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A day in the life of night swifty Posted by: night at 03-13-2015 13:14 PM, Last Modified 03-13-2015 13:14 PM
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A day in the life of Night Swifty
Night awoke to the light in his mother’s room and saw his mom the black and white panda walk in. joyfully she turned on the light and said “good morning”. Night sighed in relief that his horrible dream was over. The nightmare he had was horrible. Feeling tired and scared his dream may seep into reality he got dressed. Night put on his clothes and went down stairs to wait for his mom to drive him to school. Soon he was greeted by his siblings and his mother. Night sat in a chair while his mother made the little ones lunch to bring to school. After getting everyone ready they all piled into the car and went to school. But first his mother had to drop off his siblings at daycare. Night sat in the car while his mother checked them into day care. When she returned Night and his mom drove to work/school. The first person night saw when he walked into the school was Mr. Morgan the silverback gorilla. Night talked to him for a while then headed down to the cafeteria to talk to his friends. Night arrived at his table to see Kayla, a blue lion, David, a green a grey wolf, and Julian, a black and blue dragon. As night talked to his friends more people came into the cafeteria. Then Night’s mutual friend Phil sat down. Phil was a purple fox that is almost always blasting music through his headphones. Then Night’s best friend McKenzie arrives. Night runs up to Kenzie and hugs her tight. McKenzie is a hyper random bunny who is perky and happy. Then the morning bell rings sending everyone to separate hallways. Night’s first period is a web design class. Getting hot night takes off his hoodie revealing scars on both arms from wrist to elbow. Night thinks its pointless hiding his scars because his parents already know. In thirty short minutes the bell rings for 2nd period. Today instead of seeing Mrs. Herb the koala in his writing class he needs to go to the cafeteria again to select his classes for next year. After selecting his classes on the laptop he is told to wait. While waiting there on the computer he is watched. An old bulldog sits behind him to make sure he doesn’t break the rules on his laptop. Night has grown accustomed to his follower and learns to ignore him. While waiting he gets hungry and wishes the day would go faster. After what seems like forever the next bell rings and night walks to history class. Today in history, groups are presenting their projects on Afurica. Thankfully night doesn’t have to present his today. After night watches 5 presentations the bell releases him to lunch. Night gets there early so he waits for McKenzie to come so they can get lunch together. Together they wait in the line and talk and joke until they get lunch and walk to their table. At the table they see David, Julian, and Phil. They all joke about people in the school and eat lunch. After they all eat they play cards and throw away their trash. Night gets up and throws away the trash at the table. While walking by another table he hears multiple people-mostly dogs- call him a fag. Night should be used to the bullying by now but he’s not. He’s been bullied since 3rd grade. After lunch Night goes to his least favorite class math. The teacher and the class are boring. The teacher is a normal monotone grey wolf who wears glasses. And the class is about the size of a closet it has 12 people in it. But after that Night goes to science. Night’s last three classes are his favorite. In science he works on a mice cloning worksheet learning how to clone mice. Then the bell rings. Night is whisked away to the gym to see his mom for PE. Jodie Swifty works as an aide in the school night goes to so as most would do he talks to his mom during gym instead of doing gym. Then last period comes and night goes to English. Night walks upstairs to see Mrs. Johnson the hawk and Nights favorite teacher Mrs. Clowesly the ferret. Night sat there for most of the period and talked to his friends in 8th period. Night would almost always talk to Mrs. Clowesly about what he was writing or reading at the time. Next thing night knows the end bell rings. Night goes to the main office to go home with his mom. At home night watched tv and did homework. After everyone ate dinner night went to bed. And woke up to do it all over again.

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night: thank u and this is all true
Aria Auroralïs: I love how peaceful and normal it is! Could be a bit longer, but thats just from a book folfs point of view! Great story! OwO

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