gone over this a few times looking at ways to change the wording of a few things. However, as this story is VERY yiffy and the profanity is part of the degradation of the characters, they are added to show the submission and humiliation of the characters and the show of authority over them. Remember kids, NO means NO unless the safe word isn't used. Also, if you're under 18, STOP READING THIS IMMEDIATELY! I'm going to tell your parents about all the nasty, naughty stuff you're doing and then you're REALLY going to get in trouble. No more computer time for you until you're out of the house mister!

Also, there was one category left out to pick from that I thought some artists would use in their story? I was surprised that it wasn't included in the list. Oh well, maybe that's a good thing as it's a surprise to the ending of the story. =D

So, as I am always looking at ways to improve. Please feel free to give me any constructive criticism, advice, suggestions, well wishes, and/or applause. Hey, sometimes an artist likes to know that their work is appreciated. ;) No actual humans were hurt in the making of this story but several were taken to the hospital for erections that lasted for more than 4 hours. *heh* Any ways... on with the story!

Horse Play

I have been working with Michael now for about six months. He’s a good chap, always a smile on his face and a friendly attitude that warms up the people around him. He has an easy approach to him, like you could ask him anything despite his towering size above you and not fear about a backlash. He liked to be called Mic, even if you weren’t his immediate friend which always seemed to make people feel at ease with him. If there was only one fault about the guy, it would be that perhaps he was too kind. Like a person with ill intent could easily trick him into doing whatever they wanted him to do. However, woe and pity to anyone that would end up on the wrath end of the stick as he would easily crush that person with his bare hands. It’s not every day that you can say a four hundred pound person would be someone you couldn’t easily out run from but then not everyone is an anthro horse either.

Now Jenny on the other hand, Mic’s girlfriend, was something else. She was an anthro mare with one hell of a body. She was pleasant and kind much like Mic was but she always seemed to be flirting with everyone she talked to. Her bubbly persona and light steps on her hooves seemed to portray a sense of playfulness and a free spirited nature. Yet her body was just down right gorgeous, anthro mare or human wise. Her assets were the envy of any woman and if she knew it or not, she played on them well. Her breasts always pushed out whatever blouse she had on like the material would soon rip like the Incredible Hulk’s pants, her curves where more dangerous than swimming the Amazon River, and when she walked her legs made this amazing crossing motion that hypnotized you until she left the room.

Of all of Jenny’s features, it was her legs I admired the most. She enjoyed wearing skirts that only went down as far as her knees. Her legs were furred like any horse but near her ankles, she had feathers like a draft horse that would sway like ocean waves with each step. When she wore heels they were accentuated even more. Perhaps it was because I grew up in the 80’s but they reminded me a bit of leg warmers. Back when it was a fashion statement to wear spandex workout leotards with big, thick legwarmers outside of the gym. I always found that a bit sexy and had a secret desire that someday they would make a revival like other fashion trends tend to do. So until that trend comes back around, I took great joy in appreciating Jenny’s legs instead.

I admit that I am a bit envious of Mic. He has an amazing girlfriend and friends all around him. I have never dated an anthro before. I am not sure that the cultural differences are something that I could properly understand. I love the anthro horse’s culture; their creative use of natural materials into their everyday lives, how much of their culture seems to revolve around dancing, and despite all of their hardships they continue to be friendly and peaceful with humans. I never wanted to be “that guy” that had a token anthro friend just to say he had one. I don’t know, maybe I have been single for far too long now but I sure wish I had a girlfriend just like Jenny. I wonder how they feel, being able to cuddle up with them under a blanket. Would her mane feel soft against my bare chest while the rest of her fur warmed me? If I began to kiss her behind her ear, would she smell and taste like freshly dug earth? Are her nipples also covered in fur and what about her pubes? Would she have an extra amount of fur near her vagina and would the color match her mane? Anthro horses are shy by nature and rarely even like their picture to be taken. Whenever I have tried to look up anthro horse porn it always came back with zero hits. I am curious to know all of the answers to these questions but anthro horses aren’t the only shy creatures. Besides, I’m not sure that I could even measure up to an anthro stallion. They’re always so muscular, strong and fit. I have also heard that they’re well-endowed and for a human, I’m just average. I don’t know if I could even please an anthro mare with what I’ve got down stairs.

