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A new experience Posted by: DarkLion at 03-12-2015 15:29 PM, Last Modified 05-18-2015 10:14 AM
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EDIT ( god knows which one by now ). Small edit this time. I have put the story on small hiatus because life wants my full attention and lately my inspiration has been abandoning me the moment I write first sentence. With that being said, it doesent necessary mean I will stop, it just means I need some time to deal with the reality before actually turning my attention to this one. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and asking for updates, but... itll just take me a little while, thats all. Thank you for your understanding ! ^^

~ The new experience ~

`You can toy with my body, but please don’t toy with my emotions` he heard himself speak out as another loud crack was heard from the whip that flew past by him inches away. He glanced at her, the goddess, or so she seemed in his eyes. And for that, he paid, as he felt her clutching on his hair even tighter, and a wince escaped his lips as he was tugged towards her even closer. She loved him, that much he knew, but he could not follow along their game anymore. He started to feel less and less worthy as she was taking more and more control of him, and he wasn’t quite sure could he follow along the dance. Fact is, it was ripping him to pieces, and she was gathering all the scattered pieces for her own amusement and breaking them, never to be fixed again. Sure that happened the first time he had to crawl for her and towards her, sure that happened the first time he had to press his lips against her foot, but damn did it feel nice back then. Now, things were spiraling out of control and he couldn’t contain himself, disobeying her constantly and paying severely for it. It was rather like sliding your hand in the fire after you got burned the first time, but it just didn’t feel like the first time. The pain was good, he judged, but it was not worth it. Not like this. Not the way she wanted him. And the thoughts of making it all that stop coursed through his veins like a sweet poison. He was just fed up with all of it, fed up with her control, he yearned for some of it, but she would never let go. The constant pressure that he would feel when he was down on his knees in front of her was a torture on its own, and was nothing like the burning sensation that spilled over his body every single time she would use the collar on him. No, this was something that was dwelling inside his body and would not go away. Frankly, he judged furthermore, it was giving him that itching feeling of getting bored of the same things over and over again. Sure, the spark would be lit up every time she would dress up for him, prancing around him as he kept looking at her like the highest of the beings in the universe, but that flame would be extinguished with every delicate and planned move she would do. He knew what he had to do after all… and the fact that it did not even excite him anymore was slowly driving him over the edge. He was boiling inside, and surely, he was reaching his own limit of taking the matter in his own hands. But, he did not want to hurt her by taking away something she was holding so precious to her. This, he thought, was one of her favorite things, by the way she did it and how much of amount of passion she put into it. He knew that she enjoyed this immensely and he could never take that away that from her, he loved her that much, and if this was price he had to pay to have her in such state of bliss, so be it. The price of his own madness for her sanctuary. It always left that bittersweet taste in his mouth.

`What am I going to do with you, slave ?` He heard her speak, almost melodically, the only way she knew how to do. It always made his heart skip a beat when he heard her talk, but when he was in this position she was coating it with extra sweetness. Her voice rang around his head for hours and hours after their playful sessions, as they would both refer to it, and he loved her for it. He didn’t exactly know why and how did he managed to win her over in the first place, but he did, and damn was he happy about it, because she was everything he was not. Peaceful, graceful, and yet a wild beast in bed, as he often referred to her jokingly. Quite a looker, he nodded to himself in his head, followed by tons of smartness. She was a catch and he caught her, won her over, and it was his biggest accomplishment. Remembering all that made him smile widely, and he looked up once again up at her. She was still rather dashingly beautiful, and as he feasted his eyes upon her beauty, a price had to be paid. Watching her hand jerk a bit as she took a better hold of her whip, she frowned down at him with slight disappointed look in her face. He knew what was coming, and he tried to prepare himself as much as he could, but you could never truly prepare yourself for the oncoming pain that you knew you could not evade. He felt the stinging pain spread over him like a virus, delivered on his neck by the same whip that flinched pass by him just couple of minutes ago. He winced, yelped slightly and dropped his eyes down at the floor instantly, the pain from the hit he just received coursing through his body, stinging over and over again as he clenched his teeth. This was the price he had to pay for looking up at her, but she was so irresistible, and she had him cornered completely, helpless against the wall of emotions he always had for her.

