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Article: FurrTrax Gamma Project - IOS/Apple App
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 05-20-2015 08:50 AM
Views: 3398
For those of you with Iphones, Ipads, Ipods, etc. I have gotten an estimate to get a IOS App for FurrTrax made from the source code of the new Gamma Android App. So you would enjoy push notifications just like everyone on android. The problem is, thanks to Apples Money Grubbing it will cost us about $200-250 to complete and put in the Apple Store.

Obviously i cant foot that cost myself, the breakdown is 100-150 for the Development of the App by a professional App Designer, I have used this team for part of the Gamma App and they said they could have the app done as soon as a week or two. The problem is Even once the App is built, I would have to BUY an Apple Developer Account, to be able to post it on their store. That costs $100-125 per year. I dont know if there are enough Apple Users on FurrTrax to justify $250 dollors that i really dont have to spare in the budget. Feedback? Donations toward the cost?

Kai Fier: Eh, sorry, last one hard to read... Basically, Droid has 78 of the Market Share and iOS has 18.
Kai Fier: Q1 201578. stats there are Android. iOS. Windows Phone. Blackberry. And other. Just something to consider and all. Market share says stick with droid.
Dandy: It isn't much, but I donated 10 to help with the project. Good luck man.
«ΤhεΘгίgίηΚσσlίσ»: Not compatible with my device TT I need a new phone
Winterfang: I would say in all fairness let the Apple users slide its a raw deal for sure but that kind of cost for so few when there are other ways to access the site I would consider it a waste...maybe if more Ithings were used it could be justified
Ariku: I'm an iPhone user and was trying to get the furrtrax gamma but it was for androids only. So having this for the iPhones would be nice, however again gaining 250.00 would be difficult and again I don't know who all uses Apple or iPhones or iPads and such.
Shikaku Spark The Half Dragon: if i recall abou 60 of users are most likely android if not pc half note has a point
🐾 Half-Note 🐾: Well I have an Iphone. I don't know if too many others use it though. Apple isn't exactly the greatest company out there.

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