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The things we do for love Posted by: TylerKenneth Sprinter at 02-25-2015 15:35 PM, Last Modified 06-01-2015 14:39 PM
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They say: some of the greatest things in our lives, must come after only suffering so much pain, many trials, and tribulations. I find this more true with every passing year, this one is no exception to that. If all that we need to survive, is a common faith, friendship, family, and love, then I must be one lucky guy. I have all that and more. I have the most amazing support system of people in the world, and I have the love of my life within reach. I'm not one to speak highly of a diety these days, but I do know that if there is a god, I thank them. I'm blessed with a love more pure and true than any clear crystal, and more honest and profound than any religion could ever give me. This story, is how that internal struggle, became the single most important thing to me in my life. And I would not be the same with out it.

The Things We Do For Love

1.) The past is our past, nothing more

Before I can tell you a bit about who I am and where I am now, I need to tell you about how I got here and how my life literally changed over night. I have had my mistakes and my many adventures, but these all start with a question I would always ask myself...
How does one define: true love? Do they say you can measure it in distance? Maybe it's the amount of time you spend wit your significant other. What about claiming it to be a necessity of which the heart cannot live without? Well I'm gonna say this once: it's all bullshit. I always thought it was, at least. Love had no meaning or place in my heart. I never understood it. I merely considered it a simple sensation you got when you thought so much with your dick that you believed it. I was furious at Cupid, Aphrodite and any other sick fuck for cursing me to suffer as much heartache and confusion as I did. I had always been a firm believer in letting your heart stay open, but I guess even if you did that you'd still get hurt.
My last relationship ended with me telling the guy I thought I loved to back off my sister, and to get lost. I loved him, or I thought I did. Looking back I saw every sign, and everything else was just simply a continuation of his bullshit mind games. I'm glad I got out of that awful pattern of abuse. He wasn't loving at all, always taking and never giving back. It took one hell of a toll on my life, but I still have those feelings every once in a while... I'll miss his touch, his scent and all the good times, but then I remember how much of a bad influence he had on me, and how I almost killed myself, just to please him, and make him love me.
That was then, this is now. I'm free and happy, and I don't want this feeling to ever leave me. Well, maybe the happy part...
I hated not having anyone to talk to about everything. I had friends who I could talk to, yeah, but not about how I missed their touches, how when they'd grab in certain places turned me on. Or how I loved it when we'd paw off together...yeah...can't talk to them about THAT.. I was desperate for a mate. I yearned to have some who would call me baby, hold me and let me hold them. I was terrified of being alone. I was depressed coming home to an empty room everyday and not having my baby there to say "I love you". No, I wanted to have a mate. I NEEDED a boyfriend, but I was not gonna settle for any guy. And so I begun to look. I started on regular gay chat sites, posting things like "Gay folf seeking any compatible mate" and "Nerdy gay guy, looking to find a soul-mate". I can't tell you how many guys in my state were just looking to fuck, not get to know me, or even love me. Most of them just wanted dick pics, or had a thing for guys like me, like creepy things... I had a guy who offered to castrate me so he could add my breed to his collection. There was a girl who tried to hook me up with her friend. Who I later found out was girl, who crossdrssed as a guy to fuck gay guys and have their cubs... Like I said...creepy things. I never did find Mister Right on those sites, and more often than not, it made me more specific about what I wanted in a guy. Did I mention how much I hated not having a mate?
I had tried for almost two years by this point. There was no one seeking to be my boyfriend, just FFBs. That's furry fuck buddies. I'll admit, I had a couple really sweet guys who would yiff me over the phone, and I honestly enjoyed making them happy. It made me feel loved and that I was able to talk to someone on an intimate level. But they honestly would not date me, one was into younger boys, like...really young, and we'd often pretend I was his little cub. I got tired of that real quick after he called me and started talking to me like I was four months old. I didn't take kindly to being degraded like that.
The other guy was, nice to me, to say the least. We'd actually known each other for god knows how long, and he was physically attracted to me. A little too much. He was always texting me and calling me, asking what I was wearing, or if I'd fap on camera for him and whisper his name into the phone while I did. And I did do it sometimes...even though he was engaged and had a baby on the way. Him and I still see one another, but we don't talk about those moments anymore. Things were complicated to say the least. I had just about given up hope on my sexuality as a whole, I contemplated hurting myself and worse, I hadn't felt this empty or alone ever in my life. I had half a mind to go asexual and just forget I cared. That was until I decided to start being social again.
I was just tired of regular social media, fuzzbook was nothing but drama, I gave up on using yiffer after a month, and I was sick of the people I was meeting on Findfur. Everywhere I looked, there was more and more of a reason to give up, but I wanted to reconnect with my friends, I had just about forgotten they existed in my "quest" for that one special guy.