Jenny walked into our work place again like most typical Fridays. You would think that she worked here as often as you saw her but she just loved making fresh cooked meals and dropping them off for Mic at lunchtime. Damn, Mic sure is one lucky fellow. I saw her in the hallway and I greeted her politely as she passed by me but I found myself turning around to get in a view of those luscious legs of hers. Oh how I appreciated that view so much. She walked up to the front desk secretary and began to make small talk with her. As she was still in my view I just couldn’t take my eyes away from her. As she began to become more involved with her talking she began to lean forward over the front desk. I noticed then that Jenny had a rather particular short miniskirt on today. I stood there amazed at the sight unfolding before my bewildering eyes. She started to lean more and more over the desk and the hem of her skirt began to rise higher. Oh my God, please oh please don’t let this stop. Her legs were hard pressed together but her miniskirt was to the edge of her butt cleavage. Wow, do anthro mares wear panties I wonder? I wonder what type of undergarments an anthro mare would wear? If she has on a miniskirt, maybe she’s wearing a thong today. I bet they have on cute prints on their panties too like flowers or butterflies.

I was in my own little world until it came crashing down around my head with a firm grasp on my shoulder. I about jumped out of my skin and became as stiff as a board. From the corner of my eye I could see the specific black and white marble hoof nail on Mic’s right index finger. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Oh I am such a dead man. Mic totally caught me checking out his girlfriend’s ass. Well, I may go out like a punk but at least I had one final moment of happiness before I do.

Mic’s hand was firm and yet it wasn’t uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure what I should do or what I should say as I was caught in the headlights of Mic’s indomitable gaze behind me.

“Hey there Sean, how are you doing today?” he asked.

I couldn’t tell where Mic was at with his emotions. He had the same happy tune in his voice as he would be talking to anyone else. “Fine”, I said. “I’m just thinking about what I was going to do over the weekend”, I tried to explain.

“Are you going to be busy?” he inquired. “If you have plans then for tonight that’s no problem but I wanted to know if maybe you would like to go out for a few drinks tonight with Jenny and me; after we get done with work tonight of course. Did you want to bring your girlfriend along too?”

“Aaaah… sorry Mic”, I said sheepishly. “I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment.”

“Hey, no problems bud. Sorry if I brought up something uncomfortable for you”, he said in that same polite mannerism like he was trying to apologize to the whole world again. “I thought that perhaps you would like to unwind a bit. You seem a bit tense.”

“Oh, well… yeah sure. That sounds like fun Mic”, I found myself trying to sputter out of my mouth.

I had never been asked by a co-worker to go out drinking with them before. I liked Mic and thought of him as a good co-worker but not someone that I would be chums with and hang out together. Maybe he was oblivious to what I was watching before he interrupted me. What a crappy way to start up a new friendship. But hey, this actually sounds like fun to hang out with him. I just need to keep my eyes to myself and not get caught looking at the cookie jar again. Besides, being around these two always seems to have a positive effect on the people around them. It would be nice to be in a little, friendly click with such pleasant people.

“Hey Babe”, Mic seemed to resound out past my ear. “I invited Sean here to go out drinking with us tonight. What do you think, how about The Watering Hole tonight?”

I had heard about that place before. It was a bar where a lot of anthro horses like to hang out at. I had driven past it a few times while running errands around town but like a woman’s bathroom, I never went in. I wonder what it looks like inside? If it was a Country Western motif I think that would be a bit too cliché.

“Sure”, Jenny said gleefully. I swear to God, one of these days a rainbow is going to come shooting out of her mouth. “Meet you there at around seven-ish?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I’ll see you then babe”, Mic stated. “I love you”, he said in that almost seemingly too perfect frame of mind that makes you wonder if it’s just natural or forced out.

“I love you too”, she beamed and blew out a kiss before turning around and walking out the front doors. For just a moment I wanted that kiss for myself and then the stark reality of who was standing behind me was enough to keep me in check. I had better keep my shit together or this is going to end faster than the Titanic’s maiden voyage.

For the second half of my shift, I found myself daydreaming a bit between what it was like hanging out with anthro horses and what they do in their spare time. Luckily my daydreaming didn’t interfere with my job and for the rest of the work day, it went by quite pleasantly. I found myself in a good mood and smiling a few times to myself. The last hour did feel a bit longer than normal as I seemed to be checking the clock every few minutes. I even checked out the break room's clock once on my way to the restroom to make sure the work floor clock wasn’t broken and running slow. Eventually quitting time rolled around and I found Mic hanging out at the punch clock waiting for me.

He greeted me with that big, warm smile of his and waved me over to him. He asked if I knew where The Watering Hole was at which I assured him that I knew of the place. He even asked me if I wanted to follow behind his car to just be sure. That guy is always too polite I’m telling you. I told him that it wouldn’t be necessary and I said to him that I wanted to go home first to change clothes if I was going out with him tonight. He paused and asked where and how far away I lived. It was in the opposite direction of course of The Watering Hole but I told him I wouldn’t be later than seven thirty at the latest. A look of disdain crossed Mic’s face and explained to me that we promised Jenny we would be there by seven. He continued that Jenny doesn’t like to wait around for long and would leave if we weren’t there together. He told me not to worry as there would be a lot of anthro horses there that left right after work too and that I wouldn’t have to worry about standing out and smelling bad around them.

