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A Panda's Journey To Enlightenment Final Act: Kaminoikari Posted by: Tengu-San at 05-01-2015 01:36 AM, Last Modified 05-01-2015 01:41 AM
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Tengu set forth from the Floating Temple, his eyes burning aflame with conviction. The one responsible for all the destruction consuming his life, the one who commanded death upon his pale horse, Nightmare. He took his father from him as a young panda, and then took the rest of his family and clansmen. Tengu would make him pay, with his life.
As Tengu made his way toward the caves, he passed through his old home. There, he prayed to the ones who had gone before him, asking for their strength to protect and guide him. He also visited the shrine of his mother, who had previously been killed in a raid conducted by enemy ninja. Tengu never knew her, as he was just a baby cub, but he often wonders, was she watching over him? He'd always felt this presence on his shoulder, almost as if something had been watching him for as long as he could remember. Upon his way out, he noticed a flag bearing his clan insignia, tattered and partially scorched, stamped into the ground. Tengu mounted the flag upon his back, and looked forward to the mountain range that lay before him, the peaks stabbing into the mid-day sky with a beautiful glimmer.
Tengu walked for several hours, the sounds of the local wildlife dancing all around him. He became entranced with the all the foliage blooming around him. All the beauty masked the grim fate that was patiently waiting for him. A sharp cry then pierced the air, a kunai flying just past Tengu's nose, pinning to a tree. Looking around, there were no visible signs of any threat, but something was definitely near. Drawing his blade, he cautiously walked forward. A ninja appeared before him. "My master has sent me to end your life. His will be done, samurai.", he spoke as he summoned a thick cloud of fog to descend upon the land. "You will fail, ninja. Let your end be quick and honorable. You'll get no where playing tricks on me.", Tengu said blankly. He stowed his weapon, and continued to walk, calm and at peace. Another kunai then flew in from the left, headed right for Tengu's neck. He quickly drew his katana, deflected the knife, but caught a kick to the ribs from the right. Tengu shook off the blow, and continued walking. The ninja's Ninjato swung out from the fog, right before Tengu's face, then came back around for another swing toward the body. He stuck his paw forward, and delivered a blast of Wind Ki in the direction of the blade. A thud was heard, a grunt of pain, then silence again. "Have a few tricks, samurai? No matter, you shall fall.", the ninja's words echoed all around the panda. Just then, the ninja appeared before Tengu, slashing horizontally at his neck. Tengu dropped below the sword, and pierced the gut of the ninja. A black liquid splattered on the ground, the body disappearing without a trace. "A shade?! Here?!?!? I'm almost out of time!", Tengu exclaimed, sheathing his blade and continuing. The dark lord's influence on the land was now growing, if Shade's could freely move about the realm.
After sometime, navigating his way through the foothills, Tengu found the entrance to the crystal caves. A tunnel led him to the back of a waterfall, which poured into a ravine, that lay in the mouth of a quarry. Jumping through the waterfall, Tengu landed on the ground and entered the cave. Some more ninja stood before him, resting. Tengu drew his katana, and stormed toward them. There was no honor in killing them as they slept. But at least if they had a fighting chance, they could die with honor. His thudding footsteps woke them instantly, but before they knew it, both of their heads were removed from their bodies. They slumped to the ground without resistance, and Tengu moved onward. He followed the mine-cart tracks all the way to the heart of the cave, where a portal of an indigo hue, embedded into the caves wall, rest in place. A voice struck from beyond it's center, "Tengu, I see you have arrived to my cavern. I trust you will forgive the lack of formality?", the voice said in a haughty manner. "You. You are the one who killed my father. The one who commanded the ones I serve to betray me and kill my clan. The same one who has been trying to kill me. You will fall here, Nightmare. I will deliver you to hell, along with your servants, to Hell. In the name of the Hado Clan, I challenge you.", Tengu declared.
The cave began to rumble and shake, some debris fell from the roof of the cave, and a body came through the portal. A black feathered Gryphon landed upon the ground, his body lacking wings. He lacked any kind of armor, just his naked torso, and a half-robe on his lower half. "Your father ripped my wings from me when we had fought in battle. But now, I will have my revenge.", he said calmly. He lifted his left arm to the side, a katana forming in his palm, and he looked straight into Tengu's eyes. "I fully accept your challenge, panda.", the bird said, anger emitting from his voice. Tengu charged, taking a slap directly to the face, flying back into the ground. "Please, tell me this isn't going to be over quickly?", Nightmare taunted. Tengu stood up, spitting up some blood. "You mock me. How dare you!?", Tengu screamed, charging again. Nightmare stuck his palm forward, and summoned a much larger shadow of the limb, and grabbed Tengu up with it. "Now, feel my wrath, panda. You will regret your disrespect.", he cackled. The arm began squeezing Tengu's body, it's grip was un-breakable. Tengu stabbed into the fingers multiple times, but to no avail. The arm threw him into a wall, Nightmare's laugh began to fill the chamber. "You are quite pathetic for a Hado Warrior. I am disappointed.", he spat, turning his back to Tengu.
The cave began to rumble again, Nightmare letting out a cry of pain, grunting and heaving. "Now, bare witness to my true form!", he joyously exclaimed. His body disintegrated instantly, and it's place, a gigantic beast, pulsing in hatred emerged from it's shell. A sickly, distorted voice spoke, "Tengu, here you shall fall. Consider it an honor, you are the first to see my true form, and you shall be the first to die by it's hand.", he stated. Tengu crawled up out of the hole in the wall, and stared at the demon. It's body took most of the cave's space up, it's pure red, muscular flesh, horrid fangs too large for it's mouth to contain, and sharp black claws. "Nightmare. You mave have bested my father in combat, but I will not rest, I will not fall, until your death. I will see to it personally, this is your final stand.", Tengu said, now wretching with hate. He jumped toward the head, stabbing down in the cheek. He grabbed the right fang, pulled his sword out, and sliced the right eye open, a fountain of blood scoured Tengu completely. Nightmare, writhing in pain, grabbed Tengu, and threw him on the ground. Tengu got back up, panting heavily from the force of the throw, and began stabbing the heels of the beast. Nightmare fell forward, now on his knees, but kicked Tengu's whole body into another wall, the blast knocking him out. As he struggled to wake, a spirit of the Grand Wizard came forth, delivering a constant blast of Hado Energy to Nightmare's face. The creature screamed in agony, and in a blind rage, swept the Wizard away. His voice rang through Tengu's ears, "Tengu, wake up. Finish him. You must focus. Get up, slay this foul creature, once and for all!", he exclaimed. Tengu's eyes shot open, and he got up. He climbed the spikes on Nightmares back, and ascended to his neck. He stabbed into the veins there, drawing more and more blood. Nightmare began to choke, falling over once more. "You...You think this will stop me?", he asked in disbelief. "I know, it will stop you. Your life is over.", Tengu said. He lifted Nightshade up, the blade glowing with a golden light, and delivered a cut straight down the middle of the body, slicing Nightmare completely in two. "THIS IS NOT THE END OF ME!", he said fading away into the portal. After he hid away, the portal disappeared.
Tengu walked out of the caves, weak from battle. He made it to the closest village, entered a local cantina, The Crooked Tail, sat and ordered a drink. The patrons there, taking notice of the obvious signs of a recent fight, asked the young panda what had happened. He simply responded with, "Vengeance."

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