2.) The fun part: introductions

Now comes the part you've all been waiting for: where I tell you I met him, and lived happily ever after. Not really... You haven't even met me! You may now know of my past but, you don't KNOW me. I guess I should start with my name. I go by T.K., to some Ty or Ken, my full name is Tyler Kenneth Sprinter. I was named after my two uncles who helped raise me as I was growing up in the mid-west. Later in life I changed my name to TylerKenneth as one name. It suited me more and I liked the way it sounded. I'm a mix breed, my birth mother was a timber wolf and my father was a fox. As someone who is a folf, there is a lot to be expected of me due to stereotypes. Do I have a natural addiction to sex and pornography? Do I enjoy being the bottom to every big, ripped, hung alpha? Do I like to suck a lot of cock? Does it feel good to dominate as well as be dominated? If I said yes to all of these would that please you? I'm a real people pleaser, and often times, I found myself saying yes to some very, VERY, stupid things. I had a very strong libido at an early age and I found myself needing to find a way to deal with that.
I was born with no markings of a wolf and have but a few to represent the fox blood in me, due to the fact my mother was actually born with a lack of markings, and her genetic pool was very suggestive in which traits I got. My father however, has a common trait amongst the men in his family: all their children are incredibly easy to verify as their own. I have a streak across my muzzle just like my father and have a light blue tipped tail. Another identifiable birthmark. My mother was all black and thus, I have all black fur, because of my father's DNA though, my black fur has segments of various grays, my hair and facial fur is a slightly lighter gray and before the blue tip on my tail there is also a light gray. Like my father my ears also are tipped, with (surprise, surprise) more light gray. After I was 18 I started to put streaks of white in my hair, I've since stopped the practice and have let it fade back to the shade of gray it always has been.
I have a fairly average build, I've got a gut on me. I'm not really tall either, maybe 5'9" at best. Got fairly decent reflexes and have some slight agility. Hey, show choir paid off. Blue reflective eyes, rough fur around my neck, and a bit of a patch on my chin. My whiskers have grown naturally long, thanks to dad's genetics. I keep my claws decently long, you never know when you need to fight dirty. My fur isn't the softest nor is it rough, but you ask a certain someone how it feels and he'll tell you it's comfortable enough to take a nap on.
On the outside, I look a bit like a dark kind of person. My style has drifted and meshed, and gravitated heavily to gothic and formal style, until these past few years. I lost interest in wearing those clothes after my last "mate" tore a gash in my heart (Not literally). I still wear nothing but black and have since grown fond of leather. I have my days where I still bust out my tripp pants, or wear my old rave gear to parties. I used to love going out, dancing, getting faded with some sexy strangers and wake up with only have the clothes I wore the night before. Now I barely leave my home, I used to be much more fit and had a drive to be physical, I've since let myself go a bit.
There's a lot to be said about myself character wise though; I'm surprisingly optimistic for someone with a neutral disposition. Like my father, I have a tendency to be more realistic about life with my close friends, and to everyone else, I'm romantic and a yes man. You want to spend an afternoon together? I'm there. Having a party? Sure I'll go. Wanna catch a movie and some dinner? If I can crash at your place afterwards.
I'd do anything to make all my friends happy, even if it means I'll be giving head as payment for taking me out. I don't normally whore myself, in fact, I've only ever honestly felt the need to do so for only two people. Guess what, nether of them even bothered to call me their boyfriend. Or even their bitch. Sometimes they wouldn't even address me, just gave me a smile, told me to clean them up and then act like they didn't just paint my muzzle. I can't talk too much though. I didn't honestly pick the best kind of people to surround myself with at times.
Things have honestly changed for me though. I used to have a very bleak outlook on life after high school, and life was not the fondest of me at the time. After I met the most perfect guy, things began to look up for me. I got a job, went to college and got the hell out of the shit hole back water town I called home for so long.