I shrugged off my determination to get cleaned up and decided that I would go as I was. With the end of the work day, we got caught up in the rush hour traffic and what should have taken thirty minutes ended up taking almost fifty. Maybe it was a good thing that I didn’t go home after all. It would have been probably more like eight o’clock by the time I went home and got here. Mic and I stepped through the front doors and Jenny saw us immediately and waved excitedly to the both of us to join her in a corner booth.

Other than a few small talks I had with Mic at work, I really didn’t know anything about him. For that matter, I knew even less about Jenny as all of our interactions were just polite pleasantries. The elephant in the room was just standing there of course but I didn’t want to shoot it in the head by asking, “So what’s it like to be an anthro horse?” I felt a little awkward and I didn’t have a clue where to begin our conversation at. I looked around the bar and found it to be modest and clean. I saw there were a few pictures of anthro horses in daily life and a few cultural artifacts along the walls. I then noticed I was the only human here but no one was staring at me. I asked if it was alright that I was here to which they both laughed lightly and added that all were welcomed here. Mic raised his hand and snapped his fingers to the bartender to get a round of drinks for the table. He asked politely if I was alright with drinking beer to which I had no objections to it. A waitress was soon there putting our beers out in front of us. I snickered a bit as the brand of beer as it was called Draft Horse beer. I asked them if they felt that sometimes humans made stereotypes out of them for their own profit because anthro horses never spoke up about it. They seemed to answer in harmony that despite everything they had gone through over the years that there was no bitterness between anthros and humans.

We talked and drank at the same time. When Mic picked up his beer, it seemed as though it only took him a few swallows to finish it off quickly. After a minute or two, Mic snapped his fingers again for another round to be put out. I wasn’t even half way through my first beer when the waitress put a fresh beer in front of me. I quickly poured back my first beer to start on my second. Mic was quick to put his second beer away and was snapping his fingers again for the next round. I had barely a sip out of my second beer to find that a new one had magically appeared in front of me again.

We talked for what seemed like a long time about how even with cultural differences between us that it was nice that we had come to peace with each other and could live together. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of our differences but they were so happy to talk about it and I was so eager to learn. I found myself in the middle of trying to find out as much as I could and trying to keep up with the drinks in front of me. I hadn’t even noticed that I had drunk seven beers until I had the strong urge to pee but found the room to be spinning a little. I looked to the both of them and if either one of them was even buzzed they showed no signs of it. I excused myself from the booth to go to the restroom. I had to lean heavily against the wall to support myself to make sure I didn’t fall over and piss outside of the urinal. I tried to walk straight to the washbasin to wash my hands but found myself using the wall as a guild with my hand to get there. I washed up and splashed some cool water on my face trying to revive my senses. I stumbled a bit back to the booth to sit down with the both of them again.

There was another fresh beer just sitting there again in front of me. Mic and Jenny both asked me if I was alright to which I freely admitted to them I was feeling a bit tipsy. They both looked sympathetic and tried to apologize to me about pushed me too hard to keep up with them. I assured them that I was a big boy and that the only one responsible for my actions was me. They asked if maybe they should take the last beer. They had bought every round and I felt obligated to repay their kindness by not refusing their hospitality. It took me about ten minutes but I was able to finish the last beer on my own. Although I wish that I hadn’t as that seemed to be the last one that pushed me over the edge.

Mic assessed me and told me that he didn’t feel right to let me drive home in the condition that I was in. I told him that I would get a cab home but he insisted that he would take me to his place and let me crash on his couch and that tomorrow he would drive me back to pick up my car. I wasn’t much in the mood to argue with him and saving money on two cab fares sounded like an excellent idea.

I really wasn’t sure where we were going. My biggest thought on my mind was not puking in Mic’s car. We drove what seemed like hours until we finally came to a stop and I could look out the window without feeling nauseous. Mic lived out in the country side and lived in a very simple and yet well-kept house. Mic helped me up the porch steps as he pushed his keys into the doorknob and opened the front door. I saw headlights light up the porch and turned around to see them go off and Jenny step out of her car. She quickly stepped up to the both of us and aided me inside.

What a sorry mess I must look like to the both of them. I just wanted to close my eyes and pretend I didn’t look like a complete asshole right now. I wanted to know where the couch was but the room was spinning too much for me to focus. I felt Mic’s muscular arm around me and then I also felt Jenny’s feminine arm surrounding me from the other side. She was pressed up against me right now and I could feel my arm draped around her. She felt soft and pleasant like how you feel petting a kitten. I didn’t mean to but I rested my head against her. Oh, what a grand sensation that was as my head found comfort on her bosom and I inhaled her womanly aroma.

