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The Long Road Ahead Posted by: Gucci Roochie at 04-08-2015 20:09 PM, Last Modified 04-09-2015 19:07 PM
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Day 1
I was awoken by a deafening boom that left my ears ringing, followed by the voice of a comrade."MOVE YOUR ASSES NOW!" Without a moments hesisitation, I jumped out of bed and ran to the armory following my squad. Thankfully, I was already dressed. The sounds of hellfire rained down from above the barracks as we ran.I had no time to ask questions. All we were worried about was making it to our weapons. We all piled up at the door. The commanding officer used his keycard and the door slowly slid up, showing an impressive assortment of arnaments.

As soon as we stepped into the armory, the wall in front of us was blown up by what seemed to be a tank shell. The blast sent us sprawling backwards. But what stood in the doorway was no tank. I strained my eyes and lay there on the ground looking up at a man dressed in all black wearing a face cowl. This insurgent was holding a rpg. He was reloading his weapon as we lay there dazed and confused. I pulled out my 9 mm from its holster but the crack of a sniper rifle was clearly heard as we watched this insurgent's face explode. His body dropped like a rock into a collapsed heap on the floor. I think a piece of his brain went into my gaping mouth. "what the Fuck?" I murmured to myself as i DID spit out a piece of brain onto the floor.

The sounds of coughing and shuffling feet were heard as we regained our wits and began salvaging what little bits of weapons we could. "dude....all the weapons are fucked." Private Dancer shouted as he threw a piece of burnt M4-A1 at the wall. Drill Sergeant replied," Alright, we got 3 M4s, 2 L69-AWs, and 3 Colts. For ammunition, we have 4 full M4 clips, 3 L Dub clips, and 6 colt clips.Theres bound to be more of them outside." We rationed the ammo and weapons quickly. I ended up with a M4 with one damn clip.

We quickly composed ourselves inside the remnants of the barracks. "Ok we have two teams. Private Masters,Private Dancer, and Colonel Sanders will make up Alpha team. Me and Staff Segeant will make up Bravo team." The Drill sergeant's voice was stern but i did detect a sliver of fear in his voice."Bravo team will watch over you with the sniper rifles. Alpha team will scout ahead and see where those cocksuckers are entrenched."

I motioned to my squad as soon as Bravo team set themselves up in the rubble. We slowly make our descent down the hill. The wind blew mighty cold...it must have been below 0 out here. We wrapped up our bandanas around our mouths as we walked into the valley. Our home base was set upon what seemed to be a mountain. There were sounds coming from the forest, they sounded animal enough."Man,This is suicide." Private Dancer said shakily. He was a stout man about 5'11 with a short black beard. Like me, this was his first tour and I could tell he was scared.

"Man, Shut the fuck up." Colonel Sanders replied quietly but we could tell he meant it. Compared to me and Dancer, The Colonel was quite short, probably 5'4. But his eyes were very dark green and his hair was brown with speckles of gray in it. This was not the Colonels first rodeo. He had served in Kuwait a few months prior and his eyes looked heavy with a mixture of old age and wisdom. "Yes sir" The private replied quietly as we continued to walk along a pathway in this broad , widening forest."It' s a damn good thing we have someone watching our backs in this valley." They murmured in agreement as we slowly advanced down the pathway. For now all we could see were trees and beams of light shining through the canopy over us.

A few hours went by as we walked up the winding road searching in abandoned huts and campsites that looked used but no trace of the enemy was left. "Its like they just up and left." I said. "They have to be nearby." The Colonel replied. As we began to trek deeper into the maze of trees, Private Dancer's radio suddenly said, " Alpha team, we can't see much farther. It's getting dark and we have to set up defenses in case of a counterattack. Have you spotted any hostiles? Over." The Colonel grabbed the radio and replied," No...They're fucking with us Sarge. Over."I was beginning to realize how intelligent the enemy really was. They had sent one person to die and now here we were scouting an enemy that was probably in the bushes watching us look for them.


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Aria Auroralïs: I like how well you seem to know your guns The reactions could use a bit of a clean up though Yknow instead of just acting like having a brain in your mouth is normal add some emotion that one might feel like disgust indigestion fear Otherwise I think its a great start and hope you add more

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