3.) In an instant, life can change

And so now comes the part where I get to announce that I'm happily engaged to the most fantastic boy on the face of this planet. But, not without a cute little story to go with it! It's not often I get to tell a story like this, and I'll be damned if I let this opportunity pass.
I have a of sites that I frequent, most of which are you're typical fur sites, nothin' special. I'd post some selfies on one site, update the world on my trivial day to day activities, watch some fuzzheads yiff each other's brains out, video chat with a couple people on a different site. Like I said, typical stuff. Then I was updating my profile on one site, I don't even remember which one, and there was an add for this site I'd never heard of. I'd never seen the site name when I first updated my profile, and I was kinda curious about it. So, being curious and intrigued I quickly searched it and the first link took me straight to the site.
I was a little unsure of what to think, the site wasn't anything too fancy, not too shabby either. I quickly liked it's simple and easy to use interface and in a few moments, I was a member. After creating my profile and sending out a couple shouts to the message board I quickly found myself browsing groups as well as users, and I added a couple fellow furs to my list of friends. Within just a few hours I would be talking to a cute little German Shepherd named Anax. I still remember our conversation and have it saved to my laptop!
I know what you might be thinking: so you guys met on a website and talked, big deal! How could you fall in love with someone over the internet?? Well, my fellow friends, it turns out you can. Especially if you happen to be talking to someone who you really get along with. I kid you not, even though we have had our rough patches, and we sometimes have days where we don't get to see each other that often, we make things work out. We're just the perfect mix of different and similar that we are not only physically attracted to each other, but we also are on such a deeper level of love. We find out new things about each other sometimes, and we surprise ourselves when we do. Speaking of physical attraction and the sex of our relationship I gotta say: we have both turned each other on to new and different fetishes, and it's opened up a world of possibilities for our sex life.
This boy though, I swear he's gonna be the death of me some days. He's you're typical shep, he's taller than me and despite the fact he's a couple years younger than me, and he's very slender. My god, just thinking about him makes my heart flutter, my stomach do back-flips and boy does he make me all kinds of uncomfortable when I wear pants! He's just so..perfect! He's got a tight little ass and he's hung! He may be the subby of the two of us, but he's definitely taken me for a spin once or twice! And we have a lot of similar kinks, so that means we pretty much knew what the other liked and didn't like, with some exceptions of course.
Now, Anax and I met when he was young, and I'm five years older than him, and I was thrown for a loop when he first told me how old he really was. I didn't expect it honestly. But, I wasn't mad at him, I had my fair share of lying about my age to join certain websites that weren't appropriate for me at his age. So we had to wait a couple years before we could tell his parents, and of course I had to move away from the mid-west to be able to come out to my parents without getting beat. But fast-forward again five more years, and now I can tell you where I am. How me and my fiance are doing, and where this story finally gets better.

4.) If we were a movie, it wouldn't be legal

So as I said, this story gets better! So much better, that there will be plenty of sex and yiff to go around... I promise you that!

We had been ready to move into our first home together for about a month now. We had a nasty dispute in court about the landlord not letting us move in because we were "Unsavory characters of an unfriendly background." To put it bluntly, the landlord wouldn't let us move in when he found out we were a homosexual couple. We actually had to enlist the help of a friend we had made back in Anax's home state. He was a lawyer for the Every Fur is Equal Community Team. Or E.F.E.C.T. for short. We had our rights advocated, and won a very arduous case, that cost the landlord his job, and a new one was appointed promptly by the neighborhood. We even got 1,400$ taken off our mortgage, out of that jerks's pocket of course.
So we finally had a chance to just breathe. Move in and be happy. I was sometime around April when we could move in, it was on a Wednesday if I remember correctly. It had been a long day and we were just exhausted from all the work. We had to arrange to get new jobs close to the neighborhood, and thanks to some wonderful couples within the community, we both got into a company that designed websites and did graphic design as well. That's another thing that me and Anax have in common, a love for technology. I'm more of an old fashioned kinda guy, and my tech love gravitates more towards music, he's the computer whiz. So we had just gotten back from our interviews and was excited to see the house. It was a beautiful country style house, cream colored siding, a red brick chimney, two large front doors that were basically just windows, and a huge front and back yard, fenced in of course. We had spent a good three hours loading in our belongings and our furniture before we had to collapse on just our mattress. Which we had plopped down in the living room, since we didn't have to drive to bring it upstairs. We laid there for a couple minutes looking up at the ceiling and laying close to each other before he broke the silence.
"I can't believe it, our home, it's huge, it's beautiful, and it's just perfect."
I looked to my lover and smiled. "I know, we've finally got a place where we can be comfortable, happy, and truly be content with our lives."
He smiled back and sighed, resting his head on my chest and traced a finger in a circle on my stomach. He had something on his mind, I could tell. He usually fiddles around on my body when he's thinking about something.
"Penny for your thoughts, my pup?" I asked as I let a paw stroke his back.
He looked up at me with a slightly begging look that I knew all too well. "Daddy.." He began, calling me by my pet nickname. "..we haven't had any time for ourselves for a while. What with the trial, and moving, and getting these jobs. We've neglected to let lose and have some play time."
In an instant I realized the gravity of what he had said to me, he was right, we hadn't been able to really enjoy each other's company at all. I smirked coyly at him and gazed into his puppy like eyes. "You're so right my puppy! We need to take a break from all this moving anyways."