I felt myself being eased down and the relief of the couch soon enveloped me. Mic brought me a bucket beside the couch and instructed me to where the restroom was. I nodded and tried to follow his directions but all I got out of it was the general direction that I should head in. Jenny was there suddenly and she had a pillow and blanket for me. These two were unreal. They were so polite and kind and never once did I feel like a stranger to them. I didn’t think it was possible to find the two nicest people in the world together in one place. Mic and Jenny asked me repeatedly if there was anything else they could do for me which I assured them a good night’s sleep was all I needed now. They turned a light on low for me in case I woke up in the middle of the night and needed to know my surroundings. Jenny leaned over the top of me to tuck me in and all I could think about were those massive hanging breasts hovering just inches above me. They wished me a good night and retired to their bedroom together.

I laid there in almost complete darkness except for the low light pitch of one lamp. I focused my eyes on the ceiling as I laid there with my thoughts. I could hear Jenny and Mic talking softly behind their closed bedroom door with a soft laugh escaping once in a while. I must have been rather pathetic to them in my current state. I felt as though I could trust them not telling everyone at work how much of a jackass I was. I could hear squeaks coming from their bedroom every now and then as they adjusted themselves on their bed. I wondered if maybe they were fooling around a little together trying to work off a little energy. My thoughts went back to Jenny and earlier in the day when I got a small glimpse of what heaven must look like. I could smell her female charm faintly in my nostrils still. How those tits of hers were just inches away from my mouth; how I hungrily wanted to pull one into my mouth and nurse on her. How soft and supple she was and I wanted to explore her body. I hadn’t even noticed that I was beginning to masturbate.

No Sean, no. Stop right now. Jenny is Mic’s girlfriend and they’re both quite happy with each other I told myself. I wanted her but she didn’t want me. That depressing thought soon drove away my earthly desires. I suddenly felt sad and cold there alone in the dark. I wanted to cry then but I thought it must have been the alcohol screwing with my emotions. I pictured Jenny one more time in my mind, fully clothed with Mic embracing her in his arms and the two of them sharing a tender and loving kiss together in my imagination. I sighed greatly and blew a huge breath out of my nose, flushing the last little ruminants of Jenny out of them. I closed my eyes and soon blacked out into nothingness.

I awoke the next morning to find my head pounding and seasickness settling into my guts. I looked for the bucket Mic had placed for me and picked it up as rushed off in the general direction of the restroom. I came across a hallway closet and a recreational room before finding my way into the water closet. I leaned over the porcelain god and preyed my insides out to him. The retched stink of stomach acid and stale beer made me feel even more nauseous as I heaved out a few more times. I flushed the memories of last night down the sewer and pulled my exhausted self from the floor to wash up. Then I noticed that there was still a bit of steam left over from an earlier shower hanging in the air and a fresh, clean towel laid out. I undressed and stepped into the shower to clean myself off. The hot water soothed my aching body and slowly the vice on my brain began to loosen up a little bit. I spent a good amount of time under the cascading water absorbing its healing properties. I turned off the shower, stepped out and grabbed the towel to dry off with.

I had dried myself almost completely when I noticed that my clothes were nowhere to be seen. I panicked at first and wondered if maybe I had walked to the bathroom nude and left my clothes at the couch. But then I remembered quite distinctively that I had undressed before hopping into the shower. At about that time there was a knock on the bathroom door. I was about to ask who it was when the door suddenly opened widely before me.

I looked around, embarrassed, trying to find something more to cover up with. I fumbled wrapping the towel around my waist as quickly as I could. Mic was in the doorway, impressive as ever as he seemed to be another door himself standing there taking up all of the space. I relaxed a little to see that it was Mic and not Jenny staring at me.

“I put your stuff in the laundry for now”, Mic detailed. “I figured you would like to have clean clothes on when you went home.”

“Oh, well, thanks a lot. I appreciate it”, I retorted. “But what am I to wear until then? I can’t walk around for the next few hours with just a towel on.”

Mic smiled his normal wide smile and stepped into the room. He didn’t say a thing as he loomed a foot above me. I felt small and insignificant before him. He rested a hand comfortably on my shoulder and moved it down my side before grabbing at the towel around me and flinging it over his shoulder.

“Actually, I don’t want you to wear anything at all. You’re in my house now and with my rules”, he looked down on me. “I have done a lot of nice things for you and a good guest would want to pay me back.”

I suddenly felt very afraid. I was naked and small under the presence of Mic’s shadow. I was looking away when Mic took his hand under my jaw and squared me back to look at him. There was still a warm smile on Mic’s face but his attitude had turned serious. I didn’t know what to do. I was confused and lost in this suddenly changed environment. All I could do was stand there bare before him and look up at him.

“Don’t think that I haven’t noticed you looking at Jenny all of those times before yesterday”, he said sternly. “I’ve watched you a few times admiring my girl and probably thinking to yourself how good of a fuck she must be. I bet you had thought about doing her a few times now, haven’t you?”