`I told you to never look directly at me, slave. It is not your right to do until I command you to do so, in fact, nothing is your right until I say so` a sly smirk appeared on her face, that he knew about without even looking. In fact, he did not dare to look this time, fighting every atom of his curiosity to glance at that smirk that would leave him trembling. Pushing all those petty feelings of craving to look at her, he heard her lovely voice once again, speaking to him as he listened intently `I can have you do whatever I please. When will you understand that you are mines… and…` he felt her move closer to him once again, and feeling her hand run through his hair once again, he felt himself getting tugged backwards to look up at her `mines, little slave. Only mines` she smiled down at him proudly, and he knew that she has won him over once again. It was crazy, this little game that they played, a never ending loop of emotions and feelings that seem to have risen and fallen every single time they would step into this dance. And she had him, once again, madly in love with everything she had to offer, craving for every touch she was putting forth, every motion. He wanted to follow every step of the way, and the path was hers and only hers to choose, and for now, he did not want, nor dared for that matter, to object. Shifting his eyes into more of submissive ones, he nodded his head blindly listening to whatever she had to say, and watching that dangerous smirk play its way around the corner of his lips, he felt his stomach twist into a knot. Her smirk was something truly dangerous, it was the only thing that would make him completely vulnerable, pleading for more of what she had to offer. It was her own way of hinting to him that she had a idea on her mind, and that most likely, he was about to partake in it. Willingly or not, it mattered so little, but he was going to partake in, and liking it or not mattered even less. Of course, there were things he completely hated doing, but did not want to object, once again, because he loved her. He had to admit that to himself, eventually, and it would not change, no matter how much he tried to reduce the whole I am completely obedient thing. It sounded so cliché, now that he thought about it even more, but it was the situation he was in and, allegedly and as much as he hated to admit, part of him was craving for all the things that were occurring since they started. In fact, the whole ordeal was not to his liking, he remembered, because he was so reluctant to partake in it. Blinking a bit as his thoughts drifted around even more, he gazed up at her beauty once again, letting his eyes linger on her face and those mesmerizing eyes. Letting out a slight sigh, he watched her raise his eyebrow at him and shift her eyes into a stern look, that he craved for so many times, as she continued `Something wrong slave? I can hear you sigh, but I don’t know why are you sighing. Is it because you miss my good friend and what it has to offer ?` she questioned him. `Don’t worry` she continued `It has been a while anyway, I am sure it misses you as well` she flicked the whip that she was holding and gave him a teasing smile, her eyes still dangerously stern, as she moved the tip of her whip across his back, rubbing it there for her own amusement, as she simply continued `Or is it because you just miss the feeling of getting lost in my control` she cooed out sweetly to him and raised her eyebrow questioningly. This however, was no question, and he knew that too well. This was rather her own playful way of inviting him over, daring that little disobedience he had so she could punish him even more severely, and he was all too well aware of her little game. Fact is, he knew he was in for punishment, and there was not a single way he could ever sweet talk his way out of this one. He had to take it, and if she wanted, beg for more. Because there was still something really enticing about this dance, and it was nowhere to be finished. Pondering some more on his thoughts, constantly drifting in and out of them, he felt the whip move around on his bare body, making him feel slight goose bumps in anticipation. He shifted a little bit more comfortably on his knees and kept his eyes down, perking as he felt her whip move off his body and into air. The motion has been set, and as he heard the sound of the whip coming back hard towards his body, their slow dance started… once again

