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Article: BLACKOUT: NSA Patriot Act is Dying, Lets Burry it alive!
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 05-30-2015 10:12 AM
Views: 3063
Tommorrow at 11:59PM unless congress has signed the renewal, the Patiot Act, which is the legislation that allows the NSA to spy on us will die, and the NSA will have to bring a large number of their spy operations to a close. Lets help force congress to do the right thing, which is for them to do nothing, and let the Act Expire.

This number has been setup to call into congress and speak your mind:

Visit Blackout Site

Whether you agree or disagree with what Edward Snowden did, the information he shed light to on the Depth of NSA Spying is shocking, and needs to be put to a permanent end!

DizZyRoo: Lets hope it ends or comes under some more transparency and regulation.buuuuut we all know that won't happen knowing what I know and what is known by some of my contacts in the Intel field that was passed to me, let's see it die.
Marxy Fox: Our xp
Fang The Wolf: P.S. I hope they came crashing down along with their building. We have rights yet, Spying on us against are will is against our rights. That's messed up..
Fang The Wolf: So Joe, Why exactly do you ALWAYS have disrespectful replies? Can't you be considerate for once or at least think about how your typing before you push send? I've noticed your always rude and find things like this and or other rants just to pretty much disrespect FurrTrax and it's members.I've also noticed that you specifically single out Xander 'The Owner Of FurrTrax' thinking you could get away with it. I don't know if you think your gaining popularity from it or not but many of us including myself respect Xander and everything he has done. If you have a problem with him then just leave FurrTrax because that drama is not needed here. P.S. I'm pretty sure you were warned last time you commented on a post like this for your disrespect, I suggest you apologize before Xander sees this because I'm sure your account will be gone afterwards since you went against him once again after he gave you SO MANY warnings.I just don't understand the people like you that deliberately try to cause problems for absolutely no reason what so ever.
Joe: if you think Snowden was original with his information, and needed some hack to let you know the government washasbeen watching your life. then you must be the type to click the you are the 10,000 visiter add. When he revealed the info he had, it was comparable to letting someone know the sky is blue, and clouds can give us rain. so what if the government is watching, why should you be worried if you are not breaking the law? let them watch, bet half of you'd like be voyeurs. cough yiff room cough
Kungfu Kitty: I think Mr. Snowden did the right thing.
Marxy Fox: Indeed
Toxic Frost: Lol let them spy I don't give a damn lol I have nothing to hide
Zuu: Hmm
Ishbacko: 90 percentDidn't load in the percent sign
Ishbacko: And the fact is, like around 90 of their data is our data, the normal person's data...which is a frivolous disuse of the technology. It would be better used for helping in conflicts to gather Intel rather than spy on somebody on Google

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