I had the wind knocked out of me from a blow I never saw coming. I went numb as my brain hit reset and went blank. What could I do or say at that point but meekly nod yes once. I couldn’t do or say anything as Mic brought his hands down onto my shoulders at arm’s length.

“Well”, he exclaimed, “that’s some way of repaying back the guy that offered you his hand in friendship and treated you so kindly. I bought and shared a beer with you. I let you stay on my couch when you couldn’t drive. I even cleaned you up and this is the thanks that I get from a human.” The way that he said “human” made me feel uneasy. Like I was inferior to him in every way, shape, and form. I felt dirty, stupid, and horrible. Even last night’s drinking didn’t make me feel this bad. “So I guess you should do something for me to pay me back, right?”

At that point in time, all I could think about was making everything right with Mic. I wanted to make him happy and to get even again on the books. Without thinking I zealously shook my head in agreement to which he smiled even greater. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. Confused, I stood there not understanding what Mic was doing until I felt a huge bulge protruding from his loans. My hand rested there as he began to unbutton his pants, pull down his fly and let his pants settle to the floor.

He had on loose fitting boxers with vertical white and blue strips but the majority of his package took up the front portion. My hand was resting on his member and I felt it began to grow, stretch, and push against my hand. Befuddled and amazed, I stood there feeling Mic’s cock begin to throb softly and lengthen down his left leg.

He asked, “What are you waiting for? Go ahead and take it out.”

My lips were dry and I sucked at them nervously. Timidly I grabbed at the waistline of his boxers and tugged them down. Out sprang his massive cock. It was impressive to say the least. I was shocked at my own actions and yet I was admiring Mic’s huge dick just then. It was far larger than my meager and humble length. But there was so much more to it than just that. His dick was black for the most part except he had a few patches of fleshy pink on it that seemed to offset it. His ball sack was as pitch black as the majority of him was but his penis was amazing to hold. It bobbed in my hand and I could feel his heart beat through is cock. It was if I was holding a piece of living art in my hands.

“Go ahead and lick it. Lick my dick human.”

His words held sway over me and before I could think I was on my knees and licking tentatively at his huge member. At first any ways I was. Then with a soft nudge of Mic’s hand on the back of my head, I was soon licking eagerly on his cock. It reeked like mud after a spring rain smells but that just seemed to encourage me more. Soon I was sucking at the head of his cock and stroking his shaft in my hands. He grunted and braced himself but he continued to coax me on with approving noises. I found myself with his cock head in my mouth and my licking at his opening with the tip of my tongue; sucking and trying to get the sweet and salty juices into my mouth.

He gasped with a sharp inhale and he grabbed my head and pushed me off of him.

“No, not quite yet”, he said with a smile. “This would be too easy for you to get off on. I think it’s time that you pay me back properly.”

He pulled me up to my feet and embraced me for a minute. I felt his hard body against mine. His furred skin felt like velvet that brushed me lovingly and lightly. I lost myself in his cuddle for a moment before I found myself being spun around and being pushed over the sink top.

I then felt my legs being spread apart. Caught off guard, I looked over my shoulder to see Mic pushing down on my back while grabbing his cock in the other hand. No, he couldn’t possibly mean that. I panicked for a moment but felt helpless as Mic’s one huge hand out powered me and forced me still. A small whimper of defeat escaped and Mic laughed out. “Don’t worry; you’ll be able to take it. Trust me”, he breathed heavily into my ear.

I could feel his cock at my entranceway. I felt a cold sensation on my ass as I turned to look and watched Mic pour baby oil over my lower back and ass crack. He seemed to be enjoying himself as I squirmed a little under him in anticipation of his arrival. He stroked the head of his cock up and down the length of my seam and I could feel little spurts of his precum mix with the oil and flow down my inner thighs. I felt tingly and light, anxious to both waiting for him and to welcome him in. He paused for a moment with the tip of his cock resting at my exit and he began to apply steady pressure to my back side.

I knew he was huge. It took me opening all of my jaw as wide as I could to put his head into my mouth. Even now my jaw still hurt a little trying to accomplish that feat. But now he was trying to put his massive cock head into a place where nothing had ever gone in before. It hurt. It hurt a lot as his force was trying to pry open a place that hadn’t ever opened that way before. I grabbed onto the edge of the sink and stood on the tips of my toes at the barrage my ass was taking. I tried to relax to make it easier for the both of us but there was still a part of me resisting him. “I can’t do it Mic”, I whimpered a little. “I’ve never done this before. It’s not going to fit.”

He paused for a moment, “You mean you have never had a cock in your ass before?”

I gave him my most sensitive, assuring smile and nodded in agreement. He paused for just a moment more and then smiled a wild, toothy grin.