His body erupted into constant shivers as he felt the pain spread over his body. It hurt, and the sting he felt after the contact reminded him to switch back to reality where he stood so contently in front of her. Stood was too much of a big word, because at this state, he felt so low, on his knees, feeling her shatter every ounce of his pride. Or whatever was left of it, because it kept slipping out his grasps more and more and he did not know how to get it back. Another quick flick of the whip and another contact on his bare skin made him almost jolt in pain, but he refused to show any weakness. If nothing else, he was to stand tall and take his punishment, for being so bold and glancing up at her beauty. But how could he not? Not looking up at her in this state was almost like denying a person to breathe. He craved her, his eyes wanted to soak in all her beauty, and she was so aware of this, that it felt like she was almost reading his mind. `Getting comfortable down there my little slave ?` he heard her speak out softly, almost disregarding the fact that she was actually whipping him. How could she do this? How could she easily switch from the sweetest person on the world to the stern mistress he was growing somewhat fond of. Part of him was actually craving the ruthlessness she was so willingly offering, the dark part in the back of mind that most of the sane people were not really paying attention too. Keeping his eyes on her feet, he felt her tense up, which made him almost glance up at her. And then it hit him, he didn’t answer her question, and she really hated repeating herself. Opening his mouth slowly to speak out, only a howl was heard as yet another contact was made with the whip and his skin, this time particularly his neck. She was getting good at this, aiming for the spots that seemed to hurt the most, and he couldn’t do anything about but shriek and cringe. This time, the pain lingered, and it sneaked deep below his skin, almost into the bones. He almost protested, but remained quiet for the sake of not getting hit again, and he heard her speak once again, this time with much more serious and almost stern voice. Instead of the usual sweetness, this was rather a warning of the sort. Not that she seemed to mind punishing him, but sometimes, she would just not stop, no matter how painful it felt. Once that side of her took over, she really didn’t know when to stop, and he learned that every single time she would pat and stroke the vivid and somewhat painful bruises she would leave as a reminder of his naughtiness and disobedience. `What did I say about repeating myself? I don’t have to remind you again slave, that I` he felt that she lifted the up the whip once again `do not like repeating myself at all` she stomped the ground slightly with her feet as she spoke, and soon enough he felt her hand run through his hair, take a grasp of it and pull his head back and force him to look up at her. The image of her towering over him like that and leaving him in her shadow was almost breathtaking for him, perhaps even too much to handle, as he felt himself quicken up his breathing. As much as he hated to admit it, he would always let his eyes bask in her beauty, and once again, she was also all too well aware of it. This was his perfect woman, and as he let out little sigh of relief, he looked deep into the stern eyes that were looking at him intently. `I am very sorry, mistress` he heard himself speak out, as he switched his own eyes into more of a submissive ones, which seemed to please her as the stern look was replaced by amusing smirk. Dared he to speak any further, he wondered, as he studied her face. She was challenging him now, he knew too well, and he kept silent. The grip on his hair subdued, and faltered after a while, but he didn’t back out. He was waiting for her to speak, because he knew too well what was coming. The sting on his neck reminded him, as it seemed to have mind on its own, that the price for naughtiness, or in this case, forgetting about things will cost him yet another bruise that might or not rear its ugly head at random times. But this one seemed to sting and hurt more than usual, and he almost moved his hand to rub it in to soothe it. Almost, because he noticed she raised his eyebrow, and he quickly stopped dead in his tracks. Keeping his eyes up at her, he noticed that she gave him a reassuring nod with her head and as he rubbed the spot on his neck that she previously hit with the whip, a wicked smile found its way around the corner of her lips `I think I need to punish you for that. In fact` she smiled even more wickedly and flicked the whip that was in her hand, standing against her leg `you will beg me to punish you slave. Because I know you are a good boy and will do so` she nodded her head, almost contently, her smile washing over her face as her eyes shone with anticipation of his own demise, he noticed the whip twirl in her hand. His own cheeks burned from the blush that seemed to overtake his face as she called him a good boy, because this was somewhat of her own way of praising him. Praising him and having her expectations that he needed to fulfill. Because the dance was dangerous, and it was only getting more and more hard, with every and each delightful step they were taking.

