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A Panda's Journey To Enlightenment Part 1: Bloodlines Posted by: Tengu-San at 04-27-2015 17:43 PM, Last Modified 04-30-2015 02:19 AM
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21st Century, Neo-Hokkaido.
It was a bright and sunny morning, the dew christening the grass and bamboo forest. In the mountains of the Hokkaido island, the Hado Clan lived a peaceful, a prosperous life. The cities were modern, but the Hado Clan practiced many "ancient" traditions.
The Hado Clan served a great, Religious Order, serving to protect the mortals from the wicked and evil. Our hero, whom we shall refer to as Tengu, lived among the samurai. Born into the life of, his destiny that lay before him, would be one of sadness, yet, he would become the champion the people deserved.
Many years into service of the Order, Tengu's grandfather had harnessed the power to rip the fabric of time itself, and had entered a demention not known to any mortal. There, he met demons and angels, co-existing within the realm. They seen his power, and commissioned him to forge an Osafune-Katana made of demonic and angelic essence.
The Katana, named now named Nightshade, was so great, that the Demonic and Angelic High Priestesses allowed him to take it back to use against corruption. Tengu's father had been previously killed in the great War of Nightmare, a war waged by an evil deity seeking to annihilate all of the realm's inhabitants. When the Nightmare Wars ended, and the Nightshade Katana finished, Tengu was the direct descendant of his grandfather, thus being passed down to him.
Tengu-San was then sent to a holy pilgrimage, to Mount Fuji, through the Suicide Forest, to test his mettle and spiritual strength. He spent 3 months on the mountain, meditating and ascending to his warrior status.
When Tengu arrived back to his residence, he had found all of his calnsmen murdered, a seal of cleasing left told Tengu exactly what happened. The Holy Order had betrayed him. Fearing the power they had gained from the alternate dimmension, they had the Hado Clan exterminated.
Tengu-san, the last of the Hado, brandished his grandfather's bandanna, and set out to avenge his loved ones.
Tengu-san, was the last of the Hado bloodline.

Part 2: Crystal Tear Drops
Upon properly taking care of the dead, Tengu went to his, now empty, home. He sat cross legged, palms placed firmly on each knee. He needed to clear his mind. He placed the katana on the altar before him and began to focus his Hado into the blade.
The Demonic High Priestess and the Holy Angelic Priestess seen through the void, Tengu's sadness. They seen the betrayal, the destruction. Every last victim, they saw killed. Bound by the rules of neutrality within their realm, they couldn't interfere. However, they could guid Tengu through spiritual communication. They could lead him to the one responsible.
While the two prepared to aid Tengu in his quest for vengeance, he had other ambitions in mind. He wanted to gather information first. He clad in his father's armor, a traditional set-up, infused with modern technology; nanomachines. He brandished his grandfather's bandana around his forehead, the long straps flowing in the wind, and set out.
Tengu set a course for Sapporo. As he mounted his steed, the winds began to blow, cold and sharp. As he rode through the mountains, rain began to fall under the moonlight. As the wind and rain fell unto Tengu, he was burned, but his wrath purged all signs of exhaustion. By early morning, he made it to the city.
The city was desolate, quiet. The winds of death hollowed through every crack of every building. No signs of life were shown to be anywhere.
Tengu dismounted and ordered his companion to stay right where he was. There just wasn't something right about this.
Seeing a common goods store, he walked in, checking for anything. The store had been ransacked. The whole place was a delapitated mess. Shelves lay about, produce and other items stamped into the floorboards. Signs of a struggle rung through the young panda's mind.
While examining what had appeared to be blood, a sound of dragging feet echo from behind. Rain began to downpour immediately.
Noticing a heavily wounded female wolf, he bolted toward her, catching her as she fell. Fang and claw marks ravaged her fur.
"Who did this to you!?", he asked, taken aback. All she did was stare at him. She noticed the scar on Tengu's face and ran her paw across it, then she passed away.
So far, the two Priestesses had been following Tengu's progress, but were just as clueless about what had happened. They still needed to plead their case to the Grand Wizard of Ascension before they could help Tengu.
Tengu held the woman in his arms for some time in the freezing rain before finally laying her to rest. Loss was beginning to consume his whole life.
Then, a scream tore through the silence. From a distance, it looked as if a group of people were attacking his horse. Tengu began to channel his Hado into his legs, and broke into a sprint.
Arriving to the scene, the group had his horse on the ground, and had begun to consume it's flesh, paying no mind to Tengu. Angered, he drew his blade, am aura of navy blue consuming his presence.
He shouted to the people, and they fell silent. When they rose, only one turned to face him, The male lizard too, had fang and claw marks all over his scales. His eyes were a pure indigo color. "Welcome Tengu, to Sopparo. Enjoying your visit?", a slimy voice rasped.
"Who the hell are you? What did you do to these people?", he shouted back at them. "I did absolutely nothing. I am but a victim of what happened. But, by and by, the dark lord has allowed me to see the truth.", he cackled.
"Dark Lord?!?", he gasped. Nightmare had been previously defeated by his father before perishing himself. There's no way he could've come back.
Before an instant flew by, the lizard knelt on all fours and pounced toward Tengu. Prepared for this, Tengu merely stepped to the side, and grabbed the lizards tail, to slam his body to the ground.
"Say your prayers, you recreant.", Tengu uttered, and stabbed the lizard in the head. The others, frightened by Tengu's power, scattered in the distance within a blink.
His horse laid there twitching, defiled, corrupted. Tengu knelt and set fire to the body, purifying his spirit. Tengu fell and punched the mud several times as he wept. None of this was making sense.
He collected himself and decided to call it a night in the Common Goods store. He'd set out in the morning, when the crystal teardops cease to exist. ............

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