“I guess that makes you an ass virgin, doesn’t it?” he seemed to beam. “That makes me your first, huh?” The tone in his voice seemed to be condescending and vulgar. “Don’t worry; I’ll make sure to treat your virgin ass with kindness and the tender care it needs.”

If I thought Mic was trying to push his whole cock into me before, that was nothing compared to now. He spread more oil all over the length of his cock and pushed a few well lubed fingers inside of me. He pushed and teased my bung hole. He tugged and loosened at my sphincter and squeezed more oil into my ass. When he was done, the head of his cock was there again to replace his fingers and this time Mic was determined. It hurt worse than before. The pain was ferocious and ten times worst now. I thought Mic was pushing as hard as he could the last time but I was mistaken. He grunted and shoved and pushed and forced my ass open a little bit more and more, until there was a popping sensation and I could feel myself being invaded. The pain was so unbearable and yet I was starting to want it more now. My knuckles were bone white grabbing onto the sink countertop and it felt like I was being lifted up into the air, impaled on the end of Mic’s huge anaconda. There was a small rest where the both of us could take a small breath but Mic was impatient with his conquest. He pushed on, further and deeper inside of me and I could feel myself parting against this conqueror of my body. I tried to take a breath in but my lungs and my body were in shock and didn't want to work anymore. With each passing moment I could feel Mic’s huge dick make me his own. He pushed further and further into me until the head of his cock pressed against the curvature of my colon. I couldn’t take any more of him but he pressed forward just a little more to make sure I was properly fucked.

Finally I took a huge breathe and felt the whole length of his cock throbbing deep inside of me. I looked through my legs and saw that Mic had nearly taken me all the way to his balls. I couldn’t believe that he still had some more he could have shoved inside of me. Mic’s huge hands grabbed me around the waist and held me in check. He pulled back on his cock only to thrust it again against my colon wall. I felt sick like he was screwing me in the stomach. He pulled and pushed back in with such force that every time I thought I was going to be sick. However my stomach was feeling though; that wasn’t what the rest of my body felt. I felt like I had been ripped in half by his monster cock but I wanted more of it inside of me. I wanted it to be even bigger. So big in fact there was no room left at all but to be permanently fixed onto Mic. I wanted him to never stop and to fuck me for the rest of my life. I felt so nurtured by the gift that he was putting inside of me and never wanted to part from it. I wanted all of Mic’s giant cock now. I wanted him to screw me sideways whenever he wanted to.

He began to slow down and at first I thought that maybe he had cum already inside of me. I wasn’t sure if in my bliss that I had missed his fireworks going off inside. I laid there on the sink at the mercy of Mic’s pounding when he called out for Jenny to come in here.

I could hear the clopping of excited hoof steps approaching with ambitious desire. A moment later and there stood Jenny in the bathroom door looking at the both of us. She smiled a dark smile and the edges of her lips rose up with a forbidden craving. I felt even more trivial and smaller than before, even when Mic took away my towel. I was vulnerable and weak and powerless to stop any of them from doing whatever they wanted to do with me now.

“What’s the matter boys, did you get stuck?” she cooed out wickedly.

Mic gave me another shove of his dick, “Well, you know how you said you always wanted me to wear an add-on the next time we screwed. Well, this is it. I’m going to use this human to fuck you silly.”

I could hear Mic smiling behind me. His satisfaction was burning through the yearning in Jenny’s eyes. He added, “By the way, did you know this human has secretly wanted to fuck you for a long time now?”

She giggled and then laughed an evil, sarcastic laugh that seemed to mock me. “You human, wanted to screw me?” she said in an arrogant voice. “Did you want to fuck me with that little thing between your legs?” as she pointed down at my crotch with a cruel gesture. She made me feel more worthless than before this all starter. She walked over slowly and grabbed my member in her hand. She squeezed and jerked on it seeming to take a lot of pleasure in seeing my face contort at the grueling torture.

“Well”, she said after a moment of toying with me. “I suppose I could give it a try. Since Mic will be in charge of the action at least he’ll know how to satisfy me right.”

Jenny began to undress with a lustful purpose. The moment she removed a garment she flung it to the four corners of the wind. She hurried to get out of the last few things and stood there in just her bra and panties. Her panties were a light pink with red lace on the trim and in the middle of her triangle patch of covering silk was a big, red heart. I just knew it that mares liked wearing sexy underwear. She grabbed at her panties and wanted them off so bad that she was about to tear them off instead when Mic told her to stop.

She looked up at Mic with a pout on her cute face. She stopped what she was doing and put her curled up hand to her hip impatiently.

“Tell me human”, Mic said with a measured tone into my ear. “Have you ever seen an anthro mare naked before?”

Dumbfounded, I could only mutter out, “No.” But my emotions betrayed me when I followed up with, “but I have always wanted to.”