(Warning!! This chapter contains the yiffings of a homo-sexual couple..)
5.) The sex chapters are the longest

In a second we were both removing the other's clothes, kissing and moaning. Our sudden realization that we hadn't fucked in over a month drove us into a passionate frenzy, groping body parts, french kissing, murrs of every pitch, playful yipping, and even some rough biting and scratching. We hadn't even gotten our underwear off when we realized that we weren't exactly in a private area.
"Yes daddy?"
"We really need to take this else where. I don't want an awkward moment in case someone decides to show up."
"Yeah...me neither.."
We both got up and I picked up Anax like a groom carrying his bride over the thresh hold of their new home, and I carried him upstairs. We continued to kiss as we soon found there was a carpeted room that was perfect for us to yiff in for the time being. I laid him down and we continued to kiss and grind against each other. Anax sat up and pushed me away so he could take off my underpants, and service his daddy. He pulled down on my shorts and let my aching member spring forward, he let out a slight gasp and smiled hungrily at it.
"Ooooh, puppy missed daddy so much.."
Without hesitating he opened his maw widely and clasped my whole length in his warm muzzle. I moaned loudly as my needy shaft was embraced with his hot, wet tongue. I could feel my member throb strongly inside his muzzle, and he was enjoying the sensation as much I was, he began to suckle warmly on it and use that wonderful tongue of his to massage the underside of it. We hadn't even been going at this for ten minutes and I was leaking pre like a drippy faucet into his maw, only to have him swallow it greedily. It wasn't long before I was feeling like I'd cum and I wasn't about to let this moment be wasted in just a couple minutes. So I tugged slightly to signal him to release my member from his euphoric grip. He obeyed and released with a loud pop, making me bark loudly. The sensation made my sensitive prick squirt out a shot of precum and it splattered across Anax's nose, making him yip out loud. We both started laughing at the ridiculous chain of events, we even took a moment to calm ourselves before we continued our passionate romp. I knelt next to him and licked my own juice off his nose before kissing him, swapping cum and saliva.
After a tasty kiss, I pushed him onto his back and loomed over him. He looked to me with a playful glare and grinned.
"What's daddy gonna do?"
I leaned over his body and kissed his chest, making my way further down his body, pulling his underwear down as I did so. He let out a heated murr as I reached his own stiff cock and gave it a slow lick from balls to tip. I took as much as I could into my own maw to suck off my partner, He placed a paw on the back of my head and pushed me down on his member. I looked up for a second to see him panting and looking up in ecstasy.
"FUCK! Daddy...You love puppy's red rod don't you?"
I give my reply by going all the way down on him, feeling his cock slip down my throat, I gagged from a twitch of his shaft. I heard him moan loudly and he let go of the back of my head so I could come up for air. I coughed then smiled.
"I guess daddy is a little out of practice, huh?"
Anax nodded and stuck his tongue out at me. "A little but you have a tongue that you fucking know how to use."
I smiled as I took the hint and picked him up by his thighs and brought my cold nose to his exposed taint. He shuddered out and let out a stifled exhale, as I then gave his tailhole a firm wet lick. I sucked and licked him, then I pushed the tip of my tongue to his hole and penetrated it, wiggling my tongue slightly. He wiggled a bit himself and groaned out in euphoria.
He looked up at me, panting, with a longing gaze. "Fuck me daddy. I wanna ride you! Please!!"
I stopped servicing my pup and I leaned back. My member standing at attention, soaked in it's own juice and pulsing as Anax climbed up on me. He straddled over my throbbing shaft and reached a paw down to guide it in. As he sat, my gorged tip barely pushed through, causing me to moan as his tight hole clenched on my tip.
"Guh! Mmmffffuck....I haven't fucked you in so long your ass got tight again!"
"Ah!! Daddy..you might..be too big.."
We struggled for a minute to get fully tied but slowly his ass took my length inch by inch. He had just gotten to the base before I could feel my knot swelling and growing with each throb and pulse. Both of us by now were panting and groaning loudly as I was fully knotted and tied to my pup in a little over a minute. I reached a paw to Anax's cock and began stroking his swelling mass as well. He bounced slightly off my hips since the knot prevented him from going anywhere, and I stroked his shaft as we both neared our climax. It wasn't long before his groans turned into grunts and whimpers as I felt his member spazz in my grasp and he unload his money shot onto my face, I held my maw open to catch some of his warm jizz and let the rest spray over my body. Before he finished his orgasm I growled lowly and bucked my hips before I released my warm love into my mate's ass. Filling him up and breeding him as if he was to have my pups. He collapsed on top of me and we kissed, while we relaxed in the afterglow of our sex.
"Mmm, puppy...you made quite a mess...a tasty mess.."
"And daddy filled up his puppy.."
I kissed his nose and we nuzzled as we slowly drifted off, breathing in each other's scents and listening to our hearts beat at different intervals.
"T.K., I love you so much."
"I love you too Anax." I smiled at him and gazed into his eyes.
He nuzzled into my fur and looked back at me. "When we get up tomorrow we need to shower. And finish unpacking"
"Can we sleep up here? We're still tied and I don't wanna move."
"Mmhmm..now shuddup daddy, puppy's really tired."
(There will be a part two ;3)......

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Anax: Thank you much daddy

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