`Beg, mistr...` he had hard time responding now because the words just would not come out, no matter how hard he tried. He seemed to have his tongue tied up as his mind was pacing a mile a hour. He was going to get punished, he knew it, because whatever he was doing right now seemed only to displease her more and more, as he felt her tense up even further and clench onto her whip. He shivered slightly, and glanced up at her, noticing that instead of her usual sweet smile that was appropriate to her teasing, she focused a very stern look back at him. A small wince escaped his lips in preparation of whatever was about to come, and so it did, as he watched her move her whip up and bring it back down on the same spot on the neck she hit earlier. He winced out in pain now, and it seemed to intensify even more and as a response he almost pulled back, only to have his own brain scream in denial and keep him on the spot. Quickly, and luckily for him, he dropped his eyes down on the floor, and shivered in agony and pain that was now spreading over the surface of his body, the primary source of it being the place that she purposely aimed for. The stinging was getting unbearable, itching to get rubbed, and he squirmed slightly under the influence of it, only to awake her wrath even further as he heard her growl and tug his head back with her hand on his hair once again. This time, there was nothing gentle about it, and he was met with face filled with sternness. Moving his eyes on her lips, he was completely enticed with her power and all the control she had, but her grip only got harder as she spoke towards him, her words ringing in his head `What a naughty slave I have here. One that does not seem to know how to obey or listen, or do anything properly for that matter. It seems I have to teach him a valuable lesson` he felt her twitch her whip in her hand, and tap it gently against her leg, as she continued to speak. The thing that he caught upon was she was growing rather inpatient with him now, because he could clearly sense that, but frozen like that in her grip, there was nothing that he could say or do that would please her. Her words continued probing his mind even deeper, digging into the darkness of it and revealing the fears that he did not know existed `such a bad slave. I thought we had a deal, but you seem to keep forgetting your place` she leaned down, and he finally felt her closeness. The hand that was holding the grip on his hair was moved downwards and under his chin, and she took a hold of it, tugging his head firmly to face her. Face her wrath. He tried to resist, but who ever could. Looking back in her eyes, as hers own pierced through him and started tearing through his soul, he noticed her luscious lips moving as she spoke rather softly now, her stern look still digging deeper and deeper trough him `A lesson that he will not forget. Neither will his body forget` she smiled softly with wicked excitment, and moved her head forward, on his biggest surprise, leaning her lips against his ear, cooing out in the sweetest voice he has ever heard come from her, which in turn made his body turn into a puddle `Against the wall, slave. Facing it… and don’t make me repeat myself. If I were you` he heard her say, as he realized he was holding his breath back in anticipation of whatever was she about to say `I would do it right now` she finished with a sweet nibble on his ear. His breathing became shallow as he meekly nodded his head. She has shaken his core, only the way she knew how to, and he felt so mellow that only thing that kept ringing in his head were mere words… against the wall… facing it. Once she pulled back and nodded at him with a smile, he stood up on his feet, stumbling a bit like a child learning how to take its first steps. This almost felt like this, because his mind only focused onto the words that kept going on repeat, digging deeper and deeper in his mind, getting under his skin. He felt his heart pound against his chest, as he moved towards the clear wall. The path to it seemed to take forever, like a never-ending hallway that one dreams about in their worst nightmares, and that hallway only got longer and longer with each step taken. Reaching his destination, after what seemed to feel like eternity, he leaned against it with his hands up in the air and against the wall, trying to make himself feel as comfortable as he could. Not that he could, the anticipation was killing him, but he knew what was about to come, because what she said was true… he was about to learn the lesson he was not going to forget. She always kept her word.

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Kris Husky: Want more oo
Gypsy: Not a subject of my interest, but the captivating storytelling made it very worthwhile! Well done, you deserve to be proud of this! D
Kris Husky: Im wondering what comes next I tend to think shell be using a bullwhip on him
Kris Husky: Excitment isnt right word for this The tension is growing with every sentence in the last lines I kinda like this dance no matter what he does it will get him punishment Honestly I feel like i am him when i read this Well written dark
Ӂ̴ Neox the Fallen: I knew you were a great writer, but you are are beginning to out do yourself brother. I really liked the story, though it did feel like there was something missing that I cant quite put my paw on. Maybe a little more back story of her side. The guy obviously knows her quite well, so I feel like he should talk more about her so that we might get more familiar with the character. Other than that its a perfect story. Keep up the great work and Ill be eager to read more and more.
Cerulean Rose : Im glad your creativity is beginning to return you you, because I couldnt wait for the update. The levels of detail in which you write manage to engulf us into almost feeling the story. As if we were there seeing it happen first hand and thats what a true writer aims for. Alas, now I cant wait for the next update, but will have to do so patiently. smirks Youve introduced us a new drug Dark, and as much as we want more and more of it, we have no choice but to wait. I just hope its not too long. laughs softly
🐇🐾Kini Bunny🐾: Interesting to say the least. You know how i criticize so we will have to kik when you get a chance.It is indeed a good. Story base but it needs a beginning. You started in the middle which is okay. But why is he initially being punished. Perhaps pull from her point of view occasionally? Or bring in a memory of just before the whole ordeal.D i do like it though and i cant wait for the finished product. I didnt know you had sub in you.
DarkLion: Thank you so much for the wonderful comments It means the world to me D Also, if youd like to see something specific, send me a message and I could make it happen I am not even close to being done with this one XD
Kris Husky: I like this story It is well written And you can get into the character so good that you feel his feelings Good job
Spots: It was nice to read, it is decently put together, sure a lot of effort must have been put into it. I liked how you characterised the mistress pet relationship, although I have to admit that my experiences on that level are no way similar, probably for the better x3 Keep up the good work!
Aria Auroralïs: Okay, review time... I personally am not a fan of mistress things which, correct me if I am wrong, seems to be the plot line thing. You use great detail and the story is a decent length. You do dazzle me with the amount of emotion you use, which is good. You use a decent amount of dialogue, probably the proper amount needed for such a story. I, indeed, liked it and ask one thing.... You posted this not too long ago... HOW do you get 100 views so fast?! Are you a book god...? O.O
Aria Auroralïs: Why must you be so good And only a preview no less You put my story to shame with the amount of detail OwO

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