I could feel the snarky look coming from Jenny but I was watching the dark, wet spot at the bottom of her panties begin to grow. She was getting off on this just as much as I was. She turned her hands on her hips and walked slowly over. Her legs crossing over each other that made her labia press and rub against themselves. Mic grabbed my waist with both hands, pulled me from the top of the sink and brought me to bear at Jenny. I was still being bent over at an angle that put my face forward at waist level. She stood inches away from me, my face almost touching her crotch as I could smell her excitement rise. She petted me on the head once and said in a cheery, playful voice, “Does the human want to see what I’ve got down here?”

I wanted to reach out and grab her and bury my face right into her muff. I wanted to bite, chew, and lick the piece of cloth covering her growing wetness. I looked up to her, she towered over me and I pleaded with my eyes I wanted to have a look. “Please, can I see it?” I begged.

“What’s the magic word?” she toyed.

“Now?” I asked.

“Well, this isn’t very fun at all now, is it?” she huffed and feigned anger, clopping a hoof down against the hard tiled floor.

“Please Mistress Jenny; can I please look at your vagina?” I implored.

“Well”, she said with a satisfied expression. “That’s more like it human.” She turned around and stepped away from my face. She looked over her shoulder at me and said, “Since you asked so nicely. Perhaps I could do you the favor of getting to see your first mare pussy.”

She began to shake and sway her hips around for both of our enjoyment. She bumped and grinded against the sink were I had been lying just moments ago. She teased me with each and every move she made. Jenny stuck her thumbs down her panty’s waistline and began to wiggle it over each of her hips. The thin strand of cloth of her waistline was stretched to its limit. You could hear the small sounds of a strand of cloth breaking ever once in a while the more she played with it. She turned away from us, her thumbs still tucked under her panties, and proceeded to bend over at the waist and slowly pull her panties down.

I could see it then. The angels singing the praises of heaven I saw the gate to her womanhood. Her labia was swollen and red and it glistened with the copious amounts of her juices leaking out of her. She shuffled her feet closer to me, “Do you like what you see human?” she purred.

She was so close now that I could lick her if I wanted to. I could smell the sweet smell of her pussy juice rising to my nose and made it tingle. I could even feel the heat that her vagina was making and it felt like I had a heater blowing in my face. I met her eyes and lustfully agreed that it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life.

“Go ahead human. If you want a taste feel free to take one”, she stated as she moved in closer to me. I hung my tongue out lapped at the waters of life. Jenny moaned softly and she began to grind herself against my ravenous tongue. I licked with abandon and soon I had cleaned her outside. But, I needed more, much more. I pushed my tongue in deeper and further inside of her, needing to drink every last drop of nectar. My tongue flailed away at the deepest recesses of her vagina hungry and searching for more. She gasped and her body began to quiver at my attack. I was probing so far inside of her with my tongue that I was nearly choking. I wanted Jenny’s juices so bad and my appetite was insatiable. I wanted more but I suddenly found myself being pulled away from my dessert.

Mic coughed and spoke up, “Well, that was quite the show you two. Now that the both of you seem to be ready, let’s get the main action going, shall we?”

Jenny smiled and stood up. She walked over to the sink and hopped up onto the counter top. Her eyes were burning full of lust and want. “I hope that you can put on a good act human. I don’t want you to finish early before either of us has”, she mocked. She parted her legs wide open and I could see the full glory of her sex. There was no muff hair; it was just uniform short brown fur like what covered the rest of her fine features. She enticed us to move in closer to her as she ran a finger down my chest softly to grasp my stiff cock into her hand.

Mic moved in closer as Jenny guided my cock inside of her. I slid so smoothly in that I wonder if she had felt it. My question was answered when she gasped with an inhale and locked her legs around the back of both Mic and me. She embraced us both in a hug and pulled us in closer as she and Mic began to kiss wildly above me. She felt so good inside; so warm and moist that I felt as if I had touched heaven with my penis. The two of them were so aroused that they didn’t even seem to notice me in the middle of the both of them. It was difficult at first but I soon found the rhythm Mic had to match his trusts into me with my own. Mic was pounding deep inside of me and in return it caused me to bury myself balls deep into Jenny. The two of them were so caught up in the moment they made wild braying and wanton noises that it was a good thing Mic lived in the countryside or the neighbors would be calling the cops for a noise complaint. Their love making was ferocious and I could feel Mic’s cock growing inside of me.

Jenny pleaded, “Please Mic, go faster now.” “Go faster. I want to cum now”, she said in a rasped, staggered and strained voice. The sweat of them both was bathing me from head to toe. I could feel the energy of their pleasure that it made me hunger for just a taste of it. Jenny’s breasts were still covered in her pink and red laced bra. I freed a hand up to lift and expose one of her lovely breasts. There were her nipples, erect and hard like a proud solder. There was no fur covering her nipples for about three of four inches around them. I popped my mouth over the silky, smooth taste of her nipple and that seemed to drive her even crazier. I nursed on her magnificent breasts like a newborn and found solace in our new bonding.

Mic began to pick up the pace and his hips jerked in powerful thrusts as my insides begged him to stop. I could feel the tension in Mic begin to build up as his hard shaft ground hard against my prostate. His constant thrusts inside of me continued to massage my orgasm to come out. Jenny was holding onto us so tightly now that it was uncomfortable for me to breath between the two of them crushing me. I could feel the head of Mic’s dick begin to expand inside of me. It made him stop trusting for a moment only to feel the burst of his fountain erupt deep inside of my bowels. He brayed and snorted; he lifted his head high into the air and came down to bite Jenny hard at the part where her neck met her shoulder. That seemed to set Jenny off as she too began to snort and bray and I found I couldn’t move anymore as she clamped down with her strong vaginal muscles with her orgasm. The excitement of the two of them cumming made me explode and I shot burst after burst of my hot milk deep inside of Jenny.

Moments passed and then ages and then eons flowed past us as all three of us basked in the glow of what felt like the most epic love making ever. We gasped for each breath as the bathroom felt stuffy with all three of us in it together. Slowly, I could feel Mic begin to shrink down inside of me as my insides thanked him. Jenny released us from her bear hug and that allowed Mic to pull out of me. I could feel the goo of Mic’s cum running out of me and down my legs. I don’t know how long it will take me to recover from this ass pounding but I will probably walk funny for a long time after this. There was still the smell of lust hanging heavily in the air but the three of us were completely spent now. My headache from my hangover was long gone and replaced with some soreness I never felt before but also a warm glow inside.

I was finally able to free myself from in-between them and as I pulled out of Jenny, I could see the white pearly cum I had spent inside of her flow around her lips and make distinct contrasting white streaks down her brown legs. I apologized to her and told her I would grab a washcloth for her. Both Jenny and Mic waved me off as Mic knelt down and cleaned her off with his tongue. Amazed at what the three of us had just shared together, I found my lack of energy was shared by both Jenny and Mic too. We all came to an agreement that a nap was in order for all of us. I went to go lay down on the couch but the both of them insisted that I lay together with them on their bed. Who was I to argue after what we had just done together so I accepted their hospitality and laid between them as we all cuddled together and drifted off to sleep.

It seemed as though we had slept the entire day away when all three of us arose together from our slumber. We stretched and yawned as we brushed away the cobwebs of our nap. I began to hunt down my clothes to put on and was beginning to as Mic if he was ready to take me back to my car that I had abandoned last night at the bar.

“There’s no rush to go back so soon Sean. The bartender is a friend of mine and I asked him to watch over your car for the next few days. The two of us, Jenny and myself I mean, would like to ask you politely if perhaps you would like to live with us here together. All three of us”, he stated in a very brimming smile.

I looked over to Jenny who blushed and turned her head away but she looked up with previously unseen timid eyes and asked, “Yes, please stay with us. We don’t want you to go. Besides, we’re going to need all the help we can get when the baby arrives.”

“Baby? I didn’t know you were pregnant. Congratulations to the both of you, when are you due?” I questioned.

“In about eleven months from now”, she replied.

“Oh, so how long are anthro mares pregnant for?” I followed up.

“About eleven months”, she stated a matter of factually.

“You mean you just got pregnant recently?” I said in my confusion.

“Yes”, Mic seemed very proud to say. “Didn’t you know? Jenny is in heat right now and you just breed with her. Anthro mares have a seventy eight percent conception rate after just one mating. We want to clean out the rec room and have you stay with us. So that you can continue to breed Jenny to make sure that she does take to her pregnancy.”

“WHAT!?” I was flabbergasted. What did I just do? Did I really just get an anthro mare pregnant?

“Please stay with us Sean” Jenny begged again. “You wouldn’t want to leave your child fatherless now, would you?” The guilt trip she was pouring on was palpable.

“How on earth did I get myself messed up into this?” I pondered. Yesterday all I wanted was a girlfriend and now I find myself with a whole anthro horse family. I thought deeply to myself for a moment.

“Is Mic going to continue to fuck me too?” I said after a while.

Mic and Jenny both looked at each other and then back to me. “I suppose I could. If that’s what you want” in the same polite mannerism that Mic seemed so accustomed to.

“Well, in that case, I’ve always wanted to enjoy the clean country air. Sign me up, I’m sold” I said with a dramatic, charming grin. “Just do me one favor please” I quipped.

“What’s that?” both Jenny and Mic said in unison.

“Don’t tell anyone at work that I’m the middleman in this relationship.”


Post a Comment!
Panda T Joseph: God damn! Very nice story... loved it very much, kinda wish I was the main character though. Lol
Sashime: That quippy last line tho love it
Devearux Squishy Butt: Best story ever

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